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Halo vs. Call of Duty vs. Counter Strike

Halo vs. Call of Duty vs. Counterstrike

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Level 17
Nov 11, 2010
I thought this was about opinions on what FPS you think is better, not on realism. Stop being silly hoes.
Level 17
Nov 18, 2008
I forgot that everyone on this site is 12, my bad.

I don't really want to dwell on this too much but whatever.

When the hell do weapons ever jam in Call of Duty? I can't recall a single time I was not able to fire clip after clip with no problem. And yes, full-on sprint is limited to an extent, but running is not. And your sprint regenerates while you run, and it never depletes fully. Weapons have almost no weight to them, the ease and swiftness with which you bring them to bear and swap them out is nowhere near realistic. There is recoil, but it will never be near close enough to be realistic. There's just no compensating for all the variables present in the soldier and the surroundings. Most soldiers also don't fire from the hip, or even from the shoulder. Your aim is much more accurate when resting the gun on a wall or other object at the appropriate level. And I'm not talking about most games, I'm talking about Call of Duty. Regenerating health is not realistic. Look at Operation Flashpoint. If you get shot in a non-fatal area, you will bleed out until you get it patched up, and even if you do get it bandaged up that area will now be wounded and unusable. For example, if you get shot in the leg you will be unable to run. Shot in the arm, and you can't aim down your sights. When has Call of Duty ever penalized the player for getting shot except for a brief and totally unrealistic screen full of strawberry jam.

The video is completely not fake, and the fact that you so easily dismiss it shows you have absolutely no concept of warfare. As I said earlier and I will reiterate, that soldier was not following protocol and was actually kept from going on further patrols because he kept running around and doing stupid shit. Why would people even go through all that trouble to get weapons and uniforms to make a fake video that does not reflect the reality of war in any semblance? It looks animated? Where the hell are you even getting that from? But there's still plenty of soldiers in that video who are doing the right thing. It also goes to show that not every conflict is "run in and kill everyone." Sometimes a tactical retreat is your only option, which Call of Duty games almost never partake in. Your targets also won't be large yelling men with giant muzzle flashes in broad daylight and tracer rounds every other shot.
Level 17
Nov 18, 2008
I'm not saying realism is necessary or that the lack of it in Call of Duty is a bad thing, just that realism is barely present. I'm pretty sure it was never their intention to make a realistic war simulator. They're a work of fiction and fiction often requires one to suspend their belief. They're a jolly good time for sure, I just think it's silly for someone to say they like them because it's even remotely close to the real thing. They're not. Call of Duty games are plenty of things and realistic is simply not one of them. That doesn't make them bad or less worthy of your undying love and devotion. But no, going 50/3 is not going to impress your CO worth a damn.

I'm not even sure what this thread is about, I just saw Mr. Bob link it in tinychat and mention something about someone arguing that Call of Duty was realistic.
Level 15
Mar 31, 2009
Gotta say the Battlefield series

It's always been more entertaining than CoD to me, and with more variety in combat with vehicles and the commander of BF2

Waiting for BF3, go go 32vs32 again (main gripe about BC2)

Halo just feels lost, the first Halo had alot of direction, but 2, 3, and ODST just felt drifty, I found Reach's campaign much better than the other sequels though (except why the hell did they need to make the woman spartan hot? I mean really, that was just annoying)

Unreal Tournament is great for lanparties, as it is less serious than BF, but I can't find myself playing it alone for very long

FarCry and it's successor Crysis had rather entertaining campaigns to me, I like the jungle stealth element combined with Halo type ridiculous physics

The Half Life series is also rather good for story, but I can't exactly say they are my favorite, something just seems missing from them, not multiplayer though, just somethings always been off

Team Fortress 2 is a kick to play every once in awhile, but they just seem to have ruined it with all the unlocks and hats, and now microtransactions. It just seems overblown and self-serving to me now.

But, if Duke Nukem Forever is as good as Duke Nukem 3D, I will turn into a cavetroll and spend the rest of my days playing as that sweet, woman loving, masochist, alien ravaging bastard

Edit: Also, CoD isn't anywhere close to realistic, I could put a lengthy exposition as to why, but I instead choose to claim no videogame as realistic, except for Steel Battalion's control setup.
Level 17
Nov 11, 2010
Yes and the navy helped design seamen, does it really matter who the fuck develops what?

you made this thread asking for people's opinions on what video games they THINK are better, and now it seems you have made it into a stupid debate between realism and the army.
I'm gonna suggest you stop doing this or you are gonna attract some trolls.
Level 12
Jun 10, 2008
Also, I had another look t the video. It is fake.

You said the camera was above his head, but he is reloading as if it was in his head. Either this is bullshit or hes reloading his gun above his head.

Also Skycraft, it is about opinion, but Mr. Bob and a few others were criticizing the "realism" part in my first post's opinion.
Level 31
Feb 23, 2008
Also, I had another look t the video. It is fake.

