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Jaina In The Morning

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The first episode of Jaina in the Morning - a talk show. Guests are Malvindearoth, hunter of night, and his girlfriend Kim. The map is basically a short cinematic, if I tell you more it reveals the surprise ending! Enjoy ;)

cinematic, pitlord, jaina, in, the, morning, talk show

Jaina In The Morning (Map)

16:24, 27th Dec 2010 ap0calypse: Rejected
Level 4
Aug 19, 2009
You still cannot say anything about how the cinematic is without seeing it first. And the terrain probably looks small because its probably some kind of show studio. Its not supposed to be big. Besides you cant judge a terrain from the terrain picture in warcraft 3. Those pictures never tells you how the terrain really looks as there are lot of doodads, destructibles and props that are not visible on the picture.
About the description. There are plenty of maps on the hive who dosen't even have a description but still it can be a good map for those who does not see on the outside but tries it in the inside.
Level 15
Sep 17, 2010
Sorry but i could agree with light bolt. He is a advanced reviewer, and if you take a look, allmost every atleast moderately new map has his post in the 10 first, usually in the first 3. But as you tell us in your posts it is good. While people are watching you should improve your description.
I agree with all that they said...

@TheWarchief - is the uploader your friend?

anyway, watched it and I say that its pretty bad, I suggest you watch some good cinematics first (I personally like TheTournament pack and the Bloodline series, but since this is a talkshow I guess TheTournament can suit you better coz it has a talking host... ^_^)
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
Uhh, I watched the cinematic and I can say that it's very, very weak.

Not only did you just try to copy one of the pissed sounds of the pitlord, you also failed at that.

Let's compare:

Your quotes:
1) "He's a joke! Throw him out!"
2) "Now why don't you tell us why you're really here."
3) "I thought you said you worker for the post office?"
4) "Well, Kimcake, I love you, but, there's something I have something to tell you..."

Actual quotes:
1) "He's a bum! Throw him out!"
2) "Mal, why don't you tell us why you're really here?"
3) "I thought you said you work for the post office?"
4) "Well, Kim-cake, I love you but I have something to tell you…"

You also missed the quote "Oh boy, he pulled the wool over your eyes!" (before "Actually... more of a Pitlord"
Level 4
Aug 19, 2009
No im not his friend neither do i know him.
I just think its wrong to judge a map on the terrain picture and a poor description without playing it first. That is a preconception - which i think is wrong too.
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
No im not his friend neither do i know him.
I just think its wrong to judge a map on the terrain picture and a poor description without playing it first. That is a preconception - which i think is wrong too.
You do have a point here.
I agree that you can (usually) not judge the terrain of a cinematic just by looking at the preview screen.
However, this IS possible for other genres (TD's, RPG's etc) and for some cinematics as well (but definitely not all of them).

The description, however, is a requirement (yes: many people abuse that rule to whine, but I'd rather have that than a lot of maps with a bad description).
The description CAN tell you a lot of about cinematics (the style in which it was written, whether a lot of hard work was put into creating it, ...).

Well, doesn't matter.
I agree more with you than with light bolt30 in this case, but you don't need to shout that something is 'impossible' too fast.
Concerning maps, the image I (and others on the hive) have before actually opening/playing the map is very often correct.