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Dunkelheit : Zero

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Dunkelheit : Zero

Please register first, or get invited first. This is a closed roleplay.

(UTC +8) 01:03, 12 January 2019 A.C.

Story Summary

"Fifteen years have passed since the Whampoan Shogunate disappeared. Gaia remains a developing world after the disastrous war that struck many years ago. Distrust remained among the Allied Nations, especially around the transformed Southeast Asia. The tension rapidly grows as more military activities around Malaysia and Nanyang are reported. With the Australian and Indian blocs supporting Malaysia, and the blocs of China and Taiwan backing Nanyang, the pillars of peace around the region are starting to fall.

Meanwhile, around Alastorn. After running away from the Taiwanese Empire's pursuit, the joint forces of the Whampoan Shogunate and the Freikorps have settled to another home once more on the east. This time, they are preparing to defend their new home better than last time, as the Taiwanese strike force approaches. Unknown to both however, numerous forces are watching their every visible move, awaiting for the right moment.

Both worlds' conflict will eventually collide as the secrets of the Project Dunkelheit is unleashed. All it needs, is a lighted match for the tinderbox to blow.


A fancy roleplay where the wonders of magik and the marvels of science meet one another, complete with its own alternate history and partially preset custom lore. It takes place mainly on three different planets interlinked with one another through portal and gateways, but who knows if the roleplay will one day expand to other planets and realms?​

Planets and Realms



Home to many nations big and small. Houses vast landmasses for prospective colonists and conquerors. But constantly ravaged by conflict, hatred and war.

Many hundreds of years ago in modern times, a massive catastrophe struck Earth as the Third Great War went to an end which forever changed and twisted the Earth.

Humanity was then sent back ages to medieval times, but haunted by residues of modern politics. Many centuries of feudalism and conflict later, the civilizations of Earth came back rising and did far better than ever.​



Alastorn, the planet of darkness chronicled in rumors and tales for ages. A realm hosting vast acres of new lands, complete with many wonders and treasures buried deep within the darkness. Survivors of fallen empires come to rebuild their nations to glory, and many ambitious ones also came along, whether to hunt for the wonders or even rise new empires of their own. However, as rich and fertile as this planet might be, many more foul creatures and other unknown hazards lurked in the shadows waiting for unsuspecting preys.​



A smaller planet than Earth, blessed with a great variety of high quality resources and populated by many races living together in harmony. Life in Vestroya was relatively peaceful, though there are still conflicts and struggles amongst nations.​


  1. Writing style does not matter, be it in paragraph form or in script form, as long as your reply is clear.

  2. Keep in mind you can roleplay as individual characters and groups, not necessarily an entire nation. Most nations in this roleplay are managed by a few select users. If you wish to have a faction of your own, ask me.

  3. This roleplay mostly uses "focuses" due to the gigantic scale. Post title in big font size, locations, players and factions involved are usually indicated in a "focus" post.

  4. Game Masters and Realm Masters may control a large number of NPC Factions to keep the story running, and we try not to make it too messy and confusing.

  5. Don't get overwhelmed by the vast number of factions and the area of three planets combined, many of the factions are GM-controlled for story purposes. And many of them will be wiped out very early.

  6. Try to avoid godmodding and metagaming.

  7. Also, try to consider checks and balances in the roleplay. Not all characters, nations, weapons, and abilities are going to be equal in power and strength.

  8. If you have any suggestions and questions, feel free to ask.

  9. Have fun and enjoy the roleplaying!


Main Factions

NameLeader(s)StatusReferencesOwner(s) and Controller(s)

Whampoan Shogunate
  • Helmina Teau

Taiwanese Empire
  • Theresia Yong

Renegades Covenant
  • Xiandre

Empire of Harkiu
  • Goh Yuet-yin

Empire of Pherith
  • Dehroc
IdleN/AGM; @Directive255

Side Factions

NameReferencesOwner(s) and Controller(s)

Australian Commonwealth
RM; @Directive255 and @Edge45

State of Peiyang

Radiant Circle

Nordic Confederation
@Leo Akastenix

@Leo Akastenix

Exiles of Vardrek
N/A@Leo Akastenix

Japanese Shogunate (Alastorn)

Union of Britain

French Commune

Nazi Germany

Republic of India

Republic of Indonesia
@Daffa the Mage

@Daffa the Mage

Federation of Malaysia

Free State of Nanyang

Republic of Goetland

Kingdom of Koryo

Kingdom of Thailand

Kingdom of the Union of Myanmar

Kingdom of Bangladesh

State of Schikang




Federation of Aranor
N/ANPC; @Edge45

Kingdom of Strazura
N/ANPC; @Directive255

Dissolved Factions (since the RP began)

NameReferencesLatest Owner(s) and Controller(s)


Coalitions and Blocs

Main Coalitions

NameMember FactionsStatusReferences

The Allied Nations
  • Australian Commonwealth (Leader)
  • State of Peiyang
  • Taiwanese Empire
  • Republic of India
  • Republic of Indonesia
  • Federation of Malaysia
  • Free State of Nanyang
  • Republic of Goetland
  • Kingdom of Koryo
  • Kingdom of Thailand
  • Kingdom of the Union of Myanmar
  • Kingdom of Bangladesh
  • State of Schikang
  • Tibet
  • Mongolia
  • Turkestan

Side Coalitions and Blocs

NameMember FactionsStatusReferences

Australian Bloc
  • Australian Commonwealth (Leader)
  • Republic of Indonesia
  • Federation of Malaysia

Taiwanese Bloc
  • Taiwanese Empire (Leader)
  • Kingdom of Thailand
  • Free State of Nanyang

Chinese Bloc
  • State of Peiyang
  • Kingdom of Koryo
  • Republic of Goetland
  • State of Schikang
  • Mongolia
  • Turkestan

Indian Bloc
  • Republic of India
  • Kingdom of the Union of Myanmar
  • Kingdom of Bangladesh
  • Tibet

The Central Powers
  • Empire of Pherith (Leader)
  • Kingdom of Strazura
  • Federation of Aranor

Scions Of Freedom
  • Nordic Confederation
  • Bleakfleet
  • Exiles of Vardrek

Events (since the Beginning of Roleplay)

Main Events


Third Malaysian War
  • Nanyangese Side :
    • Free State of Nanyang
    • Taiwanese Empire
    • Kingdom of Thailand
    • State of Peiyang
    • Kingdom of Koryo
    • Republic of Goetland
  • Malaysian Side :
    • Federation of Malaysia
    • Australian Commonwealth
    • Republic of India
    • Republic of Indonesia
    • Kingdom of the Union of Myanmar
    • Bangladesh
    • Tibet
Malayan Peninsula

Minor Events


Pillage of Kimberg
  • Taiwanese Empire
  • Bleakfleet
Kimberg (San Francisco), California, Gaia
Operation : EncircleFinished
  • Taiwanese Empire
  • Renegade Covenant
Andalay Heights, Alastorn
Lava TidesFinished
  • Empire of Harkiu
  • Renegade Covenant
Andalay Heights, Alastorn
Jungle Storm IncidentFinished
  • Taiwanese Empire
  • Bleakfleet
Philippines, Gaia

Player Data

UsernameStatusNotable Character(s)Faction(s)

  • Struggling
  • Game Master
  • Realm Master
  • Whampoan Shogunate
  • Taiwanese Empire
  • Empire of Harkiu
  • Empire of Pherith
  • Australian Commonwealth (partially)
  • State of Peiyang
  • Radiant Circle

  • Active
  • Realm Master
  • Renegade Covenant
  • Australian Commonwealth (partially)
  • Federation of Aranor (uncertain)

@Leo Akastenix
  • Inactive
  • Nordic Confederation
  • Bleakfleet
  • Exiles of Vardrek

  • Invited
  • WIP

  • Absent
  • WIP

@Daffa the Mage
  • Busy
  • Republic of Indonesia
  • Zero


  1. Refer to the Roleplay Game Master, @Directive255, for more inquiries.

  2. Side Reference : A Pamphlet of the New North Alastorn Calendar

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A New Dawn
(Introduction for Whampoan Shogunate)

Helmina's Journal

Entry G-622
A Brief Recap of Whampoa's Recent History

Date Started : Monday, 1 JANUARY, YEAR 1206 ANNO REVITAE (3117 Anno Christi)
Date Finished : Thursday, 4 JANUARY, YEAR 1206 ANNO REVITAE (3117 Anno Christi)

Yet another old year has passed away, paving the way for a new year to embrace the world. Farewell, year 1205; and welcome, year 1206.

A whole fifteen years have passed since our exile to this world of darkness, and twenty-five years ago we saw the end of the Fifth Great War, ending with our nation struck in a horrific defeat.

The Fifth Great War did started great for us Whampoans as we swiftly conquered huge swaths of land, but the tides of war eventually turned against us as our foes rallied in resistance. Already in the middle of the war, our nation had already splintered into many bickering clans and cliques. To further rub salt to injury, the Yong Dynasty openly turned against ALL of Whampoa and sided with the Allied Nations. Theresia's betrayal had only worsened things for us Whampoans. Our Reich was soon encircled from all sides, and our enemies encroached deeper and deeper into our homelands as the war went on.

The war came to an end shortly after the fall of Kwongtsou to the Yong Dynasty. Our rightful lands were soon molested and violated by these filthy Allies.

All the lands retaken by us fellow Revivalist comrades, were once again lost in vain to these filthy Allies. Riau was once again fallen into Indonesian hands, Goetlander separatists continued to have their petty Goetland standing, Acheh turned into another so-called "sovereign state" with thanks to the Allied separatists, to name a few of these upsetting examples.

Not only that, our ancient clays were also forcibly taken away as well. Malaya was split in half, with Malaysia (more like Malingsia) snatching the southern half, and Theresia claiming the northern half under her so-called "Free State of Nanyang". Klungsberg, the pearl of Nanyang, was not even under the so-called "Free State of Nanyang" anymore, rather it fell into Malaysian hands and was shoved an archaic name to its throat, "Kuala Lumpur". Excuse me, "Kuala Lumpur"? What a lousy, decrepit name. Calling the pearl of Nanyang as a swampy conflux, how endearing and lovely! This is like calling Königsberg with a terrible made-up name like, uhm, Kaliningrad...

And all that remained of Whampoa's clays were handed over to the Yong Dynasty. Betraying our beloved nation in order to have more power and control? C'mon, what the hell, Theresia!

Yet, the struggle of Whampoa continued, as rebels from those splinter clans rose in revolt. We Whampoans would never fall easily before the wicked Allies. Alas, the early revolts were not successful since we fellow Whampoans were still busy bickering amongst one another.

To have any long lasting chance to survive and thrive, we Whampoans must unite ourselves into one united front. Disunity was one of the greatest reasons why Whampoa lost the last war. There were once Royalist Whampoans who settled around the outlying islands, brainwashed by the aristocrats to fight against their fellow compatriots. The very aristocrats who led us to our crushing defeat in the Fourth Great War with their delusional, greedy ways.

Oh, the treacherous Yong Dynasty -- the very Yong Dynasty that sold us out to the Allies -- was one of the two heads for these petty Royalists. And the other head was led by the Empire of Nanyang, the fallen empire for that drunktard Berthold. It was a good thing he repented and surrendered to me later on. However, before that, his Lenggong Clan was a bothersome headache back then. The Whampoans divided themselves into rivaling clans in the midst of the last war, crippling our nation as a result and soon leaving our clays to the mercy of the damn Allies.

Thus I, Helmina, as the new leader of the Revival Society, saw it as my duty to stop the bickerings and bring my fellow compatriots under one single banner again. After ten years of tiresome marches and campaigns, I have finally brought all but one of the Whampoan clans under my banner. All but one, and what was this one stubborn clan? That's right, it was this drunktard Berthold's shitty Lenggong Clan. It wasn't until his last stronghold fell to the Yong Dynasty, that his pitiful Lenggong Clan surrendered to my Shogunate at last.

As soon as I have most of the clans under me, I called for a Supreme Syura. There, I have declared a Shogunate for the Whampoan Reich, and I have been chosen as the Shogun on behalf of our nation. Tell you an open secret, dear reader, I did make use of... military persuasion and social engineering to get myself in power. With me now elected as the Shogun, The honor and duty to lead my people has fallen on my shoulders. As a side note, being in charge as the leader of a nation feels so powerful, so satisfying...

Soon, under my guidance, Project Dunkelheit has commenced. Dunkelheit -- darkness, Gelapan. A portal gateway leading us to this dark, mysterious Alastorn that we righteous, brave Whampoans reside right now. It was a huge gamble and a bold of faith. A new world to settle and conquer, full of vast uncharted lands blessed with heavenly treasures, but also littered with unknown terrors lurking in the dark. A shelter to hide from Theresia's relentless lapdogs. Our glorious Reich can once again be rebuilt and regrown. And even if we die in the mouths of foul creatures, it would still be far more worthwhile than getting enslaved as drudges to the Yong Dynasty.

Unfortunately, however, the Taiwanese soon caught wind of our Project Dunkelheit. While we were working on the gateway and preparing ourselves for the upcoming great migration, Theresia's imperialist legions also made their advances at the same time. For every step we made, the Taiwanese were five steps ahead of us. Pretty soon, most of our bases have fallen before Theresia's persisting assaults, and we were left to two last strongholds in the deep inland of Bashuland Province.

On that fateful rainy day, the 11th of November, year 1191, the Yong Dynasty unleashed one last final assault in an attempt to wipe us all out. Right in the nick of time, the portal gateway was finally completed. We hurriedly packed up our things and made our way to the gateway. Upon arriving there, we made a bold leap of faith stepping into this strange, alien world of Alastorn.

As soon as we have arrived to Alastorn, we spared no time building up our new settlements on the isle, which would now be known as the Orchideeinsel. The purple water around there smelled really great and emitted an empowering essence, while the lands were coated in purple grass and littered with mushrooms.

But it was far from peaceful. Not long after we set our foothold in Alastorn, the Renegade Covenant and the Empire of Harkiu soon took note of us and begun harassing us after awhile. Besides, we have faced many shadowy monsters on our very first day of arrival.

Very soon afterwards, as we expanded, we met our long lost ancient brethren -- the Freikorps of the Imperial Germans and the Kuomintang Chinese. At first, we very shocked to see fabled legends still alive, even after centuries have passed. It turns out that the Alastornian waters, when drunk constantly, could strengthen our health and even extend our life span as well.

However, our Freikorps brethren were far from thriving -- in fact their very survival were gravely threatened by the Renegade Covenant and the Empire of Harkiu. We soon came to the aid of our Freikorps brethren and after a few skirmishes drove our enemies away. Shortly thereafter, our Freikorps brethren then joined our Whampoan nation as valued members.

A few months later, the Yong Dynasty's lapdogs showed up right in front of our doorsteps, just as we have feared. They emerged right from the rift in Orchideeinsel and immediately ambushed our stronghold there. To make matters worse, the Taiwanese also surfaced in other nearby regions and quickly surrounded us. Soon, vast numbers of new Taiwanese colonies were set up all over the place. Thankfully, however, the Taiwanese forces pretty soon got in the way of other Alastornian factions, and found themselves stuck in a many-front war since then.

Fifteen years have passed since then, and the Whampoan Shogunate has firmly established its foundation in Alastorn. We have grown into a formidable power once again, and additionally expanded our frontiers to the northeastern subtropical lands. May the Mahakami (Great Spirit) bless my Shogunate and our Whampoan Reich, as we Whampoans strive to revive and strengthen our nation. Amin.​
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Level 24
May 15, 2013
(Introduction for the Renegades Covenant)

Farewell Letter

"Ladies and gentlemen of the Covenant.

Ever since the unwelcomed visitors, named the Whampoan Shogunate, came into Alastorn. Our war effort with the northwestern caliphate and the Empire of Harkiu have been strained heavily. However, business have been as usual. In fact, flow of trade and capital has never been better as these enemies warred against each other. The exchanging of weapons, ammunitions, and resources, the like, have been themselves the highest in the market. The Underworld has been formed thanks to these rapid development, and following, new member states are offering their allegiance to the Directory Council. With the creation of the Underworld Treaty, an alliance has been formed between the northeastern conglomerates, cartels and us of the Renegades Covenant. Our manpower has never before, increased beyond the Covenant's capacity. Our factional machinery has doubled its efforts of production. And finally, with the Underworld, we have created our rogue nation.

But, as you can see, the Arch Directory of the Covenant shall be taking their absence permanently for all due unknown reasons. We have taken measures of the next voting sequence be made fair under the Covenant Text : 49 - 'A director having majority of votes from the Directory Coucil shall be made Mastermind of the Renegades Covenant, only if the current Mastermind/s have been reported deceased or KIA.'

With us gone, the Directory Council can initiate a voting. Notably, senior members have a power of 'two votes'. The rest counted as one. Whoever wins becomes the Mastermind of the Renegades Covenant, and the Arch Director of the Underworld. And it's simple as that. Make the best of your decision, and make us, the founders proud, if that would ever happen. Most of all, for the Covenant!

Sincerely, Mastermind Right and Arch Director Left"
Farewell Letter
The scene of a secret meeting room, covered with thick concrete all around. At its center a long table with numerous Directors and Directress of the Renegades Covenant's Upper Echelon sitting. On front of them, a wide screen turned off. There's only a couple of lamps lightening a room, making it shady and eerie. A Director of the far corner left stands with arms slamming the table.

"Tell me, is this one of Director Right's foolish jokes again?!" He yelled, completely pissed. "Directress Xiandre, as the closest individual to the Masterminds, what words of truth will you bring us at this meeting?" He continued.

Xiandre puts his cup of tea down after a sip. "Watch your tone, Director Malagar, I have complete confidence that this is no joke, nor play from one of our Arch Directors." She stands and started walking around the meeting hall. "As you've read, they are literally gone. Gone from the Renegades Covenant. Second-in-command Joyeuse can confirm that. Will you please?" She pointed at the most front right long-haired blonde man.
"12:00 AM of the 90 Quart-Ses 3116. I've discovered this handwritten letter, with the signatures personally from Arch Directors Left and Right. By that time, I've made private search parties look for them, but to no honest luck was there any left sign except for the letter. A day later, and we have no confirmed reports until this present moment. Knowing this is a major threat to the organization, we have to follow the Covenant Text : 47 - 'Uphold a meeting of the Directory Council's Upper Echelon whenever the Covenant Arch Director has retired from the position. And following, arrange a voting for the next Arch Director.' Ladies and gentlemen, at this meeting, we uphold the arrangement of the meeting."
"This is blasphemy! Without Director Left, the Renegades Covenant will surely break, and not to mention the entire Underworld Treaty. The Masterminds have always managed the stability of the Covenant, and with them inconveniently gone, why do we still remain here?!" Director Malagar ranted again.
"Ladies and gentlemen. Following the terms of the Covenant text, we shall now prepare for the arrangement of the voting of the new Arch Director. However, there is no such statements within the Covenant Text that any Director cannot openly take over the entire organization by force during the voting. So..." Directress Xiandre openly stated.

As she finished, the door at the rear, which is the only entrance to the room, opened. From that door, appeared numerous heavily armored soldiers, whom are dubbed as the Crimson Skull, Director Left's personal bodyguards.

"Wha- what is the meaning?! Directress Xiandre?!" One of the Directors complained in surprise.
"It is what you expect, my friends. Simply call it a coup, and I'm taking over as the new Arch Director. Still, I'd like to make this fair." Xiandre said in a relaxed tone.
"Fair enough indeed. The voting begins, raise your hands if you vote for Directress Xiandre as the new Mastermind and Arch Director." Joyeuse explained briefly.

After he finished, the armed bodyguards that came in the room individualy and heads behind each and every one of the Directors and Directress inside the room, except for Directress Xiandre. Feeling pressured save for a few, the entire members of the Upper Echelon raised their hands.

"Tell me everyone. Are you all ready to die? Just raise your hands if you want to do so." Xiandre chuckled.
"What?! Directress Xiandre, you have taken this way to---" *gunshot*

He dropped dead instantly with bloody splatted on the table. This shook most of the company, lowering their hands. However, those that kept a bold face remained their hands on the air.

"Ah, I see some of you are willing to die indeed. Very well then, Red Skulls, on my mark... shoot!" Xiandre gave the signal.

And by just one weak clap, gunshots roared all over the room, and blood showered everywhere. The armored juggernauts shoot every Director and Directress who lowered their hands, but spared those that raised theirs.

"Ladies and gentlemen, or what's left of you anyway. I invite you to my humble company. Take it as a gift for allowing me to sit on this new throne. I shall make our two founder's proud. Therefore, this meeting, starts the beginning, of a rogue nation. Under Her Majesty, Arch Directress Xiandre Marie. For the Covenant! A New Covenant!"

The disappearance of the two Masterminds of the Renegades Covenant, Right and Left, allowed Directress Xiandre of Alcatraz to create a coup among the Upper Echelon of the Directory Council. She ousted and executed anyone who defied her rule, enforced by the remaining Directory of the Upper Echelons. The new regime quickly reorganized the Renegades Covenant, and manipulated the Underworld Treaty Alliance. This has given the new Arch Directress, Xiandre, totalitarian power over the organizations. Through her resources and connections, instead of falling to decentralization, the Underworld progressed faster than ever.

3 Uno-Ses 3117, Arch Directress Xiandre addressed her official rule of the Renegades Covenant. From the rogue factions of the mainland towards the conglomerates of the northwest islands, she proclaimed herself Mastermind, and reigns over the rogue nation, called the Underworld.
Green Dawn Rising
(Introduction for the Taiwanese Empire)

Date : Sunday, 7 January 1206 Anno Revitae (3117 Anno Christi)
Location : Third Floor Central Hallway, Harismate Palace, Kilatkrone City, Lemuria

Meanwhile, within a gigantic palace adorned with lavish luxuries...

A beauteous, lovely lady, gracefully slim yet larger than most men, emerged along with a few escorts. This graceful lady was none other than Theresia Yong, the Empress of Taiwan. She strolled slowly along the hallway in sync with the rising sun, immersing herself in a shower of sunlight with a smirk.

Soon, a flowery scent filled the air as another lady stepped out from a room, a lady in a scaly white skin coated with some black feathers. She approached the Empress and knelt before her, "Good morning, Your Imperial Majesty."

"Good morning to you too, Puan Rhelsha," a smirking Theresia responded, and continued whlist rising up her hand, "You may rise up now."

The gothic lady, Rhelsha, rose up and thanked Theresia thereafter. "My beloved Empress, sorry for interrupting but I have some latest news from Alastorn. Would you like to hear about it?"

"Sure, of course. What is it roughly about?" Theresia asked as she continued strolling along the hallway.

"Alright, milady. One major faction in Alastorn had a leadership change a few days ago."

"Interesting... Which faction, if I may ask? Let's better hope it's the rebels' beloved Shogunate."

"Sorry to disappoint you, milady, but it is not the rebellious Whampoa. Rather, it's the Renegade Covenant."

"Oh, did you mean the gang of snow bandits?"

"Yes, exactly. For reasons unknown, the twins have suddenly vanished into nowhere, and then a lady named Xiandre took control of this Covenant. We did not exactly know what happened to these snow bandits, but I and my teammates guessed that a sudden coup has likely ensued within that Covenant. It is highly unlikely that the twin would step down by themselves, somebody else must have began an uprising and overthrew the twins. Recent activities of the Renegade Covenant and its associates also seem suspicious. My Empress, may I suggest you to take the initiative and finish off this Covenant quickly? This will remove a major threat to us, and also expand the frontiers of your glorious empire, milady."

"Hold on, please give me some time, Rhelsha. I would like to rest at the balcony beforehand. Any big scheming goes to the throne room. But perhaps we can chat a little more at the balcony, what do you think?"

"Oh, for sure, milady. Thank you for your invitation, it's my honor and pleasure to accompany you in your rest!"

"My good Rhelsha. You're welcome." praised the Empress with a smile.​


Location : Grand Balcony, Harismate Palace

Upon reaching the balcony, Theresia stopped to take a look at the scenery. Hills blanketed in an elegant layer of green grass with clusters of trees and villas scattered around, with a big river flowing in front of the palace gates. The scenery glittered with a queenly gold as the rising sun shone upon the blessed lands of Lemuria.

The Empress took a deep breath and let out a smile as she peered at the view. "Ahh. My wondrous empire... isn't it lovely, don't you think, Rhelsha? But worryingly though, things are getting quite harsh and grim lately."

Theresia sighed and continued, "Here on Gaia, my Empire is encircled badly in this cold war. It has already been an awkward stalemate for a long time, and there is still little to be done. We have Peiyang and Koryo from the north, India and Schikang from the west, American warlords from the east, then we have Indonesia and Australia from the south."

The Empress took a deep breath before proceeding, "Lately tensions are on the rise though, and we are not entirely sure and confident about our future. Other than that, Helmina's irksome rebellion did not help much either, in fact Taiwan exhausted a great deal of time and money just to deal with Helmina, when all our resources could have been used for development instead."

"Oh, and, even though we drove Helmina's rebels out of Gaia, they fled to Alastorn regardless, and even thrived there with their newfound friends. We should be much more alert from now on." Theresia elaborated, "Helmina has made very good use of her newfound clays, metals and friends, and have rebuilt her so-called 'Reich' there. Who knows how long before Helmina launches an onslaught against us?"

