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Future Rolepay Sign-up Page!

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Level 25
Jul 30, 2013
Hello Everybody, I am Chen, and I speak for the Hive's RP's future's sake. I know, this forum is so dead, but I really wanted to revive it, so If anyone who want to revive it too, then sign-up here! I'm planning a future RP, named Magistros:Rise of the Void. If you want to join the RP, sign up before I close the sign-up. Everyone is welcome, just fill up this things:

Name:(Of course the name of your character)
Race:(Human, Elf(Northern Kingdoms), Goblin, Troll(Eastern Fortress), Runicus, Void(Western Mountains). Your character should be one of these races)
Class:(Mage, Priest, Warrior, Shaman, Paladin, etc.)
Appearance:(You know, the look of your character)(Needs an image of any type even not made by you)
Personality:(Needs to put the Alignment)(The personality. Is he/she good? bad? nice? grumpy?)
Background Story:(Don't fill up yet until I post the story)

The story is still in making, but if I finish it, I'll post as soon as possible. I plan it to have some "game-like features" like points that you'll get each month or maybe achievements and titles. That's all for today. Bye!

Anyways, this registration form made by Hayate is recommended, but you don't really need to use it anyway. Here's his cool work:

[COLOR="white"]Name:[/COLOR] [c][COLOR="white"]XXX[/COLOR]
[COLOR="white"]Race:[/COLOR] [c][COLOR="white"]XXX[/COLOR]
[COLOR="white"]Class: [/COLOR][c][COLOR="white"]XXX[/COLOR]
[COLOR="white"]Appearance: [/COLOR]
[COLOR="white"]Personality: [/COLOR][c][COLOR="white"]XXX[/COLOR]
[COLOR="white"]Background:[/COLOR] [c][COLOR="white"]XXX[/COLOR]


[box="Hiring Form"][box=][COLOR="White"][B][SIZE="3"]XXX[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][/box]
[COLOR="white"]Leader: [/COLOR][c] [COLOR="white"]XXX[/COLOR] [r]
[COLOR="white"]Race: [/COLOR][c][COLOR="white"]XXX[/COLOR][r]
[COLOR="white"]Group Type:[/COLOR] [c][COLOR="white"]XXX[/COLOR][r]
[COLOR="white"]Role: [/COLOR][c][COLOR="white"]XXX[/COLOR][r]

[COLOR="white"]Hiring: [/COLOR][c][COLOR="white"]XXX[/COLOR]
[box=][COLOR="white"]*Note: XXX[/COLOR]
[box=" "][COLOR="white"][B][U][SIZE="3"]XXX[/SIZE][/U][/B]

1. XXX
2. XXX
3. XXX
4. XXX
5. XXX
6. XXX
[COLOR="white"]XXX (Leader)[/COLOR][r]
[c] [COLOR="white"]XXX (Second in Command)[/COLOR]

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Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
Although I think it's kewl you wanna start an RP and all, Chen, you really should get things going a little differently. The first post doesn't really reveal what people are signing up for - there are millions of different types of RPs so you should really consider be a little more specific than just "a new RP idea" in the first post. I'd suggest you write descriptions of the story, the world, the rules, the races, whatever. I recommend you take a look at any of the old successful RPs in the forum for inspiration how to do this properly :)
Level 14
Jul 27, 2007
Chen, I agree that you need more info, so I'm joining in, blindly following you. PS: Do you need a world map? I can do one. :)

Name: Kubar'at
Race: Runicus
Class: Barbarian/Smith
Appearance: 210 cm tall, kind of short for the Runicus race, but muscular, with blue skin tone. Sports a short beard and horsetails.


Personality: Chaotic Neutral. Savage and bloodthirsty, yet realizes the power of being the clan's blacksmith. Craves for more power, but in kind of barbaric way - he'll fight his way to the top, but don't expect him to do any complex political scheming.
Background Story: Coming soon, after more info is revealed about the RP itself.
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Level 25
Jul 30, 2013
Although I think it's kewl you wanna start an RP and all, Chen, you really should get things going a little differently. The first post doesn't really reveal what people are signing up for - there are millions of different types of RPs so you should really consider be a little more specific than just "a new RP idea" in the first post. I'd suggest you write descriptions of the story, the world, the rules, the races, whatever. I recommend you take a look at any of the old successful RPs in the forum for inspiration how to do this properly :)

I am currently writing the story right now, I'll post it as soon as possible :)

wait! Wut?

Changed, but I wanted a character named after you :)

Chen, I agree that you need more info, so I'm joining in, blindly following you. PS: Do you need a world map? I can do one. :)

Name: Kubar'at
Race: Runicus
Class: Barbarian/Smith
Appearance: 210 cm tall, kind of short for the Runicus race, but muscular, with blue skin tone. Sports a short beard and horsetails.


