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Inappropriate content

Should such images be allowed?

  • Yes (no change)

    Votes: 18 38.3%
  • No (should be removed)

    Votes: 15 31.9%
  • Only if users can block such images with built-in site functions.

    Votes: 21 44.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Not open for further replies.
Level 21
Dec 19, 2013
I would like to politely ask you to stop spending time with your girlfriend in public. Seeing you two like that is very disturbing to me. Also, please never talk to your parents again, as a single-parented person it is offensive to me that you have two parents. And don't eat vegetables in public, I am a meatatarian and it's offensive to me that someone would hurt plants like that.

Cmon you are way to smart to act in this way.Try a little bit harder next time.
I don't see how this is a strawman. I was replying to the notion that it should be censored because it implies sexual content. How is that a strawman?

you were replying to a notion that you conjured and i had never argued. in fact, the only thing i argued was that the picture was sexual, and in my opening sentence i explicitly stated i disagreed with censoring/banning it.

i suggest you read more carefully before pouncing on someone's post, much like you've recently done again to xonok.
Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
you were replying to a notion that you conjured and i had never argued. in fact, the only thing i argued was that the picture was sexual, and in my opening sentence i explicitly stated i disagreed with censoring/banning it.

i suggest you read more carefully before pouncing on someone's post, much like you've recently done again to xonok.

You said:

okay so let me get it straight (no pun intended) that i do think that censoring the image is the wrong way to go and ad-blocking that image on an individual basis is probably the best course... but you guys have got to be shitting me if you think there's nothing sexual about it.

it's two people french kissing the fuck out of each other, shirtless and almost definitely pantless. nobody kisses like that unless they're about to bone or are in the process of boning. you don't need to be ultra-conservative to see that

Nobody kisses like that unless they're about to bone. This means that you think the image implies sexual content, but doesn't actually show sexual content. There is no sex shown in that image, only as you point out implied sex.

How again did I conjure this up?

But you do have a point that you said that you didn't support censorship. I might have mixed your comment up with some other others I was replying to while I was writing. I apologize for this.

You have no right as well to call other's opinions disgusting just because you don't agree with their arguments or their arguments are not nicely spoken, I believe everyone got their own reasons but not everyone is good at expressing exactly what they actually mean.

As you are the one who demands equality so badly, then you should treat people equally as well, you shouldn't speak without any action in reality. You are humiliating those people by saying their opinions/arguments are disgusting, that's disrespectful and extremely offensive I will say.

Why no you guys become more friendly a bit? :)

Displaying those kind if pictures is disrespectful and considerably insulting as well (expression to a complete non-sense argument). Even tho his argument is not understandable you can nicely say "I can't understand your post" instead. Having intention to offend is considered as a behavior-disorder as well, which happens to people nowadays (I read the article more or less a year ago, sadly it's not in English). I believe no one would love to keep their disorders.

Alright, I have been completely off-topic here. I'm just hoping a friendly discussion.

What's wrong with being off-topic anyway? This is off-topic section remember? :p

Actually I do have right to say that. Just as they have the right to find gay sex disgusting. That's the way freedom of speech works.

But I respect your notion that we should keep the debate friendly and I usually try my best to keep the language civilized.
You said:

Nobody kisses like that unless they're about to bone. This means that you think the image implies sexual content, but doesn't actually show sexual content. There is no sex shown in that image, only as you point out implied sex.

How again did I conjure this up?

Now ur shifting the goal posts. You didnt conjure that up, but heres the original strawman you did conjure: "So you want to censor an image because of IMPLIED sexual content."
What in the literal fuck is this still going on for? This is about one obnoxious shit-disturbers avatar. A picture. If it's going to cause this big of an argument, then why doesn't the staff just ask him to do this thing that would solve everything. It's this simple, revolutionary technique called changing the fucking picture.

I'd changed my little 'personal message' thing to "Fuck Islam" to show my support for fucking islam, a religion of sexism, evil and perpetual war, and because it would have bent a couple little extremists out of shape, I was asked to change it, and you know what I did? I changed it!

Sure, I find it distasteful to put content like that up, I'd prefer not to see it, but that shit-disturber is allowed to put that on display here. Just like I could put up a picture of a KKK rally or a German Bakery placed right next to a Jewish Synagogue as my signature, even though it is distasteful to do so. But I hope you realize, he's the type that's loving the fact that everyone on both sides is so bent out of shape over this.
Level 37
Sep 18, 2007
Here I go Tauer, do not fall asleep:

Alright, so your solution is to just give up? Not try to change our conservative ways? If people always thought this way we would still have slaves.
No we would not, as said already.... enslavement is one thing, homosexuals are totally different.
And yes, my solution is just to give up. But not you, I suggest you to keep fighting! Fight via internet! Fight on words, not on acts and see how much you are different than me.

