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Legion TD Mega 3.5 (B4) + 3.41 unprotect

original by LISK, Continue developed by HuanAk

Legion TD Mega 3.5(Beta4) is released ! !

(download link at the end of this post)

3.5 Changes Log :

3.5 (Beta 1) changes log :

Descriptiom bugs:
* Fixed DragonHawk's range description (300)
* Fixed Greymore's damage description (142-168)
* Fixed Machine Robot's damage description (62-68)
* Fixed Soul of Villain's hp description (530hp)
* Fixed Mercurial's range description ( 650 )
* Fixed Gravekeeper's range description (500)
* Fixed Meridian's hp description (1000)
* Fixed Tempest's Range description (300)
* Fixed Defiler's damage type (Chaos)
* Fixed Fangthtooth's damage type description (Normal)
* Fixed Sky Dragon's damage description (magic/piercing)
* Fixed Mitorsis description, should be magic

Other Bugs/changes
* Arena -- Removed bug music
* Arena -- melee will teleport to front, range behind
* Mercenary -- can summon after level 30
* "li" mode -- lower value requirement for 2nd upgrade (1300 to 1200).
* Advance Barrack -- won't reset your hotkey
* Vote Kick -- Only host can start -vk or -votekick command
* Enable poison kill, bounty bug fixed
* King can move after level 31
* Cooldown on Behemouth/Krakken/Infernal/Demon change from 25/30/60/120 -> 40/60/90/135
* disable anti-stuck on fighter, it only work on creep from now on

Unit changes:
* Clockwreck -- AE is working now.
* Sky Dragon -- increase damage on air (90-100)
* Fire Archer(undead) -- increase HP from 100 to 250.
* Young Frost Dragon -- can attack air now
* Violat -- cost reduce from 150 -> 120
* Meat Wagon -- HP increase from 265->280
* War Machine -- HP increase from 600->750
* Guardian of Death -- Life steal aura will include this unit
* Spawn of Dragon -- Life steal aura will include this unit
* Wolvorine -- finishing blow do not work on Boss unit.
* All 3 big dragon-- lower backswing, increase splash area.

Creep Level:
* Level 3 : hp lower (55->45), damage lower by 1
* Level 17: hp lower (699->650), damage lower by 3
* Level 31 = Pit Lord ( ~15,000 value)
* Level 32 = Crypt Lord ( ~16,000 value)
* Level 33 = War Lord ( ~17,000 value)
* Level 34 = Fire Lord ( ~18,000 value)
* Level 35 = DOOM ( too hard to kill)

Beta 2
* Fixed Spawn of Dragon & Guardian of Death's Splash damage
* Lower splash damage on 3 big dragon
* Fixed Holy Light on King
* Remove active ability on King after level 31 (and king can move faster)
* Anti-stuck.. work on creep, and only work on fighter it after teleport to king.
* Fixed "Most leaks" for RED Player in single player game
* Fixed hot key for summon
* level 35 is harder (deal more damage)
* Level 32 & 34 have 0 armor (was -2)
* Add new debug command -kingmax (upgrade king to max)
* Add new beta command -hero (will give you 10 hero points)
* Add first Hero: The Death Knight

Beta 3:

* Level 3 : hp lower (55->45), damage lower by 1 (roll back to 3.41)
* Level 17: hp lower (699->650), damage lower by 3 (roll back to 3.41)
* Elite Archer: same dps, but slower ( 13dmg/0.55s to 18dmg/0.8, 5 target)
* DOOM: increase attack range from 100 to 500
* King & Hero will take 90% damage from all attack type (except Chaos and spell)
* Change minimum movement speed from 0 to 100 (you can't slow unit to 0 speed anymore)
* LTDAC 3.0 (LegionTD Anti-Cheat)
* change builder will disable after built hero

Note: This beta will have -AP as default mode, so player can try out new heroes .

Range hero(attack speed):
* Darkness Aura (-15% damage) -- Dark Ranger
* Trueshot Aura (+15% range) -- Priestess of the Moon
* Brilliance Aura (5%) -- Archmage
* Frost Aura - 50% slow -- Medusa

Melee Heroes (offence):
* Command Aura (+10% melee damage) -- Mountain King
* Endurance Aura (+10% attack speed) -- Chieftain
* Vampiric Aura (15% life steal) -- Dread Lords

Melee Heroe (Defence):
* Unholy Aura (30% movement, 10hp/s) - Death Knight
* Thorns Aura (20% damage shield) - Keeper of the Grove
* Devotion Aura (+3) and Heal (500hp) - Paladin

level 11 ability:
* Dark Ranger -> Black Arrow (-4 armor)
* Priestess of the Moon -> Frost Arrow (30% slow)
* Archmage -> Inner Fire ( 30% attack, 3 armor buff, can cover 3 target)
* Medusa -> Water Shield ( same as sphere, 3 target)
* Death Knight -> dealy poison (150dmg poison, 30% slow)
* Keeper of the Grove -> Healing Wave ( 400hp 4 target with 50% diminishing)
* Paladin -> +3 armor aura
* Mountain King -> Bash (20% chance for 100dmg, 3 seconds stun)
* Chieftain -> Critical hit (20% chance for x2 damage)
* Dread Lords -> Evasion (20% miss)

B4 changes log:

* Elite archer --> upgrade cost increase from 155 to 160.
* Tree of Knowledge --> AoE range reduced from 600 to 400
* Goliath --> attack speed changed from 1.6s to 1.8s.
* Mini Hydra --> HP reduced from 800hp to 600hp.
* Druid --> initial mana change from 10 to 0
* Goblin Blaster --> lower overclock's damage from +40% to +30%
* Necrolyte --> cost increase from 170 to 220, HP increase from 750 to 1000.
* Mutant --> Inject Steroids change from 20% damage&hp to 20% damage only.

* Red/Azure/Death dragon --> increase attack speed from 1.6 to 1.3.
* Red/Azure/Death dragon --> Lower AE damage to 5%/20% on 300 and 30 range.
* Tree of Life --> attack speed increase from 1.8 to 1.2
* Trident --> 20% chance to deal 200 damage and stun for 2 seconds.
* Tuskarr --> Spearman's range increase from 350 to 450
* Ancient Wandigoo --> attack faster : 1.0s to 0.9s
* High Priest --> attack faster: 1.0 to 0.8
* The Butcher --> attack faster: 1.6 to 1.5
* Frenzy Ghoul --> HP increase from 660 to 700
* Gravekeeper --> attack faster: 1.1 to 1.0
* Sky Dragon --> attack faster against air (1.0 speed to 0.6 speed)
* Forsaken One --> Insanity buff change from 20% damage to 30% damage

* add 1000 value requirements on Altar of Heroes.
* Altar of Heroes will disable if player use change builder.
* remove Mercenary race.
* King can move at level 30.
* Enable Anti-stuck for Arena fight (can only use after fight start)
* add "leaked", "int" to W3MMD.

* Fixed change builder bug.
* Fixed King's autocast bug.
* Fixed level 11 Tauren chieftain's critical hit

New mode: -ns (no saving)
- player cannot save lumber above cap
- minimum cap = 200 (eg, cap won't work if you have less than 200 lumber)
- cap = 100x(wisp + lumberjeck) , eg 7/15 = 100 x (7+15) = 2100 lumber.
- cap will check at the end of every wave, and any lumber above cap will remove from game.

LegionTD Mega is base on Legion TD War 1.50c (by LISK), he quit Warcraft 3 and left the map for anyone to continue development.

for this version (Mega), it will be X3 mode only, so I can spent more time to balance the map for X3 mode.


Build towers to defend your team's King from attackers.

Each level, your towers become units and fight for you.

Harvest lumber with workers. Use lumber to buy summons to attack the other team and

increase your income. Lumber can also be used to upgrade your team's King's stats.

Defeat the enemy King to win.


[rainbow]Game Mode[/rainbow] :

---(Update: 14th Oct 2011)

Primary Mode:
  • -AP : All Pick - All players can pick any race.
  • -AP : All Random - All players are given a random race.
  • -SD : Single Draft - All players are given 2 random races to choose.
  • -HP : Host Pick - host pick a race, every given same race as host.
Secondary Mode:
  • -mm : Master Mind - Restricted vision on enemy's map and information.
  • -hg : Hour Glass - Receive gold for enemy leaks (that reach the King).
  • -gg : Get Gold - Receive gold from kills at middle (near king).
  • -cb : Change Builder - You can pay to change to a new builder.
  • -li : Limit Incomer - Pure income is disabled untill lvl10+.
  • -X3 : 3 Time - more creeps spawn
Default Mode: if you don't enter mode in 15 seconds after game start, it will use "-aphgggmmcbx3" as defualt mode.