"Don't worry about it, milady. Your empire has withstood the test of time, is it not? It seems that Mahakami is on our side at all times. Your beloved empire survived the feudal dramas, made it through the Revolutionaries, and remained strong during Berthold's Reich. Great War Four hit Whampoa afterwards, but our Taiwan was mostly left intact while all other Whampoan states suffered terribly. Is this not a blessing from Mahakami?"

Rhelsha continued, "And when the Revitals came for us, we persisted fighting with valor, eventually the tides turned against Konrad's Reich and we won. Afterwards, we inherited all the remaining lands of Whampoa. Helmina's rebels arose against our rightful reign of all of Whampoa, but we drove them off the face of Gaia within a couple of years."

"Of course, we must be cautious and prepared for future challenges, but don't worry too much, for the Mahakami is with us. And milady, you have us -- all the Taiwanese people -- as your devoted fans and servants."

Theresia listened to Rhelsha's motivational rhetoric, nodding in approval and smiling in joy as she listened. "True. But with a new planet of darkness, and the changing climate in the game of politics here, this is going to be quite tough and challenging indeed..."

"The best we can do is to continue preparing ourselves as we sail through the uncharted waters of the future, is it not? Nobody really knows what the future has in store for us. We need to strengthen our legions further and work on our economy, at least."

"Indeed, Rhelsha. Anyways, I feel I have spent enough time at the balcony, I'll now go to the Greenwood Shrine for the Sunday prayer. We shall begin our assembly in the throne room three hours afterwards. See you there, Rhelsha. May Mahakami and Amaterasu bless you."

"Alright, good luck, and may Mahakami and Amaterasu bless you too."

Moments Later

Location : Throne Room, Harismate Palace

Hours afterwards, Taiwanese elites gathered themselves before the throne, where Empress Theresia sat awaiting them. After all spots were filled, the elites all knelt before the Empress, "Long live, long live, and long live the Empress!"

"Bangunlah!" the Empress lifted her palm upwards, signalling her subjects to rise up.

"Arigato Theresia!" thanked the elites before rising back up.

"Well, ladies and gentlemen," the Empress said in a feminine but loud voice, "today I have a quite important issue to discuss. Listen, I'm planning to launch a war against the Renegade Covenant. Recent intel confirmed a sudden change in leadership of the Renegade Covenant. An inner struggle is likely going on within the Renegades' rank. I believe it is best if we get rid of the Covenant before it is back on track again. What do you think?"

Soon after Theresia finished, murmurs and chatters quickly flooded the throne room.

Chancellor Kathrin responded positively, "Sure! Remove them and we have much less troubles ahead. We'll get more space for our colonies, thus letting our empire grow even faster."

"I'm sorry, Empress and Chancellor, but I am opposed to this plan." General Masahiro objected, "Our standing armies are already busy watching over our vast frontiers, while we are all surrounded by wary nations. Also, are we really sure the inner struggle there is great enough to break them? There seems to be no confirmed reports of civil wars, and it seems we are not even sure if they have any inner struggle at all. Attacking the Renegade Covenant at this time might risk losing many troops and exposing our frontiers."

Kathrin replied, "We need to make colonies everywhere, at least we can extract more resources and build more colonies. Please don't be a coward, you're a general after all, right?"

"Being a general is not just simple warmongering, Puan Kathrin. You need to look carefully and think hard. War is not that easy like video games. We cannot risk heavy losses and expose our existing frontiers just for some additional clays on Alastorn. The Renegade Covenant is not much of a threat really, they will only attack seriously if we provoke them. Otherwise, they are a cartel of mere snow bandits who only seeks to feed their stomachs, nothing more."

"But we can't keep staying in our safe space forever and ever." added Rhelsha, "We need to venture into the unknown sometimes, if we are to grow and expand."

"Says the lady who gives suspicious, ambigious intel." scoffed Masahiro, "Are you really sure a serious inner struggle is breaking out within the Covenant? Do you really think we should waste our resources dealing with some puny little bandits on a distant planet? We tried that with Helmina's gang before, and it went so beautifully well. Oh, right, let's look away and leave all our clays here to the mercy of our foes. Pack up all our things entirely and leave for Alastorn like Helmina did. And don't expect any enemies and accidents to stab us."

"Encik Masahiro, do you really think our troops and warships are really that few?" Rhelsha asked, "We only need to send some of our ground troops and tanks to finish off those snow bandits, nothing more. C'mon. Besides, most of our frontiers are in the water anyways, and that's the job of the navy, not the army. We have more than enough troops to keep Whampoa and Nanyang secure. Lemuria and Taiwan are perfectly safe with our superb navy on guard."

The debate went on for a moment...

"Alright," Theresia announced, "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for coming to the assembly, I believe I heard enough to make a good decision. We will dispatch a few battalions to finish off the Renegades. Prepare the portals and the troops, we need to get rid of these snow bandits as soon as possible."

"I have confidence in the Empress' decision," Kathrin smilingly asserted.

"Don't blame me if things go wrong, though." Masahiro said, "I have given my two cents already."

And thus, the Taiwanese have prepared some battalions for the anti-bandit campaign in Alastorn.​

Three Days Later, in Alastorn

Location : Somewhere close to Renegade Covenant lands, Alastorn
User(s) : @Edge45

Somewhere near the misty, mountainous northlands of Alastorn, a few rifts have broke open, leading the way for a few Taiwanese legions to step through. Upon arrival, the Taiwanese spared no time and immediately set up bases. Additional reinforcements from the existing Taiwanese colonies soon arrived.

The same would happen for a few other regions surrounding the misty snowlands, where Taiwanese forces came from portals and built up their settlements.​

Hours Later

Location : The Shogun's Office, Whampoan Shogunate

Helmina was busy doing some paperwork back in her office in silence. But her work was soon interrupted by a doorknock and a ringing bell.

"Something happened? This better be good..." the Shogun muttered to herself. "Come in, comrade!"

"Thank you, comrade. I bear news from our military intel, comrade Shogun." an official entered the room bringing along some files, "Firstly, we have noticed a sudden rise in Taiwanese activity around the northern snowlands, soon after detecting several rift cracks a few moments earlier. Their numbers seem to have increased greatly as well."

The official then went closer and handed Helmina the files.

After taking a casual view of the reports, Helmina replied, "Hmmm... interesting news, comrade Ibrahim. But for now, we shall keep a distance away from the snowlands and just watch from afar. Anything else?"

"The other (Japanese) Shogunate is likely testing some portal gateway of their own. We picked up notable energy and windflow changes coming from the west. We have also noticed a sudden drop of Japanese troops around their borderlands, comrade Shogun. Nothing more at the moment. We will keep you informed and updated, as always."

"Good." Helmina then took a piece of paper and wrote a memo to Ibrahim, "Tell our fellow comrades to be more attentive and careful from now onwards, we don't know what the others are up to. You may go now."

"Thank you, comrade Shogun." Ibrahim bowed before Helmina, and then left her office.​

EDIT : Changed the name of Theresia's main palace in Kilatkrone City.
Last edited:
Level 9
Nov 27, 2014
Nordic Confederation
The north lands of Terra, ravaged by nuclear war and covered eternally in a radiated wasteland.. only the harshest survive in these northern lands.

Tribes of super-humans and mutants band together for survival in these waging winters, their hatred directed against the so called "European Coalition" that has abandoned them for the sake of their petty wars.

----------------------------------- The Radiant Iceberg, North Pole------------------------
A Shaman Grandmaster and a retinue of his apprentices makes their way into the large sacred cave that dominated the iceberg.
Despite the coldness, a warmth could be felt as they kept proceeding deeper into the cave, now barely lit.

Soon they came upon a wide hall, existing as a somewhat manmade but also of unnatural occurrences. Gylphs and Statues carved from ice were decorating the interiors. A lone central altar stood in the middle with a statue of a winged feminine humanoid.

Shaman Sorcerer #1: "Venerable Master, are you sure this is the place you seek?"
Shaman Grandmaster: "Do not worry, my apprentice, my visions have never failed me... we should wait for a while.. perhaps a few seconds.."

They would linger around. A few impatient ones went around to inspect the inscriptions and statues while the more patient ones simply remained viligant.

Shaman Sorcerer #3: "I don't know fellow sorcerers.. I am starting to feel tense.."
Shaman Sorcerer #1: "I can't say I don't share your sentiment.."
Shaman Sorcerer #4: "Don't worry.. when has our venerable master ever failed us..?"
Shaman Sorcerer #6: *turns around after inspecting a nearby statue* "I believe he left you for a good hour back at Varligron during the 22nd Wolf Racing festival despite saying he would keep us under his watch..."
Shaman Sorcerer #4 :"Well. Well.. That was.. well.."
Shaman Grandmaster: "I heard that boy.."

The Sorcerers let out a jolly laugh, while #4 seemed a little embarrassed while the Grandmaster simply chuckled..

Shaman Sorcerer #1: "Umm.. fellow sorcerers.. I feel.. hungry"
Shaman Sorcerer #2: "He's always hungry when he's hungry.."
Shaman Sorcerer #4: "By Odin's beard! You have just eaten enough food for a feast in Valhalla and still you are hungry?!?"
Shaman Sorcerer #5: "Don't you yell at him! He's anxious and he's right.. It has been 15 seconds now.. why isn't anything happening?"]

#6 meanwhile gazed upon a peculiar inscription covered in dirt.
He wiped it off hardly and suddenly the glyphs start glowing.

Shaman Sorcerer #6: "Er... I don't think that was supposed to happe-"

A blinding light exploded from the altar and all the glyphs and inscriptions start glowing erratically.

A winged women in battle dress, a glowing halberd and wings appear before them.
The Shaman Grandmaster walked up to her

Shaman Grandmaster: "My love... I haven't gazed upon you for a long time.."
Valkyrie: "And you too, my lovely Grimwald.. are you still the grumpy man like always?"
Grimwald the Red: *Chuckles* "And are you still the skull-bashing, bone-breaking and spine-crushing women I used to know, Hilde?"
Hilde the Skewerer: "I do wish we have more time to reminisce.. but my time here is short, regrettable my love.."

A glimpse of sadness could be seen from her eyes, the only visible part of her fully armored figure.

Hilde the Skewerer: "The weaklings to the south are fighting over each other over pitiful manners.. their dependence on money, wealth and architecture is their downfall.. Grimwald, the great grandmaster of the north.. you will gather the many tribes and clans of the north and set a great tide down south...Our allies from other worlds will aid us.. and so will we aid them in return.. Odin has decreed that the eternal winter too will spread southward. Their pitiful walls will no safe them.. if will only make them trapped with us.. Go now.. my love.. for surely after this, you may join me eternally in the great golden halls of Valhalla..."

The Sorcerers huddled around and mumbled to each other.

Grimwald, living up to his name.. was in deep thought.
Hilde looked down and took off Grimwald's helm, revealing a man with somewhat sickly and pale skinned.
She held his cheek for a short while before saying her final words

Hilde the Skewerer: " I shall be waiting.. my love.."
With that a blinding light once again shone and she has disappeared.

The Sorcerers were bewildered and dumbfounded. Grimwald slowly readorned his helm. He turned towards his apprentices.
Grimwald the Red: "Now my apprentices... let us begin our great plan.."

The Bleakfleet

While many see them as nothing more than unholy pirates and buccaneers.. they have created a inter dimensional civilization based upon naval pirating. Wights, Vampires, Necromancers and other higher undead beings, shunned from their once beloved community can find a new life here, whether it be a corsair, a bartender, a weaponsmith or even an artist.. All find opportunities in the great free city of Zartotra.

------------------------- The British Channel, Terra-----------------------
A blighted unnatural mist surrounds the channel, making the dark night even darker than usual

A few U-boats, a crusier and several convoys were wading their way through this unnatural darkness.
A Kriegsmarine in sonar duty on U-boat "U-678" was leisurely reading Mein Kampf when suddenly his sonar starts going nuts.
He looks up, somewhat shocked but more irritated.
Kriegsmarine #1:"Hans! Hans! Zis Zhitty peice of equipment keepz malfunction! What is this, Soviet made?!"
Just then something rocket the entire U-Boat.. and suddenly the hull was torn apart, with water entering.
Kriegsmarine #1:"Zon of a Non-Aryan pig! This is seriously going downhill!"
Kriegsmarine #2: *Manages to hold on to the control panel* "Now we are going down under the sea!"
Kriegsmarine #1: "Oh shut up! When we meet in hell, I will kick your Czech ass back to Munich where it belongs!"

Meanwhile the Crusier Z5-371's decks were already slick with blood and gunfire.
Frantic screams in german was heard with bursts of gunfire but soon it stopped.

A dark armored figure could be seen walking towards the dying captain. It kneeled down and looking as if at the Captain's soul itself, asked in perfect German.

Dark Figure: "Where is it?"

The Captain looked confused.
Dark Figure: "Oh.. I guess it's the hard way then... well.."
It snapped it's fingers.
From the darkness, ghoulish figures with guns stumbled out.

The Captain looked on and realized some of the ghoulish figures were actually some of his men, twisted beyond recognition and looked at the Captain hungrily.
Dark Figure: "Feast yourselves.."
The zombie deckhands and risen marines threw themselves on the captain and tore him inside out, feasting on his entrails and guts.
The Dark Figure watched carefully and then after the feast, asked the ghoul which has eaten the brain to speak
The ghoul obediently lead the way to a secret compartment in the ship.
There laid an Aztec artifact, which the Dark Figure took. Then as if waiting for it's command, a great black ship looms out of the fog.

As the great ship loomed off, the fog cleared off while the now derelict german ships floated aimlessly within the channel.
As the great ship sailed off, the Dark Figure walked into a chamber.
It dropped on it's knees as another figure walks towards her, flanked by elite-looking unholy soldiers.
"My lord.. we have the map.. what are your orders..?" the voice, now sounding more feminine.
The Dark Figure chuckled
"FIND the beast... KILL the beast... RESURRECT the beast... Rule the waves..."
As he said that the undead crew chanted in unison
Undead Crew "Aye! Aye! Captain!!"

The great ship veered towards the Bermuda triangle..."

The Channel Crisis

Location : Western Europe
User(s) : @Leo Akastenix

Hours after the Bleakfleet raid, several British ships moved into the waters and found some stationary Nazi submarines lying there.

British Gunboat #1 : "Yo matey, look! There are some Nazis on our waters, but their boats are stationary just like sitting ducks!"
British Battleship #1 : "Interesting find, mate. Something's wrong with those ships... uhm... let's see what's up with them Nazis..."

Thus, the small British fleet moved in closer to the inactive Nazi U-Boats.
Upon inspection, those ships were found to have been stained with blood, along with some other signs of struggles.

British Gunboat #2 : "Any signs of life?"
British Destroyer #1 : "Negative."

British Battleship #1 : "Alrighty then, let's drag them up to the surface."

The British then tolled the U-Boats up and went inside the U-Boats for further inspection.


Very quickly, news of the stray U-Boats would spread far and wide across all of Europe.

In the bunker somewhere in Berlin...

An old man in an office suit was sitting in his office, alternating between doing paperwork and staring at nowhere in boredom.

Suddenly, the door knocked open, and a remarkably tall official dressed in a stylish uniform stepped in.
"9 U-Boats suddenly had their crews killed in ze British Channelz, and were left stationary there before ze British picked them up."

The old man then frowned and begun ranting, "What ze fuck were you talkin' bout? How ze fuck did you manage that?! We were supposed to have ze artifactz safely, dumbhead! Now with the British getting the U-Boats, we're fucked!"

"Fuck you and fuck ze British!"
"Ze British! (smashed desk) Ze British! (smashed desk) Ze British! (smashed desk)"


Hours later, the Nazi Reich issued an official statement accusing the Union of Britain and the French Commune for the U-Boats incident.

The Union of Britain and the French Commune both denied any involvement in attacking the U-Boats. They insisted that they came across the U-Boats by accident. Furthermore, some official statements boldly asked if this was a false flag operation from the Nazis themselves.

Tensions were rising... seems that the storms of war were brewing fast in Europe.​


@Leo Akastenix, yo start dem raids on California as planned ;)
Level 9
Nov 27, 2014
Location: California Coastline
Time: 23:05 local time

The Taiwanese Port in Kimberg.
An unknown storm has swept into the whole city without any warning on 20:00 local time
For unknown reasons, communication within the city is manageable but communications to locations outside the city has became extremely difficult.

The storm has made some parts of the city have small rises in water level with the city's power supply constantly going out. Heavy winds and thunder dot the cityscape.

TIME: 23:10 local time
A Taiwanese patrol patrolling the water front suddenly heard a funny sound.
A whistle that seemed to have a message.
A funny sound could be heard from behind..

Turning around they found nothing... Perhaps there was nothing..
Taiwanese Lady Captain :"Apekah berlaku skarang? (What is happening now?)"

As they turn back, they were greeted by a screech and a monstrosity they have never seen before

With a deafening screech, the creature seem to meld back into the dark surroundings before they heard groans and moaning all around them
Out of the darkness came ghoulish figures with firearms and pieces of armor, zombies with weapons that melded into their bodies and other unholy creatures.

Taiwanese Cohor #1: "Our Mother, Who art in h-heaven, h-hallowed be Thy n-name; Thy queendom come--"

These undead horrors fired their weapons in bursts and only silence remained.

Around the city, firefights ensure with Taiwanese positions overran with creatures from the mist that came in huge numbers. Although weak and not very accurate with their firearms, their sheer numbers made up for their weakness and poor accuracy. Soon, dead Taiwanese cohors joined their unholy ranks and undead shamblers, clutching their weapons and turning on their former friends.

///Local Time: 23: 50 - 0:10///

The city was in practical chaos as undead mobs comb the cities, carrying anything they can get. Electronics, food and even scrap metal was hoarded. Dead bodies too were carried off to serve in their unholy ranks.

In the defiled harbor, massive dark behemoth of ships docked and were piling with loot and plunder.

------------------------ Kimberg City Hall----------
Meanwhile, in the City Hall, a last band of desperate Taiwanese cohors along with chaplains, police and civilians holed up.

Around them gunfire was rampant.

Civilian #1: "Mahakami .. what is HAPPENING?!?!"
Chaplain #1: "Calm down, these fiends are relentless.. we can only pray that they do not overwhelm us.."

As he said it, a wounded Cohor was carried in with his friends.

Cohor #2: "Chaplain! Chaplain! Help us... Our friend is injured!"

The Chaplain inspected the wounded Cohor. His armor was torn open with brute force along with uncountable dents from firearms and scratches from melee engagements. The cohor was barely conscious and the Chaplain suddenly realized something.

Chaplain #1: "It's too late... he's infected... if he had been here a minute sooner.. our mother's grace might have saved him.."
Chaplain #2: "What do you mean?! We can-"
Chaplain #1: "We are fighting against the undead... he is infected and will turn any minute.. the only thing we can do for him now is to make sure he doesn't turn into one of those fiends.."
#2: "But- We were to pro-But.."

The nearby civilians were horrified and they soon backed off when the wounded Cohor started shaking uncontrollably.

Chaplain #1: "Quick! SHOOT HIM!"

The nearby Cohors were unable to move, unable to shoot at their former comrade.
The Chaplain, with a heavy heart, grabbed a nearby rifle and blew the Cohor's brains out.
Only then did the shaking stopped.
The nearby civilians were mortified and started panicking.

Then, as if a stroke of luck, a Captain barged in..

Captain : "Arigato'Mahakami!! Those damned fiends are retreating!"
Cohor #2: "What do you mean?!?"
Captain: " They seem to be retreating for now.."
Chaplain #2: "THANK Amaterasu!"

3:00 local time

All traces of the raid was gone and the storm subsided just as daylight returned.. A huge portion of the city laid in ruins from the intense fighting. Cars were missing, electronics were looted and anything not rooted was pretty much gone from a huge portion.

Many weapons and equipment were looted too, along with a few warships that has seemingly been taken.
Casualty reports were still unknown but it is no surprise that a huge portion of the city was now desecrated.
The only things that remain of the struggle are ruined structures, dried up blood in large great quantities and empty neighborhoods...

Who knows what the Undead wanted..?

------------------ The Vortex, somewhere in the Bermuda 7 hours later --------------
Wight Captain: "Admiral Coralfang WILL be pleased... such booty.. such recruits.. such equipment...."
He was out on his enormous deck, inspecting all the loot.

A Zombie Deckhand stumbled towards him
Zombie Deckhand: "*seemingly grunts and points*"
Wight Captain: "Admiral Coralfang wants to see me? Of course he does! After all, his first mate Hookeye Sam has done a great job at fulfilling his desires! FULL SAIL AHEAD!!"

The enormous armada, shrouded in mist and storm disappeared into the churning vortex...
Level 24
May 15, 2013
Den of Beasts

9 Uno-Ses 3117
Location: Alcatraz Prime (exact location unknown)

From the dark hallway with glass-covered windows emitting the light of lava and fire. The new Mastermind walks along her domain, radiating a high and intimidating aura. She approaches her command room, the centre of all her operations. Suddenly, she loses her balance in a ditsy manner, falling to her knees and cried a bit. "Oh... Edgypooh... Cromy... where are you? *sniff*" Xiandre pouted as her tears fell. She stands up again and wiped her sadness. "I know! It must be those Whampoan whatchamacallits. They must have kidnapped my two adorable lovers and making me feel lonely, oohh!!" Again she pouted, nearing her destination.

The door opened in front of her, and she was greeted by Director Joyeuse. "Lady Xiandre, welcome. You seem to be... in distress." He said.

"Oh, Director Joyeuse. I see you are still ever grateful that I spared your life during my purge of the covenant." Xiandre replied.

Director Joyeuse bowed formally and guided her to the large command center. "I am grateful and honored indeed my lady. Considering the directives of our former hosts laid great promise to your foundation, It is only right that I follow you."

"Oh you flatter me Joyeuse. I wish you hadn't. That's not typically how Right used to flirt me." She mocked in a highly prideful tone, suddenly she had a brief change of attitude. "B-but, it's not that I hate it though, do continue to flatter me Director."

"Hmm I had no idea Director Right used to flirt with you but... as you wish my Lady. Unto the night's agenda." Joyeuse continued.

Within the large room, hundreds of personnel manages numbers of complex computers and gadgets all around. Each encrypted to the utmost secrecy only accessed by certain people of the hierarchy.

"Director Baryl of the Cerberos Legion reported a large influx of space disturbance near the Andalay Heights, one of our territories. According to their sensors, the wave patterns from these disturbances matches that of light-speed dimensional holes, in otherwords, portals."

"Oh your techy words excites me 'Jose', but I'm quite aware they've probably heard of the change of leadership we had the past days, and are rushing to wipe us." She said frankly. "But, I just love it when preys enter a predator's den instead of predators doing the search." Xiandre smirked wickedly.

"I see my lady. We have not identified who's our enemy yet though." Joyeuse said.

"Matters not my good man. I didn't spare useless mouth-blobbing leaders during the purge, so I take that the new Directory Council members will assure a moments victory for the Covenant. Contact Director Price, assign the Dagger Legion supported by Cerberos and the 9th Regiment of my Crimson Skull Guards. I wanna see how that man will take care of this." Xiandre finished.

A day later

Location : Somewhere around the Andalay Heights - within the borders of the Renegades Covenant, Alastorn
User(s) : @Directive255

Somewhere near the misty, mountainous northlands of Alastorn, a few rifts have broke open, leading the way for a few Taiwanese legions to step through. Upon arrival, the Taiwanese spared no time and immediately set up bases. Additional reinforcements from the existing Taiwanese colonies soon arrived.

The same would happen for a few other regions surrounding the misty snowlands, where Taiwanese forces came from portals and built up their settlements.​

Several hours later

***Private Comms***
"Confirmed visual, we have unknown forces on our scopes. Send this to Cerberos." A Renegade scout notified.

"AS-Overlord to Dagger-actual, origins traced to Planet Gaia. Identified as the Taiwanese Empire, hostile forces, engage with caution, over."

"Dagger-actual confirms. Keep active notifications, over. Make preparations"

Two days later

Date: 12 Uno-Ses 3117
Location: Somewhere around the Andalay Heights - the borders of the Renegades Covenant, Alastorn

On one of the Tawainese Expedition's settlements, a nighthound (Shephered) appeared a kilometer away in front of the area. The canine can easily be seen and visible. It seems to be sitting on the ground and its tongue coming out in a playful manner.
Vampirical Bite

Excerpt from the Harmonious Hearts News

BREAKING NEWS : Mysterious "Vampire" Assault on Kimberg?

Kimberg, California -- Thursday, 11 January 1206 A.R.
After a stormy night, unknown beings have pillaged the city of Kimberg, leaving approximately 69,150 dead and clotting the streets with ruins and rubbles from destroyed buildings. In addition, many valuables were missing throughout the pillage, including electronics, gold bars, industrial machines, and even firearms too, presumably stolen by the unknown attackers. Furthermore, many cars and ships also gone missing after the assault.

Witnesses have described these unknown beings as fiendish, horrific demonoids which smelled like rotten corpses. Many troops and police officers defended the city with valor and courage. However, despite their best efforts, the unknown beings had managed to inflict heavy devastation upon the city and its inhabitants. Viral camera recordings over the Weltnetz even showed walking corpses of dead Taiwanese troops, fighting against their own compatriots in undeath.

However, most traces of the pillage vanished as the storm subsided. The unknown attackers have retreated by the time daylight shone upon Kimberg. Even though the attacks have stopped for now, a huge portion of the city was already now desecrated. Streets were littered with debris and fire, with many neighborhoods slaughtered and pillaged to a bloody death. The Taiwanese authorities urge residents in California to be on high alert and prepare for any attacks. Motives of the assault were still unknown, but some rumors suggest that the so-called "Whampoan Shogunate" is behind the attack on Kimberg.

