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Idaero do ART #2019+2*2

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Level 15
Dec 21, 2013

WELCOME! I'm back! Currently I am back to drawing because I wanted to do commision so i can buy a PC but nobody wanted me although I sell cheap. Sooooo sad ;(((((((
SO now my pen tab is 1 years old but its skill doesnt improve. THis pen tab should be have a special passive skill to boost my drawing ;( And i'm still here just waiting for true stable patch to start modding again
I actually post my recent art in Media, but I saw my old art thread, and they looks cool XD Kinda fun to see all of my old drawing in one place, compact view, So i wanted to do it. Might be take time though because i am lazy..... errr... actually "Media" view is better and easier. so nvm this lol. Why I make this thread again? Deepstrazaas force me ;(

As an opening to make people subscribe this thread, this is my best so far. Some of them are great but i have no idea how to make it again, kinda make it by luck
More on my Media Album

Oh right, and I also started to record speedpaint because I found a really light program to record timelaspe, Cafe Recorder. other programs just make my laptop overheat and death

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Level 28
Nov 12, 2007
I really like these two:


On these both your painting and linework look more fluid and confident, while the execution of the others look a bit more stiff and insecure. So keep improving on so you can get a more professional execution (like these two above) consistently on all your drawings! Also we can see you have a recurring theme on which you feel comfortable, right - how about trying something different than those thin good looking girls now and then? =P Anyway, good work!
Level 15
Dec 21, 2013
I really like these two:


On these both your painting and linework look more fluid and confident, while the execution of the others look a bit more stiff and insecure. So keep improving on so you can get a more professional execution (like these two above) consistently on all your drawings! Also we can see you have a recurring theme on which you feel comfortable, right - how about trying something different than those thin good looking girls now and then? =P Anyway, good work!
Hmm... why i havent reply this o.o
Thanks! i have no idea how i made those two o.o Already tried to recreate them but its worse.

.... I havent post here again. Here is some sketches from last week. I havent draw again lol, so i only do copy sketch to loosen my hand. did 3 color, and my workflow is worst (that one with red arrow, took me 1 hour -_-)
Soon is holiday, so i have been thinking to grind drawing hands, and make lot my fav male game characters. Back then i love draw Master Chief/arbiter, clone boys, dmc, and final fantasy (dissidia). MALE. Damn i miss them. No more thin good looking girls. (its thick beefy time!!)


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Level 15
Dec 21, 2013
Havent finish anything :((
Just keep adding my wip queue

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Level 15
Dec 21, 2013
I like the busty brunette in the top right of the 4 girls that's in that last post you should finish her off for sure she is looking good.
My 2nd fav is probably in that same image the girl with black and green hair.
Hmm... so you dont know fighting games and dont know anime XD
Btw, thanks. I also think they both are the best from the other. I’ll make sure i finish them this month :p
If you want to know, that busty girl is Ibuki from StreetFighter. And Black hair is Fubuki from One Punch Man anime. Then the green hair is Tatsumaki, Fubuki’s big sister.

Then I have this. A submission for a One-Month-Length Event to draw 2 characters. The deadline is today on 12PM, and I just started it on 8PM. So not finished yet but I submit it. Need to do final render, maybe 2 hours more.
Took me one hour to get reference and make it right (using ref from 3dmodel from sketchfab) (my god damn slow laptop cant handle 3d model :((( )(I already have the concept one month ago), one hour sketching. Half hour for base color and basic shadow. another half to put some proper shadow mark. And one hour to render major thing and fix some major stuff.

That leg looks broken and i cant find a way to fix it :(


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Level 5
Oct 20, 2007
I'm guessing your talking about the leg up in the air it looks a bit short to me. I could only imagine a calf would fit inside there. Maybe just select the shoe and move it down a bit more to make space for a shin to fit in there too then draw in some more pants. The down leg also seems like it would look better if the sock was covered by the pants, I meant I never see someones socks when they are wearing pants. Also I think you should add some color to her eyes. Other then that it's looks pretty cool. And I'm in no way trying to make you feel bad drawing is very hard for me and you are better then me. I been trying to draw some anime chicks over the last few weeks and I fail so hard on shoes.. I tried 3 times to draw shoes for this chick and gave up and drew boots instead lol.

