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Light Revenant

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
A model of a Light Revenant and a deceased Alliance champion.
- Added left arm
- Shield's materials are two-sided
- Changed glow to healing wave texture

Revenant, Human, Alliance, Undead

Light Revenant (Model)

00:27, 25th Oct 2014 MiniMage: Needs more work.
The axe doesnt really suit the revenant and the shield is too big. Armor looks wierdo too.

That's why i said that he's a former alliance champion. He must be different than other revenants that's why he carries a special axe and the armor (if you mean the shield) is just as big as the other revenants armor.
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
As simple as this is, I think it's really unique & interesting. Sort of like, instead of dying and becoming an angel or whatever, a Paladin or sufficiently holy-warrior could come back as a sort of revenant; not quite super-holy, but not quite bound to earth, either.

Level 24
Aug 29, 2012
I'm kind of puzzled about the concept ; wasn't the Light supposed to protect people and prevent them from being raised as undead? Man, you suck, "Light".

Anyway, the model per se is quite neat, I like Garithos's weapons and armor, good use of ingame materials.
Level 9
Jul 4, 2007
Would be much nicer if it had better particles (it is just a glow swap atm) and if you replaced revenant original blue waves (which links his body parts) with healing wave texture. Instead of that you did some weird glow stuff that looks unfinished.

<= you can tell i still like revenants
Would be much nicer if it had better particles (it is just a glow swap atm) and if you replaced revenant original blue waves (which links his body parts) with healing wave texture. Instead of that you did some weird glow stuff that looks unfinished.

<= you can tell i still like revenants

Find me under what name the texture (.blp) of the healing wave is and i'll do it.
Level 4
Oct 9, 2009
Personally I think it looks great. It would be perfect for a revival/avatar/metamorphosis form of the Footman Garithos model. The Healing Wave and Gauntlet changes really improved the concept too.

Plus, I like the lowered placing of the helm wings, it makes it seem more angelic/revenant-ish without looking like his helm is trying to fly away. Great work.