Stay tuned to Harmonious Hearts News for more updates!

Location : Throne Room, Harismate Palace, Kilatkrone City, Lemuria
Date : Thursday, 11 January 1206 A.R.

The top brass of the Taiwanese Empire held another assembly at the throne room, after the sudden attack on Kimberg which caught them off guard. The room was filled in a deathly, awkward silence as Theresia flipped through the pages briefly in anger.

"What is the matter with this?" Theresia questioned as she slammed the files onto the desk, "How could Kimberg get assaulted by unknown troops? Why could some unknown beings go pass our great fleets and strike Kimberg from within?"

"M-milady... We are greatly sorry over Kimberg..." the kneeling Admiral pleaded, "W-we d-din't m-mean it, Empress!"

"Ugh... alright, I know you've worked hard, Admiral Faizal. Consider yourself forgiven then, but do not disappoint me the next time. Understood?"

"Y-yes... milady... thank you... I'll work harder the next time, I promise." the admiral meekly replied.

"Ladies and gentlemen, your empress here have a question. How could these attackers pop up right at the shores of California, perfectly undetected? And that happened during a heavy misty storm too. Are they making use of some portals? What do you think?"

"That could be a very likely answer indeed. After all, what other ways can a navy of alien freaks emerge right within our clays, completely bypassing our fleets and the wild storms?" Rhelsha responded.

"Indeed. Either that, or they have access to some extreme sorceries, like weather control and stealth." General Masahiro added, "But, that does show us that even with our navy on guard, we are still exposed to hostile attacks. See? It's a bad idea to send in troops to Alastorn after all."

"Well, it would have made little difference. The enemy seems to wield some trickeries, and our numbers no matter how plentiful cannot really beat them." Admiral Faizal replied, "The troops we sent to Alastorn were reassigned from Whampoa, which is thousands of kilometers away from California. I believe Alastornians were behind the Kimberg attack. We should better hasten and expand our operations in Alastorn then."

"Dude, that will only provoke more attacks from Alastorn!" General Masahiro argued, "Better be safe than sorry, Encik Faizal. Steer away from unnecessary drama, and focus on keeping Taiwan safe."

"I have to disagree with you, Masahiro." Rhelsha said, "We cannot stand back and await for our enemies like sitting ducks. Appeasement and passiveness does not always work. We need to secure some clays there for ourselves, so we can better keep watch on the Alastornians."

Rhelsha then added, "Oh, and, there are very good reasons to suspect that Helmina's gang is behind the attack. Helmina has been longing to rule over all of Whampoa, and she likely also has plans for vengeance too. We have already noticed substantial growth of Helmina's Shogunate, it is not a question of if, but a question of when before Helmina starts invading our dominions. Thus, there are more reasons to expand our frontiers in Alastorn. In addition, I also think the Renegade Covenant might be a possible suspect too. These snow bandits are likely craving for our massive riches."

"Hmmmm... Rhelsha is right." Empress Theresia nodded, "That little Berthold and Helmina must have been really enraged over their defeats. And before their cowardly retreat to Alastorn, they were already infamous for being very stubborn back then. They will definitely come back one day, if we leave them unchecked. The snow bandits might also target us in the future, for we are one great empire with great wealth, but facing a lot of problems lately. We must hurry up and take as many Alastornian clays as we can. Otherwise, our enemies will come for us. And when our cold war rivals get their hands on portal gateways, they will also go for the Alastornian clays too."

Thus, from that day onwards, more Taiwanese forces were dispatched to Alastorn.​


@Edge45 : Replying later, but we already have plans, right? And I also have rough plans of myself too, don't worry. ;)
Level 24
May 15, 2013
A Pamphlet of the New North Alastorn Calendar
(Trivial Side Story)

Throughout the markets of Alastorn, from native to colonial settlements. A pamphlet was published with its content regarding the new northern Alastorn Calendar which was being checked. Published by Venture Corp.

A Pamphlet of the New North Alastorn Calendar

"This pamphlet intends to show the latest discoveries of the biology and chronology of that regarding our planet Alastorn. Thanks to the knowledge that originated from the world of Gaia, this paper informs a new calendar devised of which modifies the old calendars used by natives of the northern region and combine the existing year count of Gaia's Anno Domini.

Starting off. The yearly revolution of Alastorn, despite having no sun unlike that of Gaia, is a 365-day interval. It is not discovered what the planet revolves around to, but it is known to have a satellite, which is Setsuna.

Setsuna is a small moon, a quarter of the size of Alastorn, lying thousands of kilometers away from the dark planet on the northern hemisphere, making it only visible on that region. The moon have been used as an indicator of time for the northern inhabitants as it orbits around yearly. Notably, it is known to have four phases, where each transforms the color of the moon to another. The change of color is caused by the radiated light of a neighboring nebula whose gases orbits around the moon, hence making it emit not bright, but a saturated color. The interval of when Setsuna changes its phase can be found by dividing an Alastorn year into four. This four intervals can more or less be translated like seasons, and each of them having 91 or 92 days before the moon changes into another color.

Divided into four, the intervals are named the Uno-Ses, Segonda-Ses, Tri-Ses, and the Quart-Ses:

1. The phase of the Uno-Ses, translated as the first season, is where Setsuna becomes a saturated light blue. It is the brightest season of northern Alastorn, the time where the bioluminescence of floras become white throughout the region;
2. The Segonda-Ses phase is a season where Setsuna becomes purple in hue, the period when floras and inland liquids emit purple glows at the brightest saturated rate;
3. The Tri-Ses is when Setsuna is engulfed in a dim lime green, the darkest season of northern Alastorn. It is also the hunting season of all predators all because of the lack of luminescence during this interval;
4. Lastly the Quart-Ses is when the lime subsides from Setsuna and becomes its natural colored pale yellow. A mating season for the entirety of species across northern Alastorn because of the neutrality of the environment.
While there are complications among estimation and the introduction of a 93-day leaping seasons, the calendar is continuously modified to fit the standards modernity that is being introduced to the planet.

The year count for Alastorn, having no trace of its beginning, remained based on Gaia's Anno Domini calendar.

Summing it all, the introduction of the new North Alastorn Calendar introduces a basic date code of <Setsuna Phase Day, Setsuna Phase, Anno Domini Year> where the Setsuna Phase Day is the specific day of a phase, the Setsuna Phase being one of the four phases of the north moon, and lastly the year count based on the Anno Domini calendar."

~ Written by Bold Gaunt, explorer and writer ~
Operation : Encircle

Date : 12 January 1206 A.R.
Location : Somewhere around the Andalay Heights - the borders of the Renegades Covenant, Alastorn
User(s) : @Edge45

On one of the Tawainese Expedition's settlements, a nighthound (Shephered) appeared a kilometer away in front of the area. The canine can easily be seen and visible. It seems to be sitting on the ground and its tongue coming out in a playful manner.

At a campfire inside an encampment, a few troops were hanging out together. A female Kapitan (Captain) turned around her head and noticed the canine nearby.

Taiwanese Kapitan #1 : "Oh, a dog? Coming from the snowy banditlands, and being so playful for an Alastornian animal?"
Taiwanese Cohor #1 : "Hey, that dog's cute, baby! Perhaps--"
Taiwanese Cohor #2 : "Be very careful in the Underworld, guys! We don't know what sorts of freaks lurk in the dark."
Taiwanese Rocketeer #1 : "I hear stories of dark wolves (Shadowhounds) ripping and tearing people's corpses into pieces, while setting them ablaze in dark flames......"
Taiwanese Kapitan #2 : "And tales of golems emerging out of nowhere in the dark.. Heavy giant golems engulfing in purple flames, suddenly surfacing right behind you..."
Taiwanese Chaplain #1 : "But this is a mere dog, fellow brother. Please don't be too fearful, all of us are brave warriors. After all, Mahakami and Amaterasu are always with us right? Always believe in Mahakami and Her archangels. Nothing can defeat the Holy Light."
Taiwanese Hydromancer #1 : "But this place is flooded in great amounts of darkness... we need a lot of efforts to bring holy light enough to smite shadowspawns. Play with water instead, it's so much more fun."
Taiwanese Cohor #1 : "Hey, encik hydromancer, how about you sending a water elemental over to the dog?"
Taiwanese Hydromancer #1 : "Well, that's a pretty nice and fun idea... thanks, brother!"

Thus, the hydromancer got up and, after a moment of chanting, meditating and arm-swinging, conjured two tiny Reef Elementals into existence. These two tiny watery elementals would then quickly approach the suspicious canine over there.


@Edge45 : Thanks for the side story, very useful and nice addition to the roleplay ;)

I hope you won't mind me taking that for my own story universe too, as always
Level 24
May 15, 2013
Den of Beasts

Operation : Encircle

Date : 12 January 1206 A.R.
Location : Somewhere around the Andalay Heights - the borders of the Renegades Covenant, Alastorn
User(s) : @Directive255 @Edge45

Thus, the hydromancer got up and, after a moment of chanting, meditating and arm-swinging, conjured two tiny Reef Elementals into existence. These two tiny watery elementals would then quickly approach the suspicious canine over there.

The nighthound got up and approach the two elementals as well. As both got close, the hound licked one of the Reef Elementals, seemingly drinking its saltwater content.


***Private Comms***
"Get those Contrabands set up ready to fire, mark designated coordinates and await for signal!"
"Better hope these Aenid warbands do better at direct assault."
"We wouldn't need to assault in the first place, just let them come. The warbands will do their job."
"Besides that, we got prying eyes to the south."
"The best thing we achieve here is satisfy the bitch, as far as I'm concerned, she got some loose screws. If only Director Right was here, he'd be giving us a good drink and laugh already."
"Can't be helped."
"Amen to that. Let's make sure our watchers see some surprising suspense though."
"Come on and get your arses up lads. Overlord has detected multiple forces surrounding the place."


Aye, feel free.
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Level 9
Nov 27, 2014
Jungle Storm
Taiwanese Philippines, Manila, 22:50 hours local time

USERS: @Directive255 @Leo Akastenix
A thunderstorm has moved into the North, affecting the Manila and Luzon areas with heavy rain, heavy mist and frequent lightning strikes.

Power seemed to go off and on in the area, not helped by the strange unnatural darkness.

Manilan Coastline, 23:10 local time

A lone coastal guard was surveying the sea from the safety of his indoor post.
Sipping on local tea and listening to the news from the radio about a unbelievable attack on the city of Kimberg by unknown assailants.
Suddenly he seems to spot something moving in the mist.
Putting his cup down, he peered closely.
Looming dark figures were ominously getting closer and closer until he could make them out as enormous ships.

These enormous ships(Bulwark Class Heavy Battleships) were supported by what seemed to be smaller ships(Corsair Class Destroyers).

Wasting no time, he tried to radio the headquarters only to realize that the communication lines were cut.

Just then the booming of what seemed to be cannons were heard before explosions rocked the cityscape.

In the pouring rain, unknown foes shelled the city from the seas, targeting anything.
As the barrage went on, enormous undead cyber-crabs strode out from the rising tides along with other ghastly large sea creatures that were not alive yet unorganic.
Landing crafts unloaded waves after waves of ghoulish creatures into the Manilan cityscape supported by unrelenting naval bombardment.
A dread tide of undead warriors have emerged to drown the city of Manila in an unholy midnight sack.
Operation : Encircle

Location : Andalay Heights, Alastorn
User(s) : @Directive255, @Edge45
Date : 12 January 1206 A.R. (3117 A.C.) // 12 Uno-Ses 3117

The nighthound got up and approach the two elementals as well. As both got close, the hound licked one of the Reef Elementals, seemingly drinking its saltwater content.

As the hound kept on licking the elemental, the elemental quickly regrew its watery flesh within seconds. The salty water could likely thirst the canine eventually. After a few seconds, the other elemental suddenly splashed a high pressure magikal water onto the canine, exerting a tremendous force onto it. The licked elemental then followed suit, with both of them later constantly hitting the canine.

Soon, more reef elementals have arrived along with some mud golems too. If the nighthound hasn't died, some mud golems would come and pound the nighthound. These spawnlings seemingly wandered around aimlessly, but if one observe the beings closely, the creatures seem to have some level of coordination and organization. These creatures would smartly avoid straying too close to suspicious beings and machines, but at the same time, some of them did indeed try to explore and provoke enemy reactions.


Moments later, several recon jets were dispatched to survey the Andalay Heights.

Meanwhile, additional batches of Taiwanese reinforcements from Gaia have arrived to bolster the Taiwanese encirclement bases.​

Jungle Storm

Taiwanese Philippines, Manila, 22:50 hours local time

USERS: @Directive255 @Leo Akastenix
A thunderstorm has moved into the North, affecting the Manila and Luzon areas with heavy rain, heavy mist and frequent lightning strikes.

Power seemed to go off and on in the area, not helped by the strange unnatural darkness.

Taiwanese personnel were immediately alerted of the power outage, which also "coincidentally" happened in a heavy storm. Immediately, most of the maintenance teams went to fix the power generators. Philippines Colonial Command got wary over this, and tried to warn the garrisons, only to find the communication line cut.

Teams of specialists and engineers were dispatched from the main headquarters in Manila, in charge of restoring communications with other Taiwanese bases.


Manilan Coastline, 23:10 local time

A lone coastal guard was surveying the sea from the safety of his indoor post.
Sipping on local tea and listening to the news from the radio about a unbelievable attack on the city of Kimberg by unknown assailants.
Suddenly he seems to spot something moving in the mist.
Putting his cup down, he peered closely.
Looming dark figures were ominously getting closer and closer until he could make them out as enormous ships.

These enormous ships(Bulwark Class Heavy Battleships) were supported by what seemed to be smaller ships(Corsair Class Destroyers).

Wasting no time, he tried to radio the headquarters only to realize that the communication lines were cut.

Just then the booming of what seemed to be cannons were heard before explosions rocked the cityscape.

Sirens rang from the bases around the Philippines. Troops in the bases began pouring from their barracks as the tanks also rolled out from their warehouses.

In the pouring rain, unknown foes shelled the city from the seas, targeting anything.
Groups of submarines lurking nearby hurled torpedoes at the unknown foes.

Several larger bases also activated their force fields with their own power grid, coating their buildings with an incredibly powerful blue tint resistant to most attacks (think of Mental Omega Force Field). Artillery strikes and explosions did hit the bases, but the larger bases mostly withstood the barrages with light casualties; however, other bases and civilian neighborhoods were not so lucky as they got pulverized to pieces. Even in the larger bases, quite a lot of troops laid dead as the force fields do not cover units.

As the barrage went on, enormous undead cyber-crabs strode out from the rising tides along with other ghastly large sea creatures that were not alive yet unorganic.

Many garrisoned battle bunkers and pillboxes nearby unleashed showers of bullets onto these unknown foes as they landed on the shores of Manila.

Landing crafts unloaded waves after waves of ghoulish creatures into the Manilan cityscape supported by unrelenting naval bombardment. A dread tide of undead warriors have emerged to drown the city of Manila in an unholy midnight sack.

Fleets of Taiwanese battleships and submarines would engage enemy naval forces. While on the ground, a few regiments of Flak Halftracks (equipped with double Flak Cannons and machine guns) came to the shores mowing the undead creatures down. The Flak Halftracks were supported by Cohors, Rocketeers and a few "Gaziah" Heavy Tanks.

Chaplains, Hydromancers and Geomancers were on standby within their bases, ready to move if anything went wrong.

Most civilian buildings were also garrisoned by Taiwanese troops, in an attempt to hinder these undead foes.

23:25, Local Time

Communication links between the Taiwanese colonial bases were restored. Quickly, the Taiwanese, out of desperation, begun sending a few squadrons of Fleenzub Bombers against enemy naval fleets and enemy ground hordes, while reorganizing and fortifying their fronts. They cared little about the storm for they were so desparate. Individual Fleenzub Fighters were sent to eliminate any huge battleships or any other artillery.​

The Vanguards Convene

Date : Saturday, 13 January 1206 A.R. // 13 Uno-Ses 3117


Inside a secret conference room, leading members of the Shogunate assembled for a meeting.

"Alright, comrade vanguards of the Shogunate," Helmina addressed the attendees, "let us begin our discussion now, we have quite a lot of concerns to talk about."

Helmina continued, "First of all, comrades, the Yong Dynasty is a growing concern for it has branched out further inland. Theresia has built more of her settlements during the last few days. Most of them are close to our northwestern frontiers, around the Andalay Heights. We can see that Theresia is trying hard to extend her influence in Alastorn. Some of our comrades believe that the Yong Dynasty is targeting the snow bandits before hunting us again. What are your thoughts on this, comrades?"

A mysterious bald man with a goatee, sitting right next to Shogun Helmina, lowered his head as he pondered his thoughts.

"Hmmm... interesting. That evil woman made another big move of hers, finally after such a long time..." said the chieftain of the Lenggong Clan, Berthold. Berthold, the former Emperor of Nanyang, has always been a long-standing rival to Theresia all the way back during the Holy Huaxian Empire's feudal times. "If I recall, whenever Theresia makes a bold move like this, she is either fully confident, or very desparate. EIther way, it seems Theresia longs to grow her influence even more and perhaps eliminate some threats."

"Ladies and gentlemen," Moritz, the Emperor of the Germans added, "I for one think that we must open our portals and strike the Yong Dynasty from within."

"But these green maggots are marching right in front of our doorsteps as we speak," Wong Chih-kuo, Chairperson of the Kuomintang, objected, "I'm pretty sure the green maggots have secured most of their clays on Gaia, that's why they feel confident to march on Alastornian clays. Nobody would be foolish enough to leave their backdoors exposed."

Wong Chih-kuo continued, "With the impending threat from the green maggots, it would be wise for us to secure an alliance with the Renegade Covenant. It is also nice to gain recognition from any one another faction too."

"A very wise idea to ally with the Renegade Covenant, Encik Wong. But I think we cannot just wait for the Yong Dynasty like sitting ducks. What do you say, the rest of my comrades?"

"I do not really agree being sitting ducks, Herr Chih-kuo," Moritz refuted, "Let's think about it, comrades. First, the Yong Dynasty took over a huge chunk of Whampoan clays, but these clays were all very badly ravaged. Then we have fellow Whampoan comrades revolting on those clays for ten years. It would cost Theresia a lot of time and money to fix her Whampoa. With so many time and money wasted on fixing continential Whampoa, how could she possibly have mustered giant fleets and legions suddenly? She would have worked hard developing her industries and brainwashing the people instead. Gaia is very likely to be stuck in a cold war right now, or maybe an outright hot war is ongoing on Gaia. With Theresia so desparately coming for Alastorn, it is very likely she is preparing for her worst. Remember, Frau Helmina led the Whampoan rebels fleeing to Alastorn, so why can't Theresia follow suit? She has already set a foothold on Alastorn beforehand, she knows roughly what is going on here. She probably thinks Alastorn is safer than Gaia."

"Yes, Encik Moritz. We must take initiatives so we have greater advantages. That's how Old Fritz and I did it, against both Theresias." Berthold added, "One Frederick waged war with one other Theresia, and he got some nice Silesian clays in the end. Why not we give it a try too? Our Shogunate has gotten enough rest and growth already."

"Those are some fascinating ideas, comrade Moritz," the mysterious bald man spoke, "I think we can quietly send some expeditions to Gaia first, and observe before making our next moves. We are not really sure what moves will do us best."

Helmina concluded, "Sounds like a good idea, comrade Deowrig. Alright, we shall prepare an expedition to the deserts of Mongolia, or the highlands of Tibet, then. Now, let us talk about other issues, comrades..."​

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Level 24
May 15, 2013
Den of Beasts

Operation : Encircle

Location : Andalay Heights, Alastorn
User(s) : @Directive255, @Edge45
Date : 12 January 1206 A.R. (3117 A.C.) // 12 Uno-Ses 3117

As the hound kept on licking the elemental, the elemental quickly regrew its watery flesh within seconds. The salty water could likely thirst the canine eventually. After a few seconds, the other elemental suddenly splashed a high pressure magikal water onto the canine, exerting a tremendous force onto it. The licked elemental then followed suit, with both of them later constantly hitting the canine.

The sudden hostility alarmed the beast and quickly distanced itself away. The nighthound changed its face from a normal playful appearance to a feral wild one. It barked ferociously for about two to three times before howling loudly. As it finished its howl however, it was barraged with the Reef Elementals water and knocked out. It later drowned from the endless splash.

Soon, more reef elementals have arrived along with some mud golems too. If the nighthound hasn't died, some mud golems would come and pound the nighthound. These spawnlings seemingly wandered around aimlessly, but if one observe the beings closely, the creatures seem to have some level of coordination and organization. These creatures would smartly avoid straying too close to suspicious beings and machines, but at the same time, some of them did indeed try to explore and provoke enemy reactions.

Moments later, several recon jets were dispatched to survey the Andalay Heights.

Meanwhile, additional batches of Taiwanese reinforcements from Gaia have arrived to bolster the Taiwanese encirclement bases.

The sky is currently lit by Setsuna's blue moonlight, however the region remained dark and had limited visibility due to the dense misty and snowy barren nature of the Andalay Heights. Suddenly, the sky was lit for brief seconds with an orange flash.

A minute later, dozens of orange flares dropped rapidly towards the settlements encircling the area. As it hit the ground, it later explodes violently in fire that can spread ferociously. Perhaps some recon jets would be unfortunate enough to be hit as well while in midair. If these flares were fired at, they would explode like fireworks, and their fiery debris would still blow and spread if hit the ground.

The cloudy dark skies released a rain of fire as more orange flares drop down and exploded. After several minutes the attack stopped, perhaps giving the Taiwanese a moments pause and recovery.

While during this time. Some scouting reef elementals and mud golems would suddenly be pounced and teared by a group of fierce shadowhounds or swarmed and slashed by packs of feral nighthounds one by one. The ambushes are well coordinated, targeting those that are even some distances away from grouped elementals or golems, and surrounding them if their ambushes didn't end them.

Taiwanese recon jets that managed to reach and enter the Renegades Covenant's territory within the Andalay Heights, would suddenly find about two or three of them blown away suddenly midair, while the rest would pop an alarm in their radar of an incoming bogey chasing them from behind rapidly fast.
Level 9
Nov 27, 2014
Jungle Storm

Taiwanese Philippines, Manila, 22:50 hours local time

USERS: @Directive255 @Leo Akastenix
A thunderstorm has moved into the North, affecting the Manila and Luzon areas with heavy rain, heavy mist and frequent lightning strikes.

Power seemed to go off and on in the area, not helped by the strange unnatural darkness.

Taiwanese personnel were immediately alerted of the power outage, which also "coincidentally" happened in a heavy storm. Immediately, most of the maintenance teams went to fix the power generators. Philippines Colonial Command got wary over this, and tried to warn the garrisons, only to find the communication line cut.

Teams of specialists and engineers were dispatched from the main headquarters in Manila, in charge of restoring communications with other Taiwanese bases.

Manilan Coastline, 23:10 local time

. A lone coastal guard was surveying the sea from the safety of his indoor post.
Sipping on local tea and listening to the news from the radio about a unbelievable attack on the city of Kimberg by unknown assailants.
Suddenly he seems to spot something moving in the mist.
Putting his cup down, he peered closely.
Looming dark figures were ominously getting closer and closer until he could make them out as enormous ships.

These enormous ships(Bulwark Class Heavy Battleships) were supported by what seemed to be smaller ships(Corsair Class Destroyers).

Wasting no time, he tried to radio the headquarters only to realize that the communication lines were cut.

Just then the booming of what seemed to be cannons were heard before explosions rocked the cityscape.

Sirens rang from the bases around the Philippines. Troops in the bases began pouring from their barracks as the tanks also rolled out from their warehouses.

In the pouring rain, unknown foes shelled the city from the seas, targeting anything.
Groups of submarines lurking nearby hurled torpedoes at the unknown foes.

Several larger bases also activated their force fields with their own power grid, coating their buildings with an incredibly powerful blue tint resistant to most attacks (think of Mental Omega Force Field). Artillery strikes and explosions did hit the bases, but the larger bases mostly withstood the barrages with light casualties; however, other bases and civilian neighborhoods were not so lucky as they got pulverized to pieces. Even in the larger bases, quite a lot of troops laid dead as the force fields do not cover units.

As the barrage went on, enormous undead cyber-crabs strode out from the rising tides along with other ghastly large sea creatures that were not alive yet unorganic.

Many garrisoned battle bunkers and pillboxes nearby unleashed showers of bullets onto these unknown foes as they landed on the shores of Manila.

Landing crafts unloaded waves after waves of ghoulish creatures into the Manilan cityscape supported by unrelenting naval bombardment. A dread tide of undead warriors have emerged to drown the city of Manila in an unholy midnight sack.

Fleets of Taiwanese battleships and submarines would engage enemy naval forces. While on the ground, a few regiments of Flak Halftracks (equipped with double Flak Cannons and machine guns) came to the shores mowing the undead creatures down. The Flak Halftracks were supported by Cohors, Rocketeers and a few "Gaziah" Heavy Tanks.

Chaplains, Hydromancers and Geomancers were on standby within their bases, ready to move if anything went wrong.

Most civilian buildings were also garrisoned by Taiwanese troops, in an attempt to hinder these undead foes.