"Hmm... so you dont know fighting games and dont know anime XD"
I know some but not those ones I guess.
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Level 15
Dec 21, 2013
The down leg also seems like it would look better if the sock was covered by the pants, I meant I never see someones socks when they are wearing pants. Also I think you should add some color to her eyes.
Actually, its not socks. I’m just forgot to color it :p Also, as I said, its not finished yet, I rushed it because of deadline but cant make it.
Anyway, thanks! I really love getting some opinions!

Hmm lovely, yes yes. It's been a while,
Senpai!! .. wait... are you one of my senpai? Hmm... cant remember. All of my senpais are gone :(( Now you gonna be my senpai

New wip. Still need to fix those hands. Havent finish any previos work. I also redraw my old art, Popuri from Harvest Moon, but didnt save it to my phone. In last 2 days I sleep 12hours a day :((


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Level 15
Dec 21, 2013
Thanks to deepstarza for telling me about the hand on right side. Actually, jk, I already know that lololololol. But still, thanks!

Finally finished this. Max and Jefferson from Life is Strange, requested by someone on Amino. Took me quite long time:
- 2.5hours to sketch, finding pose, and initial stuff, also clean up a bit (i actually sketched like around 8 poses, this one seems the most casual and easy)
- 1.5 hours to color it, to give rough idea (planned to have unique lighting, but ended up to a normal lighting :0 )
- 1.5 hours to final render it, also post edit

First time to draw facial hair and glasses. That male face a bit weird imho. Also just realized that their eyes missed contact. And i’m just giving random rim light to make it cool Xd

Share your opinions also critique me senpai
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Level 24
May 15, 2013
Senpai!! .. wait... are you one of my senpai? Hmm... cant remember. All of my senpais are gone :(( Now you gonna be my senpai

Lol, can't remember or is not necessary. But that's awesome semi-realism artwork there, clearly a next level of what you've used to do.

View attachment 324576
Thanks to deepstarza for telling me about the hand on right side. Actually, jk, I already know that lololololol. But still, thanks!

Finally finished this. Max and Jefferson from Life is Strange, requested by someone on Amino. Took me quite long time:
- 2.5hours to sketch, finding pose, and initial stuff, also clean up a bit (i actually sketched like around 8 poses, this one seems the most casual and easy)
- 1.5 hours to color it, to give rough idea (planned to have unique lighting, but ended up to a normal lighting :0 )
- 1.5 hours to final render it, also post edit

First time to draw facial hair and glasses. That male face a bit weird imho. Also just realized that their eyes missed contact. And i’m just giving random rim light to make it cool Xd

Share your opinions also critique me senpai

Luvly, not gonna be anatomy-wise for this, but more on the light, colors and mood. Its an awesome digi-painting actually, the level and focus of details to their faces and expressions lures me to that part of the artwork. The shading is very well done too. The color choice you used (including from your previous uploads) are nice, emphasizing good shades in the tone of colors contrasting or complimenting for the base color. Some things I've found the need for you to look at, the man's right fingers which is textured seemingly flat; the crumples/creases (lol forgot what they're called) at the lower part of the woman's pants at the thighs aren't very distinguishable as one and looks flat; and I guess the woman's hands are too skinny, normally their hands have some smoothness around the joints. There's also that notion I'm seeing that the woman's head and hair rather are bigger than the man, that's why the woman's eying his beard instead ;p. The rimlights for me, are too strong or bright (the use of light blue was nice, but I think you could have gone for a little bit deeper saturated blue so as to reduce the light strength), although its actually nice, it gives some confusion to where the main light source (which appears to be at the top front of the artwork)