You said the camera was above his head, but he is reloading as if it was in his head. Either this is bullshit or hes reloading his gun above his head.

Also Skycraft, it is about opinion, but Mr. Bob and a few others were criticizing the "realism" part in my first post's opinion.

Yes me and basically everyone else whos commented on this thread.

It's unrealistic. Deal with it. :3
Level 12
Jun 10, 2008
Holy shit. Your still at this? First of all, I'd like to show you that the realism was an OPINION.

Second, it is more realistic then your video.
@nuuh: Just agree with him (even if you don't mean it) and end the opinion-debate.

@Mr. Bob: Boohoo, you're a 21 year old. Yet you go on a website for a PG-13 fantasy game and you argue with adolescents about the realism of a shooter.

I still think CoD is realistic. Btw, it's safe to compare CoD to Halo or even BioShock, because technically they are all FPS, despite their genres.
Level 31
Feb 23, 2008
@nuuh: Just agree with them (even if you don't mean it) and end the opinion-debate.


@Mr. Bob: Boohoo, you're a 21 year old. Yet you go on a website for a PG-13 fantasy game and you argue with adolescents about the realism of a shooter.

Yes because its fun! :D

I still think CoD is realistic. Btw, it's safe to compare CoD to Halo or even BioShock, because technically they are all FPS, despite their genres.

Anyway, thats like saying elephants are not large because you compared it to the sun. ITS ALL STILL MATTER YAKNOW! :3

Also nuuh, you haven't responded to these:

Lack of realistic physicality to the weapons.
Lack of realistic general combat. (Running around looking for bad guys and seeing who shoots first is not realistic. And its insulting to people serving in the military to say that it is.)
Lack of scale correct maps.
Lack of squad based combat.
Lack of well...fatigue.
Lack of long drawn out chaos where you dont know where the enemy is. This is very common in real life.
Lack of vehicles. (Alot of combat situations now adays are vehicle ambushes. aka escort related incidents.)
Lack of special forces esque situations. (Search and destroy. VIP. In and out. etc)
Lack of realistic weapon assignments. (The fact that your using things like shotguns is laughable.)
Lack of realistic consequences. (You die and you get back up again. Hurrr..)
Lack of realistic stealth. (Um pretty self explanatory there! :D)
Lack of any base structure or HQ setup. You have no contact with command.
Lack of hierarchy. (no generals etc)
Lol...missile strikes? Really? That's pretty fucking unrealistic.
weeee and more

All the things listed above are present in games like Americas army 3, rainbow six, etc. (except vehicles. That would be battlefield.)

Keep in mind, no one is saying its not a fun game. We are just saying its not realistic, and calling it realistic is frankly offensive to people serving. If it were realistic, it would not be as fun. Its not that kind of game. That doesn't make it a bad game. And, being realistic doesn't always make it a good game. So stop defending it like its a personal offense to you. No one is saying its a bad game.
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Level 20
Oct 21, 2006
Ok guys just calm down.

First of all stop arguing with Mr. Bob because looks like he always wants to say the last word.

CoD sure is realistic compared to many games but it still isnt realistic for real... But why should it be. American Army is a good example of a game that tried to be too realistic. It turned out to be the most boring game ever. Or atleast for me. I havent played COD (ok ive played cod 1 or something in lan?) but maybe the developer's point was not to make the game too much realistic. Just that much realistic that 12 year old boys could think that its omgcool.
@Mr. Bob:
1. Lol, ok. Good for you mate!

2. Uh uh, that's not true. Since they are in the same genre, it is more of a comparison between an Elephant and a Giraffe. It's like comparing Wc to Sc (and yeah, there are a LOT of similarities between them).
So, basically-
A realistic FPS - Hippo
CoD - Rhino
Sci-Fi FPS - Mongoose
Level 15
Mar 31, 2009
@Mr. Bob:
1. Lol, ok. Good for you mate!

2. Uh uh, that's not true. Since they are in the same genre, it is more of a comparison between an Elephant and a Giraffe. It's like comparing Wc to Sc (and yeah, there are a LOT of similarities between them).
So, basically-
A realistic FPS - Hippo
CoD - Rhino
Sci-Fi FPS - Mongoose

Hippos and Rhinos aren't even in the same Order, you are just proving Bob's point.

Also, did you have to use the name of a Halo vehicle for the Sci-Fi FPS >_>
Level 31
Feb 23, 2008
Yes, we get your point. Its just not a very good one. Asking yourself if CoD is a realistic shooter, then comparing to sci fi shooters to find the answer is silly.

Compare CoD to the Americas army series, all rainbow six games, ghost recon for that matter, and even games like battlefield. Its the same element.
Level 12
Apr 4, 2010
I forgot that everyone on this site is 12, my bad.

I don't really want to dwell on this too much but whatever.