23:25, Local Time

Communication links between the Taiwanese colonial bases were restored. Quickly, the Taiwanese, out of desperation, begun sending a few squadrons of Fleenzub Bombers against enemy naval fleets and enemy ground hordes, while reorganizing and fortifying their fronts. They cared little about the storm for they were so desparate. Individual Fleenzub Fighters were sent to eliminate any huge battleships or any other artillery.

Taiwanese gunfire into the dark mists had lowered accuracy due to the already heavy rain, rising flood water, great winds and unnatural darkness.

They were regreeted with number bullets from automatic weapons, semi-automatic weapons along with uncountable grenades ranging from simple potato-mashers to high-tech energy grenades.
The worst thing was that the shot got closer and closer until they were almost right in front of them.
Any Cohor that got close would soon see the fearful ghoulish features of their enemies.
Some would even realize some of the ghouls were former Taiwanese marines or troops, now turned into hungry bloodthirsty undeads.

The Taiwanese would soon realize that the undeads simply had more bodies and firepower to throw at them than they had bullets to send into them.

Any knocked out tank or military vehicle would soon find itself possesed, with vehicles magically repairing itself and moving on its on, supporting the undead troops with their gunfire and protection.

After the initial lines were broken, the Undead would swarm the city in a restless tide of darkness.

The Bulwark Battleships stopped firing for a few moments, before it started again.
Their projectiles this time, however were enormous steel canisters that broke off into many more steel canisters midair before exploding, releasing vile gas and corrosive acid over large areas.

Many unprotected personnel(usually civilians if any are left) would see themselves choking violently before turning into the horrifying undead creatures.
A landing craft unloaded a high-ranking officer(Megaladon Elite) along with her retinue of buffed-up wights(Megaladon Guards).
Megaladon Guard: My lady, the Taiwanese have dispatched part of their navy upon us.. what should we do?
Megaladon Elite: I will stay here to oversee the battle, have the others divert a portion of the fleet... Distract them.. pull them towards Borneo..
Megaladon Guard: As you say my lady..


Meanwhile, the Fleenzub fighters would find themselves in harsh weather and a literal thunderstorm... Its still a wonder they are still flying..

The incoming Taiwanese fleet would be met with heavy fog.
Then as if the weather turned against them, lightning repeatedly stroked their ships from above, likely damaging them somewhat.

Then out of the looming darkness, several dark ships appear and proceeded to ram some of the Taiwanese ships with unnatural speed, lodging themselves into them. Then the sailors would have the nightmare of their lives as the undead crew proceeded to claw their way into the ship and wreck havoc with their superior numbers, close ranged weapons like shotguns and blades.

The submarines would find themselves preoccupied with unseen deep-sea horrors(Mangy Morays, Plagued Sharks, Cyber-sharks, Giant Squids) that would constantly attack their hull, likely causing some breaches or the Giant Squids wrapping themselves among the Submarines, forcefully controlling their movements and trying to ram them into each other.

Other ships would see harpoons with ropes fly into them from all around them, holding them in place and even dragging smaller ships towards the fog, with undead crew gleefully zip-lining onto their ships and proceeded to board their ships.
Their current flagship will be boarded by nothing more than several dozen Megaladon Guards with pistols and chain-hatchets supported by a huge battalion Fallen Marines(They still have Taiwanese uniforms on to cause morale damage) with Close-Quarters weapons. These troops were elite and quite hard to kill with firearms due to their regeneration as well as magically enhanced combat skills. Small in numbers, but great in strength.

Surely, this boarding would have created chaos and panic among the Taiwanese fleet as their troops, although trained for boarding battles, were not trained for the lightning strike tactics and large numbers employed by their shadowy foe.
Level 24
May 15, 2013
Special Case
(Introduction for the Australian Commonwealth Side Faction - The Australian Royal Task Force's (ARTF) 4th Special Division codenamed "Ness")

Location: Somewhere around the Timor Sea
Date: January 13, 3117 A.D., Early Morning

"Yes, Mrs. Prime Minister. The Royal Task Force will handle special operations in Malaysia, we'll not fail the Commonwealth." The sound of a middle-aged man.
"Very well General Thomas Duke." The call ended.

A tall blonde man looks upon the deck of his task force's Fleet Carrier, and beyond the armada of state-of-the-art destroyer and cruiser warships. Each ship flies the Commonwealth's flag, one of the few countries that remained strong and proud since the cataclysm. His fleet is joined but a much more advance fleet of warships, notably derived from the blueprints of the old Zumwalt-class destroyers. They sailed north in the early morn before the sun starts to rise, as the fastest speed possible.

"General Duke, your coffee's ready." A lady assistant offered him a cup of coffee and a plate of bread. "We're scheduled to arrive at Johor Bahru in two days sir. Commander Orson's 41st Battlesquadron has joined us in our journey, and along our way, Commander Hamilton's support fleet will be waiting." She finished.

"Thank you, Ms. Layla. Go and have a break yourself, it will be while before anything happens." He replied.

"General, I suppose you've been informed of the Kimberg attack?" She asked.

"I have. Intelligence have no idea who attacked the city, save for some mystical make-beliefs. It's been awhile though since we've had actions with them, perhaps another conflict will soon happen." General Duke drank his tea briefly after.

"General, as always, you're so paranoid." She gave a very kind smile before leaving.

Thomas coughed a little bit. "Oh shite, I spilled some coffee..."

Few among the Australian Blocs knew about the Australian Royal Task Force, among them the 4th Special Division dubbed as "Ness", from the name of the cryptic creature that haunts the Loch Ness of Scotland. As the name implies, they are only a rumor, even within the Australian Defense Force. They are said to be a veteran force who joined along the Fifth Great War along with the Commonwealth. Their last information was their destination towards Malaysia.​

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Den of Beasts

Operation : Encircle

Location : Andalay Heights, Alastorn
User(s) : @Directive255, @Edge45
Date : 12 January 1206 A.R. (3117 A.C.) // 12 Uno-Ses 3117

The sudden hostility alarmed the beast and quickly distanced itself away. The nighthound changed its face from a normal playful appearance to a feral wild one. It barked ferociously for about two to three times before howling loudly. As it finished its howl however, it was barraged with the Reef Elementals water and knocked out. It later drowned from the endless splash.

The Taiwanese have taken note of the nighthound's sudden change in emotions.

Taiwanese Hydromancer #1 : "See? Told you this dog is suspicious."
Taiwanese Chaplain #2 : "Of course, you kicked the dog, so it definitely is going to be fierce... And do you need to be that cruel to a mere animal?"
Taiwanese Kapitan #2 : "Being too naive in the Underworld could get you in trouble, cleric. This is not a lovey-dovey shrine."

The sky is currently lit by Setsuna's blue moonlight, however the region remained dark and had limited visibility due to the dense misty and snowy barren nature of the Andalay Heights. Suddenly, the sky was lit for brief seconds with an orange flash.

"Take cover! Ready the anti-air! And ready the extinguishers!" a battle-hardened Kapitan yelled instantly.
Sirens immediately rang in the settlements soon, and many troops took shelter while a few clueless troops looked around in confusion.

"Why?" a clueless Cohor asked.
"Because it's a rain of fire! A bombardment of fierce flames! Take cover!"

All the remaining infantries then hurriedly rushed to take cover. "Nebelparder"-Class IFVs and SAM Sites were all being readied at the same time.

A minute later, dozens of orange flares dropped rapidly towards the settlements encircling the area. As it hit the ground, it later explodes violently in fire that can spread ferociously. Perhaps some recon jets would be unfortunate enough to be hit as well while in midair. If these flares were fired at, they would explode like fireworks, and their fiery debris would still blow and spread if hit the ground.

Taiwanese Anti-Air would fire on these flares, blowing up most of them while up high mid-air. Even though the flares blew up like fireworks with fiery showers, the damage was reduced compared to direct explosions on the ground.

Some of these flares did hit the ground despite best efforts to hinder them, exploding in bright wild flames.

The cloudy dark skies released a rain of fire as more orange flares drop down and exploded. After several minutes the attack stopped, perhaps giving the Taiwanese a moments pause and recovery.

Blizzard Tanks, together with on-the-spot firemen and hydrotrucks (advanced firetrucks), extinguished the flames after minutes of continuous efforts. By the time the fire died down, though, the flames had already brought significant parts of the settlements to overcooked ruins.

Fortunately, the artillery strike has stopped, much to the Taiwanese's relief. The Taiwanese then immediately begun rebuilding their settlements and further fortified their positions as a result. Their buildings were now placed quite further apart from each other, and with more anti-fire and anti-air units being trained as well.

Sirens were once again sounded, this time as a reaffirmation of war. "This is"

While during this time. Some scouting reef elementals and mud golems would suddenly be pounced and teared by a group of fierce shadowhounds or swarmed and slashed by packs of feral nighthounds one by one. The ambushes are well coordinated, targeting those that are even some distances away from grouped elementals or golems, and surrounding them if their ambushes didn't end them.

The Reef Elementals proved to be quite resilient against animal attacks, but individually they did not fare too well for their regenerative capacities is barely superior to the attack intensities. Reef elementals would still hurl high pressure water onto the canines, likely injuring them a lot. The mud golems have harder, tougher and greasy skin making them more resistant against attacks; but the mud golems did not enjoy higher regenerative rate like the reef elementals do. Then the reef elementals and mud golems banded together as a few hordes, in response to the sudden assaults from the animal packs.

A few humvees were sent to aid the elementals against the hostile animals. The jeeps would mow the beasts down with rains of bullets.

Taiwanese recon jets that managed to reach and enter the Renegades Covenant's territory within the Andalay Heights, would suddenly find about two or three of them blown away suddenly midair, while the rest would pop an alarm in their radar of an incoming bogey chasing them from behind rapidly fast.

"Bogey spotted, likely airborne enemy! I repeat, airborne enemy!"
The surveillance jets would unleash flares and airborne bombs behind them, trying to hinder the unknown bogey.

"Try laying low doing a kamikaze,"

The jets would lower their attitude as they fly, trying to hit Renegade Covenant ground targets or the ground, instead of exploding mid-air in vain.​

Jungle Storm

Date : Saturday, 13 January 1206 A.R. (3117 A.C.)
Location : Philippines
User(s) : @Directive25, @Leo Akastenix
Main Factions : Taiwanese Empire, Bleakfleet

Taiwanese gunfire into the dark mists had lowered accuracy due to the already heavy rain, rising flood water, great winds and unnatural darkness.
A bit fortunately for them, their rifles are outfitted with bayonets so they could rely on melee attacks. Some Taiwanese troops chose to charge with their bayonets whlist firing their bullets on the move, too.

They were regreeted with number bullets from automatic weapons, semi-automatic weapons along with uncountable grenades ranging from simple potato-mashers to high-tech energy grenades.
The worst thing was that the shot got closer and closer until they were almost right in front of them.

The shots from the Bleakfleet troops were much slower, but more powerful. A single shotgun bullet from the deathly pirates is enough to send troops flying mid-air.
Snipers were then deployed onto fortified, hidden positions from a great distance, who then snipe the zombies with energy bullets that explode powerfully when hit. The sniper energy bullets need a long time to reload, but they are powerful enough to severely damage a medium-size ship.

The Taiwanese would soon realize that the undeads simply had more bodies and firepower to throw at them than they had bullets to send into them.

"Amaterasu! Their numbers are too great, and these freaks have far stronger firepower!"
"Unleash the Geomancers! Send some elementals against these demons!"

Geomancers, heavily armored battlemages with mastery over the earth, were then released to the battlefield with escorts.

"Release the Shockwaves! Move the rocks!"

The Geomancer, with their escorts behind, then arranged themselves into a straight line and begun their brief rituals. After a few seconds, intense shockwaves charged with lightning were then fired toward the undead hordes, exploding as the shockwaves dashed toward the front. Any hit victims would be push with great physical force whlist being electroduced and set ablaze. Unfortunately, some unwary Taiwanese got in the way and were annihilated in friendly fire.

As the Geomancers finished their shockwave attack, water elementals of varying size soon came to the aid of the Taiwanese defenders. These water elementals sprout high pressure jadewater against their targets whlist having an incredibly high regeneration rate. The Geomancers then began their next spell, erecting rock cliffs and barricades in an attempt to hinder the undead advance. Soon afterwards, the Geomancers summoned some mud golems to further aid in the fight, while they themselves hurled magikal rocks toward their foes.

Any knocked out tank or military vehicle would soon find itself possesed, with vehicles magically repairing itself and moving on its on, supporting the undead troops with their gunfire and protection.

"Maaflah Mahakami!"
"They took over our machines and now these machines attack us while regrowing!"
"Are we fighting against Crimson and the Aranorians?!"

"Ugh, release the Sunburst Drones!"

A few mechanical dragonflies were soon sent to the Bleakfleet war machines. Most of these robotic dragonflies will hop onto the enemy tanks and blow up, but some will stay behind Taiwanese troops and fire EM Pulses to stun enemy tanks instead. If the EM Pulses do nothing against these tanks, then they will simply go kamikaze.

However, despite their best efforts, the Taiwanese were still losing their ground.

"The demons are too powerful and numerous, we must fall back! Leave no treasure behind, leave a scorched earth instead! Preserve your forces and head for the bases and cities!"
As the initial lines were falling apart, most of the Taiwanese have then retreated backwards to their bases and other key positions. As they retreat, they would also take as many valuables away as possible, while destroying those they could not carry away. Urban buildings were demolished by Geomancers' shockwaves and tank shells, leaving huge obstacles of ruins and rubbles blocking the undead advance. The Taiwanese would immediately bolster their defenses.

After the initial lines were broken, the Undead would swarm the city in a restless tide of darkness.

Many hapless civilians and some unlucky soldiers would get caught in the raid, likely being mutated into undead freaks by now.

The Bulwark Battleships stopped firing for a few moments, before it started again.

"Whew, the attacks have stopped,"
"Do not relax just yet. There must be a reason why they stopped at a sudden. Perhaps a change of weapon. Better be prepared, and repair our things while they rest..."

The Taiwanese then hastily repaired what they could, while on high alert for any sudden tricks. Anti-air weapons were readied for any new artillery shells.

Their projectiles this time, however were enormous steel canisters that broke off into many more steel canisters midair before exploding, releasing vile gas and corrosive acid over large areas.

"Here they come!"

Several SAM hit the steel canisters before they broke off, blowing them up into gas and acid. However, many other canisters did not get hit and thus were able to hit their targets closer.

"Gas attack! Chemical attack! Brace yourselves!"
The troops all garrisoned themselves inside bunkers and other buildings, shielding themselves from exposure.

Many unprotected personnel(usually civilians if any are left) would see themselves choking violently before turning into the horrifying undead creatures.
As many civilians have already fallen during the recent attacks, not much civilians were left to be mutated.


Meanwhile, the Fleenzub fighters would find themselves in harsh weather and a literal thunderstorm... Its still a wonder they are still flying..

The Fleenzub spacecrafts did suffer somewhat from the poor weather conditions, but the very advanced Pherithian technologies in use rendered them still quite useful even in stormy weathers. As the Fleenzubs moved, the air surrounding them is somewhat pacified thanks to wind manipulation magitech, with all the strong wind current bent into a shield for the Fleenzubs.

The Fleenzubs would slow down and have reduced performance, however.


The incoming Taiwanese fleet would be met with heavy fog.
"This heavy fog... I feel something wrong..." a suspicous marine commented, sensing something wrong with the sudden foggy storm.

Then as if the weather turned against them, lightning repeatedly stroked their ships from above, likely damaging them somewhat.

"Lightning storms!"
"Wait, these bolts target only our shi--"

The larger battleships immediately activated their nanoshields, protecting them from any thunderbolts. But the smaller Destroyers, Frigates and other ships were not so lucky. Many smaller ships got struck by lightning.

Then out of the looming darkness, several dark ships appear and proceeded to ram some of the Taiwanese ships with unnatural speed, lodging themselves into them.

The Taiwanese ships would try to move backwards while firing back at the charging dark ships. Some of the dark ships rammed onto the nanocoated battleships, largely damaging the nanoshield but not doing much damage to the battleships themselves.

Then the sailors would have the nightmare of their lives as the undead crew proceeded to claw their way into the ship and wreck havoc with their superior numbers, close ranged weapons like shotguns and blades.

The submarines would find themselves preoccupied with unseen deep-sea horrors(Mangy Morays, Plagued Sharks, Cyber-sharks, Giant Squids) that would constantly attack their hull, likely causing some breaches or the Giant Squids wrapping themselves among the Submarines, forcefully controlling their movements and trying to ram them into each other.

The larger submarines would face great deal of trouble resisting these sea freaks, quickly being reduced to sunken ruins. But the smaller Pirahna Minisubs were largely able to get away from most of them with their quick, agile speed. However, a few of them would get hit, and once hit a few times would sink pretty quickly. These Minisubs would group themselves into schools, harassing enemies and running away quickly.

Dolphins armed with laser shooters and sonic emitters were also sent to harass the undead sea creatures, especially against Giant Squids.

Other ships would see harpoons with ropes fly into them from all around them, holding them in place and even dragging smaller ships towards the fog, with undead crew gleefully zip-lining onto their ships and proceeded to board their ships.

Taiwanese ship crews would try desparately to cut the ropes, but even this was not enough to stop the undead boarding their ships.

Some of them would try foolishly to hinder the undead crews who had arleady boarded, while some jump off the seas drowning themselves in despair.
Undead crews on Taiwanese uniforms, coupled with the suicides, have severely struck fear and panic into the Taiwanese crews. But some instead, had their fierce loyalty and zealotry to their Empress multiplied tenfold, making them more determined to fight while slowly losing their minds and also expose themselves to more damage. Troops on zealotry would be a lot more difficult to be raised undead after dying.

Their current flagship will be boarded by nothing more than several dozen Megaladon Guards with pistols and chain-hatchets supported by a huge battalion Fallen Marines(They still have Taiwanese uniforms on to cause morale damage) with Close-Quarters weapons. These troops were elite and quite hard to kill with firearms due to their regeneration as well as magically enhanced combat skills. Small in numbers, but great in strength.

Surely, this boarding would have created chaos and panic among the Taiwanese fleet as their troops, although trained for boarding battles, were not trained for the lightning strike tactics and large numbers employed by their shadowy foe.

"Maaflah Mahakami! What should we do?!"
"Let us and them die together!"
"Whaaat?! No!"

Many of the ship crews went arguing about what to do, to the point they almost forgot about the imminent threats right beside them. However, a few ships did still made their decisions -- some chose to have their crews fight to the death, but only a few chose to blow up instead. Many ships hesitated too much and would probably get captured.

A wave of neutralizing essence charged with EM Pulses soon hit the waters, weakening the generated storms and restoring much daylight to the seas.
Three other Taiwanese fleets, complete with vast varieties of vassals from Pirahna Minisubs to Battleships arrived to encircle the undead forces.​

@Leo Akastenix : We have made a promise, for your reply to be withhold until I have made another roleplay post ;)
The Dazzling Sun

(Introduction for the Radiant Circle)

Date : Friday, 12 January 1206 A.R. (3117 A.C.)
Location : Unknown
Main Factions : Radiant Circle

Notice : Struggled to write this one, and this did not sound as smooth and sexy as I want it to be. Fuckingly fucked up Writer's Block fucking with me. And some irksome family problems. Having to wait half a day at a goddamn place only to realize I was not that needed. And someone invading my bedroom and let out annoying laughter there.

A secret gathering was held within an unknown chamber furnished with gold. Sitting on the bejeweled throne was a lady. She was none other than Rhelsha herself, a queenly lady with a white scaly skin coated in black feathers, complete with a pair of wings and a serpentine tail. A raven rested on her left shoulder, while a few serpents wrapped themselves around her arms, all of the animals setting their eyes on Rhelsha. Two men stood beside Rhelsha bowing, one is a bald man with a goatee, another is a muscular warrior inside a Japanese uniform. Kneeling right in front of them, were the initiates and adepts of the secretive cult.

"A new age is dawning upon the world, proselytes. And all of you here, my lovely servants, will be the pioneers of this new age. Welcome to the future." the serpentine, feathery Rhelsha spoke in a dark, feminine tone. "The reign of darkness will crumble soon, and the truth and the light shall be made known to all. No longer shall the neglected and the oppressed suffer in darkness. We are the chosen ones, proselytes, chosen to serve Lady Amaterasu and Her people. We are the harbingers for Her comeback, the lightwarriors against the reign of darkness, the guides for Her people, and the shepherds of Her new world order."

"And now," Rhelsha continued, "I have my eyes set on my lovely, promising nation of Whampoa -- my chosen people. A nation that I have a hand on nurturing for over one thousand years, and the time has come for them to repay my favor. They shall unite the oppressed peoples of the entire world, and together we shall topple the reign of darkness. And very soon, they shall know and love their High Queen, who is none other than me myself. And together, we shall rule over the entire world in the name of Lady Amaterasu."

"My little Anzai here has done his part preparing the Japanese for the coming war. Now, we need just this one more little pinch and Gaia shall be cleansed with the tides of war. A little pinch in the tightest border of Gaia..."​


Date : Sunday, 14 January 1206 A.R. (3117 A.C.)
Location : Nanyangese-Malaysian Border
Main Factions : Radiant Circle, Free State of Nanyang, Federation of Malaysia
Side Factions : Taiwanese Empire, State of Peiyang, Kingdom of Thailand, Australian Commonwealth, Republic of India, Republic of Indonesia

Ever since the Fifth Great War ended, Malaya has been split in two halves by a tight border -- the Free State of Nanyang to the north, and the returning Federation of Malaysia to the south. The northern half, Nanyang, is backed jointly by the Taiwanese and Chinese blocs; while the southern half, Malaysia is backed by the Australian and Indian blocs. Tension here was high as ever with such a huge buildup of forces. A huge number of troops and war machines were garrisoned on both sides of the border, with additional teams of soldiers patrolling the borderlands behind the walls and fences. Bunkers, turrets and cannons were littered along the border walls in fortified positions, further guarded by some troops.

Below the gloomy skies of the night, four silhouettes crept their way right beside the tightly guarded border splitting Malaya in half. The team of agents then stumbled upon a few Nanyangese troops, alerting them. But before the troops could sound the alarm, they were immediately killed off. Some of the dead corpses were engulfed in dark flames, rising once again as Shadowhounds. These mysterious silhouettes, with their new Shadowhounds, then sneaked their way deeper into the Nanyangese clays.

Shadowhounds then hid themselves within the shadows as more Nanyangese patrols approach. When the unwary patrols got closer, these Shadowhounds immediately leaped forward and ripped them to shreds. Now, with the patrols neutralized, the agents then headed further inwards.

Three battle tanks drove forwards, only to be met with Shadowhounds running all around like crazy.

"What the fuck are those dogs doing?!" cussed one tank pilot as the tanks begun attacking.
Upon being attacked the Shadowhounds then leaped toward the tanks trying to tear their hulls. The Shadowhounds were tough enough to punch a few dents onto the tank armors, but not so effective still.

Unknowingly to the distracted tanks, a Sun Priestess stepped forward from the shadows and sent a ray of indigo light from her staff toward a tank. The tank soon swapped colors and turned against their former comrades.

"Stupid dogs, they-- Wait, what the fuck is wrong with you man?!"
"Obey the High Queen..."

The other two tanks were left confused.

"Why did you hit me!? You're supposed to hit the dogs!"
"Submit to her will, heretic..."

Pretty soon, the three battle tanks fell into a fight amongst themselves.

"Quick, proselytes! It's now or never!"
The team of agents then sneaked to a nearby Taiwanese outpost, behind the brawl of the three tanks. However, they were blocked by several gun turrets and a gate.

"Damn. This outpost is closely guarded. We need some more Shadowspawns to breach the defenses."

The Sun Priestess and the Shadowmancer then went on a hunt. After a moment of trekking, they found two squads of Nanyangese Bedilwanen and a squad of Taiwanese Cohors having a shooting practice nearby.

The Shadowmancer silently killed off the few soldiers guarding the entrance, turning them into Shadowhounds and Voidwalkers upon death. These newly created shadowspawns then barged in, drawing fire from the dumbfounded troops.

"W-what?! Ghosts and wolves in dark?"
"Foul demons of the Underworld! Slay them all for Amaterasu!"

Unbeknownst to the troops, the Sun Priestess stepped in and seized the mind of a Taiwanese Cohor. In the heat of the skirmish, the charmed Cohor soon opened fire onto his former comrades, shocking the soldiers even further into chaos and panic.

"Right, let's blast them--"
"Damned peasants!", the charmed Cohor hissed in a serpentine tone, "You are behind the witchery! I'll fuck you in the name of Lady Amaterasu!"
"Wait, what the fuck happened to your eyes! You look like a reptilian now!"

The soldiers soon fell into chaos with them fighting amongst one another, leaving them to the mercy of the Shadowmancer and his shadowspawns. One by one, the Shadowmancer finished off the puny troops, raising them into shadowspawns as they die. A few moments later, no corpses remained on the soils stained with blood, but instead a horde of savage shadowspawns hungry for more bloodshed.

The Shadowmancer then led his shadow horde back to the outpost, wrecking havoc on the panicking soldiers. As the gate was torn apart and the guards ripped to shreds, the team then slipped into the outpost and rushed for the Sanctum. Two additional Sun Priestesses and one Illusionist came out of the Sanctum, on the side of the unknown agents.