Quick Mode: if mode string is 3 characters long, it will use Quick Mode. eg "-ap"
  • -AP = "-aphgggmmcbx3"
  • -SD = "-aplihgggmmcbx3"
  • -AR = "-aplihgggmmcbx3"
  • -HP = "-aplihgggmmcbx3"
Short Mode: make mode shorter for Hostbot or player
  • "gm" = gg + mm
  • "gc" = gg +cb
  • "gl" = gg +li
  • "cl" = cb +li
    (hg & x3 is default, don't need to type)

Hostbot Support:---(Update: 16th Oct 2011)

How to set up map config file:

- Hostbot usually automatic created config for you (sometime they base on Dota, so you may need to changed slot structure).
- Below is working slot structure for 4v4

Information about slot structure
# slot structure
# [PID] [Download Status] [Slot Status] [Computer] [Team] [Colour] [Race] [Skill] [Handicap]
# - PID is always 0
# - Download Status is always 255
# - Slot Status is 0 for open, 1 for closed, 2 for occupied
# - Computer is 0 for no, 1 for yes
# - Team
# - Colour
# - Race is 1 for human, 2 for orc, 4 for night elf, 8 for undead, 32 for random (add 64 to any of these for fixed)
# - Skill is 0 for easy computer, 1 for normal computer or human, 2 for hard computer
# - Handicap is 50/60/70/80/90/100

- make sure slot 9 = team 1 (left king), computer and occupied.
- make sure slot 10 = team 2 (right king), computer and occupied.

Here is slow structure for 4v4
map_slot1 = 0 255 0 0 0 0 1 1 100
map_slot2 = 0 255 0 0 0 1 1 1 100
map_slot3 = 0 255 0 0 0 2 1 1 100
map_slot4 = 0 255 0 0 0 3 1 1 100
map_slot5 = 0 255 0 0 1 4 1 1 100
map_slot6 = 0 255 0 0 1 5 1 1 100
map_slot7 = 0 255 0 0 1 6 1 1 100
map_slot8 = 0 255 0 0 1 7 1 1 100
map_slot9 = 0 255 2 1 0 8 1 1 100
map_slot10 = 0 255 2 1 1 9 1 1 100

Here is slow structure for 3v3

map_slot1 = 0 255 0 0 0 0 1 1 100
map_slot2 = 0 255 0 0 0 1 1 1 100
map_slot3 = 0 255 0 0 0 2 1 1 100
map_slot4 = 0 255 1 0 0 3 1 1 100
map_slot5 = 0 255 0 0 1 4 1 1 100
map_slot6 = 0 255 0 0 1 5 1 1 100
map_slot7 = 0 255 0 0 1 6 1 1 100
map_slot8 = 0 255 1 0 1 7 1 1 100
map_slot9 = 0 255 2 1 0 8 1 1 100
map_slot10 = 0 255 2 1 1 9 1 1 100

This map is Hostbot Command Library ENABLE(since version 3.3)
  • you can enter mode from hostbot setting or .config file
  • you can enter mode in lobby room before game start. eg: !hcl apggcb
  • you don't need to type "-", just "ap" is enough
  • hg, x3 is default (you don't need to type them)
  • Hostbot have those limitation: 1 character per player/computer(eg 4v4 = 10 chracter)
  • if mode string is too long, you can you short-cut mode. eg: you can replace "ggmm" with "gm"

here is list of shutern mode special made for Hostbot (normal player can use them too)
  • "gm" = gg +mm
  • "gc" = gg +cb
  • "gl" = gg +li
  • "cl" = cb +li
for example: ".hcl apgmcl" will become "-apggmmcblihgx3"

Null HCL Command
  • "hcl 0" or "hcl -0" is special HCL command
  • This command won't do anything to game mode (player can still type their own mode)
  • This command will disable -vk (map's votekick, Hostbot already have their own votekick)
  • This command will enable W3MMD
This map is W3MMD ENABLE (since version 3.41)
  • W3MMD is turn off on default
  • You can turn W3MMD on with any hcl mode (eg, "hcl 0")
  • Stat is update at the end of every wave
  • Final stat is update immediate after King die
  • Player leave within 3 minutes before king die will flag as "Winner" or "Loser"
  • Player leave more than 3 minutes ago will flag as "Leaver"
List of stats for W3MMD:
  • game_mode
  • gold_total
  • income
  • level
  • lumber
  • lumber_total
  • name // player name
  • race
  • score
  • seconds // how long they played, in seconds
  • value
  • flag "winner"
  • flag "Loser"
  • flag "leaver"
How to host Legion TD on playdota.eu bot ?
Step 1: join channel
Go to channel playdota.eu on server EuroBattle or FawkzBNET

Step 2: choose which map
Whisper "/w PlayDota.eu .map Legion TD Mega 3.3.w3x"

Step 3: start game, with your own game name
Whisper "/w PlayDota.eu .gopub Legion TD Mega -ap"

Note: you must use .gopub for custom games(!gopub is for Dota only).

You can get the pattern map name list on this link:

How to enter mode in lobby/Hostbot setting ?
Option 1:
open config file and add the line below:
map_defaulthcl = apggcb

Option 1:
in lobby (waiting for player join before game start), type :
.hcl apggcb

1, you can only type 1 character per player(include computer). so if it is 4v4, max character is 10
2, you don't need to type "-" at begin
3, HG, X3 is default(not need to type)
4, if mode string is too long, you can you short-cut mode. eg: you can replace "ggmm" with "gm"

here is list of mode combo that can replace with shorter mode:
gm = gg +mm
gc = gg +cb
gl = gg +li
cl = cb +li

for example: ".hcl apgmcl" will give "-apggmmcblihgx3"

Creep's bounty, Bonus Gold and Value for every level---(Update: 20th Oct 2011)

Level Creep Bounty # of Creep Gold from Creep Bonus Gold Creep+Bonus Total Gold Creep Value
1 3 36 108 11 119 300 250
2 3 45 135 12 147 419 350
3 4 40 160 13 173 566 500
4 5 36 180 14 194 739 650
5 5 36 180 16 196 933 800
6 5 36 180 18 198 1129 1000
7 6 30 180 20 200 1327 1200
8 6 36 216 23 239 1527 1450
9 5 45 225 26 251 1766 1600
10 51 3 153 60 213 2017 1850
11 5 54 270 35 305 2230 2050
12 6 45 270 40 310 2535 2400
13 7 45 315 45 360 2845 2700
14 12 26 312 50 362 3205 3100
15 9 36 324 55 379 3567 3500
16 8 45 360 60 420 3946 4000
17 10 34 340 70 410 4366 4500
18 8 45 360 80 440 4776 5000
19 10 36 360 90 450 5216 5500
20 86 3 258 200 458 5666 6000
21 10 36 360 110 470 6124 6500
22 9 48 432 120 552 6594 7100
23 11 36 396 130 526 7146 7700
24 11 36 396 140 536 7672 8500
25 9 45 405 150 555 8208 9500
26 12 36 432 160 592 8763 10600
27 12 36 432 170 602 9355 11800
28 23 18 414 180 594 9957 13000
29 14 30 420 190 610 10551 14000
30 123 3 369 400 769 11161 15000
31 0 15 0 0 0 11930 15000

Link for All units stat

Changes Log for all version

=== This map is base on original 1.50c ===
=== Only version list below are made by me ===


3.41 (2011-10-23)

* add W3MMD (more detail on Hostbot Support Section)
* Intruduce "Score", it will use for title in next version
* "-vk" is working correctly (you can start votekick with less than 2 player now)
* GG rules slightly changed (0% bounty if leaked more than 150)
* Remove income cap (high income will get FULL bonus gold)
* level 2 give less gold, lvl3 give more gold (and harder)
* all boss level (10,20,30) will give double bonus.
* lvl7/11/17/25/26/27 are harder (require recommended value)

About Score:
- Calculate from: Value, Income, # of leaked, and how many time you use change builder/reroll
- It is average value from level 1 to current level
- value score = (100-150) x (your value / creep value )
- income score = 100 x income/(bonus*2)
- you lost 1 score per leaked
- for (100-150) modifier: never used change builder = 150, used once = 140, used 5 time = 100

How to turn on W3MMD:
- W3MMD is off on default
- you can turn W3MMD on with any hcl command
- "hcl 0" is special command that do nothing (eg, player can still type mode)
- you can turn W3MMD on with "hcl 0" command


3.4 (2011.9.30)

New Race (Undead)
- Tier 1: range, magic damage
- Tier 2: melee, lifesteal
- Tier 3: range, siege damage, with small splash.
- Tier 4: raise dead, Aura ( -1% hp per second)
- Tier 5: melee, tank. small range aura, both aura stack.
- Tier 6: splash (similar to beast)

Mecenary rework:
- 1st unit: 8 Gold, 25 Lumber.
- 2nd unit: 25 Gold, 50 Lumber, +1 income, 330 Value.
- 3th unit: 50 Gold, 75 Lumber, +3 income, 500 Value.
- 4th unit: 100 Gold, 100 Lumber, +5 income, 900 value.
- Mecenary can defend up to level 31 without change builder.