Personality: Chaotic Neutral. Savage and bloodthirsty, yet realizes the power of being the clan's blacksmith. Craves for more power, but in kind of barbaric way - he'll fight his way to the top, but don't expect him to do any complex political scheming.
Background Story: Coming soon, after more info is revealed about the RP itself.

Nice, but I don't see the image, maybe that's your avatar? Also, yes, I need a world map :)
Level 10
Nov 16, 2012
Name: Rheimor Kul'tiras
Race: Human
Class: Fighter/Hunter
Appearance: 5'4 Height | Tan Skin Color | Long Black Hair [Until Neck] | Black and Round Eyes | Medium Size of Muscles
Personality: Is a good and friendly person. He cares for things that need to. He always help peoples that in need. Not only in time in need. With his experience as Hunter he experienced living in forest. He using his body for good, not for evils.
Background Story: [I'll Edit This]
Level 25
Jul 30, 2013
Name: Rheimor Kul'tiras
Race: Human
Class: Fighter/Hunter
Appearance: 5'4 Height | Tan Skin Color | Long Black Hair [Until Neck] | Black and Round Eyes | Medium Size of Muscles
Personality: Is a good and friendly person. He cares for things that need to. He always help peoples that in need. Not only in time in need. With his experience as Hunter he experienced living in forest. He using his body for good, not for evils.
Background Story: [I'll Edit This]

Sorry for late reply but nice character. If you can't make an image for your character, go here: http://tektek.org/dream_avatar/drea...7,38054,49526,52226,30540,4262,48644,48997&h= I just found it, but if you have other "Character Creator" site, then use it :)
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Level 5
Apr 20, 2014
I'm signing up :)

Name: Darius Silverpine (Also Known As: Darius the Lightbearer
Race: Human
Class: Paladin
Appearance: About 5'10 tall, Slim body, combined with very few High Elven face features, Carries a great Battlehammer, which will be named Bearerhammer, and more details are coming soon.
Personality: Lawful good, wants nothing to preserve justice and protect the weak, very wise (having been trained by a very great Paladin).
Background story: Coming soon tomorrow :)
Level 25
Jul 30, 2013
Name: Darius Silverpine (Also Known As: Darius the Lightbearer
Race: Human
Class: Paladin
Appearance: About 5'10 tall, Slim body, combined with very few High Elven face features, Carries a great Battlehammer, which will be named Bearerhammer, and more details are coming soon.
Personality: Lawful good, wants nothing to preserve justice and protect the weak, very wise (having been trained by a very great Paladin).
Background story: Coming soon tomorrow :)

I love paladins :)

BTW: Some Details Almost finished :)

EDIT:My Character:

Name:Heinvers, the Elf King
Appearance:Slightly taller than the other elves, slim, green eyed, long-eared, wearing a kingly armor with a wood crown and long leaf-made cape.
Personality:Neutral Good. He is good, like the other elf should be. He is wise, that's why he is elected to be the king. he cares too much about the forest, he protects it from any evil.
Background Story:coming soon.
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Level 14
Sep 28, 2011
Race:Something people can not recognize because he have too much armor and weapons
Class:Battle Architect (Paladin except that he have weak healing power compensated by the ability to improve the construction speed of his allies or if the paladin and the priest does not have magic powers he is an magi with the described ability but less efficient for others spells (if the magi have more than one spell))
Appearance:He is ugly and looks like you would imagine an foreman his voice awake people and is hoarse he nearly alway wears an plate armor of an correct quality, an huge tower-shield, an halberd in his hands and an short sword at the belt which people find really weird when they see it in an market or in an construction field some of the workers who worked with him thinks he sleep in armor and that when you approach of three meters of his bed he jump on you hitting with his halberd and so few people like him
Personality:He like to go on construction fields and to make people work faster and is interested in architecture he thinks that the wars ends when you have built roads trenches and towers anywhere and that you enemy becomes your ally and so he is trained in the art of war and of architecture.
He thinks that by being rough and kind with workers they works faster and sometime the workers who had an new foreman wanted him back as he punish rarely and make the constructions go fast.
Background story:What happens in this world if I can not know I will not be able to do an background story except completely mad and inconsistent stuff
One story I through to:He was an mason who worked hard for having food but the war came and ravaged many things and there was general mobilization(in an fantasy world you can do anachronisms) so he was recruited and came to the battlefield as he proved his value he was later trained as an paladin and became an battle architect but he could not remove his weapons and his armor because he would feel frail and so he guarded them and in time of peace he looked ridiculous but he got various jobs as he had useful abilities.
Level 14
Sep 28, 2011
The problem is that he does not really corresponds to the rules you have made.
I am impatient to see the story.
I hope there will not be such things as good and evil it make thing too much complex compared to having evil and evil.
Level 25
Jul 30, 2013
The problem is that he does not really corresponds to the rules you have made.
I am impatient to see the story.
I hope there will not be such things as good and evil it make thing too much complex compared to having evil and evil.