A shadowhound was sent to scout the nearby areas beside the border. A few weaker spots and holes had been found along the border, with fewer troops around. The three Sun Priestesses promptly headed to seize the minds of these troops, causing chaos while tearing down some holes onto the border. A few of the mind controlled tanks were sent to attack Malaysia's border. As mind controlled units die, the Sun Priestesses would find new troops to mind control anyways. However, these mind controlled pawns did not last long against the Malaysian patrols, but they did enough damage to the border walls.

After just enough damage was done, the Sun Priestesses backed off, leaving any surviving mind controlled pawns to perish in enemy gunfire.

Afterwards, the Illusionist duplicated solid illusions of the shadowmancer and the shadowspawns, creating an army of cannon fodders and clones. The army of illusions soon marched to a nearby base, slaughtering anyone on their way while tearing structures apart to rubbles. The geniune Shadowmancer and the three Sun Priestesses followed, gaining more Shadowspawns and mind controlled pawns after the raze.

The legion of shadowspawns and illusions, followed by the team of agents behind, soon breached one of the easternmost border holes then dashed toward the Malaysian border.

"What the fuck is that?! This coming from Nanyang... a horde of savage animals!"
In response, a regiment of Malaysian units soon charged to position trying to deter the shadow horde.
However, these Malaysians quickly fell before the sheer numbers of tough shadowspawns. Sun Priestesses further caused mayhem amongst Malaysian ranks by mind controlling some of them against their own troops. And as Malaysian soldiers fell to death, more shadowspawns were raised from their dead corpses. Just as the very first Malaysian defenders fell, however, illusions making up a quarter of the shadow legion had vanished into nowhere.

The Malaysians were absolutely stunned over all of this, slowing them down while buying time for the infiltrators.

While the Malaysians were still shocked, the dark legions went to cause further trouble by razing Malaysian bases and outposts along the border.

By now the Malaysians had recovered from the great shock, and grew very enraged upon realizing what happened. Three regiments of elite troops, battle tanks and even choppers were sent to hunt down the shadowy legions.

After ruining key structures on the Malaysian sides, the shadowy horde then fled back to the Nanyangese clays, with whole three regiments of Malaysians behind their tail. The horde of shadowspawns remained, laying waste to the Nanyangese clays while luring enraged Malaysian soldiers toward Nanyangese lands. The team of agents slipped away, leaving a huge pile of chaotic mess behind.

"Babi betul! These animals are heading to fucking Nanyang! Stupid Whampoans!"
"Hey, what are you Malaysians doing here?! Celakamun, why are you sending these animals onto our lands!?"
"What? You Whampoans are the ones sending them to our lands! We are returning the favor to you and your pets!"

Nanyangese forces, in return, sent their own regiments clashing against both the Malaysians and the shadowspawns. Diplomats and officials of both nations accused each other for the shadow horde and the sabotages, while a skirmish quickly erupted in the Nanyangese borderlands. The skirmish soon escalated to an all-out war amongst the two countries.

The sirens had blared the drums of war. Two massive armies now marched against each other to the death......

Within a few hours, the Nanyangese rallied themselves for war against the Malaysians. Not only did they manage to repel the Malaysian intrusion, but they even managed to overwhelm Malaysian defenses and breach into Malaysian lands within a matter of hours.


@Edge45, @Leo Akastenix : Can reply now, muh bois :)

Third Malaysian War

(information as of the beginning of the war)


The Third Malaysian War (in Whampoan : Nanyangnye Krig Ketige; in Malay : Perang Malaysia Ketiga) was a war between Nanyang (with backing from Taiwan and Peiyang) and Malaysia (with the support of Australia and India). The war began on 14 Uno-Ses 3117 after sabotages on both sides of the border by the Radiant Circle.


Free State of NanyangFederation of Malaysia

  • Taiwan
  • Peiyang
  • Thailand
  • Koryo
  • Goetland
  • Australia
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Myanmar
  • Bangladesh
  • Tibet
Last edited:
Level 24
May 15, 2013
Den of Beasts

Operation : Encircle

Location : Andalay Heights, Alastorn
User(s) : @Directive255, @Edge45
Date : 12 January 1206 A.R. (3117 A.C.) // 12 Uno-Ses 3117

The Reef Elementals proved to be quite resilient against animal attacks, but individually they did not fare too well for their regenerative capacities is barely superior to the attack intensities. Reef elementals would still hurl high pressure water onto the canines, likely injuring them a lot. The mud golems have harder, tougher and greasy skin making them more resistant against attacks; but the mud golems did not enjoy higher regenerative rate like the reef elementals do. Then the reef elementals and mud golems banded together as a few hordes, in response to the sudden assaults from the animal packs.

A few humvees were sent to aid the elementals against the hostile animals. The jeeps would mow the beasts down with rains of bullets.

Packs of beasts were annihilated from the guns. However, the shadowhounds retaliated and shred some jeeps, elementals or golems with them before they would be slain while the nighthounds retreated towards holes or snowy terrains. Multiple howls are heard as they dissipate into the environment.

"Bogey spotted, likely airborne enemy! I repeat, airborne enemy!"
The surveillance jets would unleash flares and airborne bombs behind them, trying to hinder the unknown bogey.

"Try laying low doing a kamikaze,"

The jets would lower their attitude as they fly, trying to hit Renegade Covenant ground targets or the ground, instead of exploding mid-air in vain.

Despite their plans, most of them would end up colliding with mountains and large rocks nowhere near their targets due to the misty nature of the Andalay that reduces great visibility. However, if some would reconsider from their suicidal strategies, and fly low instead maneuvering through the terrain, they would find a glimpse of multiple Renegades Covenant convoys moving around passable roads. These convoys appeared to be artillery units, numbering about nine to ten groups. Each group are scattered throughout the Andalay in strategic intervals of distance, and are constantly moving.

Within these Renegades Covenant convoys, several escort jeeps armed with both ground armaments and anti-air turrets. Among them appeared to be several large trucks mounted above them seemingly advance artillery guns. Despite their continuous movements, the artillery group moved slowly.

Before these glimpses would disappear within the mist, the Taiwanese jets would also spot numbers of Renegade Covenant tanks moving in groups around mountain passes and passable roads. Each group had about three to seven tanks varying in size from light to heavy.

If the remaining Taiwanese recons would make an escape, they would be chased by several Renegade fighter jets appearing out from the mist. These aircraft would mark them targeted with their railguns and heat-seeking missiles, bent on preventing their escape.

Blizzard Tanks, together with on-the-spot firemen and hydrotrucks (advanced firetrucks), extinguished the flames after minutes of continuous efforts. By the time the fire died down, though, the flames had already brought significant parts of the settlements to overcooked ruins.

Fortunately, the artillery strike has stopped, much to the Taiwanese's relief. The Taiwanese then immediately begun rebuilding their settlements and further fortified their positions as a result. Their buildings were now placed quite further apart from each other, and with more anti-fire and anti-air units being trained as well.

Sirens were once again sounded, this time as a reaffirmation of war. "This is"

The moments of rest ended, as the sky flashed in orange. More flares dropped from the skies falling like shooting stars towards the Taiwanese settlements. Unlike the first wave, there were a lot more flares dropping this time and doesn't seem to end a lot quicker than the previous. These artillery strikes would continue pounding the encircling Taiwanese bases unless actions are taken.


Third Malaysian War

The Call To Arms

Date : 4:15 A.M. Early Morning, Sunday, 14 January, 3117 A.D.
Location : Johor Bahru Military Base, Johor Bahru, Malaysia

The detachment of the Australian armed forces have reached the military port in Johor Bahru, which had joined Singapore as a single city, to strengthen the garrison of Malaysia, arriving via ships or transport aircrafts. Among them are the Special Division Ness (SDN), veteran commando units excelling at almost any kind of special or tactical operations.

During that time until late morning, the Australian forces unloaded and set up supply depots and formed a supply route from the homeland, and coordinated with the Malaysian defense force and the Indian fleet stationed at neighboring bases and nearby seas.

Suddenly, the sirens rang across Malaysia including Johor Bahru. News reached within the base of a declaration of war between Malaysia and Nanyang. A skirmish is happening throughout the borderlands, alarming the garrisons. With the state of war, the Australian forces hastened unloading, prepared their supplies and weapons, and ushered to battle stations. It took several hours though, reaching till tomorrow morning to fully organized their forces.

Meanwhile the SDN forces, being a separate, prepared their own combat units with coordination with the main one.

Several hours later

Date : 4:45 A.M. Early Morning, Monday, 15 January, 3117 A.D.
Location : Johor Bahru Military Base, Johor Bahru, Malaysia

The organized Commonwealth Frontier Army (CFA) heads out towards the borderlands. News arrived that Nanyangese forces have breached the wall and are assaulting within allied lands. The CFAs orders are to repel the enemy forces. And in large hosts, the Australian strike force heads out to war.

SDN forces followed behind acting as support for the time being.

Half of the Australian fleet stationed within Johor Bahru joined the Combined Fleet of Indian and Malaysian navy towards the Andaman Sea to provide support for the frontier through the water.
Level 9
Nov 27, 2014
Jungle Storm
As the boarding action intensifies, they would spot more ships approaching.
A detachment of ships peeled itself off and unleashed a barrage of mortar fire on the oncoming ships, taunting them while also peeling away towards Borneo in an effort to distract them.

Although the EM waves managed to temporarily restore light, the darkness reformed due to the presence of mist-creator engines that constantly unleash a mist and weather storm. Soon, darkness would return and the Undead would once again press their unholy boarding. Dead Taiwanese marines and sailors would be raised a few minutes later after they fell to increase their numbers that are already overwhelming the Taiwanese.

Smaller submarines that came in pack were met with schools of cyber-angler fish which swam in huge schools and with great speed and proceed to dive headlong into the small submarine packs.

From the sea floor, zombie marineers fire their weapons up at the underwater targets, hitting them with explosive harpoons or underwater firearms.

Back at the city of Manila, the undead forces proceed to rip anything not unrippable. Lamp posts, cars, rubble, EVERYTHING while they continued to storm the city with great speed and malice. Turnng everything inside out in the process.
Den of Beasts

Operation : Encircle

Location : Andalay Heights, Alastorn
User(s) : @Directive255, @Edge45
Date : Thursday to Friday, 12 to 13 January 1206 A.R. (3117 A.C.) // 12 to 13 Uno-Ses 3117

Notice : Planned beforehand,

Despite their plans, most of them would end up colliding with mountains and large rocks nowhere near their targets due to the misty nature of the Andalay that reduces great visibility. However, if some would reconsider from their suicidal strategies, and fly low instead maneuvering through the terrain, they would find a glimpse of multiple Renegades Covenant convoys moving around passable roads. These convoys appeared to be artillery units, numbering about nine to ten groups. Each group are scattered throughout the Andalay in strategic intervals of distance, and are constantly moving.

*many of them ended up crashing on rocks indeed*
*when just three planes died in vain, the suicidal orders were immediately changed*
*instead the jets would now fly low, recording any lucky glimpses of Renegade Covenant activities to Taiwanese settlements in real time*

"Artilleries spotted, repeat, artilleries spotted. Clustered all around and moving."
"Roger that,"

*upon noticing the artillery units from the mountains, Taiwanese settlements begun construction of force shield generators*

Within these Renegades Covenant convoys, several escort jeeps armed with both ground armaments and anti-air turrets. Among them appeared to be several large trucks mounted above them seemingly advance artillery guns. Despite their continuous movements, the artillery group moved slowly.

"Artilleries on rails, over,"

*Taiwanese forces have unleashed several Sunburst Drones, clustered in groups, to sneak deeper into the Andalay Heights for more peeks*

Before these glimpses would disappear within the mist, the Taiwanese jets would also spot numbers of Renegade Covenant tanks moving in groups around mountain passes and passable roads. Each group had about three to seven tanks varying in size from light to heavy.

*the Taiwanese promptly took note of the tanks after noticing them through real-time recordings from the jets*
*mass training of Rocketeers (rocket infantry), increased production of Taiwanese battle tanks, and construction of additional (anti-tank) gun turrets took place*

*after seeing enough, the recons would fly away, only to get chased*

If the remaining Taiwanese recons would make an escape, they would be chased by several Renegade fighter jets appearing out from the mist. These aircraft would mark them targeted with their railguns and heat-seeking missiles, bent on preventing their escape.

"What. Enemies on our tail!"

*heat flares were farted to the air, misleading the heat-seeking missiles astray. some of the heat flares hit the chasing Renegade fighters, likely causing the heat-seeking missiles to hit the Renegade jets themselves*

*however, they could not really fool the railguns. every moment, a recon jet was shot down*
*the flight continued, soon with surface-to-air missiles from the land coming against the chaser jers. upon close look, the recon jets have reached the range of outer Taiwanese perimeters where SAM Sites were built*
*3 recon jets made it back to the Taiwanese settlements at the end*
*the surviving pilots then went for rest and testimonial*

The moments of rest ended, as the sky flashed in orange. More flares dropped from the skies falling like shooting stars towards the Taiwanese settlements. Unlike the first wave, there were a lot more flares dropping this time and doesn't seem to end a lot quicker than the previous. These artillery strikes would continue pounding the encircling Taiwanese bases unless actions are taken.

*during the initial first few seconds of the bombardment, the flares were able to hit much of the Taiwanese settlements*
*however, the force field generators went fully charged right in the nick of time. wasting no time, the Taiwanese covered their settlements with strong force fields, at the expense of slower production and more power consumption*
*with the force fields running, the flares and their debris were stopped before they could be of any serious threat*

*newly produced units were organized into regiments, and sent to raid the mountains and seek for any enemy artilleries from three directions*

*construction of War Shrines soon begun within Taiwanese settlements, along with additional defense emplacements. these War Shrines train Chaplains and various holy light battlemages, and are also attached with holy observatories as well*

Third Malaysian War

Date : 18:22. Sunday, 14 January, 3117 A.D.
Location : Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Within a few hours of battles, the Nanyangese armies easily crushed the Malaysian defenders and made rapid progress deeper into Malaysian territory. The Nanyangese navy has also flanked the eastern coasts of Malaya, soon finding itself engaging the Malaysian naval forces at the east coast. Nanyangese naval forces were having the upper hand over the Malaysian naval forces at the east coast.

And at 18:22, with the sun setting while the Nanyangese flag hoisted proudly on top of the Bangunan Sultan Abdul Samad, Kuala Lumpur has fallen under Nanyangese hands.

"Cheers, homies! We have liberated Klungsberg from the filthy hands of the Australians. Klungsberg shall be Klungsberg again!"

Soon after the Nanyangese flag was raised, an inspiring march was broadcasted across all the corners of the newly liberated city. Some of the people joyfully welcomed the Nanyangese liberators and danced to the march, whilst some others resisted the Nanyangese occupation and fought to the death.

The Nanyangese would make their last advances securing all of Selangor, and half of the Pahang East Coast. Afterwards, they called it a day and took rest in defensive positions.

Date : 21:30. Sunday, 14 January, 3117 A.D.
Location : Asia-Pacific, Gaia

News of Kuala Lumpur's fall or Klungsberg's liberation would quickly go viral all over the Eastern Hemisphere. A massive uproar was erupted amongst the peoples of the Australian and Indian blocs, meanwhile a splendid celebration was held by the peoples in the Chinese and Taiwanese blocs.

This sudden war, has united the rivalling blocs of China and Taiwan into one common banner, and also brought the Indian and Australian blocs together, as they rally in support of their respective allies.

"Syabas, Nanyang! Congratulations for liberating Klungsberg! The Taiwanese Empire supports her little brother, Nanyang, in his righteous struggle against the Malaysian aggressors. Klungsberg shall be Nanyangese and Whampoan again, and rightfully so." the Chancellor of Taiwan, Puan Kathrin, stated.

"This blatant conquest is absolutely outrageous! Nanyang blames Malaysia for her own acts of aggression, and then went on invading the lands of the Malaysian people over their appalling false flag operation. Australia, as a fellow British Associate, will send troops to deter Nanyangese attacks and hopefully push them back." the Prime Minister of Australia harshly criticized.

"Peiyang stands resolute over its support on the Nanyangese people. Malaysia deserves to be punished for its unwarranted assault on the Nanyangese border. The Han Chinese and the Whampoans shall put aside differences and unite in the face of a common enemy. Together, we shall fight back against the neo-British!" Yuan Kai-ming, Emperor of Peiyang, responded in support of Nanyang.

"The international community cannot tolerate such an attack on the Malaysian nation. We must put an end to the warmongerers as soon as possible! As a fellow nation of the British Association, India shall come to the aid of Malaysia." the President of India commented.

India immediately declared war against Nanyang, and promptly unleashed its mighty navy toward the Andaman Seas.

Not long thereafter, the Chancellor of Koryo stated, "Koryo firmly supports the Nanyangese struggle against Malaysian imperialism, and hereby congratulates the Nanyangese for their great liberation of Klungsberg."

The President of Indonesia followed, "Indonesia and Malaysia are of the same blood, we are serumpun! We, the Indonesian people, shall never tolerate such an aggression against our fellow brothers!"

Very soon, at 21:30, the Republic of Indonesia officially declared war against the Free State of Nanyang. Indonesia promptly sends aid to Malaysia, but Indonesian help would take a few days to arrive though.

"Indonesia has just declared war to the Nanyangese people when we are only defending ourselves and retaliating Malaysian offenses. Hmph. Great." Encik Adelgar Lee, the President of Nanyang, snidely responded, "Give us Riau back, now! We shall make Riau Nanyangese again! Oh, Sabah and Sarawak shall be Nanyangese too!"

In response to the many declarations of war against Nanyang, Taiwanese Empire has founded the Whampoan National Volunteer Army for an expedition to Malaya -- a volunteer army which soon found many eager Whampoan recruits.

Date : 08:13. Monday, 15 January, 3117 A.D.
Location : Malayan Peninsula, Gaia

Nanyangese forces resumed their advances in the early morning the next day. They went on conquering swaths of Pahang and Negeri Semblian lands, until clashing with Australian forces at Seremban.​

Date : 11:37. Monday, 15 January, 3117 A.D.
Location : Malayan Peninsula, Gaia

With the sudden withdrawal of Malaysian naval forces from the east coast (see Jungle Storm), the Nanyangese navy could easily secure the entire east coast of Malaya. Very soon, landings were made on the eastern shores of Pahang and Johor, behind Malaysian frontlines, quickly accelerating Nanyangese conquest of south Malaya. Malaysian and Australian forces fighting on the frontlines would soon find themselves flanked from behind.

Additionally, after Malaysia declared war against Taiwan, the Taiwanese Empire then promptly joined the Third Malaysian War formally on the side of Nanyang. Pretty soon, a huge fleet of Taiwanese warships came joining the Nanyangese at the east coast.

Jungle Storm

Users : @Directive255, @Leo Akastenix

As the boarding action intensifies, they would spot more ships approaching.
A detachment of ships peeled itself off and unleashed a barrage of mortar fire on the oncoming ships, taunting them while also peeling away towards Borneo in an effort to distract them.

*a few hours right before that, news of the Third Malaysian War have spread to the Taiwanese fleets*

*the actions did provoke the Taiwanese ships indeed*
*prompting them to return fire whlist chasing the Bleakfleet ships toward Borneo*
*additional packs of Pirahna Minisubs came in and intercepted these Bleakfleet ships*

*Malaysian ships then attacked both Taiwanese and Bleakfleet ships on sight as soon as they sailed into Malaysian waters*
*sirens blared the drums of war loudly as the Taiwanese and Bleakfleet ships drew in, signalling a declaration of war*

*to make it worse, some Bleakfleet ships were actually refitted Taiwanese ships, thus giving the Malaysians more reasons to blame Taiwan*

Malaysian Radio Comm. : "Hah, we know it! It was the Yong Dynasty all along! Theresia is hungry for our lands, and we must fight to the death!"
Taiwanese Radio Comm. : "These people must be the ones behind the border sabotages."

Both sides believed that the other side was responsible for the Bleakfleet ships and the border sabotages.
Malaysia immediately dispatched most of its navy to repel and even chase the Taiwanese ships. A few other ships were sent to attack the Bleakfleet, but most of the attention was put on the Taiwanese.

Taiwanese Radio Comm. : "What? Not only did these zombies fell back into Malaysia, but now Malaysians are after us? This must be a collusion."

*in response, after a formal declaration of war from one of the "proper" countries, Malaysia, the Taiwanese navy immediately diverted their ships to engage the Malaysians instead. A few fleets were left to defend Phillippines however, but the naval presence there were reduced significantly, exposing it further to the Bleakfleet.*

This somehow greatly benefitted the Nanyangese navy on the Malayan east coast, as Malaysian ships withdrew to defend Borneo from the vast Taiwanese navy. Nanyangese naval forces soon secured the entire east coast, with landings being made to the eastern shores of Pahang and Johor.

Although the EM waves managed to temporarily restore light, the darkness reformed due to the presence of mist-creator engines that constantly unleash a mist and weather storm. Soon, darkness would return and the Undead would once again press their unholy boarding. Dead Taiwanese marines and sailors would be raised a few minutes later after they fell to increase their numbers that are already overwhelming the Taiwanese.

*while the mist was regenerationg, some of the mist-creator engines were soon spotted by Taiwanese forces briefly*
*a few dolphins with true sight managed to see the mist-creator engines, turned out it was attached on giant flagships (edited, discussed with @Leo Akastenix). Each giant flagship led one Bleakfleet*

*Taiwanese forces sent a larger fleet to intercept one of these flagship along with its escorts*

Smaller submarines that came in pack were met with schools of cyber-angler fish which swam in huge schools and with great speed and proceed to dive headlong into the small submarine packs.

*Pirahna Minisubs at first did not see these cyber-angler fish as any significant threat, instead focusing on any larger targets.*

*but if three or more Pirahna Minisubs were down, the Pirahna Minisubs then sped away relatively fast for a few moments, soon being quite distant from these fish schools. however, not long afterwards, their additionla fuels soon ran out*
*the Pirahna Minisubs would then fall under the mercy of these fish schools*
*after a few minutes, a Destroyer has arrived underneath the Pirahna Minisubs and the fish schools. the Destroyer then hurled shackles of fishnets, imbued with holy light magik, downward, trapping the cyber-angler fish*

From the sea floor, zombie marineers fire their weapons up at the underwater targets, hitting them with explosive harpoons or underwater firearms.

*these attacks were super effective, destroying huge numbers of underwater Taiwanese units*

Back at the city of Manila, the undead forces proceed to rip anything not unrippable. Lamp posts, cars, rubble, EVERYTHING while they continued to storm the city with great speed and malice. Turnng everything inside out in the process.

With most of the Taiwanese forces redirected to fight the Malaysians, Manila was left mostly to the mercy of the undead pillagers......

Many Filipinos, appalled by the relentless undead pillages and sudden abandonment from the Taiwanese, very soon grew enraged and resentful. This would once again ignite the flames of nationalism to the hearts of many Filipinos. Soon, various Filipino nationalist militias arose against both the Taiwanese and Bleakfleet.

However, a large number of Filipinos remained loyal to the Yong Dynasty, who were yet also disturbed by the Bleakfleet raids,. Thus, the loyalist Filipinos rose up in their counter-revolutionary militias against all enemies of the Taiwanese Empire.​

***EDITS 1 TO 2***
Last edited:
Level 24
May 15, 2013
Den of Beasts

Operation : Encircle

Location : Andalay Heights, Alastorn
User(s) : @Directive255, @Edge45
Date : Thursday to Friday, 12 to 13 January 1206 A.R. (3117 A.C.) // 12 to 13 Uno-Ses 3117

"Artilleries on rails, over,"

*Taiwanese forces have unleashed several Sunburst Drones, clustered in groups, to sneak deeper into the Andalay Heights for more peeks*

These drones were again able to take another glimpse of several Renegades Covenant moving artillery units. This time these vehicles fired from their guns, surprisingly little or no sound can be heard when they fire. Upon noticing, the Renegades' escort vehicles would fire at the drones with their laser-pointed rail-gun anti-air turrets, rapidly annihilating them when they got or get close.

"What. Enemies on our tail!"

*heat flares were farted to the air, misleading the heat-seeking missiles astray. some of the heat flares hit the chasing Renegade fighters, likely causing the heat-seeking missiles to hit the Renegade jets themselves*

*however, they could not really fool the railguns. every moment, a recon jet was shot down*
*the flight continued, soon with surface-to-air missiles from the land coming against the chaser jers. upon close look, the recon jets have reached the range of outer Taiwanese perimeters where SAM Sites were built*
*3 recon jets made it back to the Taiwanese settlements at the end*
*the surviving pilots then went for rest and testimonial*

Some fighters unfortunately hit a flare from their wings or tails, and blown by their missile thereafter, losing altitude and retreated towards the misty mountains before disappearing and blowing. This caused the fighters to engage with their rail-guns only.
As soon the recon jets would reach their safe point, the Renegade fighters, aware of their limited target area, quickly withdrew and returned to the misty mountains and disappeared there.

*during the initial first few seconds of the bombardment, the flares were able to hit much of the Taiwanese settlements*
*however, the force field generators went fully charged right in the nick of time. wasting no time, the Taiwanese covered their settlements with strong force fields, at the expense of slower production and more power consumption*
*with the force fields running, the flares and their debris were stopped before they could be of any serious threat*

*newly produced units were organized into regiments, and sent to raid the mountains and seek for any enemy artilleries from three directions*

*construction of War Shrines soon begun within Taiwanese settlements, along with additional defense emplacements. these War Shrines train Chaplains and various holy light battlemages, and are also attached with holy observatories as well*

Flare bombardment continued towards the settlements, ending only in several minutes before starting again.