"Change to Mecenary":
- mode "-li" will disable this ability
- require "-CB" mode
- can only use once
- Available after wave start (if your value lower than 50% of recommend value)

- Paladin night attack faster. (same dps)
- Guard attack faster. (same dps)
- Elite archer damage changed : 12->13 ( still 5 target)
- Priest spell change : 50hp -> 100hp (mana cost double)
- High Priest heal spell changed: 100hp -> 200hp (mana cost double)

- Hydra's Tripple attack changed: 60% -> 80% damage
- Hydra's mini hydra: spawn 2-->3 mini Hydra
- Highbone : add sphere (cost 0 mana, 7 second cooldown, 10 second duration)
- Sky Dragon's have 100% critical hit on air (sky dragon is upgrade from Egg)

- Add AE slow to azure dragon
- Ancient Wandigo evasion work correctly(was 7% with fake description, now 12%)
- Dragon Aspect & Azure Dragon have better animation

Ghost :
- Apparition have new aura: 5% (stack with Gravekeeper's aura)
- Apparition/Gravekeeper attack range changed (600->500, so aura cover more unit)
- Meridian (Ghost's 6th unit) HP change from 100->1000
- Ghost's Insanity : remove -12hp effect

Element :
- Mana regen aura : 3% -> 5% (eg, if you have 30mana, it will add +1.5 mana/second)

- Nightmare/Doppleganster tank better (light -> unarmored)

- Tree of Knowledge's AoE spell limit to 15 target

- Alpha Male: reduce spell animation (almost instantly cast)

- Poison cannot kill creep (will leave it with 1hp)

- Goblin's driver will elf-destructive when die ( same effect as small/medium land mine)

- level 22, 28 is slightly easier (around 5-10% easier)
- 17,18,23,24,25,26,27 is harder

- correct shortcut key for Pudge & shaman
- Add new summon: Infernal (1000 Lumber, melee, Bash, Burning AOE)
- Behemouch changes: add +3 armor aura
- Krakken changes: add healing aura (+4 hp AOE)

- Level 10 Arena = 1x free Turtle.
- Level 20 Arena = 3x free Turtle.
- Unit/Turtle won't move untill fight start
- Summon/Pet will remove after fight finish.
- Add new result for Arena: "Draw" (if both team die, they share the prize).
- Builder cannot move outside their own area during arena fight(before teleport)

Bug fix :
- Frost Aura & Telescope Aura won't stay after fighter die.
- Chariot won't make crit on Ascedent/unarmor
- Map is visible to all afer level 31.
- "-next" command won't display anything after level 31.
- Player cannot use Holy Light more than once
- Player cannot use Holy Light on your own building (can only cast on king)
- Player cannot buy wisp at start if -li mode is on.
- Goblin steamroller should summon driver after die
- Correct many description/tooltip errors.

Game & Hostbot:
- Remove income/bonus gold cap on -AP (mode "-li" will enable this cap)
- New map layout & size
- New Loading screen & minimap (thank Shengshun)
- New spawn & pathing (Try out 4v4, lag is much better now)
- Creep enter dark green area will received +2 armor
- Automatic "-next" information at the end of every wave.
- Bounty on leaked is more accuracy.
- Poisons cannot longer kill unit (poison will stop at 1hp, to avoid no bounty bug)
- after game over, game will shutdown in 30 seconds (not more AFKer for 10 hours on hostbot).
- Remove player name "attacker" on player 9 and 10. (hostbot can use these slot for talking)

Votekick :
- add new votekick system.
- start by -kick or -votekick. (you can cancel votekick after it start)
- Host have unlimit -votekick, everyone else can only "Fail" once.
- Require 50% positive vote to kick
- "Positive vote" = "Yes" - "No"

3.3 (2011.6.29)
* Fix Fatal Error/Crash cause by Artic
* Infanty attack faster (still same 30dps)
* Juiced Mutant sell for 100% gold if freshly built
* Quick Mode -sd & -ar now include -li

3.2 (2011.6.26)
* New Race : Orc
* New Special Event: after level 10 & 20
* Mercenary have limit on how much they can summon.
* Mercenary's damage changed (Chao to other)
* Elf's Ascedent is more useful
* Nature's Ygg attack faster(wont' leak level 1)
* Ghost's Forsaken One become better tank(light->heavy armor)
* Marine's Mermaid ability change (+6 -> +3 armor )
* lvl5 is easier, lvl9 is harder, lvl28 is easier
* All race have same hotkey for all tower = Q, W, E ,R , A, S

combined mode (make mode shorter)
-gm = gg + mm
-gc = gg +cb
-gl = gg +li
-cl = cb +li
(hg & x3 is default, don't need to type)

Hostbot Command Library:
- you can enter mode from hostbot setting or .config file
- you can enter mode in lobby room before game start. eg: !hcl apggcb
- hg, x3 is default (you don't need to type them)
- you don't need to type "-", just "ap" is enough
- mode limited to 1 character per player/computer(eg 4v4 = 10 chracter)

3.1b (2011.05.21)
* Mercenary : spell is disable after wave start
* Add glowing aura to Prophet, Artic, Mercenary builder
* disable -cb should disable change to Mercenary
* Fixed Mutant fake anti-cheat warning
* Fixed : -ar mode & type your own mode will work correctly.
* Timer for each wave change (from 30-60 second to 40-55 second)

3.1a (2011.05.15)
* Quick fix bug on east side

3.1 (2011.05.15)
* new race: Mercenary
* Mercenary is BEST race for noob & pure-lumber.
* Mercenary is disable under mode -li.
* Player can change to Mercenary after 75% leaked.
* Mercenary only teleport to king after attacked.
* Mercenary can't defend lvl23+

* Fixed -HP & change builder bug
* Fix lvl31+ bug (scoreboard visible to all)
* Fix Arctic's aura stack & spell description

3.0 (2011.05.05)
* Fix Maverick's image (creep kill by image will give correct bounty).
* Maverick cannot cast image from building time.
* LoD/hades cannot summon 2 pet at same time.
* Change Royal Griffin's attack&ability( difference graphic, same dps)
* Update serveral ingame message/unit description/ability description

* Game load faster.
* Remove value restrict on wisp (Pure incomer is back !)
* mode -li = Limit Incomer, disable pure imcomer.
* Max cost for lumber upgrade is 200 gold/lumber (8th,9th and higher).
* add 5 more level of lumber research (max = 15)
* can't buy summon from advance barrack untill level 10+
* can't buy Behemouth/Warden/Kraken untill 15+.
* New Race - Artic (difference spell & ability)
* New mode : HP (host pick, everyone will have same builder)
* gg mode changed : small leak = full gold. medium leak = 50% gold, huge leak=0% gold (100%, 75%, 50%, 25%, 0%)
* Anti-cheat monitor installed.

2.17 (2011.4.02)
* New Race - Goblin Builder
* New Race - Prophet Builder
* Warning ! lvl31+ is difference.
* lvl23 and lvl27 is easier.
* Lag reduce from summon system.
* Fix incorrect spell/unit description.
* Hybrid can only change builder once
* information from -next command will display to all allies

* Fix Hybrid error:
- Outcast move from T5 to T4
- Harlot move from T4 to T5
- Troll Fighter move from T3 to T4
- Phantom move form T4 to T3

v2.16 (2011.3.20)
* Change Crusader food (1->0)
* Correct dragon hawk Build's descrition (normal-> magic)
* Change hermit income (5->4)
* Adjust difficuly for -sd and -ar (5% and 10%)
* Lower difficult on lvl8 and lvl21
* Change bonus gold formula ( more gold for lvl 14+)
* Fix Komodo run too far issue
* Add new heal to builder(only work on king)
* Skip cinematic and display score after Victory/Defeat.
* remove lumber/wisp restrict after lvl10.

v2.15 (2011.3.15)
* Fix king upgrade refund bug.
* Fix change builder bug on -ar mode
* -ar = hard, sd=normal, ap=easy (5% difference in creep's hp)
* Maverick's illusion can teleport to king now
* Show list of full mode on startup
* reduce lag during fight ( almost no lag for 4v4 now)

v2.14e (2011.3.10)
* Fix change builder
* you can't train wisp or lumber upgrade untill 500 fighter value ( prevent pure incomer).
* lower starting gold to 270, creep is harder start from lvl3
* Fix Crusader's damage to match unit description
* Change Hybrid T6 cost 315->305
* Elite Archer building is same as Elite Archer fighter now
* level 16 creep hp reduce 335->315
* level 21 HP reduce 780->730
* level 14 bounty raise from 10-12
* level 15 bounty raise from 8-9
* add High Elven Farm 2,3,4,5,6 (200 food)

v2.14d (2011.3.9)
- add unit description(for new race) to Hybrid
- change starting gold to 300
- nightsaber hp change (950>850)
- introduce income cap = level x 20 (nerfed pure incomer, most people will never see this cap untill lvl25+)

v2.14c (2011.3.7)
- Quick Fix Moon Guard food cost (0->2)

v2.14b (2011.3.7)
- Fix Change Builder
- Fix hybrid (new race include)
- Fix doppleganger cost.
- Wave 14+ is easier(remove 15% hp buff for lvl14+)
- Add new command -kill for display total kill
- Add visual effect to Royal Griffin's multi attack
- Add visual effect to Sentry's magic attack
- Buff Cavalier's HP

v2.14a (2011.3.6)
- quick fix to 2.14 for creep won't spawn

v2.14 (2011.3.6)
* Add Change builder(you can only change 5 time)
* Hybrid unit will include elf & paladin
* Upgrade king regenation change(3->5 per upgrade) and reduce king upgrade cost (100-80)
* Add spell to Druid ( Wraith of Nature)
* Nightsaber food reduce from 2 to 1.
* Moon Guard food cost raise from 0 to 2
* Wisp food cost reduce form 2 to 1
* Fix Sentry's ability
* Fix incorrect sell value on certain unit
* Creep wave difficult adjust (1%-15% hp buff move from lvl1-lvl10 to lvl5-lvl19)
* Reduce lag, 4v4 is playable ! (map should be 99% FREE of memory leak)

v2.13 (2011.3.4)
* Change lumber system, research will cost lumber as well as gold (income is more balance)
* Creep wave is harder, from 1% hp buff to 15%.
* Tree of Knowledge changed ( buffed hp, nerfed AE damage to 20 target)
* change Battle cry is self only(+5armor, 20% damage)
* Buffed Golem(element) 's hp
* Buffed Seer/Phoenix's dps
* Buffed warden. it is as good as moon guard now.