And again I say, even if the majority does think this doesn't make it any better. Anyway this is all up to Ralle to change. If he wants to he will if he doesn't he wont. And if he does change it I'll have to live with that and I can. But that doesn't mean that I agree.
Of course that it is for Ralle to change if he wants. And we all will respect that whatever he decides.
But it will not change fact that we are still winning in poll.

You do have that right. That's called the freedom of speech. But it doesn't make it any less narrow-minded and intolerant.
And who are you to decide if I am narrow-minded and intolerant?
You are basically asking for fight all time. You are pushing it.

I don't think you are deliberately trying to breed hatred and intolerance.
Ok, I am glad that you notice that.

But that is inevitable result of polls like this. By having polls like this you are furthering/supporting the idea that somehow gay sex is more disgusting or less natural than straight sex, even if it is not on purpose.
So because you imagined in your head this gives you right to remove our democratic right to vote or having such poll? Like I said you are trying in any way to sabotage us.
For me it is more disgusting. End of story. I said my statement.

Sure, you do have the right to dislike gay people. Or walk away. So why don't you?
We're not talking about your rights here. What you want is censorship and I don't support that.
That is exactly the point. Why are you talking about their right and not about my rights? What makes them different and so special?
You are beating your own logic. As far I know, gays are equal as everyone of us, so why should they have special treatment?
My rights are even worse than theirs.
Somebody can beat me on street, and nothing will happen. Police will come and that is it.
But if someone beats gay in same way as me, then whole system will come including news papers, just because he is gay. They would completely ignore fact that I ended beaten like him. But I am not gay... so I am not interesting for news.
I can piss on street, then everyone will yell at me for pissing, which is logical. If gay pisses on street, then everyone yells at him, he can always abuse that and say that they yelled at him only because he is gay, otherwise if he is not gay, nobody would yell at him.
You and me can go on conversations for job in some firm. I would be rejected, you would be same rejected, but if gay is rejected, he will abuse and say that employer rejected him because he is gay. And in all cases news will write about it. So no, at least in my country, they have more rights. They can always abuse that to get work or some other privileges.

If you truly wish to block that image, use adblock. It's free.
How can I use that to block signature or avatar?

Why should Ralle waste his time coding this because you can't handle looking at this image? Again that's 100% your own problem.
Wait... why should you care about that? Do you code it or Ralle? What the hell is your problem? It is Ralle's decision as you said already.
Are you blind or something? Are you doing this on purpose to provoke more senseless fights? Do I alone cannot handle that image? Haven't you looked at poll recently? 22 people for now wants this. And many are old members here.

No, I am not. Gay people DO have less rights than straight people. It's a fact. You yourself said that 90% of your country's people are against gay marraige. Would you call that equality?
yes... I do not correctly but I think it is 90% of people. But definitively 80+
Yes they have more rights...
If 10 of us tried to provoke majority with something, we would be beaten. Govermnent would not allow us to do this. But yet again, they allowed 200 gays to walk on pride even those are less than any regular meeting, allowing them to waste govermnent's and national money on soo many police officers etc etc... Not to tell that whole city was in blockade because of that pride
Nobody would allow such meeting with any reasons. They got it. So yes they have even more rights than rest of us.

There are parts of the world where homosexuals get whipped in the street if they get caught. It's the EXACT same situation. Only difference is that people are discriminating based on sexual orientation and not race.
No, it is different. As said already, there were extermination in past based on race, but not on sexual orientation.
Also, you said ,,there are parts of world...." which is true everything which you said.
But I am here, not in that part of world, and I do not care. I have enough of my own problems yet to take care how gays are threatened at other side of world.

And you don't think this is a problem? This right here illustrates everything I'm trying to say.
No it is not. As I said already, they do have more rights, because it is blessing to be gay here. You can abuse it into many parts of life.
They have privilege that 5000 police officers are able to be with them.
We can only dream about that. As said already, government is our enemy, not gays. if 200 of us tries to complain or protest about anything, they wont allow us, they would send police at us to remove us from streets, so we can complain MAYBE, but in park"

Has nothing to do with being a "police officer" I simply disagree with what you're saying. Apparently that means that I'm a gay fan boy.
yes you are

If someone says that homosexuality is unnatural or a mental illness, yeah I'm gonna go ahead and say that they're intolerant. I don't see how that's wrong.
Just because you do not agree on something you call someone intolerant and narrow minded... Basically you are at same mental level as him who said that.

