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Hostile Territory, the Ultimate Shooter for Wc3

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~Map released~

Hostile Territory is a 3rd-person shooter map designed for Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne. It has a unique birds-eye view style and interface. What makes this map the Ultimate Shooter? It contains modes, maps and weapons like no other map. I have been working on this map for over a year. Try to respect that I put loads of work into it and that I am solo-mapping it (IN GUI, DUM-DUM-DUM).
Maps like Toy Soldiers and Sharpshooter have persuaded me to venture into the Wc3 Shooter map genre, so I owe them for the inspiration.

All resources(except music and UI) were downloaded from the Hive, so chances are you can find them easily as well.
Now, have a read...

Hostile Territory's gameplay shall be unrivaled by any other Shooter map for Wc3. Below are 5 reasons why:

1. Character control - you control your character with keyboard only, using arrowkeys and hotkeys.
The controls are:
Left/Right/Up/Down Arrows - move in the selected direction
Q - activates/uses certain objects
W - charges/releases a grenade throw
E - fires your weapon
R - switches between your 2 weapons
V - swings your knife around

2. Atmosphere - custom music, custom UI, even a custom map selection system!

3. Maps, maps, maps! - 4 planned maps shall be installed, and you will use a unique map selection system as mentioned beforehand to select your map:
Warehouse - a dark, creepy abandoned warehouse. Small and mazey.
Pondpark - vast empty parklands. Mixed, has open and tight areas.
Roadway- admist the road of an empty street. Direct, open and mazey.
Seashore - situated on the coast of an island. Large and open.

4. Modefest - 4 modes are planned to be implement:
Survival - the good old hold your bloody ground whilst hordes of enemies swarm at you. Has difficulty and Zombie mode.
Hostility - engage in a firefight between two teams. Has optional winning score and Gang Ups mode, which allow killed players to switch teams.
Capture the Frag - take the enemy's frag 'nade and return it to your base! Has optional winning score and Volatile mode, which makes the frag explode when being held for too long.
Open Season - one player is the 'hunter' that must hunt down every other player. Has Stalker mode that turns the hunter invisible.

5. Ammu-nation - THERE ARE NO STUPID CLASSES. THIS IS A SHOOTER, NOT A FRIGGIN' RPG! I HATE SHOOTERS WITH CLASSES! A variety of unique weapons that you can find:
M9 Beretta
M4 Carbine
M16 Combat Rifle
M26 Shotgun
MG4 Machine Gun
Frag Grenade
You may carry 2 different weapons at a time, and also you start with your knife. There are 2 types of Grenades, and you may carry 4 of each at max.
Items are available as well, such as Adrenaline and Stimpacks.
Ammo and items are bought from Ammo Shops, using money gained from kills.
Guns, however, are found around the map. All items can be picked up from the ground as well.

They are bought at an Ammo Shop, which is located near your spawn location.

6. Losing Count!
- So many awesome features, I've forgotten the last and 6th one! It supports multi-player and single-player! However, the only mode in single-player is Survival.

v0.2a -
- Added grenade system (bit buggy)
- Added some icons
- Added ammo shop
- minor fixes
-Fixed up grenade system
-Added weapon switch system
-Minor fixes to smoke grenade
-Added M9 Beretta
-Added M4 Carbine
-Fixed up grenade ability
-Changed one particularly large model
-Implemented unuseable Ammo Shop
-Changed some icons
-Fixed Team 2 Weapons bug
-Changed some UI (note that Food is now Money)
-Added M16 Combat Rifle
-Added M26 Shotgun
-Added full gun-pickup system
-Added functioning Survival Mode
-Changed the Zombies dramatically
-Removed ammo shop completely
-Fixed up ALOT of GetLocalPlayer() scripts
-Edited weapons placement
-Map shouldn't disconnect as much lol
-Added RPG-7
-Fixed up minor bugs
-Squished models/textures
-Map is now open for editing
-Fixed reload bugs thanks to Maker
-Added random creep weapon drops
-Minor trigger fixes
-Changed some text colour
-You now face your direction when you press an arrow key
-Added Hostility mode (not polished)


Check out the interface

ZOMG! Exploding zombies!!!

Eat shotgun, mofos.

The shotgun rounds literally ended up in their stomach.

How can I take a piss with all these zombies around me!?

Woops, bad grenade throw...


Special thanks gos to Superz ze Man and nickel150 for testing this map out.