v2.12 (2011.3.1)
* Fix texture/skin issue for builder
* Add new builder to random builder
* Correct unit/ability description
* Income and wisp count will update correctly
* Fix debug mode (-restart and -repick will work for all mode)
* Tweaked Spawn of Dragon's splash (increase range, but will never do full damage)
* Tweaked Dragon Aspect's splash ( splash will work on air creep, but never do full damage)
* Fix bounty from summon
* Tweaked lumber system (Wisp is more expensive, eg cost 2 food, 10 lumber.)
* Add 2 more lumber upgrade

v2.11 (2011.2.27)
* fix bug with mode
* fix elite archer's multishot ability(increase range, so it will won't shot at 1 target)
* Dragon Aspect's splash work on air, but will never do full damage on splash(will do 40% & 10% depend on range)
v2.10 (2011.2.26)
* add new race (alliance)
* remove worker(reduce lag), replace with wisp
* -gg mode only give half gold
* all summon will more bounty to other team
* high level summon have longer cool down
* farm can upgrade 10 time.
* player can see all unit's dps ingame
* modified spalsh damage(they will never do full damage on splash)
* reduce cost on Mutant (400->300)
* buffed oracle's dps
* modified Minotaur/Bigfoot's AE spell (deal less damage)
* remove starfall from Nightsaber
* new spell for Ascendent (-8 armor debuff)
* buffed Zues's spell damage (40->100)
* buffed Krogoth's dps
* nerfed gate guard's pet hp (185->145)
* fangtooth's feast change(from every 3 -> 5 attacks.)
v2.0 (first version, 2010.2.19)
* base on 1.50c
* add new race (Elf)
* change unit stat base on forum feedback.



special thank to :
PanicX and his clan "UC" for all testing, ideas & bug hunting.

Game :
LISK - source code on 1.50
Ezge - Goblin & Artic race
von_Oberstain - many game design ideas, loading screen and testing
BkO21 - loading screen
Shengshun - loading screen/preview/minimap

and many many people on forum/email with lots of useful imformation.

Unit Models :
Anarchianbedlam - Goblin's Helicopter model
Donut3.5 - Goblin's Mobile Turret / Goblin Drillbot / Goblin Steamroller
Frankster - Goblin's Assault Tank
Tranquil - King's model

Sunchips - Mecenary's Dagger

Ayane - Hero's color Aura
Daelin - Ice troll's Glaciar Aura

The Hive Workshop (http://www.hiveworkshop.com )
The Helper Net Forum (http://www.thehelper.net/forums/index.php)
Warcraft 3 Campaign forum ( http://www.wc3c.net/forums.php )

Forum Link:

Forum :

Legion, Legion, Legion, Legion, Legion, Legion, Legion, Legion, Legion, Legion, Legion, Legion, Legion, Legion, Legion, LegionTD, Legion TD, LegionTD

Legion TD Mega 3.41 (Map)

Legion TD Mega 3.5 (B4) (Map)

05:44, 29th Apr 2011 -Kobas-: Status: Approved Update: Re-moderating with review Date: 2011/Oct/07 23:46:38 Vengeancekael: VM // PM: Status: Approved Rating: 4/5 Recommended Rep Received: 2Reasons: Other: If you have any complaints or...
Level 1
Oct 1, 2011
after wave start, all fighters change owner to "East Legion" or "West Legion", so it not longer belong to player and you can't control it.

if player can control it, then someone will move fighter around and "kite" the creep for hours without leaked, while other player have to waiting for hours per wave.

What I have in mind is players do not control fighters when the level begins BUT it behaves according to orders given during the countdown..
Level 3
Sep 23, 2011
I always use dps/cost & HP/cost ratio to decide if that unit is good or bad.

violet dps ratio = 100dps/230 gold = 0.43 => above average
Violet HP ratio = 850/230 x 0.1 = 0.37 ==> poor

usually :
0-0.35 = useless
0.35-0.4 = poor
0.4 = average
0.45 = good
0.5 = very good

for Mudman:
Hp ratio = very good
dps = poor/average
overall = good

for Oceana:
HP = poor/useless
Dps = very good
overall = good/above average

Yeah I came up with similar ratios without rly looking all units, mainly I'm trying to build as many unit as possible close to the 0.5 ratio for dmg and for hp about 0.45.

The problem is that theory and pratice will never be the same, I know mudman should be a rly good tank, a violet good dmger, ofc lower hp since its ranged and flying, and aqua also good overall.
I've done many testing in single player thanks to debug mode and element wtv how you build it is ok from 1-6, then super weak at lvl 7, then again fine at lvl 8 and then bad till the end lol. (by bad I mean lower than most races in average value, so to income)

Element has good armor for magic, and some good dmger for it too, yet it's rly bad at lvl 13, and I'm not even talking about 14, 15, 17... You can sometimes beat those lvl with req value, but if you always "have" to keep req value, then you cant income enough, then it makes this race much weaker than others.
The best way to play element would be to get about 7/4 for after lvl 10, then stop incoming to prevent leaks, if you push incoming more, you'll fail.
Or ofc switch race lol.
Level 1
Nov 1, 2011
Please change ur system of the mapname... unfortunately too much idiots in garena think that 3.41 (b5) is newest cause they dont have a clue what BETA means :( They refer someone on epicwar then :((
Better name in future the endversion of a version x.xx (FINAL) instead of x.xx
Level 8
Apr 26, 2011
Please change ur system of the mapname... unfortunately too much idiots in garena think that 3.41 (b5) is newest cause they dont have a clue what BETA means :( They refer someone on epicwar then :((
Better name in future the endversion of a version x.xx (FINAL) instead of x.xx

yes, I notice that too.

In future it will similar to: 3.49 for beta, and rename to 3.5 after released.

and beta will have shitty loading screen (like 3.3's loading screen)
Level 3
Sep 28, 2011
Don't nerf hybrid :D I do like 80% hp hybrid games ;) I like it as it is.


Yeah, and you can also get Phantom (+40) from tier 3. And we also have Harpy for 70 on t3. Like huan said, the average cost almost didn't change.
Level 3
Oct 11, 2011
Hybrid not op at all because of 2 reasons:

1. Only one (extremely costly) change builder. This is rather stupid because hybrid isn't any easier to play than other builders.

2, You don't have control over the units you get. This is frustrating when you just need that appropriate unit to beat the next 1-2 level (e.g. backrow fast-firing pierce for level 7, 13, or melee tank for 14, or siege for 17) whereas if you are a normal race, say goblin, you know you should build more turrets/blasters/backrow tanks for each situation above. Therefore, hybrid completely destroys the sense of game flow and makes smart play on attack/armor types impossible.
Level 3
Sep 23, 2011
The only real tactic to play hybrid is to play with odds, but this can't garantee your success.

Hybrid is only op late game when you have alot of units of every types and get many auras.
Its indeed the race where you can get the most auras, but you need to be lucky enough to find them.

And to get to the point where you seems op, you need some king of luck early game to be able to make fine income.
Level 3
Oct 11, 2011
Having a bit of everything makes you mediocre at best. Those dragons you random can really poop on the Lords of Death/Neotanks you random. As of the buffs? you usually get 5+ useless low tier units before you finally random a captain or troll (example). That royal waste of gold is more than enough to cancel out the benefits of "having all the buffs in the world".

Having a collection of the strongest units and buffers (which normal races can achieve with 5 change builders) is way scarier. Hell, you still have a good chance to change into hybrid, if that's really what you want.
Level 2
Sep 3, 2011
@Phr33 the thing about ghost is adjusted. cause the cost is the mean of all of the t4 units. but meatwagon is 15 under average costs. we got 14 races (since merc, hybrid, prohpet exist in hybrid)
so (13*85+60)/14 is round about 83,2 and if you are as unlucky as me and get 2 meatwagon. you lost 3-4 gold which actually is a lot early game ..
Level 3
Sep 23, 2011
Having a bit of everything makes you mediocre at best. Those dragons you random can really poop on the Lords of Death/Neotanks you random. As of the buffs? you usually get 5+ useless low tier units before you finally random a captain or troll (example). That royal waste of gold is more than enough to cancel out the benefits of "having all the buffs in the world".

Having a collection of the strongest units and buffers (which normal races can achieve with 5 change builders) is way scarier. Hell, you still have a good chance to change into hybrid, if that's really what you want.