Meanwhile, as Taiwanese raiding parties seek the Renegade artillery units. They would eventually find themselves midway ambushed by packs of the larger nighthounds of the Renegades Covenant, the Shepherds, from their sides or rear. Accompanied with them multiple shadowhounds that threshed through several infantry and vehicles of theirs. Among some ambushing beasts, faster moving nighthounds rushed through some raiding regiments and blew themselves in an explosion, a suicide attack rather call it. Taiwanese officers or commanding infantries are targeted or being killed through headshot as snipers loom around the mountains.

Third Malaysian War

The Defense of Singapore

Date : 11:37. Monday, 15 January, 3117 A.D.
Location : Malayan Peninsula, Gaia

Things were turning for the worse for the CFA or simply the Frontier, as they find themselves flanked from the east and the rear, angry at the Malaysian navy for forsaking them. Nanyangese forces quickly overwhelmed the garrisons, causing them to withdraw back to Johor Bahru. When news came of Kuala Lumpur's fall, the remaining garrisons would retreat to the bases within the regions of Negiri Sembala, Melaka, and the remaining territories of southwest Johor.

The Frontier would make a stand within these bases to the death or towards surrender, slowly falling into Nanyangese hands. Pockets of guerilla tactic resistance still continues though. Desperately, the Frontier focused their defenses towards the remaining stronghold on the peninsula, the southern half of Johor Bahru, Singapore. The Frontier blew the bridges, cutting off any land assaults. They strengthened anti-air and landing defenses, and activated some coastal guns. The remaining fleet stationed at the port of Johor Bahru prevented any landing possible by Nanyang or Taiwanese ships. They would defend the city to the death, but still hopes that reinforcements arrive.

The Special Division laid hidden as the skirmishes continued. Australian Commandos, rumored to have been trained in the ways of Aranorian's Daedalus-Combat doctrine, secretly disrupts and caused heavy damage to the Nanyangese supply lines within their territories. These commandos would then leave and disappear. Multiple raids towards the Nanyangese outpost occur afterwards, disrupting their offensives.
Apologies for the delay.

Den of Beasts

Operation : Encircle

Location : Andalay Heights, Alastorn
User(s) : @Directive255, @Edge45
Date : Thursday to Friday, 12 to 13 January 1206 A.R. (3117 A.C.) // 12 to 13 Uno-Ses 3117

These drones were again able to take another glimpse of several Renegades Covenant moving artillery units. This time these vehicles fired from their guns, surprisingly little or no sound can be heard when they fire. Upon noticing, the Renegades' escort vehicles would fire at the drones with their laser-pointed rail-gun anti-air turrets, rapidly annihilating them when they got or get close.

*these drones would then dodge any attacks while fleeing away from the escort however quite a number of these drones would get shot down regardless, exploding when shot down*

Flare bombardment continued towards the settlements, ending only in several minutes before starting again.

*coincidentally, the force fields were turned off just after the flare bombardment stopped. when the bombardment resumed, it would take a few moments to start up the force fields again, exposing the settlements for a short while*

Meanwhile, as Taiwanese raiding parties seek the Renegade artillery units. They would eventually find themselves midway ambushed by packs of the larger nighthounds of the Renegades Covenant, the Shepherds, from their sides or rear. Accompanied with them multiple shadowhounds that threshed through several infantry and vehicles of theirs. Among some ambushing beasts, faster moving nighthounds rushed through some raiding regiments and blew themselves in an explosion, a suicide attack rather call it. Taiwanese officers or commanding infantries are targeted or being killed through headshot as snipers loom around the mountains.

*many infantries got mauled and ripped apart by the canines, with tanks being severely disturbed as well*
*the suicidal nighthounds have also dealt many crushing blows to the raiding parties*
*more humvees were sent to reinforce the raiding parties. with their machine guns, the humvees would mow the canines down before they came close*
*after a few of them were sniped, remaining commanding officers boarded into jeeps instead*
*upon noticing sniper activity, the heavily armored geomancers slammed the earth, sending forth lines of heavy shockwaves and impaling cliffs toward the mountains*
*Rock Golems and Sea Elementals were sent to hunt snipers and also kill any spotted canines*

*after a moment, a huge army was sent marching to the mountainous lands, composed of mostly skilled mountaineers, seasoned battlemages, main battle tanks, artilleries, and Blizzard Tanks*
*behind the huge army, a few squadrons of chopper-mechs were dispatched as well*

*a smaller but still significant army was stationed beside one of the frontmost outposts, awaiting to flank enemy advances.*​

Two Giantesses Collude

Not long afterwards, Empress Theresia would get contacted by a devilish, feminine voice speaking to her head.

"Greetings from Harkiu, your Imperial Majesty! I hope your war against the snow bandits has been going well. I am Mererinda, speaking on behalf of our Dragonqueen. Our Empire would like to make a long-lasting alliance with yours. We are bitter enemies of these Renegades as well, while these rebel Whampoans were also causing problems for us too, and we like to fight them together with you. What says you, and where shall we meet?"

"Thanks for the generous offer, Lady Mererinda, I'll think about it. To be honest, I am somewhat wary of your Triads, but I guess we can work well together. Some help against these bothersome snow bandits is very good. Very well then, let's head over to my palace in Lemuria tomorrow. Do you have anything else to discuss?"

"Oh, yes. Would you mind if we launch our own attacks of the Andalay Heights from the west? Our forces will stop where we meet your soldiers. Do please tell your troops not to shoot on us,"

"Sure, why not? Though I somehow feel it would be better if we partitioned the Renegade lands, but we are in desparate need of help so either way I guess. Once again, thank you for your offer, Lady Mererinda. Do you have any other things to talk about, or are we ending the talk?"

"We can talk about the details later on in your place. There is nothing else at the moment now. Goodbye,"

"Have a nice day, goodbye."

Lava Tides

Only an hour after the telepathic talk, the massive Harkiuian hordes poured themselves to the western frontiers of the Renegade Covenant like no tomorrow. Gangs of battle-hardened Triads evolved to the wild darkness, packs of savage creatures and battalions of heavy war machines -- all of them marching straight toward the Renegade Covenant snowlands, whlist the Renegades were busy with the Taiwanese elsewhere. Minutes after the first skirmishes, clusters of shadow boulders, rockets and lavaballs would then be bombarded onto Renegade Covenant settlements. Right behind the defensive hills of the Renegades, packs of living shadows and rocks emerged themselves and began tearing apart the Renegade forces from within.

A moment afterwards, the Taiwanese Imperial Army would launch minor attacks on the Whampoan Shogunate.

Jungle Storm

Date : 07:45, Monday, 15 January, 3117 A.C.
Location : Pacific Ocean, Gaia
Notice : Planned beforehand with @Leo Akastenix

The Bleakfleet, satisfied with its raid, retreated to the deep oceans. The raid has left much of the Philippines into chaos and mayhem, and furthermore plunged the Taiwanese Empire into a war against the British Associates and the Third Katipunan. However, the end of the raid has also left the Taiwanese Empire freer to intervene in the Third Malaysian War.​

Third Malaysian War

Siege of Singapore

Date : 11:38. Monday, 15 January, 3117 A.C.
Location : Singapore, Gaia
Users : @Directive255, @Edge45

The Frontier would make a stand within these bases to the death or towards surrender, slowly falling into Nanyangese hands. Pockets of guerilla tactic resistance still continues though. Desperately, the Frontier focused their defenses towards the remaining stronghold on the peninsula, the southern half of Johor Bahru, Singapore. The Frontier blew the bridges, cutting off any land assaults. They strengthened anti-air and landing defenses, and activated some coastal guns. The remaining fleet stationed at the port of Johor Bahru prevented any landing possible by Nanyang or Taiwanese ships. They would defend the city to the death, but still hopes that reinforcements arrive.

The Special Division laid hidden as the skirmishes continued. Australian Commandos, rumored to have been trained in the ways of Aranorian's Daedalus-Combat doctrine, secretly disrupts and caused heavy damage to the Nanyangese supply lines within their territories. These commandos would then leave and disappear. Multiple raids towards the Nanyangese outpost occur afterwards, disrupting their offensives.

The Siege of Singapore would begin with the Nanyangese land army setting up forward outposts surrounding Singapore. Not long afterwards, cruiser ships escorted by smaller warships and submarines would be sent to bombard the frontiers of Singapore. A few giant artilleries were being readied as well.

Witnessing the immense obstacles for landings and the constant harassments of supply lines, the Nanyangese army instead have half of the army stationed right in front of Singapore waiting for further instructions, while the rest of the army was clustered all across the Malayan peninsula hunting for raiding parties.​

Date : 13:14. Monday, 15 January, 3117 A.D.
Location : East Coast of Malaya, Gaia

With the transports unloading on the docks of the East Coast, the first few batches of Taiwanese Volunteer Army have arrived. The arriving Taiwanese legions were huge and numerous, consisting mostly of fresh militias but also some veteran troops and war machines as well.. Without hesitation, the Taiwanese headed off toward Singapore together with Nanyangese forces.

Capital ships of the Taiwanese Imperial Navy, escorted by smaller Taiwanese vassals, would join the Nanyangese capital ships in the bombardment of Singapore.
Bleak Sunlight
(Introduction for The Republic of Indonesia)
Location: Jayakarta, Indonesia
"President Wibowo, there has been intrusion in the Kalimantan (Borneo) island. Should we dispatch our military forces to the region?"
"Prepare the Kapal Selam Alpha (Alpha Submarines) and protect all of our borders. Slay those intruders, especially if those Nanyangese approaches Indonesia! We must fully hold our territories and prevent the legacy history from ever taking place again!"

Republic of Indonesia is fortifying their defenses across the borders, especially at sea areas. Submarines and Battleships are being deployed in full scale to fortify the borders. Without a doubt, Indonesia fortifies Riau which is in danger of being claimed by the Nanyang. A lot of battleships are being deployed to prevent the advance of the Nanyang. Mysticists are also being deployed to support these battleships, as well as a lot of Combat Infantry (CI).

In order to gain a proper advantage in approaching Malaysian Peninsula which the main war is being held, Republic of Indonesia has negotiated a peace treaty with Aceh, a neutral state, with permission to use Aceh as a base of operation under a strict condition.

Location: Halim Airbase, Indonesia
"Admiral Zahar, we have successfully established a naval base at Aceh with their permission. We will use it to assist our Malaysian allies at Malay Peninsula," a messenger reported Admiral Zahar, the grand general of sea military force in Republic of Indonesia. Admiral Zahar smiled at that report.
"Very well," Admiral Zahar replied, "I shall personally lead the army. We shall depart to Aceh in the hour."

Meanwhile, the grand marshall of Republic of Indonesia has declined any airstrike permission to be executed in Malay Peninsula. For him, any air assault this early in the war can be damaging to Indonesian's air supremacy if the enemies can wipe the airstrikes.
"I'm not authorizing any airstrikes for now. As long as they don't enter Riau or any of our region for the matter, I won't send any airstrikes," the marshall said.


The promised aid to Malaysian arrives soon to the Malaysian war bases consisting of armory and weaponry supports, as well as war supplies. An Indonesian company by the name of Maxus Company also gives out humanitarian aid to the citizens affected, offering them shelters and supplies.

In the other end, Pusat Riset Teknologi (PRT) also becomes twice as busy with the war waging. The president has tasked them to research new technologies and magic to use against the Nanyang if they ever dare to lay a step to any of Indonesian territories, especially Riau.
Third Malaysian War

Location : Free Area of Malaysia, Gaia
Time : Tuesday, 16 January 1206 A.R. (3117 A.C.)
Users : @Directive255, @Edge45, @Daffa the Mage

The promised aid to Malaysian arrives soon to the Malaysian war bases consisting of armory and weaponry supports, as well as war supplies. An Indonesian company by the name of Maxus Company also gives out humanitarian aid to the citizens affected, offering them shelters and supplies.

Hope was restored for Malaysians with the timely arrival of generous Indonesian aid. Malaysians, now reaffirmed and supported, promptly went to bolster their defenses of Singapore and Borneo.

Now, with additional Indonesian supplies, the Malaysians launched their counter-offenses on Nanyangese fleets in an attempt to hamper Nanyangese assaults. A fierce battle soon ensued on the eastern waters of Malaya, thus buying enough time for Malaysians and Australians to reinforce their defenses.

The Yong Dynasty had already breached the coastal defenses of Sabah, and the imperial troops were now marching toward the southwest. However, the Malaysians would not wait for their deaths, and instead fight to the death. The Malaysians, greatly supported by their Indonesian and Australian allies, headed to the frontiers and boldly resisted the Taiwanese. Even behind the frontlines, Malaysian guerillas slipped in to sabotage and disrupt supply lines.

An all-out war soon erupted in the clays of Borneo...​


The Crossings

Location : Somewhere in Alastorn
Time : 18 January 1206 A.R. // 18 Uno-Ses 3117 A.C.

Several portal gateways stood still before dozens of eager Whampoans within an underground base.

"Comrades, today, you will be the first ones to step foot on Gaia again!" Commander Ibrahim shouted to the assembled Whampoans, who was then met with loud applause and cheers.

"Twenty-five years ago, those filthy Allies had crushed our homelands to ashes and ruins. Theresia, the traitor bitch to our nation, took all our rightful clays and relentlessly hunted us Patriots. Under Shogun Helmina's leadership, we went through many hardships together as one, and eventually made a new home here. But we Whampoans shall never forget our roots, nor what the Allies had done to us. We must return one day, retake our clays and punish these Allied dogs!"

"Today, the 18th of January, Year 1206, is a very glorious day for Whampoa indeed. Today is the 106th birthday of the Whampoan Reich, and the day you will step foot on Gaia once again... We must thrust our flags on the clays of Gaia today, and start small and sneaky from the dunes..."

"Begin!" Commander Ibrahim shouted, "Good luck, comrades!"

The portal gateways soon opened up their rifts. The Whampoans, together with their war machines, split up into groups and then headed to the rifts, vanishing as they crossed over to the other side.​

Obsidian Sands

Location : Najd, Indian Arabia
Time : Thursday, 18 January 1206 A.R. // 18 Uno-Ses 3117 A.C.

In the middle of a barren desert, several rifts scattered across Najd suddenly opened up under the blazing sun. After the rifts were fully opened up, the Whampoans poured outwards together with their war machines.

"Portal transfer number one successful."
"Portal transfer number two successful."
"Portal transfer number three successful."
"Portal transfer number four successful."

"Good. Set up outposts and confirm your location as soon as possible. Do not provoke unknown forces unless in self-defense, I repeat, do not provoke unknown forces unless in self-defense!"


In each of the landing zones...

Amongst the war machines, a gigantic yet simple looking wagon (Basic Command Wagon) stood out from the rest. This wagon then moved beside a nearby ore field and soon unpacked itself into a Basic Command Depot. A flag pole was soon erected with the Whampoan Shogunate flag hoisted proudly. With the Basic Command Depot firmly built up, construction of a base could now commence. Using construction materials from the Command Depots, several facilities were built up including encampments, refineries and war factories.

Scouting and harvesting activities would start soon. Squads of troops and light vehicles were sent to explore the nearby lands, whlist harvester trucks were sent to mine metals from ore fields and gold mines.

A few isolated Indian patrols on the way were promptly finished off by the Whampoan scouts. However, the nearby small outposts were left mostly intact and alone in the barren dunes, for the Whampoans could not afford to alarm the Indians prematurely.

On another note, the Whampoans have confirmed themselves to be in Najd, Arabia after passing through Indian patrols and Arabian ruins.

"Commander Ibrahim, location confirmed. Our location is Najd, Arabia. Indian presence is very light."

"Very good, comrade, just as I predicted."​

"When will the marshall permits airstrikes? We cannot allow Borneo to be taken," one of the land generals commented to the television broadcasting pieces of information regarding the war. The said general demanded the president to permit airstrikes to assist the neighbouring countries.
"We are serumpun! And yet we just watch them fall to the Nanyangese?"

Meanwhile, President Wibowo wishes for a negotiation to be held by both parties, however, Australian Commonwealth doesn't approve such stances and threatens Indonesia if they attempted to bring in treaties. In turn, Indonesia is fortifying the southern hemisphere of its territories as Australian's military are watching around the open seas.

In addition, Australian has been pressuring Indonesia to open its airspace for airstrike path to Malaysia. Indonesia keeps on its stances with closing the airspace from airstrike path. This halted down any jet strike attempts from the Commonwealth.

With so much pressure from the public to assist Malaysia, President Wibowo makes a clear statement that aid has been sent and some private companies are even giving humanitarian support. This however, still doesn't quench the people's demand for a counterattack against Nanyang's transgressions.

At the PRT, the research center is very busy with a new project. One of the lead scientist, Affad Aybe, was forced to make a statement on behalf of the research center's involvement in helping the Malaysians.

"As of right now, we assure you, PRT has tried our best to provide technical support to our brothers and sisters at Malay Peninsula. Some of our newer technologies are being deployed as we speak.

Location: Semenanjung Malaya, West Part of Malaysia
Some battleships are approaching the bay, undetected in radar, where Nanyangese held their naval base. The navy is personally led by the Admiral of the Indonesian military, Admiral Zahar.
The battleships open their cannons and begin their bombardments. The slower the response, the more casualties the Nanyangese will take. At the same moment, HSM (Heat-Seeking Missile) ships are parked near the battleships against any air assault. Some Assault Ships are also deployed to watch for underwater attacks.

Location: North Borneo, East Part of Malaysia
Mysticists and CIs are being deployed in very large numbers via land transportations around the land area of North Borneo of Sabah and Serawak in an attempt to wipe out the invading Nanyangese. Tank Hunters (TH), a specialized infantry against tank are being deployed as well.
It's just a matter of time before Indonesia's patience bear thin against the Nanyangese, as if the Nanyangese continues their transgression in Borneo, it can threaten the Middle Kalimantan Airbase and that would provoke the marshall to take countermeasures.
Level 24
May 15, 2013
Den of Beasts

Operation : Encircle

Location : Andalay Heights, Alastorn
User(s) : @Directive255, @Edge45
Date : Thursday to Friday, 12 to 13 January 1206 A.R. (3117 A.C.) // 12 to 13 Uno-Ses 3117

*many infantries got mauled and ripped apart by the canines, with tanks being severely disturbed as well*
*the suicidal nighthounds have also dealt many crushing blows to the raiding parties*
*more humvees were sent to reinforce the raiding parties. with their machine guns, the humvees would mow the canines down before they came close*
*after a few of them were sniped, remaining commanding officers boarded into jeeps instead*
*upon noticing sniper activity, the heavily armored geomancers slammed the earth, sending forth lines of heavy shockwaves and impaling cliffs toward the mountains*
*Rock Golems and Sea Elementals were sent to hunt snipers and also kill any spotted canines*

With the beast attacks lessened, and seemingly, sniper activity stopped after heavy shockwaves and impaling cliffs that crushed the ground and collapsed. Gave the Taiwanese a moment to advance.

However, after some distances covered, they would find themselves ambushed once more by packs of Shepherds and Shadowhounds, unlike last time, their were tanks rolling out from the sides. These tanks moved fast, capable of maneuver and quickly targeted Taiwanese armors through flanking and by the rear. As these Renegade tanks moved, they also mowed down any Taiwanese infantry with their threads and guns. Riding these tanks, are Renegade infantries clothed in heavy winter clothing and are laughing maniacally as they gun down their targets.

*after a moment, a huge army was sent marching to the mountainous lands, composed of mostly skilled mountaineers, seasoned battlemages, main battle tanks, artilleries, and Blizzard Tanks*
*behind the huge army, a few squadrons of chopper-mechs were dispatched as well*

The same happened for this army. Numerous Renegade tank groups assaulted them from the sides and above the hills, moving fast and agile along the way. They are also accompanied by lots of Shepherd and Shadowhound packs, wrecking havoc on their flanks. Fast moving armored cars mounted with anti-air vulcan guns fired at Taiwanese air units while continuously moving and straying away from the combat groups.

Lava Tides

...massive Harkiuian hordes poured themselves to the western frontiers of the Renegade Covenant like no tomorrow. Gangs of battle-hardened Triads evolved to the wild darkness, packs of savage creatures and battalions of heavy war machines -- all of them marching straight toward the Renegade Covenant snowlands, whlist the Renegades were busy with the Taiwanese elsewhere.

Renegade scouts quickly detected the Harkiuians' presences, however they were quite shocked and alarmingly warned the rest of the Covenant. It was already too late, as the advance was too sudden, there would be no time nor manpower for Renegade forces to direct a counterforce for Harkiu as they were busy with the Taiwanese expedition.

Minutes after the first skirmishes, clusters of shadow boulders, rockets and lavaballs would then be bombarded onto Renegade Covenant settlements. Right behind the defensive hills of the Renegades, packs of living shadows and rocks emerged themselves and began tearing apart the Renegade forces from within.

These projectiles would reach Renegade Covenant outpost, instead of settlements. Particularly small ones, the Renegades do not build large settlements on the surface. However, the outposts are also depots for their military activities, and are also defended with base defenses.

Renegade forces within the outposts are already aware of the Harkiuian attack, but lack the necessary firepower and arms to defend against them. Thus, enemy forces would overwhelm and destroy Renegade outposts one by one. Among them, four Renegade artillery groups would be destroyed, reducing the amount of flare bombardment towards Taiwanese settlements.

With the Harkiuian armies flanking them, the Renegade forces were in disarray. Although the Aenid warbands ambushing Taiwanese forces were unaffected by this, they did lost cover support by the Renegades and would be vulnerable to flanks as well.

With the chaos on the Andalay, one by one, Renegade artillery groups bombarding Taiwanese settlements, would be wiped out one by one despite their defensive attempts. Either by hands of the Harkiuians or Taiwanese forces that manage to penetrate through Aenid ambush groups. Several hours of the battle, Renegade forces started withdrawing. They would start running towards the mists and disappear, some into mountains and some into holes, quickly blowing and closing it thereafter, to prevent being followed.


Several minutes earlier when the Harkiuians were detected on the west borders of Andalay. The legion of Dagger were alarmed with the sudden spike of movements from the west, as they were having their own hard time with the Taiwanese. To contribute more into their chaos, Arch Directress Xiandre has withdrawn the Crimson Skull legion, and Cerberos can do nothing but provide them with just information.

"Ah shit, damn damn shit. These expedition bastards, now those black stone arses from Harkiu. What the bloody hell is happening?!" Shouted Director Price, the leader of the legion assigned in Andalay, the Dagger Legion.

"This is Cerberos Overlord to Dagger-actual, be advised, massive Harkiuian forces are pouring from the west, they will launch an assault on your area, withdraw now over."

"Negative, the Taiwanese expedition armies are taking our bait, we got them where we want e'm!"

"I repeat Dagger-actual, Harkiuian forces will flank your perimeter. The Mastermind has given orders to evacuate commanding personnel and equipment out of Andalay."

"She did now? Dammit! Talk to me Baryl!"

"Face it Price, Andalay's lost. The Aenid warbands will buy time, get your main force withdrawn quickly, over." Encrypted messaging turns off.

"Shit." Pissed, but accepted the fact, Director Price initiated the withdrawal of his legion out of Andalay. "Get those proximity explosives turned on, get those heavy and advance equipment to the transports, all forces, withdraw!"

And there, continued to the present. Renegade forces in Andalay withdrew, disappearing on the northern mists. Proximity bombs exploded at certain areas, when either Taiwanese or Harkiuian forces got close. Causing avalanches or landslides that buried a lowland. At that point however, Taiwanese and Harkiuian forces won the battle in Andalay. Of course only after clearing and routing remaining pockets of Renegade soldiers and the Aenid warbands.

Aftermath (End of Den of Beasts)

Location : Etherion, Cerberos base of operations, exact location unknown
Date : 16 Uno-Ses 3117
Users : @Directive255, @Edge45

Days after the defeat in Andalay, the Directory Council assembles in Etherion to discuss matters.


"So, what can you say for you and your legion, Director Price?"

"You ask lass? Your forces withdrawn from my back, Cerberos telling me to retreat, surrounded from two sides. I think that answers your question."

"Fair enough good man."

"Just that it, you ain't gonna gun my head?!"

"Oh what did you expect old man? Minus one in the Directory Council? Minus one percent of your legion who just lost twenty percent of its forces? Literally your question doesn't make sense."

"Everyone, I think we can accept the fact that we've lost Andalay, at least its surface I suppose. Intelligence tells us that Harkiu have allied with the expedition force of Taiwan, apparently coming from Gaia. As long as their numbers keep pouring into this world, we'll be overwhelmed."


"Good statement Director Joyeuse. Unless we take it to their roots, not alone as well."

"What is your point ma'am?"

"Uuuhh you people don't have any sense of words. For now, I am going to force us, to ally with one of our enemies, the Watchacalit Shogachit. Be friends and stuff for awhile."

"You mean the Whampoan Shogunate?"

"Yes good man, the Whampoan wachacalit."

*eh* * what?! *yadayada* *murmur *whut*

"Quiet now, I can always do a purge again."

*silence~* *cricket sounds*

"You people can at least trust them, maybe just a bit, since they're enemies of our enemies. Not necessarily enemy of an enemy is a friend thing, but always do love a good host that can toil and easen our work.


Apparently, Dagger legion lost about twenty percent of its total force and manpower, added with the decimation of an Aenid warband. Arch Directress Xiandre pardoned Director Price for his defeat on his battlefield, having the fact that Harkiu could join the battle in the side of the Taiwanese expedition corps.