Any more updates will be in the uploaded map's thread. Abandon this plox.
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Level 7
Jan 9, 2010
quite interesting, however you need to fix some things:
1) suggested players are 1-12 but the max is 10
2) add an option for disabling friendly fire please, it's bad when two people try to kill a zombie together
3) i cant find any weapons so im stuck with knife.
4) i cant pick winning kills if i press hostility mode so i had to end the wc3 process
5) its HARD to kill the zombie with the club on any difficulty above novice, for every slash i deal to it it whacks me back once lol.
6) im not sure how to say this... but when the character moves after i press the arrow keys, he will go up if i press up arrow key, but once i release the up arrow key he will stop moving but he will be facing left/right/bottom. hope you got what i was trying to say.

i think this map has the potential to be a great shooter but has some flaws that need to be ironed out.
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1. Thanks :)
2. I always loved friendly fire(when an obnoxious teammate pisses you off, teach him a lesson)... but I'll reduce the range of the knife.
3. Yes, I said that already.
4. Sorry, haven't implemented that yet.
5. The knife is a last defense, so once I add guns, you won't ever really need it.
6. I can't actually stop it. The unit has a default turn speed that can't be changed.
Thanks for your feedback. +rep.

@Maker: Thank you. I've always loved Shooter maps and games, so I decided to make the mother of all Shooters, this.

@P4C-M4N: Thanks, but you can still knife 'em ;D

EDIT: Holy shit! 34 views in less than 24 hours! But please, if you test the map, LEAVE A COMMENT!
Level 14
Apr 22, 2006
EDIT: Holy shit! 34 views in less than 24 hours! But please, if you test the map, LEAVE A COMMENT!

waaah here my comment!! I musst say the idea and the gameplay are really intesting for me maybe because I make systems like this but not so funny like this but I'm sure you already know my opinion about your project because I have already send you a message to this topic :) keep up the great work! +rep
Level 33
Mar 27, 2008
What types of Camera System would you like to implement ?
I suggest you use First Person Shooter, it's COOL1111!1111!1111
Another thing is, does the control system uses WASD-based movement system ?
It'd be NICE if you can implement that =D
I loved Counter Strike, and always loved it (what if I can play CS on Warcraft III? I'm gonna... hah)
I suggest you to use this: WASD Movement System
Don't forget credits !
Man, the map rulezzz, Arrow key movements are fine, but its very hard to survive, some doodads like the boxes dont have pathing so the enemies can get through with it...I dont want to say more coz I know that this is still in early stage...

Lastly, there's a toilet in your map, where do I pee?...just joking, anyway I really wish that you will finish this...
*sigh* I don't want ANYONE to talk about the possibility of this being an FPS.
Here is why:
Only arrow keys can be detected being released. You can't even detect mouse movement. Also, if I were to use 'masks', those textures, each fairly big, would take up at least 2mb of space. The only project remotely close to coming up with it is RtC. It is now working very slowly, the natives are JASS, which I don't and won't use, and the test map of the FPS is outdated and no longer works for Wc3. Lastly, it is shit in Wc3, the gameplay is crap. Wc3 is designed for 3rd-person, live with it. It is much more enjoyable in birds eye view, at least for Wc3 maps.

So, please this is a map development thread, I don't want your crap and opinions about whether this should be an FPS or not. Give me feedback, or delete your posts and buzz off.
I'm just gonna say it now, FPS IN WARCRAFT III IS IMPOSSIBLE. I-M-P-O-S-S-I-B-L-E. Tell me, in that video you linked, did you ever notice that he can't turn the camera up or down to look at the sky or his feet? No. It. Is. Impossible.
Don't say Sharpshooter, that uses WSAD TAPPING, it is freakin' annoying to press W so many times just to pan a few degress upwards.

@defskull: Your first post was indeed feedback and a suggestion, but posts 14, 15, 16 and 18 are about FPS, which I don't like discussed, because, those 4 posts could be useful feedback or even just a nice comment like mckill2009's.

No more FPS talk below, please just test the map and give me some feedback.

Which reminds me, thanks for your post, mckill. I have fixed up the pathing, so the zombies don't run through it. I have finished the floating text, which will display your name (eg. GhosT) above your unit in a colour. I am starting the Grenade system, which I have already designed the Pick-up Grenade system, and now I will do the actual Grenade throw.

If you're confused to how to control Grenade throws, here are the mechanics:
Because this map uses keyboard solely, I can not make a mouse system for Grenades that use a dummy spell like Shockwave or Carrion Swarm to send a grenade to the target position.
Instead, I will implement a 'Grenade Throw Power Charge' system; the Charge system will activate the first time you press the Grenade ability (W). It will continuously increase the Grenade power, until it reaches a 100%, or you press the Grenade ability again. With either of these events, it will launch a grenade at a speed based on the time you charged the Grenade throw power to the direction you're facing.
Level 13
Mar 13, 2010
Ok, it looks like it could make a VERY cool game, but of course there are some things you should fix.

*suggestions and stuff*

-when the game begins, the camera plays a cinimatic which goes on for a while, I don't mind intro cinimatics, but this one is a little awkward. It has a cool effect of looking at the container in a spinning fasion, but it just goes on for too long; making it look wierd.
-when you pick the survival mode, and you don't choose zombie mode; these strange shadows start spawning and follow you, but they don't attack you. You can kill them with your knife though.
-the zombies that spawn keep looping, you should add waves or somthing. And maybe even bosses if you want.
-you should add a multiboard that counts your total kills and stuff.
-maybe make an upgrade system where you can buy health/armour/attributes/ammo/guns with your zombie kills; instead of gold, your guy uses kills.
-you need to work more on your next update, coz I want more.