As I said you have to play with odds, tier 3 has 2 auras, go for tier 4 to get more auras for your gold, I dont even try to find captain, I make about 2-3 tier 3 overall in a game, usualy get crap, if I even get 1 captain, then I stop doing tier 3.

I was actualy thinking the same about hybrid, which I dont play much. But the only time I went late game on a hp all hybrid game, I got half lucky, manage to get fine income, ended up with about 15k value at lvl 28. I had mostly hydras, some dragons alot of magic dmg. Thought we were gonna lose, yet I killed my wave with demon, and another 24 leaks from the 2 other players...
Dont think there's any better example than this to show how good hyrbid can be late game, it was just an average game.
Level 8
Apr 26, 2011
Hybrid shouldn't have change builder (same as Prophet)

but I give them one change because they don't have re-roll.

and only pro can understand the power of Hybrid, all other will think hybrid suck.
Level 3
Oct 11, 2011
As I said you have to play with odds, tier 3 has 2 auras, go for tier 4 to get more auras for your gold, I dont even try to find captain, I make about 2-3 tier 3 overall in a game, usualy get crap, if I even get 1 captain, then I stop doing tier 3.

I was actualy thinking the same about hybrid, which I dont play much. But the only time I went late game on a hp all hybrid game, I got half lucky, manage to get fine income, ended up with about 15k value at lvl 28. I had mostly hydras, some dragons alot of magic dmg. Thought we were gonna lose, yet I killed my wave with demon, and another 24 leaks from the 2 other players...
Dont think there's any better example than this to show how good hyrbid can be late game, it was just an average game.

Grats on your victory with hybrid, in an all hybrid game...
Whatever you could do there, you can do better with normal races +5 change builders.

Hybrid shouldn't have change builder (same as Prophet)

but I give them one change because they don't have re-roll.

Hybrid can only use cb once, while normal races have a roughly 50% chance to change into hybrid with 5 cb. The two sides are not equal.

only pro can understand the power of Hybrid, all other will think hybrid suck.

Instead of arguing against my points with reason, you make a useless statement unsupported by facts. "Oh well you're certainly not a pro so quit judging." zzz...

Once in a while I have been called a "pro" by people playing with me, though I never think of myself as one, as it is too vague a word to classify people into. However, no matter if I am truly a "pro" or not, I still came up with good arguments about hybrid's weaknesses.
Level 3
Sep 23, 2011
The main problem is the cb mode, plz can you remove it from default mode? So people actualy have to type it for it to work.
Hybrid is the best race by far without cb mode, and an average race overall in cb mode, since it can get more auras than any other races, but you can't chose what tower you'll get, so many ranged will be in front etc.
I'm not saying its better than starting with a good race then change builder, but if you're lucky it can, if you're not it wont.
Level 8
Apr 26, 2011
Hybrid can only use cb once, while normal races have a roughly 50% chance to change into hybrid with 5 cb. The two sides are not equal.

Instead of arguing against my points with reason, you make a useless statement unsupported by facts. "Oh well you're certainly not a pro so quit judging." zzz...

Once in a while I have been called a "pro" by people playing with me, though I never think of myself as one, as it is too vague a word to classify people into. However, no matter if I am truly a "pro" or not, I still came up with good arguments about hybrid's weaknesses.

phr33st00fpl0x, change builder have 10% chance. if you use it 5 time, still 10%... 1000 time still equal to 10% chance. this is pretty basic calculation for math/stats problem.

If you played 1x version long enough, you will know Hybrid is most powerful race in x1 version. same as 2.7's X3 version, Hybrid is really powerful.

I always though Hybrid suck because it is boring, but it is still most powerful race because it don't have any "weakness".


Gazelle, I agree CB is most unbalance mode, but I can't do much because people like them. CB, GG and X3 is main reason why Egze's X3 version become more popular than Lisk's X1 version.

remember the formula for my score system ? if you don't use change builder, you will get "bonus" score. once score become more and more important as a show off "number", good player will try not use them to show off their score.

in next version, I will remove "highest XXX is Player_XXX", and add first, second and third highest score.

after title system is add, people won't use CB to try for unlock all race

I think I will change the title system:
- player will *buy* 1 skill point per race unlock
- each skill point cost 10 gold (so they can't buy them at level 1)
- they can buy or upgrade "aura" with skill points (on builder)

eg, Command Aura:
level 1 = 1% damage aura
level 2 = 2% aura
level 10 = 10% aura

Regeneration Aura:
level 1 = 1hp/second aura
level 2 = 2hp/second
level 10 = 10hp/second

most aura should be stackable with fighter's aura.
Level 3
Oct 11, 2011
phr33st00fpl0x, change builder have 10% chance. if you use it 5 time, still 10%... 1000 time still equal to 10% chance. this is pretty basic calculation for math/stats problem.

My original statement is "normal races have a roughly 50% chance to change into hybrid with 5 cb".

And here's my calculation.

14 normal races + hybrid + prophet = 16 races in total.
Each CB gives you two random (different) races, therefore, the chance you get hybrid from a CB is 1/8.

The chance you get a hybrid from 5 change builders is:

(1- "the chance you don't get hybrid at all") *100%

(1-(1-1/8)^5) * 100% = 48.709 %.
Level 8
Apr 26, 2011
It is 1/16 because you will never get 2 Hybrid at same time.

so you have 28% chance to get Hybrid after used "all 5 change builder". (still 6.25% chance if you use change builder once)

what is total cost for: "all 5 change builder" ?
Level 3
Oct 11, 2011
It is 1/16 because you will never get 2 Hybrid at same time.

so you have 28% chance to get Hybrid after used "all 5 change builder". (still 6.25% chance if you use change builder once)

what is total cost for: "all 5 change builder" ?

No, it is not 1/16 because the 2nd option still has a chance to be hybrid if the first one fails. (1/15 chance for 2nd option to be hybrid)

Total chance to get hybrid in one cb:

(1-(1-1/16)*(1-1/15)) *100% = 12.5% (hey it's still 1/8 - -)

So the total chance is still 48.709 %.

Total cost for 5 change builders? 500g + 1500 lumber
Total cost for hybrid one single change builder? 200g + 500 lumber
Total cost for first 3 regular change builder? 150g + 500 lumber
Level 8
Apr 26, 2011
you are so good at math, so player have 50% chance to get any race after used all 5 change builder.

Total cost for 5 change builders? 500g + 1500 lumber

500 gold + 1500 lumber is not cheap, with 50% chance to get a "powerful" race.

I don't know why you complaint about this, you should complaint about CB into Prophet, I always choose Prophet if it show up from changed builder, but rarely choose Hybrid.
Level 3
Oct 11, 2011
you are so good at math, so player have 50% chance to get any race after used all 5 change builder.

500 gold + 1500 lumber is not cheap, with 50% chance to get a "powerful" race.

I don't know why you complaint about this, you should complaint about CB into Prophet, I always choose Prophet if it show up from changed builder, but rarely choose Hybrid.

Ah-ha. I wasn't complaining about normal race's 5 cb's. I was complaining how hybrid has only one (costly) cb; remember?

Now that you say you rarely choose Hybrid in a cb, it proves my point that Hybrid isn't a superior race to the rest, and it too deserves 5 change builders.

About Prophet: it exists in cb to pwn all other options. Who wouldn't love to replace their 150/400 cb with 5 re-rolls? Well, I guess a real random fanatic would hold on to cb and hope he randoms a prophet on the last cb! lol.
Level 2
Sep 3, 2011
Hmm i dont know if the new bounty system is as good as u think.
Cause it forces newbies to leave if they leak. and then the teams are unbalanced. Cause if they fucked up once they won't probably come back.
If u would change it back to version 3.4 ppl that leak dont mess up the game so hard and u already have a disadvantage due to less bounty.

And yes they get fed and if the leaker leaves they have an advantage but mabye u can do something like dont giving them the level cap gold since the time he leaves and something else. But cutting off so much bounty is really ...

I think it is not fair that u have to play with a newbie and then also get more disadvantaged by having a hrad time killing his leaks and dont get anything from it later on

Edit: Is there a timelimitation for teleporting to the king's area ?
Cause i played with a mate and he was busy killing his mobs. at this time my leak passed the middle area.
as he finished his wave (my wave just arrived at king) and his mobs were heading towards teleportation area. They couldnt teleport at all. Then they ran back to their starting position (at this time the king was fighting with my leak). Suddenly they teleported from the current position (not in the teleport area) to the king. But somehow not all of his units.
And sometimes they just teleport withou any problem.
Last edited:
Level 3
Sep 23, 2011
People switching race and getting prophet should have one more roll than the amount of change builder they had left.
But I think the price should still be low, since a re roll with prophet = 1 row of 6 randoms towers.
A change builder give 2 races, so possibility to choose from 2 times more towers than a re roll.
So mainly a cb is better than a re roll, so giving 1 free re roll + the amount of re roll equal to the amount of cb left seems fair.

I also think that you shouldn't get the same race 2 times in a row, so if you have beast, you cant get it on next re roll, but on the third one yes.
Like that the unlucky situation where you change builder twice, then on third change you get the same 2 races you had will happen less often.