With them allied, made Xiandre a lot more willing to have more allies that could help her and the Renegades Covenant strengthen their claims within the mainland of Alastorn. Thus, on an encrypted, secret, and well protected line of communication, the Renegades Covenant contacted the Whampoan Shogunate...

***Awaiting Reply***

Third Malaysian War

Siege of Singapore

Date : 11:38. Monday, 15 January, 3117 A.C.
Location : Singapore, Gaia
Users : @Directive255, @Edge45, @Daffa the Mage

The Siege of Singapore would begin with the Nanyangese land army setting up forward outposts surrounding Singapore. Not long afterwards, cruiser ships escorted by smaller warships and submarines would be sent to bombard the frontiers of Singapore. A few giant artilleries were being readied as well.

Witnessing the immense obstacles for landings and the constant harassments of supply lines, the Nanyangese army instead have half of the army stationed right in front of Singapore waiting for further instructions, while the rest of the army was clustered all across the Malayan peninsula hunting for raiding parties.
Date : 13:14. Monday, 15 January, 3117 A.D.
Location : East Coast of Malaya, Gaia

With the transports unloading on the docks of the East Coast, the first few batches of Taiwanese Volunteer Army have arrived. The arriving Taiwanese legions were huge and numerous, consisting mostly of fresh militias but also some veteran troops and war machines as well.. Without hesitation, the Taiwanese headed off toward Singapore together with Nanyangese forces.

Capital ships of the Taiwanese Imperial Navy, escorted by smaller Taiwanese vassals, would join the Nanyangese capital ships in the bombardment of Singapore.

The Frontier army faced damages and casualties within Singapore, but thanks to the created rubble, it became their shelters against the bombardments. The Commonwealth forces made use of bunkers, underground shelters, and even the ruins to build their defensive positions, quarters, and supply depots for arms and munitions.

As the bombardment continued, Australian forces began their counter-barrage operations. Using their MLRS arsenal to throw their own artillery against the Nanyangese and Taiwanese fleet. They also launched several rocket barrages in front of the city where Nanyangese forces and settlements have dug off for a siege.

Meanwhile, the Australian fleet stationed on Singapore also launched several barrages of their cruiser warship's rocket systems towards both hostile forces in front of the city and on the sea. Remaining destroyers, using their anti-submarine systems, lay anti-submarine mines on crucial areas they could be vulnerable at or flanked. They also have their own submarines that scoured the surrounding waters of the city.

Despite their defenses, the Commonwealth forces are losing supply, ammunition, and manpower, and are still continuously harassed by bombardments.

Location : Free Area of Malaysia, Gaia
Time : Tuesday, 16 January 1206 A.R. (3117 A.C.)
Users : @Directive255, @Edge45, @Daffa the Mage

The promised aid to Malaysian arrives soon to the Malaysian war bases consisting of armory and weaponry supports, as well as war supplies. An Indonesian company by the name of Maxus Company also gives out humanitarian aid to the citizens affected, offering them shelters and supplies.

Hope was restored for Malaysians with the timely arrival of generous Indonesian aid. Malaysians, now reaffirmed and supported, promptly went to bolster their defenses of Singapore and Borneo

Now, with additional Indonesian supplies, the Malaysians launched their counter-offenses on Nanyangese fleets in an attempt to hamper Nanyangese assaults. A fierce battle soon ensued on the eastern waters of Malaya, thus buying enough time for Malaysians and Australians to reinforce their defenses.

With fresh supplies arriving, the Frontier was resupplied greater than before within Singapore. Reinforcements also arrived with batches of soldiers and vehicles ready for battle. With that, more MLRS trucks were positioned in strategic areas to lay fire support and counter-barrage tactics against the combined Taiwanese and Nanyangese fleet battling the Malaysian fleet.

Defensive positions and emplacements are also strengthened around the city, with Australian and Malaysian forces entrenching themselves along the waterfronts and rubble of the island city. Still, there was no air support available, Indonesia restricted any air strike from Australia's carriers.

Meanwhile, SDN commandos continued their hit and run tactics. After half of the Nanyangese forces were alarmed however, they became silent within occupied Malaya. But their activities remained.
A squad of commandos awaited on the west coast of Malaya. They then sent an encrypted and protected message towards the Indonesian forces in Aceh with their advance communication equipment. Another was also in southwest Malaya within the range of the Australian frontier communications.

The message contained detailed information about movements, supply points, and tactical concentration of Nanyangese forces that could prove vital and important for the Indonesian and Frontier forces to use. More are being sent afterwards, supplying intelligence regarding the East Coast of Malaya.

Southern Fury

Location : Makassar Straight, Southeast Borneo
Time : Tuesday, 16 January 1206 A.R. (3117 A.C.)
Users : @Directive255, @Edge45, @Daffa the Mage

With the battle of Malaya and Borneo ensuing, the Australian Defense Force dispatched an armada towards the Makassar Strait in Southeast Borneo to provide support for Malaysian forces in the island. Without air force available, they had submarines and stealth warships went first to scout for any Taiwanese fleet or sea mines lying around.

The cruisers of the armada would then bombard the Taiwanese forces, on Borneo or at sea, with missiles and shells whilst continuing towards the Celebes Sea, south of Mindanao, Philippines. They started contacting and urging the proclaimed Third Katipunan to join their side and fight their Taiwanese overlords in exchange for protection, allegiance, and then independence.

The Australian Commonwealth would continue persuading the Indonesian forces for the airway. Unless they won't, their forces will be crippled in Malaya. And they can't even spare troop for Borneo.​

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Level 24
May 15, 2013
War Continues, Oil Industry Booming, And A Quick Look At Indirabia
(Trivial Side Story)

With the outbreak of the Third Malaysian War, production of oil went booming in the Indian bloc and the region of South Asia. Demand was also high, but supply is steadily produced. In turn, production of arms was also high with the tides of war ever changing.

Within Indirabia, or India Arabia, the Indian league and the Arabian states are getting along a bit since the cataclysm and the Fifth Great War. Now they share the oil fields of Pakistan's inland sea, which is also called the Persian Sea, rich in that supply. However, rumours still say that there are extremists and insurgents running between both sides fighting againsts one another to throw the two nations into war.
"Sir, we received intel from our comm."
Meanwhile, SDN commandos continued their hit and run tactics. After half of the Nanyangese forces were alarmed however, they became silent within occupied Malaya. But their activities remained.
A squad of commandos awaited on the west coast of Malaya. They then sent an encrypted and protected message towards the Indonesian forces in Aceh with their advance communication equipment. Another was also in southwest Malaya within the range of the Australian frontier communications.

The message contained detailed information about movements, supply points, and tactical concentration of Nanyangese forces that could prove vital and important for the Indonesian and Frontier forces to use. More are being sent afterwards, supplying intelligence regarding the East Coast of Malaya.
"Very well. All forces at Aceh, advance with caution. Secure the western Malaya and flank them from both west and east. Have the Borneo navy forces moves to blockade and secure the eastern front."

Indonesian navy is advancing from both sides in an attempt to fully secure Sabah, Serawak and put Nanyangese into a surround with both sides. The land army of Indonesia supporting Malaysian army, along with the Mysticists as the backbone, are breaking through the enemy defenses slowly, but surely. All forms of tanks and infantries available are used for this operation.

"If the marshall keeps declining the permission to use airspace, then there's no choice but to use PRT's special craft," one of the scientists at the PRT central reported to the visiting president. President Wibowo sighed. His air marshall is a hot-head, and even he won't make him budge and permit the commonwealth from sending air support.

"The marshall said he will open if the Borneo Airbase is struck. If the president permits, PRT has a backup plan."
The president nods.
Some of the PRT scientists attempt to hack through the Chinese bloc satellites and shut it down toward the airbase in a bid to provoke the air marshall.

Meanwhile, both land and sea are now available for the Malaysian Allies to have their forces move upon, with the general and admiral respectively permits entry. Secretly, without authorization, Affad Aybe and his elite scientist team are preparing for a powerful aircraft to be used against Nanyangese in PRT's exclusive airbase at Sura.
"Surely the enemy will be prepared, given the size of this damned aircraft," one of the scientists comments. Aybe disagrees, showing a device he installed in the system to the scientists.
"Those fool Nanyangese and their allies will not see what's coming to them before we arrive at their doorstep," Aybe comments.
"These should hasten the war a bit. We really need to stop this madness of both sides and restore Malaysia back to its former condition," a scientists comments. Aybe sighs, given he doesn't want to be involved further with the war.
"Alright, who wanna play pilot?" Aybe asks his scientists. One of them raises their hand and given access to the full control of the new jet, which soon will be a big fear once it shows itself from the skies.
"Prepare exclusive permissions of PRT. Access protocol 0-10-X-PS-ULK," Aybe activates the special protocol for the plane and the PRT permission for plane launch. The grand marshall for Indonesia, Hayat, can only watch in horror as he sees what his air force sees on the military command.
"Those damn PRTs, what are they thinking?"
An Unholy Alliance

A Sudden Contact

Location : Kuningnye Schloss, Batusonne Citadel
Date : 16 Uno-Ses 3117
Users : @Directive255, @Edge45

Inside the Shogun's Office, Helmina sat leisurely reading a book. All of a sudden, the gadgets of her desk rang loudly, interrupting her hobby. "Oh, come on, why does it have to be now? I'm reading." she complained to herself. She then reluctantly put down the book and heaved a sigh.

Thus, on an encrypted, secret, and well protected line of communication, the Renegades Covenant contacted the Whampoan Shogunate...

Helmina looked downwards to the screen, and her slight frown turned to a bright grin. "Oh, the Renegades Covenant? I wonder what kind of business do they have... this is probably some good news."

She picked up the phone, and spoke in a dark, feminine yet formal tone, "Greetings from the Whampoan Reich, it is a pleasure to meet you. I am Puan Helmina, Shogun of our Reich. You are the Renegades Covenant, are you not? Already been a long time since we had any contact. What brings you here? I hear you are having deep troubles with the Triads and the Yongs, correct? Are you looking for an alliance, perhaps?"​

Third Malaysian War // Great War VI

Siege of Singapore
Date : Tuesday, 16 January, 3117 A.C. to Wednesday, 17 January, 3117 A.C.
Location : Singapore, Gaia
Users : @Directive255, @Edge45, @Daffa the Mage

The Frontier army faced damages and casualties within Singapore, but thanks to the created rubble, it became their shelters against the bombardments. The Commonwealth forces made use of bunkers, underground shelters, and even the ruins to build their defensive positions, quarters, and supply depots for arms and munitions.

The sheer determination and valor of the defenders deterred the attackers to some extent. Facing the struggles to capture Singapore, the Nanyangese-Taiwanese army have decided to bring their amphibious tanks to the frontiers. The Nanyangese made use of the recovered "Harimau" Amphibious Medium Tanks, while the Taiwanese brought their "Tsunami" Amphibious Light Tanks and also some "Falcon" Spectrum Hovercrafts to the field as well.

Many of those amphibious war machines would cross over the river separating Singapore and Malaya, completely bypassing the blown-up bridges. Some other of those amphibious tanks would be attached to naval fleets instead. A few regiments of these amphibious tanks flanked Singapore from the northwest.

As the bombardment continued, Australian forces began their counter-barrage operations. Using their MLRS arsenal to throw their own artillery against the Nanyangese and Taiwanese fleet. They also launched several rocket barrages in front of the city where Nanyangese forces and settlements have dug off for a siege.

The Nanyangese on the ground did not really anticipate heavy counter-barrage from the Australians, and so got caught off-guard and took some big blows. Nanyangese forward outposts suffer a lot from these bombardments, with flames and ruins all over the place.

The Taiwanese fleets, on the other hand, were quite prepared for the barrages. Their largest battleships promptly activated their nanoshields, reducing damage taken but also making them move slower. The "Tsunami" Tanks and the Pirahna Minisubs were able to dodge these barrages thanks to their fast speed. However, the barrages did still dealt some damage to the Taiwanese.

Meanwhile, the Australian fleet stationed on Singapore also launched several barrages of their cruiser warship's rocket systems towards both hostile forces in front of the city and on the sea. Remaining destroyers, using their anti-submarine systems, lay anti-submarine mines on crucial areas they could be vulnerable at or flanked. They also have their own submarines that scoured the surrounding waters of the city.

Taiwanese Destroyers, with their innate sonar, detected these new mines and also enemy submarines from miles away. Thus, these Destroyers unleashed the attached Osprey jets which then proceeded to bombard the underwater threats with barrages of deep missiles.

The Australian submarines however, managed to intercept many amphibious tanks of the Nanyangese and Taiwanese in the Singapore Strait.

Despite their defenses, the Commonwealth forces are losing supply, ammunition, and manpower, and are still continuously harassed by bombardments.

Seeing the gradual fall of the British defenders, the morale and determination of the Whampoan attackers rose up as a result. A squadron of Fleenzub Bombers quickly flew in and rained hell upon the stubborn Australian defenses with barrages of powerful explosive plasmaballs. More amphibious units were sent to flank Australian positions. The assault went on for hours, with the Taiwanese and Nanyangese gradually winning...

However, very soon, the tides of war would come to a halt and slowly turn against the attackers.

With fresh supplies arriving, the Frontier was resupplied greater than before within Singapore. Reinforcements also arrived with batches of soldiers and vehicles ready for battle. With that, more MLRS trucks were positioned in strategic areas to lay fire support and counter-barrage tactics against the combined Taiwanese and Nanyangese fleet battling the Malaysian fleet.

Defensive positions and emplacements are also strengthened around the city, with Australian and Malaysian forces entrenching themselves along the waterfronts and rubble of the island city. Still, there was no air support available, Indonesia restricted any air strike from Australia's carriers.

*with the steady flow of reinforcements on British side, the combined forces of Nanyang and Taiwan begun facing major setbacks*
*the heaviest casualties were of the Nanyangese armed forces, having not only to deal with incoming reinforcements but also constant sabotages by enemy agents*

*however, to their relief, Taiwanese forces were mostly overlooked by Indonesians*

*with the absense of air strikes yet, the Taiwanese were more generous with their land and water reinforcements*
*the first wave of Thai reinforcements arrived at long last, bolstering the Nanyangese side massively. most of these Thai legions consisted of decently fast and well-armored tanks, and decently equipped infantries*
*Thai fleets were also sent to secure the western waters of Malaya against any British counterattacks*

"Very well. All forces at Aceh, advance with caution. Secure the western Malaya and flank them from both west and east. Have the Borneo navy forces moves to blockade and secure the eastern front."

The Royal Thai Navy would immediately attack any Indonesian ships coming from Acheh on sight.

*if any satellites were used, massive legions of Taiwanese "volunteers" were already in Tschampa and Thailand marching toward the Nanyangese-Taiwanese border*

*the Nanyangese somewhat noticed encrypted signals heading towards Acheh, along with the persisting guerilla activities*
*out of suspicion, a team of Nanyangese commando-mages were unleashed to hunt for any enemy agents and guerillas around pinpointed locations*

Southern Fury

Location : Makassar Strait, Southeast Borneo
Time : Tuesday, 16 January 1206 A.R. (3117 A.C.) to
Users : @Directive255, @Edge45, @Daffa the Mage

The battles continued on the clays of Borneo, with the Taiwanese and Nanyangese forces steadily progressing although facing great resistance. Without enemy airstrikes and paratroopers, the enemies began running low on supplies and gradually finding themselves encircled.

With the battle of Malaya and Borneo ensuing, the Australian Defense Force dispatched an armada towards the Makassar Strait in Southeast Borneo to provide support for Malaysian forces in the island. Without air force available, they had submarines and stealth warships went first to scout for any Taiwanese fleet or sea mines lying around.

With an Australian armada coming to the rescue, Taiwanese advances were slowed down.

*many sea mines around the waters of Sabah, both Malaysian and Taiwanese, were detected*
*detected Taiwanese fleets were mostly concentrated around the outlying waters of eastern and northern Sabah*
*submarines were promptly engaged by nearby schools of Pirahna Minisubs, Typhoon Attack Subs and Yari Minisubs*
*with some warships and Dolphins soon coming to reinforce the submarines. these Dolphins equipped with advanced sensors could detect stealth warships from a moderate distance*

The cruisers of the armada would then bombard the Taiwanese forces, on Borneo or at sea, with missiles and shells whilst continuing towards the Celebes Sea, south of Mindanao, Philippines.

*in response, several squadrons of Fleenzub Fighters were dispatched to harass the cruisers swiftly*
*a small Taiwanese fleet was sent in response to hamper Australian naval advances, but losing ground and had to retreat to northeastern waters of Sabah*

They started contacting and urging the proclaimed Third Katipunan to join their side and fight their Taiwanese overlords in exchange for protection, allegiance, and then independence.

The Third Katipunan immediately agreed to join the British associates, and with a promising alliance made with foreign powers, the freedom fighters have their morale boosted greatly. More guerilla battles and sabotages were launched by the Third Katipunan behind the frontlines, severely disrupting Taiwanese operations at Borneo.

Indonesian navy is advancing from both sides in an attempt to fully secure Sabah, Serawak and put Nanyangese into a surround with both sides. The land army of Indonesia supporting Malaysian army, along with the Mysticists as the backbone, are breaking through the enemy defenses slowly, but surely. All forms of tanks and infantries available are used for this operation.

Chaos and mayhem quickly spread through Mindanao like wild forest fires, as the foes came closer while revolts arose from within. Many mighty fleets of Taiwan were quickly brought to sunken ruins before the advancing British bloc allies. Most remaining Taiwanese forces had to pull back from Borneo.

Some of the PRT scientists attempt to hack through the Chinese bloc satellites and shut it down toward the airbase in a bid to provoke the air marshall.

The hacking was not quite smooth and encountered some difficulties. Pretty soon, the Huaxian bloc operators would notice hacking attempts, and soon engage in a wrestle for control of the satellites. During the struggle, one of the satellites shut down entirely and fell down, but the satellite crashed into Singapore instead.

Rhelsha's Scheming


Rhelsha and her cronies watched silently from the dark as the war unfolded in Southeast Asia. They were not too happy with recent developments and trends, as the Taiwanese Empire was losing ground.

"Things don't look too bright right now, proselytes." Rhelsha, sitting on her throne, shook her head and sighed, "The tides of war have turned against Taiwan as our enemies mobilize more and more of their forces. Now, the eastern waters of Borneo is infested with plenty of British forces. Not to mention, we are having troubles with a rising insurgency in the Philippines. We must not let these British brats run amok in Asia, neither should we let Peiyang eclipse the Yong Dynasty. To make things even tougher, Empress Theresia is getting angry and impatient, and we are in a very fragile position right now."

"If we are to make our plans run smoothly, we must turn the tides of war against our foes. Our Taiwanese compatriots have noticed this one thing -- the abnormal lack of airstrikes from either Australia or Indonesia. Australia has a sizable air force, yet we see barely any Australians in the skies. Apparently, Australia is denied access to Indonesia's airspace, which stood between Malaysia and Australia. From this, we can see that some disputes were still ongoing between Indonesia and Australia. Furthermore, relations between Australia and Indonesia have always been somewhat sour and tense. This further shows that Indonesia is not really trustful of the big Australian kangaroo."

"Now, all we need is a stir somewhere in their borders, for them to turn their backs against each other... We also need this stir to disrupt the flow of Australian reinforcements to Mindanao as well. With this, they shall abandon their war with us and instead fight amongst themselves to the death, leaving them both to Theresia's mercy..."

Operation : Turncoat

Location : Timor-Leste, Gaia (close to one of the Indonesian-Australian land borders)
Time : Thursday, 18 January 1206 A.R. (3117 A.C.)
Users : @Directive255, @Edge45, @Daffa the Mage

On one of the outlying islands around Timor-Leste, the Australians have sent a Mobile Construction Vehicle to build up a forward base. Several infantries and a few tanks were escorting the MCV as well.

The MCV moved to the center of an open space and then proceeded unpacking itself into a Construction Yard.

Several Sun Priestesses, made invisible by twisting the light, sneaked up close behind. Suddenly, the Sun Priestesses revealed themselves to the Australians. And right after catching glimpses of the Sun Priestess, several vivid images of Rhelsha's face and also sun cult symbols flooded their minds. Before they could react, they were already enslaved under the will of the Sun Priestesses.

Some of the mind-controlled troops were permanently corrupted, while others still maintain temporary psychic links with their handlers.

Three engineers came from the shadows and broke into the Construction Yard, hijacking it for the Radiant Circle. The Radiant Circle operatives soon changed their flags and colors, pretending to be amongst the Australians.

As soon as they have captured the Construction Yard, the Radiant Circle began setting up a standard Australian base. Shipyards were soon constructed in the waters, and with the shipyards ready, the Radiant Circle began building up a fleet.

The Australian High Command was initially unaware of the hijack, but gradually came to find the activities of this forward base more and more suspicious.

With the authentic Australians approaching for some investigations, the Radiant Circle hastenened up their fleet-building. Airfields were also built and squadrons of bombers were being constructed as well.

Very soon, after a sizable fleet was composed, it was sent to assault a nearby Indonesian border base. The constructed squadron of "Australian" bombers were then sent to bombard another Indonesian base.

The Radiant Circle also brought in some sneaky agents, who then recorded the incident in many videos from different angles. Soon, the videos would be uploaded to the Weltnetz (i.e. Internet for this Gaia), hoping to stir a flame war of controversies and accusations between Indonesians and Australians. Pretty soon, the videos went viral over the Weltnetz, and indeed a flame war soon started with many Australians, both civilians and soldiers, hopping in and blamed Indonesia.

Weltnetz in Flames
Many Australians, both civilians and soldiers, were outraged over the incident, and immediately went to accuse Indonesia of backstabbing Australia. Some Australians soon made light of Indonesia restricting its airspace from Australians, further fueling the flames of anger amongst Australians...

Meanwhile, back at Timor-Leste, the authentic Australian navy soon moved in and engaged another hijacked "Australian" fleet. The sight of two Australian fleets waging war against each other, à la Karánsebes, would be a very intriguing sight...

With this, the flow of Australian reinforcements to the frontlines were severely interfered, as they had to pull back and deal with the hijacked fleet. In addition, their supply routes were greatly harassed and sabotaged...
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The Royal Thai Navy would immediately attack any Indonesian ships coming from Acheh on sight.

*if any satellites were used, massive legions of Taiwanese "volunteers" were already in Tschampa and Thailand marching toward the Nanyangese-Taiwanese border*

*the Nanyangese somewhat noticed encrypted signals heading towards Acheh, along with the persisting guerilla activities*
*out of suspicion, a team of Nanyangese commando-mages were unleashed to hunt for any enemy agents and guerillas around pinpointed locations*

"Seems the enemy forces are prepared," the admiral comments as he sees the Royal Thai Navy in sight. The Battleships fired from a range toward the defending ships as the navy advances forward. Assault Ships also makes their lead in defending the back of the navy. Amfibia CT also comes to assist the naval assaults.

*with the steady flow of reinforcements on British side, the combined forces of Nanyang and Taiwan begun facing major setbacks*
*the heaviest casualties were of the Nanyangese armed forces, having not only to deal with incoming reinforcements but also constant sabotages by enemy agents*

*however, to their relief, Taiwanese forces were mostly overlooked by Indonesians*

More and more Indonesia fleet is coming to overrun the enemy forces. As Indonesia tries to avoid stirring unnecessary conflicts, Taiwanese will be overlooked if they don't support the lines of the Nanyangese.

Chaos and mayhem quickly spread through Mindanao like wild forest fires, as the foes came closer while revolts arose from within. Many mighty fleets of Taiwan were quickly brought to sunken ruins before the advancing British bloc allies. Most remaining Taiwanese forces had to pull back from Borneo.

Most of the navy are moving westward, heading to Malay Peninsula.

The hacking was not quite smooth and encountered some difficulties. Pretty soon, the Huaxian bloc operators would notice hacking attempts, and soon engage in a wrestle for control of the satellites. During the struggle, one of the satellites shut down entirely and fell down, but the satellite crashed into Singapore instead.

The failure causes the marshall to not permit any airspace opening, however...

Many Australians, both civilians and soldiers, were outraged over the incident, and immediately went to accuse Indonesia of backstabbing Australia. Some Australians soon made light of Indonesia restricting its airspace from Australians, further fueling the flames of anger amongst Australians...

Indonesia air marshall in reverse accuses Australia of such act done to discredit Indonesian. The land general, however, declines that it's the fault of the Australians and consider it a 'flaw of defense' from Indonesian side.

The Indonesian netizens also blamed the Australians in turn, not accepting mockery to their nation from the so-called 'british prisoners', according to them.

Meanwhile, the PRT elite scientist Affad Aybe suspects foul play coming from somewhere else. With his team of scientists, they return to PRT main base.


A gigantic aircraft is approaching the Malay Peninsula from the south (surprising, given locked airspace) and in one fell swoop, cleared some of coastal static buildings of Nanyangese into rubbles, nigh-impenetrable to the defenses set by Nanyangese due to its mysterious armor shield. Even magic becoming useless.

(OOC : It's the first appearance of Pride of the Sky, which is not part of military information of Indonesia yet)

Such an act surprised the air marshall, and given the reactions from the public in disbelief of the air military, the marshall is cornered to open airspace across Indonesia, permitting Aircraft Carriers and Whitestorms to commence their operation.