When the hell do weapons ever jam in Call of Duty? I can't recall a single time I was not able to fire clip after clip with no problem. And yes, full-on sprint is limited to an extent, but running is not. And your sprint regenerates while you run, and it never depletes fully. Weapons have almost no weight to them, the ease and swiftness with which you bring them to bear and swap them out is nowhere near realistic. There is recoil, but it will never be near close enough to be realistic. There's just no compensating for all the variables present in the soldier and the surroundings. Most soldiers also don't fire from the hip, or even from the shoulder. Your aim is much more accurate when resting the gun on a wall or other object at the appropriate level. And I'm not talking about most games, I'm talking about Call of Duty. Regenerating health is not realistic. Look at Operation Flashpoint. If you get shot in a non-fatal area, you will bleed out until you get it patched up, and even if you do get it bandaged up that area will now be wounded and unusable. For example, if you get shot in the leg you will be unable to run. Shot in the arm, and you can't aim down your sights. When has Call of Duty ever penalized the player for getting shot except for a brief and totally unrealistic screen full of strawberry jam.

The video is completely not fake, and the fact that you so easily dismiss it shows you have absolutely no concept of warfare. As I said earlier and I will reiterate, that soldier was not following protocol and was actually kept from going on further patrols because he kept running around and doing stupid shit. Why would people even go through all that trouble to get weapons and uniforms to make a fake video that does not reflect the reality of war in any semblance? It looks animated? Where the hell are you even getting that from? But there's still plenty of soldiers in that video who are doing the right thing. It also goes to show that not every conflict is "run in and kill everyone." Sometimes a tactical retreat is your only option, which Call of Duty games almost never partake in. Your targets also won't be large yelling men with giant muzzle flashes in broad daylight and tracer rounds every other shot.

Sniper rifle is always lighter than light machine gun and the term "light" is always never light. However, the effect of silencer is true enough. I really like the storyline of MW2. "Hey, watch your fire." "That's a 20 foot mobile kill, good kill, good kill!" "EEEEEEEEMMMMMMMPPPPPPP!!!!!! GET OFF THE STREETS NOW!"
You guy's seriously need to stop pretending like you have a clue about realism in actual combat, most of you aren't even old enough to have been in actual combat, or be in the military period for that matter.

As people have said earlier anyway, if CoD was completely realistic, it wouldn't be fun to play - it's made as a game, not a simulator - it's successful because it's a game, not a simulator.

Well if you're going to be comparing shooters, there's a few other big one's missing (like battlefield - I don't play fps's that much but I believe there's a few other competitors in that field that may have been constructive in there).
Level 3
Feb 22, 2011
I vote for Counter Strike because its made by VALVe and that instantly makes it good.

But I voted for Halo as well to keep it fair since you could vote for more than one thing.
But the REAL question is.. Why didn't you add TF2 to the poll :(
Level 14
Nov 18, 2007
This poll is a fucking joke. Quake, Unreal Tournament, Battlefield, Team Fortress and so many others im forgetting right now arent even mentioned. And half of those i mentioned i mentioned out of courtesy because there are a lot of players playing these.

If you want to play a game that actually takes skill, go play Quake/Unreal Tournament. There are quite a few free games based on some Quake engine that also might be worthwhile (OpenArena (id Tech 3), War§ow (Quake 2), ...).

Metroid Prime is also a really good series, but since the topic focused on multiplayer games so far, i think its out of place.
Level 22
Feb 3, 2009
This poll is a fucking joke. Quake, Unreal Tournament, Battlefield, Team Fortress and so many others im forgetting right now arent even mentioned. And half of those i mentioned i mentioned out of courtesy because there are a lot of players playing these.

If you want to play a game that actually takes skill, go play Quake/Unreal Tournament. There are quite a few free games based on some Quake engine that also might be worthwhile (OpenArena (id Tech 3), War§ow (Quake 2), ...).

Metroid Prime is also a really good series, but since the topic focused on multiplayer games so far, i think its out of place.

Alien Arena is quite nice too, a Quake based game that is also available on Linux.
This poll is a fucking joke. Quake, Unreal Tournament, Battlefield, Team Fortress and so many others im forgetting right now arent even mentioned. And half of those i mentioned i mentioned out of courtesy because there are a lot of players playing these.

If you want to play a game that actually takes skill, go play Quake/Unreal Tournament. There are quite a few free games based on some Quake engine that also might be worthwhile (OpenArena (id Tech 3), War§ow (Quake 2), ...).

Metroid Prime is also a really good series, but since the topic focused on multiplayer games so far, i think its out of place.

Heck, doesn't even Doom Deathmatch still have a following?
Level 9
Sep 4, 2008
I believe Call of Duty is the best. It has a nice variation of weapons and stuff.

WaW and BO are the best, IMO. Although I barely played MW.

EDIT: Forgotten Hope 2 is an awesome FPS btw :p
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