I also find it funny that you're crying about how you're not allowed to voice your opinion when you're doing the exact same thing. I disagree with your notion that we should block these avatars and then you cry about me bashing you and call me names like gay fan boy. How are you any better? Please get off your high horse.

I am better you know why? First, because unlikely you, I said that I do not care about them, thus I will walk away on street. So he will know exactly what about he is with me. But you are different type of people. You voice only over internet while in reality you would not help gay if someone is after him. You would not use stick, rock, or any weapon to protect him, you would stay aside or walk away.
Secondly, you are constantly calling me (and others) narrow minded, and intolerant while you are not different than us, you are just at another side of river. Yet you complain to call you fan boy. I will call you worse if you keep calling me narrow minded.
Thirdly, yes, you are bashing me, I did not talk to you, I just said that I want that option and you came here and constantly are quoting me all time, repeating for 10 fucking times how you disagree. I saw in first post that you disagree. But repeating constantly you are proving why Xonok called you idiot. I cannot write single post here without called narrow minded. So yes, I can voice, but not without some ,,vengeance" or whatever you call it. You are sticking for someone and dont let until someone closes thread.
Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
Here I go Tauer, do not fall asleep:


When did I ever say I wanted to take away your democratic rights? o_O

Have I ever said you couldn't vote about this? No. I said that the poll comes from a bigoted and intolerant way of thinking. Which I still believe to be true. You have a right to say anything you want or vote for anything you want, that doesn't mean I don't have the right to call you out on your homophobic bullshit. Freedom of speech works both ways.

And sure, you go ahead and keep dreaming that being gay is like livin' the dream. Sure. Why the hell do you think they need 5000 police officers dude? It's for fucking protection against people who think like you do.

You can use adblock to block any image on the site. Simply install adblock, choose "block an ad on this site" and click on the image you wanna block. There you go, simple. No need to bother Ralle with your homophobia.

And please, don't pretend like you know me. You have no idea what I would do in real life so don't even go there. That's just a pathetic attempt at discrediting me.

Lastly I'd like to point out that I did not come here quoting anyone. I deliberately came with a reply directed at the idea in general that censoring the site to please intolerants is something I do not agree with. YOU my friend started out quoting everything I said and pointing out why I couldn't say the things I say. YOU are the one trying to take away my democratic rights, not the other way around.

Anyway, Direfury is right. This is pointless. You'll never get me to understand your homophobic ways and I obviously can't change the way you think either. Let's drop it.
Level 4
Jan 2, 2015
And sure, you go ahead and keep dreaming that being gay is like livin' the dream. Sure. Why the hell do you think they need 5000 police officers dude? It's for fucking protection against people who think like you do.

Believe me they do need such huge protection in the country MasterHaosis is from. And there were not just police officers they even brought some armored vehicles. People there have some moral standards which do not allow homosexuals. But EU wants to impose their moral standards to us. And we just cant accept it. And yes they do have so much rights exactly the same as MasterHaosis said. We heterosexuals are discriminated because homosexuals have more rights than we do.
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
This is foolish. Take it somewhere else. Take it to the goddamn chatroom.

And just so we're clear, MH, everything that happens in nature is, by definition, natural. It isn't intolerant for someone to point out that your bigoted bullshit is misplaced and outright toxic. Drop it. The discussion is over.

Give it up Direfury, these two guys will not stop :/


Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
You two just stop right here. Your debate is heading nowhere, you keep debating and repeating same arguments again and again. Eventually, Tauer will never convince MH and otherwise even after decades of debate, cz you guys have your own way of thinking. You should respect each other's opinion. MH got his own opinion, so does Tauer, why is it so hard to accept this? You are wasting your time here.


Map Reviewer
Level 32
Feb 19, 2011
I don't find the picture really sexual
(tho it's hot lol)
and should not be banned.

I also do not get the people saying that it's not producive or nothing good comes out of it. I have to say I totally disagree with those arguments. A lot of good comes out of it. People that support gay rights can publicly express it. Also we can think of a scenario that there is this young lesbian/gay person who wants to come out but is afraid to tell it to any one (in real life). So I think she/he finds it relieving that some forum that he uses (which can have a lot of really important persons as users (I know I have atleast)) does not ban such pictures and using such image can be wordless message to tell people something. People interested can ask what the user tries to say with the picture.

To the admins/moderators I really want to thank you for standing steady with this subject and allowing those pictures (at least so far) as they really mean a lot to many people.