This will make a cb even better but I suggest that you do this only when the score will have an actual impact on the game.
That way people wont change builder as often as before, it will balance the game. (if you're rly going to add title system, or skill points wtv you had in mind)
Last edited:
Level 3
Sep 23, 2011
Funny how you also said Violet is weak because of its damage being spread apart.

Now what? The Warchief does 30/1.5*20%= 4 dps in a very small area, air units excluded. How is that any close to being "useful" past level 3, when one pulverize only hits 3 units instead of 20? At least the Violet can sit at backrow and do guranteed damage with its phoenix fire, the Warchief can't even land its hits well against ranged enemies, due to bad melee AI.

I just tried violets until lvl 31 to make sure what I was saying was right.
One more problem with violets, they do like some other air units, going in front of tanks when you have alot and dying rly fast. I tested them with many diff values on lates lvl, especialy 28 and they are very very weak!
I even compared with thunderbirds with similar value, thunderbirds were more effective.

Warchief is a fine tank for the cost, massing them as tanks on first line, if its the the only good tank I have with, lets say prophet, works pretty good.
1400 hp for 300 gold and fine dmg + a skill.
This scenario happened to me many times until lvl 28-31, didnt even needed to up them, focusing instead on ranged dmger and every game I was able to income alot and get a super strong defense for late lvls.

I can't even compare violet and warcheif as "usefull" units, violets are not part of the towers ill bother to build anymore.

Edit: Oh and for pulverize maybe you didnt noticed but on lvl 22+ creeps are pretty small its not only hiting 4 units. And I never said that's what was mainly killing creeps on late lvls but it add a significant dps to their dmg. You have to see your defense as a whole, I never said I was using warcheif to kill air units.
Level 3
Oct 11, 2011
I just tried violets until lvl 31 to make sure what I was saying was right.
One more problem with violets, they do like some other air units, going in front of tanks when you have alot and dying rly fast. I tested them with many diff values on lates lvl, especialy 28 and they are very very weak!
I even compared with thunderbirds with similar value, thunderbirds were more effective.

Warchief is a fine tank for the cost, massing them as tanks on first line, if its the the only good tank I have with, lets say prophet, works pretty good.
1400 hp for 300 gold and fine dmg + a skill.
This scenario happened to me many times until lvl 28-31, didnt even needed to up them, focusing instead on ranged dmger and every game I was able to income alot and get a super strong defense for late lvls.

I can't even compare violet and warcheif as "usefull" units, violets are not part of the towers ill bother to build anymore.

Edit: Oh and for pulverize maybe you didnt noticed but on lvl 22+ creeps are pretty small its not only hiting 4 units. And I never said that's what was mainly killing creeps on late lvls but it add a significant dps to their dmg. You have to see your defense as a whole, I never said I was using warcheif to kill air units.

I didn't say you are wrong about Violet. It was funny for you to mention Violet, because while you regard its 30 spread dps as useless (which I couldn't agree more, btw), you go ahead and say "pulverize is totally usefull after lv3!!!", ignoring the fact that pulverize adds a laughable 4 dps to a Warchief. Be it AoE or not, it is nonexistant after lv3. (well maybe also excluding 6 and 7.) After that it is pretty safe to say Warchief has no ability.

It works as a tank, I agree, but it no longer has a viable upgrade like Sea Giant or Moon Guard have.
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Level 3
Sep 23, 2011
I didn't say you are wrong about Violet. It was funny for you to mention Violet, because while you regard its 30 spread dps as useless (which I couldn't agree more, btw), you go ahead and say "pulverize is totally usefull after lv3!!!", ignoring the fact that pulverize adds a laughable 4 dps to a Warchief. Be it AoE or not, it is nonexistant after lv3. (well maybe also excluding 6 and 7.) After that it is pretty safe to say Warchief has no ability.

It works as a tank, I agree, but it no longer has a viable upgrade like Sea Giant or Moon Guard have.

On late game pulverize is less effective than early game, for the simple reason that with a big defense you force creeps to create a line.
But lets say you have 9 warchief, since they are melee and fight in a tight group they will at least hit 10 creeps at lvl 22+
Well then your warchief deal 4x9x10=360dps it is still better than many spell, ofc its not huge.

I think its still better than fan of knives, exept than its not hiting air.
As you said it's spread dmg but spread dmg works much better on high units, if violet had 950-1k hp it would be a much better unit.

I think I kinda explained it already though, the only reason I build warchief is when I pick orc or if its my main tank with prophet because there are many better tanks.
So I dont think we should argue anymore on that unit since it wont be modified anyway.

Yet for sea giant I'm puting him a bit in the same group as warchief, hydras are rly weak at lvl 28 and its the main lvl to be rdy in a game.
I like how stronger they are now but I dont mainly mass this unit anymore.
They will kill lvl 28 but you can't "overkill" the lvl with only those as main dmger.
They can still be very good tank for other good dmgers with 350+ range.
Level 3
Sep 28, 2011
Bug in 3.41:

Young Frost Dragon seems to have some weird issues killing a whelp ;) Therefore check replay, teal player, Round 2.

He got 2 whelps, first died "normally". Second took it like 6 hits to die. Can't tell if thats an Whelp - Frost Dragon issue or an Mob at all - Frost Dragon issue ;)


  • LastReplay.w3g
    1.7 MB · Views: 108
Level 3
Sep 28, 2011
Ah, and I want to file a complaint ;)

Why exactly was it necessary to make harpy/poison not being able to kill units anymore? The 1hp stop _completely_ ruins this unit(s) in my opinion! Not quite sure, but is Wind Rider still able to kill with its poison?! I kinda have that feeling, but cant tell for sure right now.


And a second, well complaint/thought.
Level 3 is really tough now with all the very fast normal attack and medium armor! It's like quite often that I am able to build first wisp during round 3 or after 2 and risk a (big) leak in 3. But I somehow could live with that. But that leads to the biggest problem I encounter right now. As the bounty on 3 is so high and so hard nowadays, ppl will ragequit A LOT more, if they leak kinda hard on 3 as it's so much money they lose. This makes it more and more to a pro only game.


While I was writing all this I got interested in the overall average leaver rate and did some caluclations... (where player left voluntarily and gameduration - leavetime of player is > 120 seconds; beta maps aren't considered as they've never been on autohost and it's only a handful of games anyway)
The result is:
23.02% leaver rate for 3.41 (totally 7172 games hosted)
16.91% leaver rate for v3.4 (totally 8491 games hosted)
21.03% leaver rate for 3.3 (totally 31019 games hosted)

Of course, round 3 may not (only) be responsible for the rapid increase of 6% from last version, especially where 3.4 was too easy on several rounds, but still.. 23%.. thats almost 2 player leave every game.

But this statistic doesn't say that much and so I tried to see leave rate on early rounds. (Just tested it, I left right after I finished round 3 without any leaks in 1 or 2, which totally took me 329 seconds. Lets say if ppl slighty leak in round 1 and round 2 a dino or whelp or something, the overall time to reach end of round 3 might increase by ~60 seconds and as ppl also leave before a round is over we might subtract a little bit... 30 seconds.)
So the following leave rate is for people with leaving time between 300 and 400 seconds of gameplay, who left voluntarily and where gameduration - leavetime of player is > 120 seconds.
The result is:
4.17% leaver rate for 3.41 (totally 7172 games hosted)
0.55% leaver rate for v3.4 (totally 8491 games hosted)
1.16% leaver rate for 3.3 (totally 31019 games hosted)

Thats a huge increase. ~8 times more than on v3.4 and ~4 times more than on 3.3.

And don't get me wrong here, I don't wanna blame you or force you to change anything. The interest on those stats just crossed my mind and I thought you might be interested... If you need any more data, please let me know.
Level 3
Oct 11, 2011
But lets say you have 9 warchief, since they are melee and fight in a tight group they will at least hit 10 creeps at lvl 22+
Well then your warchief deal 4x9x10=360dps it is still better than many spell, ofc its not huge.

I think its still better than fan of knives, exept than its not hiting air.
As you said it's spread dmg but spread dmg works much better on high units, if violet had 950-1k hp it would be a much better unit.

I think I kinda explained it already though, the only reason I build warchief is when I pick orc or if its my main tank with prophet because there are many better tanks.
So I dont think we should argue anymore on that unit since it wont be modified anyway.

Yet for sea giant I'm puting him a bit in the same group as warchief, hydras are rly weak at lvl 28 and its the main lvl to be rdy in a game.
I like how stronger they are now but I dont mainly mass this unit anymore.
They will kill lvl 28 but you can't "overkill" the lvl with only those as main dmger.
They can still be very good tank for other good dmgers with 350+ range.

10 units per pulverize is overexaggerating even at 22. The only case where that happens is if a warchief is completely surrounded, which means instant death. As incomers we don't worry about melee levels between 22 and 27 anyways.

I just ran a debug game. It seems warchiefs do a lot better than moon guards against these levels (also surprisingly well in 24), but it is because of collision size. Seems like warchiefs don't have any collision size :p

Hydras are good dps/tank before 20 (really weak on 18 though. If you mass it you gonna die on that xD), just a good tank after 20. The dps is pretty meh.