Well, so much evil in it, A Good God, Good Keepers, but they made some Creations. Humans, Treants(Elves), Runicus, Void, Goblin and Trolls, but they acted terrible that resulted a war. Poor races, but I like mysterious characters like yours :)
Level 16
Oct 17, 2009
I'd really like to revive the RP thread also so I'm joining. Hoping this will match or at least be close to the other great RPs here.

Name: Fier
Race: Void
Class: Mage
Appearance: He looks like this without the helmet and is colored purple and black
Personality: Chaotic good; Fier, although seemingly cold, is a kind individual who does not conform with the rules of the land but instead follows his own judgement.
Background Story: Awaiting more info

Question: Will this have mechanics? For example, the use of dice?
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Level 14
Sep 28, 2011
Fier is funny if you think to the French word.
It is weird that no one did yet choose to be evil.
For the background story I understand you.
And there will be probably abilities like spells etc as the creator of this thread did not forbid me to have an hero with lesser healing and building enhancement abilities so this is already an known mechanic.
But for the magi I do not know how will he cast spells will there be an notion of energy or of limited casting speed or of limited spells per interval of time(like you can cast the spell moon ray only one time per month and it reload on nights of full moon) or will he have unlimited spells with small energy(like an spell who throw an very small ray of electricity on opponent heart for provoking an heart stroke)
Level 25
Jul 30, 2013
mind me create a Villain Character that is basically invincible/Legendary?
if not i need to rethink a character

If you want to do that, go on! I'm looking for a main Villain anyway.

Magistros is a world of magic, a world divided into three: The Northern Kingdoms, The Eastern Barrens and the Western Mountains. The North is ruled by Humans, together with the elves. The East is ruled by Goblins and Trolls, and the West is ruled by the Void controlling the Runicus. With the Void trying to destroy and claim the East and North, war erupted and the drums thundered. Now, you hero should rise and fight this darkness!
Level 4
Jun 23, 2014
Name: Adamantine, Alias: Lord Adamantine
Race: Human
Class: Paladin
Appearance: Short brown hair, within his late forties, brown eyes, muscular build, and height 6'2

Personality: One-sided, "My way or the highway", ironically wise but no one listens to him because he's an ***hole.
Background: Formally a member of the King's royal guard, or specifically he was the leader of them until he was forced to retire due to his king's death. Having no choice he left the land to find a new place and took up the art of becoming a Paladin, years have west past and he still has similar traits as he did in the past but is very slowing growing out of them, but the good side is that he's a powerful Paladin.
Dialos Rhevethan

Dialos Rhevethan

Fallen God


Black Long Coat, Musketeer Hat, No Beard and Mustache, Does not Look
Muscular, Black Hair, Wielding a Longsword at the back, Have a Rapier on his belt,
Handsome of course, Prince Face, Riding on a Nightmare.


Once a god but because of some reason, he raid the god's island and get
cursed as a Fallen God. He is now the God/Demon of Shadows which he
cannot die even if he wanted to. Cursed by Eternity with all of his love one
leaving him one by one made him a depressed person. The LongSword on
his back is the Sword he use to seal 90% of his demonic power, he will
never pull out the sword or the world will cover with shadows, all the Gods
are after him because his power is threatening the world. He prefer staying
at the Human World observing human living.

*He does not Age and he is cursed by Eternity

gonna draw one picture of my character later

still recruiting some people here
how is the Void looks like?

here comes a new Force

Dialos Rhevethan is Hiring

Dialos Family
Leader: Dialos Rhevethan
Race: any
Group Type: Organization
Role: Main Villain Force

Hiring: Any race is acceptable
*Note: Joining this group means you are the Fallen One (Fallen Human, Fallen Elf...)

4 Reason why you want to Join
1. The Title Fallen is Awesome
2. Hayate is Handsome
3. Evil Rocks!
4. One Of the Main Force in the Stories
Level 10
Mar 7, 2014

Name: C'tharo
Race : Void
Class : Archmagi
Personality: He is one who can be easily enraged, but is quite the intellectual
Appearance: Wears a Grey/Purple Cloak
Biography: Before his transformation he used to be a Elf wizard, who was well known in the North. His work in magic gave him power and wealth. This changed when his colleagues took over his practices, and murdered him. At his last breath, he used a dark magic, which took his soul away and turned him into a Void. Now he seeks to repay the favor his colleagues had done him..
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