Also thanks to the people that uses/used such images they gave me quite a few "aaaw... come one"-moments. (not only that kind of images but it's always nice to see something more unique than just a basic avatar. :p

I had to come back just for this

Orcy this line
As for the site rules, we wouldn't allow images that may cropped out from sex-related contents such as near pinpoints of the reproductive system(I'm too shy to say it, I meant to say penis or vegena), or the obvious - intercourse.
Thanks for that xD made my day
Level 37
Sep 18, 2007
Pravda, They do not know this because they do not live here man. When they lose nerves they called us homophobic even if we are not like that.

Ah those tricks are not working for me. Insulting me, than closing discussion.
I will now reply and close discussion for myself.

your homophobic bullshit.
It's for fucking protection against people who think like you do.
your homophobia.
your homophobic ways
That is insult for me. And only because of respect for Keiji who is watching this thread and moderators whose are in charge here (cause I know them for long time) I will skip that, otherwise I would tell you something which will you not like.
I will jut tell you that you are arrogant fool, and I am done with you here in this thread.
And to remind you to see poll.

And just so we're clear, MH, everything that happens in nature is, by definition, natural.
Yes, and according to that definition and those diseases, wars, people killing each other constantly on street, weather catastrophes (caused by people destroying nature) and even so called ,,homophobia" (which is not proven) here are also natural because it happened in nature. Therefore normal.

It isn't intolerant for someone to point out that your bigoted bullshit is misplaced and outright toxic. Drop it. The discussion is over.

I understand Tauer, and everyone else, but you are not allowed to tell my statements bullshit because ,,I'd changed my little 'personal message' thing to "Fuck Islam" to show my support for fucking islam, a religion of sexism, evil and perpetual war," you, who wrote that are much worse than me. I do not ned to explain why. You are 10 times more intolerant than I am.
And no, I wont reply you any more. Now I am finishing discussion, you can write whatever you want.
Level 23
Apr 16, 2012
This is foolish. Take it somewhere else. Take it to the goddamn chatroom.

And just so we're clear, MH, everything that happens in nature is, by definition, natural. It isn't intolerant for someone to point out that your bigoted bullshit is misplaced and outright toxic. Drop it. The discussion is over.

explosions happen naturally, are jihadists natural then?


Map Reviewer
Level 32
Feb 19, 2011
explosions happen naturally, are jihadists natural then?

He said he drops the topic, you should do so aswell. Calm down every one maybe return to the original topic.

Even if some one did not want those pictures around their screens does not make them homophobic.

I, too, have some times been against certain things only to stand by the rules.



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
The best way to return on-topic would be to post on-topic stuff. To say it's off-topic is just a fire signal for staff members to think the thread has spiraled out of control or something and come close it.

Which would be a shame. For some reason, religion and homosexuality are the two most recurring subjects around here, no matter what's on the table. Granted, this thread had the tendency to go there. It would be interesting to reach a consensus so it finally stops popping up every now and then.

EDIT: I voted for the second and the last, even though the question is tricky. I'm opposed to that image because it was posted with the sole purpose of aggravating people.
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Wow, never have I simultaneously wished so strongly to both be a part of this conversation, and not. :D

Welp, guess I'll just post on-topic and respond to what may come.


I voted [No], and almost voted for the 3rd option, except I'm not a fan of making Ralle do extra work that Adblock can already do (though then again, since I check this site on a few different computers, it would be nice to have a localized option).

I voted this way due in large part to the fact that I believe those who choose such avatar(s) are doing so primarily to aggravate/troll/annoy others, rather than any kind of 'activism'; this I cannot abide. I will not hide the fact, though, that I find such images personally distasteful due to their twin qualities of sensuality/sexuality & homoeroticism. I understand that THW isn't necessarily known as a "bring your kids to work" site, but I feel this generally has a more family-friendly stance in principal.

To answer some random guy's question from earlier on; if it were a heterosexual couple making out in the same fashion, I would still be disturbed & consider it inappropriate... Though again I cannot hide the fact that I would not view it as poorly as the former.
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Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
If something is done with the intention of trolling, let's not muddy the topic up with a huge debate, like the troll wants.

Instead, just put the troll in their place before all of this happens. By which I mean, change the scumbags avatar and move on.
I agree. The trouble is, who grades intent? How can we really tell the difference between activism and annoyance (question of the ages right there... :p)? Even better, who to determine honesty at it's heart?

Tricky business.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
I voted this way due in large part to the fact that I believe those who choose such avatar(s) are doing so primarily to aggravate/troll/annoy others, rather than any kind of 'activism'; this I cannot abide.

In that case the last thing you should do is bring attention to to the subject because a response is what the troll is looking for. When you choose your action you also choose the reaction. Instead what you should is report the person if you find his picture too inappropriate and if the moderators don't feel the same way you do just ignore it.