Well at least that's what I managed to observe. Either way, this is even even even (lol) better than what I do. Great work man ;3 you've gone so much progress to your style and digital painting skillz
Level 15
Dec 21, 2013
Thanks for your amazing wisdom @Edge45 !!! You said you not gonna be anatomy-wise, but you mention hand size and head size Xd
Thanks for the compliment although mostly idk if i made them o.o Hands always been a trouble for me, actually havent have proper exercise for it. I’m gonna do full hands grinding on holiday soon. idk why having confusing main light souce is good o.o

And some progress which i wont finish because i kinda hate it. Kinda make me hate myself ._. That blonde girl not really work as i imagined. And i’m getting sick of drawing couples. Then decided to draw anime style because there are some event for anime style, just some copy from GGXrd.

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Level 15
Dec 21, 2013
I got a new laptop and that makes me do less drawing. Only make these 4 since my last post lol. I wont improve if i keep this. ITS STILL HOLIDAY AND I SHOULD BE PRODUCTIVE o_O052CD800-1A29-4CDA-9139-EE8AF976A7C1.jpeg9C52B7E3-3D45-486D-87D0-3C40AEC6643B.jpeg54636FD7-C26E-486B-900C-EAC63F8C8B7E.jpegBDC9FBBB-D1C5-45D3-AF7B-92D8BE95ABBF.jpeg
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Level 15
Dec 21, 2013
Happy holidays!

My luckiest art this month o.o
Then tried to draw again (Elsa), and cant get lucky enough. #ihaventwatchfrozen2
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Level 15
Dec 21, 2013
Haha! I tricked Ralle to visit my thread! Ralle approved my art :p

Anyway, reviving to for a question but its already answered lol. Thanks Google!
Was looking for my senpai @TheKurt009 . Turned out that we posted on reddit for commission but I didnt see it o.o And somehow Master Goblin already followed my senpai on Instagram but I didnt know it :( And my senpai is followed by popular artists too o.o

Anyway, since this thread is unlocked, I'm just gonna post my works so far. I didnt draw much until I got quarantined (although I already quarantined my self from the beginning lol)

2020_06_15_00_01_IMG_1412.JPG 2020_06_15_22_22_IMG_1430.JPG
^ This is photo study of Saito Asuka, a member of Nogizaka46's 1st Generation. Probably some Japanese idol, idk. She really looks my ex but stay young o.o Especially when she smile/laugh.

2020_06_17_00_20_IMG_1479.JPG 2020_06_18_00_05_IMG_1512.JPG
^ This is art/style study of artstation.com/mamamba . I managed to replicate it but I cant make it again lol. It consist of ton of Overlay Layer to make it soft.

^ a fanart of Khun from Tower of God, celebrating its anime release. This is my lazy original style :p Hand should be bigger

^ This is my first commission ever!! yey! From r/HungryArtist . Only $30, got tips $10. Kinda underprice but idk. Totally not satisfied with it, but at least the client liked it

2020_06_28_20_03_IMG_1739.JPG 2020_06_30_20_40_IMG_1778.JPG
^ Fanart of Kaguya-sama anime and 2b of Nier Automata. This style is highly inspire from Navigavi and HungryClicker on Twitter. I really wanted to keep this style. Its anime style but kinda painterly. It works by doing clean sketch (not lineart) and then after finished apply most render, render it again by doing total paintover.

2020_07_03_21_59_IMG_1927.JPG 2020_07_09_19_46_IMG_3054.JPG
^ Doing paint over of my old artwork. 2018 vs 2020. The style on that purple hair turned really great imho, I'll try to manage it

2020_07_02_21_28_IMG_1855.JPG 2020_07_05_21_41_IMG_2095.JPG 2020_07_08_23_02_IMG_3044.JPG 2020_07_11_21_26_IMG_3077.JPG 2020_07_13_13_41_IMG_3093.JPG
^ Celebrating the release of Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town. Available on Switch and Steam!! This is a remake of Harvest Moon Friends of Mineral Town (GBA) (which was a remake of Harvest Moon Back To Nature (PS1)). I draw both their new design and old design as kid version.
The first one is the nurse, Elly. I wanted to make my previous anime style inspire from Navigavi and hungryClicker, but kinda failed.
The second one is the librarian, Marie/Maria. This one I managed to make it properly
The third one is the waitress/chef, Ran/Ann. Its not really the same style imho, but kinda works
The fourth one is Karen the shopkeeper, with new character Jennifer. So I really failing the style.
The fifth, last one, is Popuri the waifu. I really messed up the style ._____. Rushed this because of event deadline in 4 hours