For 29, I assume you will be upgrading your frontrow warchiefs to thralls.
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Level 3
Sep 23, 2011
Ah, and I want to file a complaint ;)

Why exactly was it necessary to make harpy/poison not being able to kill units anymore? The 1hp stop _completely_ ruins this unit(s) in my opinion! Not quite sure, but is Wind Rider still able to kill with its poison?! I kinda have that feeling, but cant tell for sure right now.


And a second, well complaint/thought.
Level 3 is really tough now with all the very fast normal attack and medium armor! It's like quite often that I am able to build first wisp during round 3 or after 2 and risk a (big) leak in 3. But I somehow could live with that. But that leads to the biggest problem I encounter right now. As the bounty on 3 is so high and so hard nowadays, ppl will ragequit A LOT more, if they leak kinda hard on 3 as it's so much money they lose. This makes it more and more to a pro only game.


Poison on sky rider dont kill either last time I checked, and I agree that this is a stupid change.
Reason I think that: simply because late game poison will only be used to slow and dmg creeps, not to kill them since they have high hp.
This mean that this change only makes an already weak unit at start, even weaker.
Why? that I dont know lol.

Another thing is bothering me, I guess HuanAk had alot of complains about nightmare, which was already good, to switch his armor type.
Mainly nightmare is actualy weaker on lvls he should be strong like lvl 14, 15, 17 and strong on lvl where he shouldn't be strong, lvl 4, 13, 16 etc.
This was a change to help noobs who couldn't play shadow. (Only see this change justified for lvl 7 actualy)

But then I would like to understand why are units like gnoll still light armored?
And how about making all melee/low range light armor units unarmored while were at it, like protons, phantoms etc.

For lvl 3 I agree it lead to more leaving, and that's sad because making it harder at start is quite interresting.
I noticed though that some units like Nightsaber can't kill lvl 3 anymore, maybe barely with 0 worker trained.

10 units per pulverize is overexaggerating even at 22. The only case where that happens is if a warchief is completely surrounded, which means instant death. As incomers we don't worry about melee levels between 22 and 27 anyways.

I just ran a debug game. It seems warchiefs do a lot better than moon guards against these levels (also surprisingly well in 24), but it is because of collision size. Seems like warchiefs don't have any collision size :p

Hydras are good dps/tank before 20 (really weak on 18 though. If you mass it you gonna die on that xD), just a good tank after 20. The dps is pretty meh.

Yeah that's what I meant about warchief, just tested too lol, they are rly small so creeps actualy do make a circle around a group of about 5 warchiefs.
Ofc from lvl 22 they die fast but my focus isnt on those tanks anymore.
For lvl 24, 9 warcheif is 2700 gold, any heavy armor tanks get eaten rly fast that lvl but 2700 value on the 9k+ I usualy have, is not much.
This mean I have over 6k value spent on ranged and auras to kill lvl 24.
Also dont forget that at lvl 31 you just need barely enough tanks to hold 31 and the rest ranged, if you make too many tanks it goes to waste at that lvl.
Since usualy your team will make already enough tanks and not enough ranged lol.

I also saw someone who made for about 2 full lanes of warchief, never actualy tried it in a real game but with their size it was surprisingly working good.

For lvl 29 it depends, if we past lvl 28, this mean we will probably go till 31, so I prefer upgrading ranged than thralls, that's just my way of playing maybe its not the best.
Level 8
Apr 26, 2011
Ah, and I want to file a complaint ;)

Why exactly was it necessary to make harpy/poison not being able to kill units anymore? The 1hp stop _completely_ ruins this unit(s) in my opinion! Not quite sure, but is Wind Rider still able to kill with its poison?! I kinda have that feeling, but cant tell for sure right now.

Because any corpse will removed after 1 seconds, so any poison take longer than 1 seconds may not give gold.

eg, if fighter's corpse is removed before creep killed by poison, then game can't identify who kill it.

So all poison can't kill anymore after "corpse will removed after 1 seconds"


And a second, well complaint/thought.
Level 3 is really tough now with all the very fast normal attack and medium armor! It's like quite often that I am able to build first wisp during round 3 or after 2 and risk a (big) leak in 3. But I somehow could live with that. But that leads to the biggest problem I encounter right now. As the bounty on 3 is so high and so hard nowadays, ppl will ragequit A LOT more, if they leak kinda hard on 3 as it's so much money they lose. This makes it more and more to a pro only game.


yes, I don't really like 3.41 about :
- Making wave harder (level 3, 7, 17)
- Remove income cap (as well as lower bonus gold)

but bounty have to lower if want to remove income cap. in 3.3 it is very hard to get 20k value due to 0 bonus gold for high income.

but 20k is so common after 3.4 after income cap removed. and game is so much harder for new player.

While I was writing all this I got interested in the overall average leaver rate and did some caluclations... (where player left voluntarily and gameduration - leavetime of player is > 120 seconds; beta maps aren't considered as they've never been on autohost and it's only a handful of games anyway)
The result is:
23.02% leaver rate for 3.41 (totally 7172 games hosted)
16.91% leaver rate for v3.4 (totally 8491 games hosted)
21.03% leaver rate for 3.3 (totally 31019 games hosted)

Of course, round 3 may not (only) be responsible for the rapid increase of 6% from last version, especially where 3.4 was too easy on several rounds, but still.. 23%.. thats almost 2 player leave every game.

But this statistic doesn't say that much and so I tried to see leave rate on early rounds. (Just tested it, I left right after I finished round 3 without any leaks in 1 or 2, which totally took me 329 seconds. Lets say if ppl slighty leak in round 1 and round 2 a dino or whelp or something, the overall time to reach end of round 3 might increase by ~60 seconds and as ppl also leave before a round is over we might subtract a little bit... 30 seconds.)
So the following leave rate is for people with leaving time between 300 and 400 seconds of gameplay, who left voluntarily and where gameduration - leavetime of player is > 120 seconds.
The result is:
4.17% leaver rate for 3.41 (totally 7172 games hosted)
0.55% leaver rate for v3.4 (totally 8491 games hosted)
1.16% leaver rate for 3.3 (totally 31019 games hosted)

Thats a huge increase. ~8 times more than on v3.4 and ~4 times more than on 3.3.

And don't get me wrong here, I don't wanna blame you or force you to change anything. The interest on those stats just crossed my mind and I thought you might be interested... If you need any more data, please let me know.

one of possible reason for leave rate is: they still use old built, but level 3 & 7 suddently become harder.

I think level 3 / 7 / 17 should become easier so game is more friendly to new/average player. and only add hard level after level 20+.

and I really want to put back income cap :
- enable "li" = income cap remove, with lower bonus (same as 3.41)
- disable "li" = put back income cap, higher bonus gold (same as 3.3)

for database statistic, I am interest in follow value:
- average "value" for player reach level 31 (don't count those leave before 31)
- average "score" for player reach level 31 (don't count those leave before 31)
- average "level" for all game
- average "value" for top player at level 31 (like PanicX etc)
Level 8
Apr 26, 2011
Hmm i dont know if the new bounty system is as good as u think.
Cause it forces newbies to leave if they leak. and then the teams are unbalanced. Cause if they fucked up once they won't probably come back.
If u would change it back to version 3.4 ppl that leak dont mess up the game so hard and u already have a disadvantage due to less bounty.

And yes they get fed and if the leaker leaves they have an advantage but mabye u can do something like dont giving them the level cap gold since the time he leaves and something else. But cutting off so much bounty is really ...

I think it is not fair that u have to play with a newbie and then also get more disadvantaged by having a hrad time killing his leaks and dont get anything from it later on

I will look at how to make it newbie friendlier in next version.

one example is: game is easier in -ap without "li"

Edit: Is there a timelimitation for teleporting to the king's area ?
Cause i played with a mate and he was busy killing his mobs. at this time my leak passed the middle area.
as he finished his wave (my wave just arrived at king) and his mobs were heading towards teleportation area. They couldnt teleport at all. Then they ran back to their starting position (at this time the king was fighting with my leak). Suddenly they teleported from the current position (not in the teleport area) to the king. But somehow not all of his units.
And sometimes they just teleport withou any problem.

Teleport happen every 1 second.

Please post replay for anything unusually so I can see why it happen.
Level 3
Sep 23, 2011
When wind rider's poison was killing, dont remember not getting gold from kill was that something you had alot of complains about?

Another problem with leaks and king: if you fight a lvl for a long time, and meanwhile some leaked melee creeps have time to get to king, once your unit teleport to middle they wont see the creeps and wont fight to help king.
Level 8
Apr 26, 2011
When wind rider's poison was killing, dont remember not getting gold from kill was that something you had alot of complains about?