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
if the moderators don't feel the same way you do just ignore it

And the one who considered it to be inappropriate still have to look at something he/she don't want to. Nothing have changed, nor will it.

edit: not to mention that inappropriate is different for each person, so the result of this report could vary depending which staff member look at it. Keiji stated that the staff doesn't consider this inappropriate, however there are ex-staff members that don't agree. So pressing the report button is not enough in this case, according to me anyway.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
And the one who considered it to be inappropriate still have to look at something he/she don't want to. Nothing have changed, nor will it.

edit: not to mention that inappropriate is different for each person, so the result of this report could vary depending which staff member look at it. Keiji stated that the staff doesn't consider this inappropriate, however there are ex-staff members that don't agree. So pressing the report button is not enough in this case, according to me anyway.

Well Ralle decide the rules of the moderators and the moderators decide what this forum is supposed to look like I doubt there's much power we have.
Level 23
Apr 16, 2012
this thing arouses once again.

I will add to this, even tho mods clearly want Mag's magical juice out of the we know what(I dont care about consequences in this regard).

1. While you argue it is not sexual, it still is, because you can clearly see that it is cut from some porn or shit.

2. Even if not sexual, it is still inappropriate. What does it have to do with anything regarding wc3 or sc2?

3. It is clear that Mag made it his avatar just to fuck around with people(namely annoy, disturbe), not to prove a point whatsoever.

4. Can be considered trolling, and the rule:
Amendment: No Pornographic, Sexual, Vulgar, Obscene or Gory Content
- We're not aiming to be a family friendly site, but we're also not anarchists. All content
should be relevant, none-intrusive and civilized.

Next time you make rules, make sure you exclude stuff like that from there, or stand up your game and actually do something to people, even ex-staff that breaks them.(His avatar is intrusive).

If you want to go against me with "Oh but for sure man and woman kissing is fine.", then I dont give a shit, ban that too.

Also rule:
- Any instance of flaming, trolling, insulting, patronizing, threatening, harassing and bad-mouthing of any members of the site should be kept at a minimum.

If we consider his avatar as trolling, it is not really minimalistic, since he has like 6800 posts + god knows how many in off topic.

All in all, now try to prove that it is not inappropriate or intrusive, and if you think it isnt, change the rules




It's time to let me make bullshit...

I cannot tolerate anymore... Sorry for breaking site rules's content, which is to talk politely.
- - - - - - -
Now, let me say. I dislike it because I know that it is bad. I'm rational, of course Magtheridon96 is not rational. I ignore him ady. I feel so happy that I add him into my ignore list.

One of my good friend is jealous to his avatar so he did the same thing which Magtheridon96 has done. I adviced him to change back avatar. If he didn't do that, I will remove him from my friend list and ignore him too.
- - - - - - -
It is prohibited, but it seems it is success to be made and Magtheridon96 is free from getting sanction by right persons. So, it means that THW's rules are dead. Rules were supposed to be "the largest" but since they are made by people who make rules as "the largest", thus the "rules maker" is "the largest", not the rules.

Is THW website pure? If no, please change it to an impure website. Otherwise, sanction him RIGHT NOW! No excuse!
- - - - - - -
Sorry, this is my true form. I still think that THW is "entirely" pure but it seems it still contains something that should not appeared! Magtheridon96 and his supporters who like his bad avatar are "beasts". Let you get angry, I don't care! I don't care that Magtheridon96 is right just because his bad avatar is "good".

His bad avatar is harmful. He is just ruining our "culture" until now. He is trying to change our pure "culture" to bad "culture". We were supposed to live in a harmony civilization. I know that once someone marry someone, they will do that for them to have children for the next generation but it doesn't mean that Magtheridon96's bad avatar is good at all just because he did the "right" thing.
- - - - - - -
His supporters and he are just corrupted and tainted. He is not "right"! He did something that is opposed. His avatar is "unclean". All "dirty" men are sure to say that it is good, it is right, it is "nice". No, it is bad at all because it is harmful.

All "dirty" guys cannot know and understand other people's feeling. If someone who is under age see that bad avatar, they will learn and may do the thing that they should not do. Bad guys often don't care about Magtheridon96's bad avatar just because they are not responsible to someone who are "good". Magtheridon96, why don't you post your "porn" image at porn website or Facebook instead of posting that avatar here? Oh, I see! I guess you have done bribery so someone don't betray you!
- - - - - - -
Magtheridon96 is "brute"! You
I'm sure that all guys will be going to deduct my reps one (especially banning me). I can know it because there are bad "right persons" who try to support "bad" persons and punish "good" persons. I don't care!