I like your currant camera and movment system, it makes the gamplay kinda unique.
And I found the knife really fun ^^
K, thanks.
1. I forgot to mention, you can press ESC, lol! - always fixed
2. Yes, I know of that, those shadows are actually units, however, I haven't found a suitable model for them yet, fixed.
3. I don't want to pour my sweat out on one mode, because this map contains many.
4. I will be adding a Leaderboard for Hostility, CTF and Open Season. Survival is just a 'fun' mode.
5. I think each map will have a shop, like in Toy Soldiers by -SnaKy (I've done alot of research before I started this map), where you can buy ammo and items, and guns. Your 'credits' (displayed as Food) will be gained from killing creeps and players.

Misc: Gold is Ammo and Lumber is Grenades. You shall see in v0.2. Thanks for the comment :) Knife 'em all!!!

Btw, watch out in the next versions. The zombie villager is now suicidal (it blows up when it attacks you), so the knife wouldn't be the smartest choice.
Nope, I like quick-fix FPS, where you just choose a mode and a map, and play, like the good old Halo CE. I don't really want to include anything too spectacular. Anyways, just to prove that I have had progress with the Grenades (I've finished everything except the throw system), I will attach a v0.1d. Note that I created a few grenades in front of the spawn area on purpose.
Next up, I will be doing the weapon system after I finish off the grenades, and when that finishes, I will finish all the modes and then finally I will terrain all 4 inner maps.

EDIT: So, yeah, updated - v0.1d;
Added lots of icons and grenades. Fixed up some stuff, added loading screen, some minor graphical changes, changed a zombie, that's about it.
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Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Good map, hope you finish it.
For the record an FPS doesn't need a vertical plane, in which case in war3 it's perfectly plausible; right/left turn up/down forwards/backwards.

I'll also warn you that one of the grenade systems has a horrible 'freeze'/delay, avoid that one. It's not leaky... but the whole map freezes for periods when it's cast. idk why.

Seriously though, it's about time someone made a respectable shooter in war3, if only to prove it can be done. All we have at the moment are 'tech demos' I want to see one fully featured, finished and updated =D

Be the one!
Thanks for the comment! I haven't been getting much feedback lately.

However, what self-respecting FPS doesn't have looking up/down? It would ruin the game, eg. I wouldn't be able to add headshots or jumping/height terrain. If you mean looking side ways, well, that would just be sad if you could only face 90 degrees.

I'm gonna fix up my grenade system. It is disgusting as of now. I shall implement aspects of NFWar's bullet system to fix it.

Thank you for your feedback, +rep. I hope to finish it (and alot will be done during my holidays) and it will rise as winning class.

Some news:
The Ammo Shop system will be like my Fullscreen inventory, where you can buy various ammo and items. Guns, however, will be found around the map, like in typical FPSes, such as Halo. You will start with a M9 Beretta Pistol and a M4 Carbine Rifle. When you die, you will drop your items so other players can pick up the 'loot'.
You can not sell items in the Ammo Shop, but do not worry, as you can only buy specific items (eg. you can never accidently buy Shotgun rounds for a pistol, as my system will disable it).
Next release will be v0.2e.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Thanks for the rep.
I too have actually (and would like to say still am, but can't really) worked on a shooting map, but I took a very different approach and I can't say when or if I'll even announce it, let alone finish it, but I'll definitely track this and help where I can. I know a decent, worthwhile shooter can be done in this engine, it's just finding the time to prove it ;P

With any luck, you'll manage =D

Well... height detection in war3 is very messy, so that isn't an issue (in my opinion) I'd just leave it out, low poly models, rts pathing and packet delay makes it either... generally inaccurate or 'laggy'. So straight there, a vertical/horiz/turning system is what I used, with level detection, so if your on a top floor, you can't shoot people below (from balconys etc) only exception being stairs/ramps ofc.

As in on your screen it may appear you got a headshot, but on the hosts it would not.
Seeing as it's 3rd, I assume you haven't implemented that anyway? :p

Are you going to do a top-down camera or a behind?
I was using the latter, but think that a birds eye (completely vertical, not angled like war3) could actually prove very interesting, something akin to a pacmanesque style. Up is always up, right is always right, left is always left. etc.

Sorry if that's actually what you had in mind, your description confused me a bit =D
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
I didn't realise there was a demo XP
Testing now.

Just so used to projects like this huffing and puffing and never releasing :D

EDIT: Looks great, can't say how it plays. You got one map, one mode and a knife? It's a shooter the firing system will make or break it, I'll give some more detail when a gun's implemented =D

Note; Although there from his map I don't believe the blood FX was made by CloudWolf (correct me if I'm wrong).

Great start!
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