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Hive 2 Feedback

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I have to agree with Chaosy.
Now the "Social Groups" subforum looks disorganized, messy and confusing. I needed to look carefully for the discussions I want to access. And I don't understand why are social group pictures being turned into threads?

And managers of RP discussions can't do anything with inappropriate posts, they need a moderator to modify and delete posts. Perhaps at the very least, grant some users to power to moderate their RP discussions?

And we have to put in much effort exporting contents of Conversations into public records.
Level 14
Dec 24, 2008
I have to agree with Chaosy.
Now the "Social Groups" subforum looks disorganized, messy and confusing. I needed to look carefully for the discussions I want to access. And I don't understand why are social group pictures being turned into threads?

And managers of RP discussions can't do anything with inappropriate posts, they need a moderator to modify and delete posts. Perhaps at the very least, grant some users to power to moderate their RP discussions?

And we have to put in much effort exporting contents of Conversations into public records.
There's an option now in albums to choose wheter we want other people to be able to add media to it or just us, this has alot of potential for RP and moderation, as we can decide someone's profile to send all our media, and they can decide wheter or not to delete them. If it's just text you can just add it to the media's caption, though I really wish we could use the Description box instead, if it wasn't so character-limited.


Level 78
Oct 6, 2004
Does anyone know what happened to the hive leak tester? I can't seem to find it on hive 2.0.

Heh, I guess it's not too bad of a thing though since now I am forced to learn JASS and stop being a GUI peasant.
It is not there now but will be back. I am rewriting it to be server-side, much faster and will auto generate a pastebin entry for you so you won't lose it when navigating away.




I tested this site when I was in my Banned Hiatus and this are the listed problems.
-When the user is online in Chat and was just banned, He/she can still access it, But when refreshed you're now banned in chat.
-When you ignore a user in chat and an Ignored user tries to Private chat you and this always pops out http://prntscr.com/bik7vq If my friend Aszure is online we might test how irritating is this Text message in Chat.
-You don't have complete access in the whole site even the Admin/Staff Contact when you're logged in as a banned user
Level 12
May 9, 2009
Is there a way to remove/hide the annoying neon-green advertisement bar I see on every single page? It says stuff like "Welcome to the new Hive! Be advised that we're still working on the site. There are still many rough edges, so please bear with us."

Some of this advertisement has little cross next to it but clicking it only shows the next advertisement and the advertisement box just stays forever. I tried using my ad block to disable it and it looked like it worked but the ad just came back when the page is refreshed.

It's a not really a big issue just an eye-sore with that advertisement and eye-hurting light green shade.
This specific note is probably not removeable because it's an important Site Note for all users and not a simple announcement for an event.
Others should be removeable, and in case once no valid note exists the board should just vanish.

I tried using my ad block to disable it and it looked like it worked but the ad just came back when the page is refreshed.
Then you did something wrong.


Site Director
Level 62
Jan 1, 2006
I'm just posting this to let you know, that each and everyone of your concerns will be addressed soon enough. And once more I would just like to remind everybody that we're still working on the site and we're aware that many things needs to be fixed and/or adjusted. We will do this ASAP.

Keep posting your concerns and feedback, it is much appreciated!



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
@Archian, do you have any time constraints for working on the site? Are you studying or working?


Last edited:
Level 4
Apr 25, 2011

I wanted to know if I can add tags (you know, extra words that would make the search for that thread much more easier) in a "hidden" tag, at the end of a tutorial thread.

I didn't know where to search (you know the whole "blah, blah, blah" with the new search system) and tried to see the rules from Tutorial Submission.

I went to Tutorials and the link to README before posting! is broken (gives and error). I expected to find the before mentioned link inside the Tutorial Submission, with a sticky attached... But it wasn't there...

So... Am I allowed to add tags to a Thread to facilitate easier search?
If I am allowed: should I add it or the search system is going to be fixed and will work as it worked on Hive 1.0?
Level 14
Jul 25, 2011
The search engine has to be fixed, seriously. I can't search by keywords and filters at the same time. I want to search with filter "attachments" and keyword "shield" but it won't let me. Wtf. Where did the search bar from HIVE 1 go? (Hive 1 had two search bars. One is for searching the whole site, second is searching inside the filter.) I know I have been complaining about this multiple times. But this is a fatal issue. Gets in my way of searching useful resources... :( Please help.
Level 12
May 9, 2009
The search engine has to be fixed, seriously. I can't search by keywords and filters at the same time. I want to search with filter "attachments" and keyword "shield" but it won't let me. Wtf. Where did the search bar from HIVE 1 go? (Hive 1 had two search bars. One is for searching the whole site, second is searching inside the filter.) I know I have been complaining about this multiple times. But this is a fatal issue. Gets in my way of searching useful resources... :( Please help.
It takes only around 30 minutes to scroll through all the attachment resources, that is if you're a slowpoke. So if you're truly motivated to find the model you need to get to scrolling and fast. Either that or wait for a unknown amount of time for the issue to be fixed. This unknown amount of time though is probably not going to be 30 minutes so you might as well get scrolling ;)


Hosted Project: SC
Level 24
Jan 29, 2010
Perhaps you guys should muster up a list of issues/bugs you are aware of and working on (or going to work on), so that people don't keep asking for the same thing. The search function has been mentioned a million times already either because people are unaware that you know about the issue or because they are too lazy to look if you are working on it. Either way a sticky thread somewhere would spare both you and everyone else from unnecessary repeat posts which help no one.




I would like to request an Administrator or maybe something higher rank to remove this kind of feature..

When you have someone ignore in chat and some user tries to PM you the message goes like this (Please check Image below.)

Actually I don't find it bad that you get notified that there is a message by a blocked user.
This way you have control over it, and still can decide to unblock him, in case you want after a certain amount of time.
And I guess you won't get messages like this very often, if he is blocked. And if yes, you can report to staff for spam.

Actually I recognized that if you block a user, you don't see his posts etc in the forums. It's good -- but also here I would actually find it awesome
if there was a little button or notification for you that there exists a "Blocked Post by User XY - Click to show" or so. Because sure you obviously
don't want to get regular information from this blocked user, but when reading threads it is essential sometimes to being able to read ALL posts, for logical reasons.
Else you see double posts or so, can't fully follow maybe the logics, and aren't even aware that a blocked user posted something in between.
Level 12
May 9, 2009
I cannot seem to find the rank icon selection page under the Settings category of ones profile. This means there is no clear way to navigate to the page other than a direct link from somewhere else.
You have to hover your cursor over your user-name in the top right corner. A drop-down list of options will appear and it is always there.
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