Magtheridon96 and all his supporters are very, very, very bad. I complain you because I'm oj! I'm not you because I'm oj! I'm not "bad" as you because I'm OJ! I just do what I think I'm right.

Someone is right, sometimes I must be cruel and be kind! THW, I'm sorry that my current post is against your rules! I'm against THW's rules so I can did something that is right, which is to give advice to all THW "right persons" that Magtheridon96 is severe in making PORN! HE SHOULD BE SANCTIONED!
- - - - - - -
It is the general truth. Am I right?
If your answer is no, you are beast!
You want yourself to be popular and also confirm that you will not be sanctioned just because you are better in doing modding. It's not fair to free "bad" persons with talents from being sanctioned!

This is what I behave like in Garena+, this is my true form. My true form is that I'm a rude person but I did all right! Seriously, I'm
disappointed with THW's bad users!

Not all guys are right, so bad guys think that good guys are not right. On the contrary, good guys know that bad guys are not right. It could go on a while... And other guys' reps, including mine will be deducted because we are "right" who are against THW rules for justice! No fair! Black point is always at there!
- - - - - - -
It is
bullshit and nonsense
because my post is useless, all guys will still think that Magtheridon96 is "not bad" and he will not be sanctioned. There is no
! This world is too old and bleeding!

Why don't all of you make a bad avatar rating system? (why do all of you make
Last edited by a moderator:


Map Reviewer
Level 32
Feb 19, 2011
Seriously I wrote a good comment to this post above but I accidentally removed it twice already and I really don't want to write it again. So I just include the major points in a few short sentences.

1. How is Mag's avatar harmful in any way? It's two persons kissing, it's not porn. Look definition of porn if you don't know what it is. It is material which is clearly made to cause sexual arousal.

2. We don't share the same culture, so do not expect people to behave like you might in every topic.

If someone who is under age see that bad avatar, they will learn and may do the thing that they should not do.
What might possibly be the thing that is not allowed?

4. Don't classify people as good/bad.

5. I don't think there is a correct answer on this topic, so no one is "right" or "wrong".

6. Rules are not broken, they haven't been broken yet. (Except you might have broken them in your comment.

And now I want to sharpen my comment a bit. Following image is not classified as "porn" it's a magazine cover. People, including small children can see magazine covers in shopping malls, commercials etc. etc.
In case you don't want to see the magazine cover (Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition) do not open the hidden tag. Mag's Avatar is not classified as "porn" neither is this image:

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
I cannot tolerate anymore... Sorry for breaking site rules's content, which is to talk politely.

This one statement already makes the rest of your post completely invalid and shows that it'd be better to simply ignore it, but I'll not tolerate your ignorant behaviour.

Now, let me say. I dislike it because I know that it is bad. I'm rational, of course Magtheridon96 is not rational. I ignore him ady. I feel so happy that I add him into my ignore list.

Wow, that must be the most understandable reaction I've ever seen. Really, I'm proud of you!
Not. This statement is nothing but laughable.

One of my good friend is jealous to his avatar so he did the same thing which Magtheridon96 has done. I adviced him to change back avatar. If he didn't do that, I will remove him from my friend list and ignore him too.

TheLordOfChaos for some reason felt attacked by this picture, he wasn't jealous of it. He put a woman kissing a man picture because he thought, for some very strange reason, that he'd have to "fight for heterosexuals" this way. None of them is breaking any rules.

It is prohibited, but it seems it is success to be made and Magtheridon96 is free from getting sanction by right persons. So, it means that THW's rules are dead. Rules were supposed to be "the largest" but since they are made by people who make rules as "the largest", thus the "rules maker" is "the largest", not the rules.

No, it's not prohibited since two people kissing doesn't count as sexual content. The Hive rules are not dead, thinking otherwise is just wrong.
Are you going to ask every couple kissing in public to be punished for it?

Is THW website pure? If no, please change it to an impure website. Otherwise, sanction him RIGHT NOW! No excuse!

There's no need to excuse or to sanction anyone, no rules have been broken. The fact that you dislike the picture (Yes, I admit, I'm not too fond of it myself, but I don't care, neither should you) doesn't mean it breaks any rules.

Sorry, this is my true form. I still think that THW is "entirely" pure but it seems it still contains something that should not appeared! Magtheridon96 and his supporters who like his bad avatar are "beasts". Let you get angry, I don't care! I don't care that Magtheridon96 is right just because his bad avatar is "good".

I really don't have to reply anything here.