2020_07_15_21_07_IMG_3182.JPG 2020_07_17_22_53_IMG_3230.JPG
^ Because I'm not satisfied with last work, I decided to make semi realist with my experimental style. Popuri turned great but the next one, not so good comparing to it. Sad face. Maybe because its a bit rushed and I got a bit flu. Both are 3 hours work

Follow me on Instagram @idaero_art and Twitter @idaero_ace
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Welcome back! : )

Definitely good works! But I see one point at the moment, most of your pieces are having too much bright background, which prevents from showing beautiful forms, killing rim lights. Make their background darker and try defining the forms better and better using rim lights, it's really helpful according to what I've observed and experienced so far.

However I'm not really pro at manga style, this may not be that much of an issue. If it's so, all good then. :]
Level 15
Dec 21, 2013
Welcome back! : )
Thanks for the feedback.
Usually I used that safe 50% gray, but recently I saw cool art that manage to have such bright background. But now you mentioned it, I take a lot at them properly. Turned out that they are not that bright o.o
Also decided to view them as grayscale, most of them still keep strong contrast.
Level 15
Dec 21, 2013
Just another routine filling up the server with random stuff. I thought I already posted a bit more recent works here o.o
Merry Christmas!

^ this 2 actually a redraw of my older work (one of it is on previous page!)

com therealdwf finish.jpg commis ffxvi enyi FIN WM.jpg commiss ddeliverance finish.jpg comm Lutemis finish 1.jpg
^ and these 4 are commission work. Working for other people = more effort, which take at least 7 hours (that female portrait was 20 hours work), while usually I only takes up to 4 hours.

Also, senpai @Gekigengar is actually having a discord community for art stuff with some RPG system like exp thingy, join here Join the ArtVenturer's Guild Discord Server!
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Level 15
Dec 21, 2013
Really good stuff, man.
Great stuff as usual!
Thank you! ^2

And more uploads o.o
lily storyofseasons day1 3 crop.jpgfelicity harvestmoon new begining.jpg2021_02_20_23_03_IMG_6325.JPG2021_02_07_17_05_IMG_5583.JPG2021_02_13_01_05_IMG_5898.JPG2021_02_03_23_38_IMG_5535.JPGBlaire.JPG
Featuring Lily (friends of mineral town), Felicity (Harvert Moon A new beginning), Iris (story of seasons),pioneers of olive town default MC, Linh, Reina, Blaire
commission Leora final.jpgcommission ohbeeTwitter final.jpgcommission ohbeeTwitter2 final.jpgcommission grey FINISH.jpgcommission Mercury5 finish.jpgcommission bee6 gray mom wip7.jpg
I forgot their name o.o The last one is still wip, she is number 4's mother. I can't make older woman o.o She supposed to be late 40 lol
Commission Diego finish2.jpgmask.jpg
First a succubus on oil lake. Then two masks for the portrait on previous post
Yuffie (Final Fantasy 7 Remake), I-No (Guilty Gear Strive), Giovanna (GGST)

I also upload a bunch of my video process on my Youtube
Level 15
Dec 21, 2013
Hey its already 2023. Happy new year o.o
I’m just gonna drop this yearly summary for 2021 and 2022. Still no warcrafty stuff like i planned on my active time here o.o but I have done some dnd commissions, and the theme seems profitable. I planned to learn dnd art properly this year. Also nsfw art o_O I actually havent learn any nsfw all these years even though my main reason to learn drawing was for making nsfw artwork. Rip.
you can find me on Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube
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