Another problem with leaks and king: if you fight a lvl for a long time, and meanwhile some leaked melee creeps have time to get to king, once your unit teleport to middle they wont see the creeps and wont fight to help king.

default corpse decay was like 6-7 seconds, so poison always fine as long as it not more than 6-7 seconds.

in my test during one of beta (after change to 1 second corpse decay) :
- 1 full row of Medusa
- lost 1-2 creep's bounty every 1-3 wave.
- It is very rare bug but it fixed with disable poison kill

same bug happen for LegionTD UE or 2.7's (rarely but still happen if unlucky)
Level 3
Sep 23, 2011
default corpse decay was like 6-7 seconds, so poison always fine as long as it not more than 6-7 seconds.

in my test during one of beta (after change to 1 second corpse decay) :
- 1 full row of Medusa
- lost 1-2 creep's bounty every 1-3 wave.
- It is very rare bug but it fixed with disable poison kill

same bug happen for LegionTD UE or 2.7's (rarely but still happen if unlucky)

I think I remember a time where it was happening too witth young frost dragon, now its 5 sec, was that to make sure that bug wouldn't happen?
Maybe then increase a bit dmg on poison and decrease duration, so they can kill again?
Or you mean than even with duration reduced, if it get hit many times, so still poisoned more than 6-7 sec you would still lose few bounties?
Level 8
Apr 26, 2011
I think I remember a time where it was happening too witth young frost dragon, now its 5 sec, was that to make sure that bug wouldn't happen?
Maybe then increase a bit dmg on poison and decrease duration, so they can kill again?
Or you mean than even with duration reduced, if it get hit many times, so still poisoned more than 6-7 sec you would still lose few bounties?

I am not sure about young frost dragon, it is harder to test (because it don't cast frost in every hit)

but I can test them for next version.
Level 3
Sep 23, 2011
I am not sure about young frost dragon, it is harder to test (because it don't cast frost in every hit)

but I can test them for next version.

I think it happened before 3.3, frost breath would kill like 15 units without giving a single bounty.
No need to test it though it was an old bug I believe, was just wondering if it was happenning for the same reason than with harpy.
Level 3
Aug 12, 2011
default corpse decay was like 6-7 seconds, so poison always fine as long as it not more than 6-7 seconds.

in my test during one of beta (after change to 1 second corpse decay) :
- 1 full row of Medusa
- lost 1-2 creep's bounty every 1-3 wave.
- It is very rare bug but it fixed with disable poison kill

same bug happen for LegionTD UE or 2.7's (rarely but still happen if unlucky)

Maybe this solution is too dumb and simple, but why you don't change corpse decay of Wind Rider to 0,5s + poison duration?

And btw Orc is boring b/c it's enough to spam your Wolverines with some Thralls and one Doc.
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Level 3
Jan 13, 2010
@HuanAK - Unfortunately 3.41 isn't as fun as 3.3, mainly because many of the normal races (meaning not Hybrid, Prophet, or Merc) are too weak. Merc is no longer fun to play at all since the changes you made were just too drastic. In every 3.41 game, I play Prophet or Shadow because it's almost a definite that I will get 7/15 by level 22 or 23. I haven't been able to get 7/15 with any other race so far. It's possible with Hybrid but I don't play Hybrid and not being able to know what unit you're getting for a certain position is a big minus, so Prophet is generally much better.

I would love to see some replays on 3.41 for the normal races getting 7/15 by level 22 or 23, in a game without many leaks (so not a noob match).

Can you consider nerfing level 14 and 17 a little? Even getting the correct values can cause big leaks if the other team sends some tough units at you on those levels.
Level 3
Sep 23, 2011
@HuanAK - Unfortunately 3.41 isn't as fun as 3.3, mainly because many of the normal races (meaning not Hybrid, Prophet, or Merc) are too weak. Merc is no longer fun to play at all since the changes you made were just too drastic. In every 3.41 game, I play Prophet or Shadow because it's almost a definite that I will get 7/15 by level 22 or 23. I haven't been able to get 7/15 with any other race so far. It's possible with Hybrid but I don't play Hybrid and not being able to know what unit you're getting for a certain position is a big minus, so Prophet is generally much better.

I would love to see some replays on 3.41 for the normal races getting 7/15 by level 22 or 23, in a game without many leaks (so not a noob match).

Can you consider nerfing level 14 and 17 a little? Even getting the correct values can cause big leaks if the other team sends some tough units at you on those levels.

I agree with merc, it's boring now and in ap I 99% of the time get prophet.

You say you get 7/15 at 22-23, what lumberjack do you usualy have after second arena?
I personnaly never go for 7/15 unless I'm way too fed and get it for second arena, past that lvl upgrading lumberjack mean lowering your value for late lvls which is rly bad for your team.

For shadow, I can pretty much income as much with races like goblin, elf, merc, orc is good too.
The race I can income the most is nature, but not without risking leaks on lvl 20.
Level 3
Jan 13, 2010
I agree with merc, it's boring now and in ap I 99% of the time get prophet.

You say you get 7/15 at 22-23, what lumberjack do you usualy have after second arena?
I personnaly never go for 7/15 unless I'm way too fed and get it for second arena, past that lvl upgrading lumberjack mean lowering your value for late lvls which is rly bad for your team.

For shadow, I can pretty much income as much with races like goblin, elf, merc, orc is good too.
The race I can income the most is nature, but not without risking leaks on lvl 20.

With Shadow, I'm usually 7/13 after the second arena and 7/15 by 22. HuanAK said that it takes about 8 levels to benefit from incoming so 22 or 23 is fine. I used to be able to do the same for Arctic in 3.3, but it looks like the ice shamans got nerfed in 3.41. Mech and Orc are still good races in 3.41, but I haven't been able to get 7/15 for them yet.
Level 3
Sep 23, 2011
With Shadow, I'm usually 7/13 after the second arena and 7/15 by 22. HuanAK said that it takes about 8 levels to benefit from incoming so 22 or 23 is fine. I used to be able to do the same for Arctic in 3.3, but it looks like the ice shamans got nerfed in 3.41. Mech and Orc are still good races in 3.41, but I haven't been able to get 7/15 for them yet.

Most games end at 28, so I focus more on being strong at that lvl.
More than 50% of the times I reach that lvl, I'm the only one not leaking in my team so I kinda have to play that way...
Arctic can be a very strong incomer at start, but I usualy switch race after 10 cause I dont rly like dragons anymore, I make like 1-2 azure dragons for frost attack.
Level 3
Oct 11, 2011
Most games end at 28, so I focus more on being strong at that lvl.
More than 50% of the times I reach that lvl, I'm the only one not leaking in my team so I kinda have to play that way...
Arctic can be a very strong incomer at start, but I usualy switch race after 10 cause I dont rly like dragons anymore, I make like 1-2 azure dragons for frost attack.

In my opinion, arctic truly shines in midgame (10--20), where Ancient Wandigoos tank everything and out-dps everything. I don't build dragons at all. their poor dps make them as cost-ineffective as a unit can get. I usually change builder at around 14, after I have 4-6 AW's. If a Shadow is randomed, it basically means the same thing as GG you are invincible now. xD

Also, where do you play? Most of my games played end on 17 or 20... (garena usa rpg room)
Level 3
Sep 23, 2011
In my opinion, arctic truly shines in midgame (10--20), where Ancient Wandigoos tank everything and out-dps everything. I don't build dragons at all. their poor dps make them as cost-ineffective as a unit can get. I usually change builder at around 14, after I have 4-6 AW's. If a Shadow is randomed, it basically means the same thing as GG you are invincible now. xD

Also, where do you play? Most of my games played end on 17 or 20... (garena usa rpg room)

I think 1-2 dragon are usefull to slow down mouvement and att speed of a large group of creeps though, I dont build them for dps they are pretty weak.
Also I keep young frost early game since dps is better, only up them later.

What I should've said is that most games that goes past lvl 20 end at 28 lol.
I play on garena europe room, the rpg rooms, or sometimes element TD room.
Sometimes I do have many good games in a row lasting after 20, depend against who I'm playing ofc.

I think game were lasting more often till 31 on 3.3 though.

Many strong players are staying in element TD room, but I cant get in during day its always full lol.
Level 3
Oct 11, 2011
I think 1-2 dragon are usefull to slow down mouvement and att speed of a large group of creeps though, I dont build them for dps they are pretty weak.
Also I keep young frost early game since dps is better, only up them later.

What I should've said is that most games that goes past lvl 20 end at 28 lol.
I play on garena europe room, the rpg rooms, or sometimes element TD room.
Sometimes I do have many good games in a row lasting after 20, depend against who I'm playing ofc.

I think game were lasting more often till 31 on 3.3 though.

Many strong players are staying in element TD room, but I cant get in during day its always full lol.

Just use the autojoiner from garenamaster. It gets you in approximately 10 min if the room is full. Depends though. Garena sucks big time anyways. The people running it are corrupt, greedy and incompetent as hell. I always see retards trolling/spamming in room chat and they don't give a fuck about it.
Level 3
Sep 23, 2011
Just use the autojoiner from garenamaster. It gets you in approximately 10 min if the room is full. Depends though. Garena sucks big time anyways. The people running it are corrupt, greedy and incompetent as hell. I always see retards trolling/spamming in room chat and they don't give a fuck about it.

Oh ok I never downloaded those stuff I always have the feeling they are full of virus lol. Do you have a safe link to it?
Also do you have the dota tool that give stats of any units in a map? Tried to find it but couldn't.

The only time I saw garena taking care of trolling/spamming/advertising was when there was an actual moderator in the room, I saw 1 about 2 times.
They are purple and can kick anyone spamming or ban anyone cheating or spamming links.
But that methode is so uneffective, he gets in 1 room at the time and often kick host spamming, so everyone gets mad hahaha.