His bad avatar is harmful. He is just ruining our "culture" until now. He is trying to change our pure "culture" to bad "culture". We were supposed to live in a harmony civilization. I know that once someone marry someone, they will do that for them to have children for the next generation but it doesn't mean that Magtheridon96's bad avatar is good at all just because he did the "right" thing.

You know that here are several cultures on this site, right? No? Didn't think so anyway.
It's a KISS if you didn't get that by now. I don't know what it's like in your place, but in civilized places, this isn't forbidden and one of the most natural things in life.

His supporters and he are just corrupted and tainted. He is not "right"! He did something that is opposed. His avatar is "unclean". All "dirty" men are sure to say that it is good, it is right, it is "nice". No, it is bad at all because it is harmful.
All "dirty" guys cannot know and understand other people's feeling. If someone who is under age see that bad avatar, they will learn and may do the thing that they should not do. Bad guys often don't care about Magtheridon96's bad avatar just because they are not responsible to someone who are "good".

"Dirty", "Unclean", "Corrupted", "Tainted"? What the hell are you talking about?
Oh, right, my bad. Nonsense.

Magtheridon96, why don't you post your "porn" image at porn website or Facebook instead of posting that avatar here? Oh, I see! I guess you have done bribery so someone don't betray you!

Yeah, sure. The admins/mods would SURELY allow people to put pictures like this for some money and of course a user would be willing to pay for this privilege. Bullshit.

Magtheridon96 is "brute"! You
I'm sure that all guys will be going to deduct my reps one (especially banning me). I can know it because there are bad "right persons" who try to support "bad" persons and punish "good" persons. I don't care!

Oh, have we reached the point of insulting others because of a simple .gif file now?
"Bad right persons"? I'm sorry, your english is extremely bad, did you just insult all mods and admins?

Magtheridon96 and all his supporters are very, very, very bad. I complain you because I'm oj! I'm not you because I'm oj! I'm not "bad" as you because I'm OJ! I just do what I think I'm right.

I don't care about that.

Someone is right, sometimes I must be cruel and be kind! THW, I'm sorry that my current post is against your rules! I'm against THW's rules so I can did something that is right, which is to give advice to all THW "right persons" that Magtheridon96 is severe in making PORN! HE SHOULD BE SANCTIONED!

Kiss =/= porn. Did I make that clear already?

It is the general truth. Am I right?
If your answer is no, you are beast!
You want yourself to be popular and also confirm that you will not be sanctioned just because you are better in doing modding. It's not fair to free "bad" persons with talents from being sanctioned!

Are you paranoid or something?

This is what I behave like in Garena+, this is my true form. My true form is that I'm a rude person but I did all right! Seriously, I'm
disappointed with THW's bad users!

If you really feel that way: Feel free to leave.

Not all guys are right, so bad guys think that good guys are not right. On the contrary, good guys know that bad guys are not right. It could go on a while... And other guys' reps, including mine will be deducted because we are "right" who are against THW rules for justice! No fair! Black point is always at there!

You're the only one breaking rules here.

It is
bullshit and nonsense
because my post is useless, all guys will still think that Magtheridon96 is "not bad" and he will not be sanctioned. There is no
! This world is too old and bleeding!

Your post is nonsense.

Why don't all of you make a bad avatar rating system? (why do all of you make

Because that'd be nonsense.


To sum it up: Your post is nonsense and insulting. I see only you breaking the rules here and your statements are pure ignorance and nonsense combined with insults.




... Shar Dundred...

Sorry, I forget that it is just a "kiss".

But... That kind of avatar is naked .gif...

So... how... I realised that there is a rating system... Okay...

I'm sorry... I forget that THW is made from Denmark... I mean... My culture is different a bit. We don't show our body so much...




Thank you, guys...

It is just like a boy goes out without wearing a shirt...

Okay... I get it...

It is not sxx. Okay... I just got madness with that avatar previously... Sorry...
Thank you, guys...

It is just like a boy goes out without wearing a shirt...

Okay... I get it...

It is not sxx. Okay... I just got madness with that avatar previously... Sorry...

well.. this'll probably remain here to remind you just what you did, probably is embarrassing, but it could be teaching you to be more tolerant next time.
mag's avatar is not porn, even tho i myself find it somewhat annoying

so.. i won't ask of you anything like apologizing or so, but, you know.. you worked yourself up over it, without thinking it through.. so now you should at least ponder a bit

have a good rest of your day tho..
I'm not going to read the entire thread, but here's my two cents:

It's not about whether it's a man and a man kissing, a woman and a woman kissing, or a man and a woman kissing.

It's about the nature of the kiss. Some kisses are loving. Some kisses are lusting. There's nothing wrong with a couple that loves each other sharing lust for each other, but that still doesn't change the fact that it's sexual in nature. I didn't come by this in time to see what picture you're talking about, but I have a feeling I know which one; I remember a user with an avatar of two men kissing that seemed a bit too sexual to me. If a man and a woman were kissing the same way, I would say the same thing; it's too sexual for an avatar. If it was posted in a thread where it was relevant to the topic, I think it would be fine, but two people making out like there's no tomorrow is something that some people don't mind, that others really don't want to see; they shouldn't be subjected to it if they aren't putting themselves in a position where they should expect to see that sort of thing.

Sure, you can say "be tolerant, get used to it". But aren't you being intolerant of them by saying so? Wouldn't it be easier to just respect that they don't want to be disturbed, so that they can in return respect whatever you'd prefer not to see, as well?
Many threads do in Hive. Most of the users are intelligent as hell, meaning it's useful and worthy to actually listen to their opinions.

This place makes me feel really inferior at times :ogre_rage:
(basically always D;)

... some people don't mind, that others really don't want to see; they shouldn't be subjected to it if they aren't putting themselves in a position where they should expect to see that sort of thing.

Sure, you can say "be tolerant, get used to it". But aren't you being intolerant of them by saying so? Wouldn't it be easier to just respect that they don't want to be disturbed, so that they can in return respect whatever you'd prefer not to see, as well?

Considering the poll results, this kind of sums up the issue of some people thinking that removing this kind of stuff will cause issue while others are actually having issues with this kind of content.
I would think there is more than enough people disturbed by this kind of content to not really take action.

Issues issues issues.
This kind of content can be contained and controlled by soft general rules and not necessarily by hard rules that have loopholes.
Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
I'm not going to read the entire thread, but here's my two cents:

It's not about whether it's a man and a man kissing, a woman and a woman kissing, or a man and a woman kissing.

It's about the nature of the kiss. Some kisses are loving. Some kisses are lusting. There's nothing wrong with a couple that loves each other sharing lust for each other, but that still doesn't change the fact that it's sexual in nature. I didn't come by this in time to see what picture you're talking about, but I have a feeling I know which one; I remember a user with an avatar of two men kissing that seemed a bit too sexual to me. If a man and a woman were kissing the same way, I would say the same thing; it's too sexual for an avatar. If it was posted in a thread where it was relevant to the topic, I think it would be fine, but two people making out like there's no tomorrow is something that some people don't mind, that others really don't want to see; they shouldn't be subjected to it if they aren't putting themselves in a position where they should expect to see that sort of thing.

Sure, you can say "be tolerant, get used to it". But aren't you being intolerant of them by saying so? Wouldn't it be easier to just respect that they don't want to be disturbed, so that they can in return respect whatever you'd prefer not to see, as well?

Following that logic, wouldn't you say that a picture of a person with a lusting
smile or sensual eyes would be considered "erotic" and therefore be prohibited
by the rules? I just honestly don't see why we should narrow everything
down so much. If you walk through the city, chances are you might see this,
if you sift through threads, chances are you'll see an avatar like this.

In either case you can look away, and you can't ban it.
If I had a picture of two people fingering eachother, but didn't show genetalia, or their hands, I'd be asked to take it down because it's sexual content. Two people naked, engaging eachother should just be considered sexual content for simplicities' sake. If you have a picture of you and your girl/boyfriend sharing a kiss in public, that's fine, go ahead.

This is fucking ridiculous that you people are still obsessing over it. You're being petty and obnoxious, and doing exactly what that fuck with the avatar in question wants.
Following that logic, wouldn't you say that a picture of a person with a lusting
smile or sensual eyes would be considered "erotic" and therefore be prohibited
by the rules? I just honestly don't see why we should narrow everything
down so much. If you walk through the city, chances are you might see this,
if you sift through threads, chances are you'll see an avatar like this.

In either case you can look away, and you can't ban it.

You don't, however, see two naked people making out in public.
You don't? M'kay...

Maybe you see naked people making out in public everywhere you look in your country? I don't know what your laws are like.

But I've never seen that in public here.

In case you skipped over the word the first few times it was mentioned in this discussion, the terms stressed were naked applied to making out, taking place in public.


Map Reviewer
Level 32
Feb 19, 2011
Maybe you see naked people making out in public everywhere you look in your country? I don't know what your laws are like.

But I've never seen that in public here.

In case you skipped over the word the first few times it was mentioned in this discussion, the terms stressed were naked applied to making out, taking place in public.

Having shirt off does not count as "naked" at least not for men in my country. It's called being "shirtless".
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