Having suspected foul play in the Timor-Leste, Affad Aybe secretly disrupts all form of communication done to the area as well as negating the videos, halting any network from being used there as the skies around Timor-Leste area turning dark quickly, before the entirety of it disappears in killing thunders and tempest winds. Affad Aybe and his team, by the time other scientist teams learned that Timor-Leste comm has been disrupted, already disappeared from the PRT main building. The sheer nature's wrath was broadcasted via a hacked comm satellite to the world, as some sort of warning to all.

This causes shock, fear and outrage across both Indonesian and Australian citizens and further diminish trust of the people from both sides. The destruction was so great that no soldier, no matter how powerful, could've easily survived such an attack. This also could've affected negatively the morale of other nations, and distrust Indonesia for keeping such a powerful weapon hidden all this time.

(Simply put, if given in RA like environment, it's somewhat similar to Mental Omega Unthinkable)

"It's time to move."

[Pastebin entry updated with information of the device]
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Level 24
May 15, 2013
Third Malaysian War // Great War VI

Siege of Singapore
Date : Tuesday, 16 January, 3117 A.C. to Wednesday, 17 January, 3117 A.C.
Location : Singapore, Gaia
Users : @Directive255, @Edge45, @Daffa the Mage

Now the Australian Frontier is refreshed in Singapore, the battle continues...

*with the absense of air strikes yet, the Taiwanese were more generous with their land and water reinforcements*
*the first wave of Thai reinforcements arrived at long last, bolstering the Nanyangese side massively. most of these Thai legions consisted of decently fast and well-armored tanks, and decently equipped infantries*

The sheer determination and valor of the defenders deterred the attackers to some extent. Facing the struggles to capture Singapore, the Nanyangese-Taiwanese army have decided to bring their amphibious tanks to the frontiers. The Nanyangese made use of the recovered "Harimau" Amphibious Medium Tanks, while the Taiwanese brought their "Tsunami" Amphibious Light Tanks and also some "Falcon" Spectrum Hovercrafts to the field as well.

Many of those amphibious war machines would cross over the river separating Singapore and Malaya, completely bypassing the blown-up bridges. Some other of those amphibious tanks would be attached to naval fleets instead. A few regiments of these amphibious tanks flanked Singapore from the northwest.

The Nanyangese on the ground did not really anticipate heavy counter-barrage from the Australians, and so got caught off-guard and took some big blows. Nanyangese forward outposts suffer a lot from these bombardments, with flames and ruins all over the place.

The Taiwanese fleets, on the other hand, were quite prepared for the barrages. Their largest battleships promptly activated their nanoshields, reducing damage taken but also making them move slower. The "Tsunami" Tanks and the Pirahna Minisubs were able to dodge these barrages thanks to their fast speed. However, the barrages did still dealt some damage to the Taiwanese.

Australian forces kept up with the defenses. Although their task is defense, they did better in reducing as much casualties as possible, even having lesser casualties than the Nanyangese and Taiwanese forces individually. The Australian forces are known to have the best medics, healing abilities and triage capabilities within the world.

Their counter for the amphibious assault through the river made by both Taiwanese and Nanyangese was simple, destroy them before they can even reach the shore. Javelin rockets, tank-destroying Challenger IV main battle tanks, and armor-magic-penetrating magic bullets of the Archer II Self-propelled Howitzers provided to the destruction to these tanks before they can even reach half the distance of the river. The rubble helped perfectly in providing cover for these defending infantries and vehicles, constantly maneuvering within the ruins of the city waterfronts and changing positions while firing. The northern areas, or known as the Singapore Line, since facing the Malayan peninsula, is the most heavily defended and entrenched position in the city, flanking it from the norther areas proved useless as the Singapore line stretched like a shield. The MLRS rockets also continued their barrage.

Taiwanese Destroyers, with their innate sonar, detected these new mines and also enemy submarines from miles away. Thus, these Destroyers unleashed the attached Osprey jets which then proceeded to bombard the underwater threats with barrages of deep missiles.

The Australian submarines however, managed to intercept many amphibious tanks of the Nanyangese and Taiwanese in the Singapore Strait.

*Thai fleets were also sent to secure the western waters of Malaya against any British counterattacks*

Things weren't so easy for the Commonwealth Navy though. Despite having Indonesian forces on the west, the navy was a lot more busy in providing escort for the supply line to the southern port of Singapore. Their blockade, although resupplied with resources and reinforcements, were having difficulties in offenses as their orders are to defend the city and provide support for its defenders. However,

Australian attack-class submarines quickly fired off their cluster torpedoes against the incoming amphibious assault of the Nanyangese and Taiwanese. Nothing much can be done thereafter but indirect attacks. Several submarines fell for the Osprey jets, leading to the withdrawal of the submarines into anti-air perimeters or within the Singapore Line. The rest of the fleet awaited behind the line, constantly patrolling near the city and are not moving for any kind of offenses. Their cruisers however continued firing rocket barrages, anti-air or ground ones.

Southern Fury

Location : Makassar Strait, Southeast Borneo
Time : Tuesday, 16 January 1206 A.R. (3117 A.C.) to
Users : @Directive255, @Edge45, @Daffa the Mage

With an Australian armada coming to the rescue, Taiwanese advances were slowed down.

*many sea mines around the waters of Sabah, both Malaysian and Taiwanese, were detected*
*detected Taiwanese fleets were mostly concentrated around the outlying waters of eastern and northern Sabah*
*submarines were promptly engaged by nearby schools of Pirahna Minisubs, Typhoon Attack Subs and Yari Minisubs*
*with some warships and Dolphins soon coming to reinforce the submarines. these Dolphins equipped with advanced sensors could detect stealth warships from a moderate distance*

The sea mines, after being patrolled by returning submarines and stealth warships, were quickly blown by Australian Cruiser missiles, paving their way to the Celebes Sea.

Contact with the Taiwanese navy was soon engaged later on way. The Australian destroyers, having anti-submarine specialties, proceeded with their torpedoes and guided missiles. They were also equipped with their own Ospreys, because these aircraft were low-flying, the captains made considerations of letting them takeoff and bombard the enemy subs.
The fleet was also accompanied with their own Dolphins, equipped as well with combat sonic waves and advance sensors. They escorted the submarine fleet in tandem with the Destroyers.

*in response, several squadrons of Fleenzub Fighters were dispatched to harass the cruisers swiftly*
*a small Taiwanese fleet was sent in response to hamper Australian naval advances, but losing ground and had to retreat to northeastern waters of Sabah*

Using air units to destroy the cruisers was rather a mistake. Australian cruisers are based off from the old Aegis-class Cruisers, in their third tier, armed with almost rockets and missiles, and are especially made for anti-air. These Cruisers would fire their anti-air cluster missile systems at the Fleenzubs, aided with the Destroyer's railgun turrets and anti-air capabilities.

Shitstorm + Operation : Turncoat

Location : Timor-Leste, Gaia (close to one of the Indonesian-Australian land borders)
Time : Thursday, 18 January 1206 A.R. (3117 A.C.)
Users : @Directive255, @Edge45, @Daffa the Mage

Weltnetz in Flames
Many Australians, both civilians and soldiers, were outraged over the incident, and immediately went to accuse Indonesia of backstabbing Australia. Some Australians soon made light of Indonesia restricting its airspace from Australians, further fueling the flames of anger amongst Australians...

Meanwhile in Timor-Leste. The Commonwealth officials were pumping furious with the in-war going on within their own lands. Because of this, the entire war front on Malaya and Borneo was disrupted. Counter-intelligence have concluded that this was an act of sabotage, not by themselves, nor their Indonesian allies, but by the Taiwanese and Peiyang blocs themselves. Somehow, they did what they can convincing the officials and the network of these two state's despicable operations. They made sure these "news" were to be spread across the internet.


Having suspected foul play in the Timor-Leste, Affad Aybe secretly disrupts all form of communication done to the area as well as negating the videos, halting any network from being used there as the skies around Timor-Leste area turning dark quickly, before the entirety of it disappears in killing thunders and tempest winds. Affad Aybe and his team, by the time other scientist teams learned that Timor-Leste comm has been disrupted, already disappeared from the PRT main building. The sheer nature's wrath was broadcasted via a hacked comm satellite to the world, as some sort of warning to all.

This causes shock, fear and outrage across both Indonesian and Australian citizens and further diminish trust of the people from both sides. The destruction was so great that no soldier, no matter how powerful, could've easily survived such an attack. This also could've affected negatively the morale of other nations, and distrust Indonesia for keeping such a powerful weapon hidden all this time.

Black out comms was reported on that time in the region. Not even the Commonwealth and its advance covert ops can answer. They had to send a special divion to investigate the area carefully. Not only this event in the region caused havoc within the communication lines, but to both political relations with the southern blocs and the war effort of the Third Malaysian War.

Many of the officals in the Commonwealth have been considering of abandoning the war, and propose a treaty for Malaysia and Borneo. But with the scars of conflict, and already blaming Peiyang and Taiwan for the chaos in Timor, things are rather irreversible with their opinion.

Meanwhile, the shitstorm on the south caused various bad effects for the war front of the Commonwealth Army.

Location : Makassar Strait, Southeast Borneo, Gaia

Because of the situation on the south, half of the dispatched armada on south Borneo changed its course back into the homeland. Leaving the other half on standby on the Celebes Sea facing the Taiwanese fleet on the north. They had to stay there to keep contact with the Third Katipunan and provide support for the forces in Borneo. Their battle continues though unaffected, only with a reduction of forces.

Location : Singapore, Gaia

The hacking was not quite smooth and encountered some difficulties. Pretty soon, the Huaxian bloc operators would notice hacking attempts, and soon engage in a wrestle for control of the satellites. During the struggle, one of the satellites shut down entirely and fell down, but the satellite crashed into Singapore instead.

As a satellite comes down to the city, it alerted the defenders to an extreme level. Because of this, MLRS rocket barrages, anti-air missiles from both ground and sea arsenal, and "anything" that can take down a falling satellite, redirected their fire for the incoming debris.
This affected the defensive positions, giving the Taiwanese and Nanyangese a window for attacks. Without the rocket barrages, it gave them time to recover from a constant harassment of artillery, their navy could now also face a rest from the attacks, and also an opportunity to cross and breach the Singapore Line. Although the assault can still face the emplacements and defenses of Singapore, no doubt, they're reduced greatly and Australian morale losing.

Indonesia air marshall in reverse accuses Australia of such act done to discredit Indonesian. The land general, however, declines that it's the fault of the Australians and consider it a 'flaw of defense' from Indonesian side.

The Indonesian netizens also blamed the Australians in turn, not accepting mockery to their nation from the so-called 'british prisoners', according to them.

With communications down on the south, and the flow of supply stopped, added the controversy of the Indonesian-Australian inner fighting. The war front command was in discord, officers are pissed with the Indonesian forces. Not only that they prevented them from allowing their air force earlier, but they also are ruining their operations against the Taiwanese and Nanyangese.

With all the shitstorm happening, the host of the special division released an announcement to the entire military of the allied states of the southern bloc. From Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Commonwealth itself.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am General Thomas Duke. WE -- ARE -- AT -- WAR! With all you blokes fightin against each other, we all gon die here now that them northern bastards march here with them impudent and arrogant might. Enough with yer tantrums, enough with them shits happenin inside, we are facing the problem in front of us 'ight now. Let's just fuckin' help each other in this war dammit!"

The announcement urged the Indonesian, Malaysian, and Commonwealth forces to coordinate each other in the Malayan War. Several hours after that.

A gigantic aircraft is approaching the Malay Peninsula from the south (surprising, given locked airspace) and in one fell swoop, cleared some of coastal static buildings of Nanyangese into rubbles, nigh-impenetrable to the defenses set by Nanyangese due to its mysterious armor shield. Even magic becoming useless.

With the air ban lifted, and with the weird flying gigant on the sky taking the enemy's attention. The Special Division General personally initiated the first air strikes of the Commonwealth in the Third Malaysian War. The Frontier aircraft carriers, waiting behind Singapore, launches its tactical jet fighters and bombers for an air assault in defense of Singapore.

The falling satellite was quickly wiped out from the sky after the Australian fighters blew it up with their missiles. The airforce was then assigned to provide support for the city, trying to prevent any Taiwanese or Nanyangese forces from advancing any further if they try. These air squadron also bombarded the Nanyangese forces on the other side of Singapore. Aircrafts, such as helicopters and hovering jets began to take air to their operations in providing relief, resources and supplies from the navy, MLRS rocket barrage returned to their task, and the navy have started to move.

And now that every arsenal was available, the Australian forces had their morale returned again. The Frontier have then began to regroup their remaining land, sea, and air force. Although these are rather separated from the defenders of Singapore and is taking a bit of time as the supply lines and communications are reestablished on the south.

Meanwhile, commandos on the Malayan peninsula disappeared. Only to reappear back in Singapore to join the main host.
With communications down on the south, and the flow of supply stopped, added the controversy of the Indonesian-Australian inner fighting. The war front command was in discord, officers are pissed with the Indonesian forces. Not only that they prevented them from allowing their air force earlier, but they also are ruining their operations against the Taiwanese and Nanyangese.

With all the shitstorm happening, the host of the special division released an announcement to the entire military of the allied states of the southern bloc. From Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Commonwealth itself.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am General Thomas Duke. WE -- ARE -- AT -- WAR! With all you blokes fightin against each other, we all gon die here now that them northern bastards march here with them impudent and arrogant might. Enough with yer tantrums, enough with them shits happenin inside, we are facing the problem in front of us 'ight now. Let's just fuckin' help each other in this war dammit!"

The announcement urged the Indonesian, Malaysian, and Commonwealth forces to coordinate each other in the Malayan War. Several hours after that.

Indonesia begins to focus their efforts on the war once again as the tense disappears slowly. The air marshall also got warned by the President for his transgressions. In turn, the air marshall was restricted from making any public comment.

Whitestorms are moving across Sumatera and their aircrafts are charging through the straits as they aim toward the Nanyangese front lines. The western navy also makes a push through, with Admiral Zahar directly break through Royal Thai defenses, but doesn't divert much toward Thai area.

"All forces, advance and lockdown Nanyangese. Secondary force, assault the naval base of Royal Thai and disable them from naval support."

He then contacted the eastern front.

"All eastern navy, advance and secure waters around Borneo, then split into two. One advance to Malay Peninsula from the east and the other advance to Celebes Sea as well as Mindanao areas. We need to support the commonwealth at once!"

Indonesian unleashes their full military might against the Taiwanese bloc, in hope of ending this war as soon as possible. Even the aerial jets that were on standby are now deployed in full force to tactically bombard the Taiwanese bloc infantries and tank divisions. Amfibia is unleashed in full force, striking through the seas to assist the navy. Whitestorms are attacking from other islands in range of their targets, such as Sumatera to Malay.

Meanwhile, PRT, at the disappearance of Omega Team, asks one of their scientist, Mara Hana, to spearhead the project that used to unveil full might of Indonesia. With her limited knowledge of the project, she attempted to continue the attempt to harness the power of weather to their side. On the other hand, Team Beta, with the help of Team Omega in the past, managed to build a new technology called 'Storm Tank', which they plan to deploy at key areas. These Storm Tanks will discharge lightning on sight of enemies and causes heavy damage to them. The only counter is to destroy the storm tanks, and maximum result gained by preventing their deployment. Beware, their storms are EMP.

Meanwhile, the President is moving to Polonia base, and plans to make move to Acheh. He intends to enjoy the water trip using Amfibia Transport. President is guarded by full scale military might, including the powerful squad of Kopassandha.
[Arrives in Polonia in 2]

[Pride of the Sky]
In order to deal with this flying beast, massive AA is required (one which doesn't use magical energies). They are expensive and slow, but unseen on radar, so make sure to fortify bases because their visit is... unannounced.
[Wrath of the Skies]
This building is located within the complex of PRT, which makes it hard to infiltrate and destroy. It has a tremendous amount of charging time, so it's gonna be a long while before it's used again in the war.

There will be new units by the Indonesian, which will be revealed in due time. Oh, and Team Alpha is cooking something... not good.
Third Malaysian War // Great War Six

Siege of Singapore
Date : Wednesday, 17 January, 3117 A.C.
Location : Singapore, Gaia
Users : @Directive255, @Edge45, @Daffa the Mage

Their counter for the amphibious assault through the river made by both Taiwanese and Nanyangese was simple, destroy them before they can even reach the shore. Javelin rockets, tank-destroying Challenger IV main battle tanks, and armor-magic-penetrating magic bullets of the Archer II Self-propelled Howitzers provided to the destruction to these tanks before they can even reach half the distance of the river. The rubble helped perfectly in providing cover for these defending infantries and vehicles, constantly maneuvering within the ruins of the city waterfronts and changing positions while firing. The northern areas, or known as the Singapore Line, since facing the Malayan peninsula, is the most heavily defended and entrenched position in the city, flanking it from the norther areas proved useless as the Singapore line stretched like a shield. The MLRS rockets also continued their barrage.

This move was quite effective, having taken some of those amphibious tanks down. However, after only several of them were sunken, the rest of the tanks retreated backward avoiding further unnecessary losses. Furthermore, Tsunami Tanks activated a nanoshield upon retreat, negating damage done onto the Tsunami Tanks but also slowing their turrets as a result.

The Falcon Spectrum Hovercrafts were able to get away quite easily thanks to their very agile speed, however, for those few unfortunate to be caught, they were promptly reduced to shreds due to their rather fragile armor.

Now, the Taiwanese Empire have fielded their very own MLRS vehicles against the Australians -- the Kerisrëgensmeriamen / Keris-Rain Cannons (KRM, singular Kerisrëgensmeriam). From the KRMs, came barrages and barrages of explosive missiles, these missiles forged with fire and tesla , further enchanced with magik, coming all the way from even greater rangers than the Australian MLRSes. If hit, these missiles would not only unleash hellfire, but also electrical fields that might disable enemy machinery (EM Pulse). The Kerisregen -- rain of the Keris (Kris) -- raining down a chaotic hell of flames and electricity to their foes. Furthermore, the KRMs were further escorted by some Taiwanese tanks and troops.

Things weren't so easy for the Commonwealth Navy though. Despite having Indonesian forces on the west, the navy was a lot more busy in providing escort for the supply line to the southern port of Singapore. Their blockade, although resupplied with resources and reinforcements, were having difficulties in offenses as their orders are to defend the city and provide support for its defenders.

Even though the Taiwanese and Nanyangese would avoid heavy assaults for fear of massive losses, they also won't sit aside idly watching the Australians either. To keep things tough for the Australians, they have sent off small and medium sized assaults to harass the Commonwealth armed forces. Most of the ships composing the smaller assautl fleets consisted of Pirahna Minisubs, Assault Cruisers (missile rains, anti-ship + anti-air) and Dolphins (spectrum-armed + sensors).

Southern Fury

Location : Makassar Strait, Southeast Borneo
Time : Wednesday, 17 January 1206 A.R. (3117 A.C.) to
Users : @Directive255, @Edge45, @Daffa the Mage

Contact with the Taiwanese navy was soon engaged later on way. The Australian destroyers, having anti-submarine specialties, proceeded with their torpedoes and guided missiles. They were also equipped with their own Ospreys, because these aircraft were low-flying, the captains made considerations of letting them takeoff and bombard the enemy subs. The fleet was also accompanied with their own Dolphins, equipped as well with combat sonic waves and advance sensors. They escorted the submarine fleet in tandem with the Destroyers.

With similar composition and number of ships, the two massive navies soon locked themselves in a relentless confrontation against each other.

The Taiwanese navy have their own destroyers, although slightly lower in quality, but still formidable and in larger numbers. These destroyers come with their own stronger Ospreys, but their main anti-surface cannons and anti-submarine torpedoes were weaker. Only half of the total Taiwanese destroyers were equipped with anti-air capacities. Taiwanese also house Dolphins of their own, complete with advanced sensors, but shooting spectrum rays instead of sonic waves. Schools of Minisubs and also several missile cruisers were also amongst the Taiwanese fleets.

Using air units to destroy the cruisers was rather a mistake. Australian cruisers are based off from the old Aegis-class Cruisers, in their third tier, armed with almost rockets and missiles, and are especially made for anti-air. These Cruisers would fire their anti-air cluster missile systems at the Fleenzubs, aided with the Destroyer's railgun turrets and anti-air capabilities.

"Oops. I thought these were Battleships. Australians are so overpowered, they should get a nerf."
"Nerf?! Do you think this is some game like Mental Omega? Sorry, dude, this is a real war, nobody cares about balance!"

It was too late when the Taiwanese realized this mistake of theirs, for they have sent their Fleenzubs to their deaths. Quite a number of Fleenzub Fighters were gunned down as a result. To somewhat make the mistake worth it, the falling Fleenzubs tried steering themselves toward the Australian ships in an attempt to wipe them out in the inevitable crashes.

Rhelsha's Debriefing

Shitstorm + Operation : Turncoat

***Top Secret Comm. Start***
After hearing news of Australian counterintelligence half-correctly accused Taiwan for Operation Turncoat, an angry Theresia Yong has summoned the Sunshine Agency.

"Can you please explain the exposure of our trails in Operation Turncoat?" the Empress questioned in a stern, serious tone. "And our enemies instead went even closer after that Australian propaganda speech."

"I... I am sorry over our exposed trails, milady... please forgive me..." a kneeling Rhelsha pleaded in front of Theresia. "Well, they were at war with us, of course they would blame us to avoid fighting many foes, j-just saying..."

"I don't want to hear any excuses." Theresia said impatiently whilst shaking her head in disapproval, "You have failed me this time. You have made a big blunder on your part, don't deny that."

"I... Y-yes, I am to be blamed, milady. Sorry, Empress. I will work harder to compensate my mistake this time."

"Good. Apology accepted." Theresia responded, "However, I am going to lock you out from our weapons protocol while we carry out an investigation over this mistake. Consider it as your punishment. But you have an assignment, an assignment that can redeem your blunder. Recently, we have a lot of troublemakers within the Philippines, and the Australians are coming for the Philippines as well. Find a way to pacify them. I have heard legends of your psychic powers, use them well against our foes."

"Acknowledged, milady. I'll go work on the Psychic Beacon prototype now."

"Very well. Take good care of yourself then. I can't wait to see your sorcery."

***Top Secret Comm. End***

Third Malaysian War / Great War Six

Location : Makassar Strait, Southeast Borneo, Gaia

Because of the situation on the south, half of the dispatched armada on south Borneo changed its course back into the homeland. Leaving the other half on standby on the Celebes Sea facing the Taiwanese fleet on the north. They had to stay there to keep contact with the Third Katipunan and provide support for the forces in Borneo. Their battle continues though unaffected, only with a reduction of forces.

The reduction of Australian forces has given the weakening Taiwanese some relief. It also bought more time for the Taiwanese to reorganize and bolster their frontiers, and to pacify the Third Katipunan dissidents. Additional Taiwanese reinforcements were making their way to Mindanao as many Australians retreated to their homeland.

Several Sun Priestesses, hidden within the ranks of the Taiwanese, went seizing the minds of a few Australian and Third Katipunan units, turning them against their former comrades and causing chaos within Allied ranks.

"Make sure this little toy of yours (Psychic Beacon) work, Rhelsha."
"Don't worry, it will work out very well."

Very soon, some trivial yet suspicious sneaky activities were being conducted in Yong-controlled clays close to the frontiers. The Taiwanese had just set up a new base on one of the outlying islands behind the frontiers yet close enough. The Taiwanese facilities there were painted not in the usual green colors, but painted in the color of olive.
(Psychic Beacon will activate after 1 post, controlling half of all Third Katipunan forces and also many Australians in range)

Siege of Singapore

Location : Singapore, Gaia
Users : @Directive255, @Edge45, @Daffa the Mage

As a satellite comes down to the city, it alerted the defenders to an extreme level. Because of this, MLRS rocket barrages, anti-air missiles from both ground and sea arsenal, and "anything" that can take down a falling satellite, redirected their fire for the incoming debris.

This affected the defensive positions, giving the Taiwanese and Nanyangese a window for attacks. Without the rocket barrages, it gave them time to recover from a constant harassment of artillery, their navy could now also face a rest from the attacks, and also an opportunity to cross and breach the Singapore Line. Although the assault can still face the emplacements and defenses of Singapore, no doubt, they're reduced greatly and Australian morale losing.

With the Australian missile arsenal redirecting focus to the falling satellite, the Taiwanese and Nanyangese swiftly took the chance to attack Singapore again after quickly recovering from the barrages. The Fleenzub Bombers were also sent to bombard Australian defense lines while busy stopping the satellite, with squadrons of Fleenzub Fighters also hunting Australian missile launchers from many directions.

With the air ban lifted, and with the weird flying gigant on the sky taking the enemy's attention. The Special Division General personally initiated the first air strikes of the Commonwealth in the Third Malaysian War. The Frontier aircraft carriers, waiting behind Singapore, launches its tactical jet fighters and bombers for an air assault in defense of Singapore.

"Damn, Indonesia opened its airspace to the Australians so soon?"

The Taiwanese-Nanyangese forces could not repeal most of these sudden airstrikes, and suffered mild losses as a result. The battle in Singapore, however, once again shifted to the favor of Australians as the aircraft carrier assaults caught the invaders unprepared.

Soon, the Taiwanese-Nanyangese forces would shift from offense to defense. They have halted their advance, but they did not retreat either, instead they hold off their frontiers in Singapore and Johor Bahru (Juwelburg). More focus on anti-landing and anti-air defenses were being placed, along with more patrols inland securing supply lines.

These air squadron also bombarded the Nanyangese forces on the other side of Singapore. Aircrafts, such as helicopters and hovering jets began to take air to their operations in providing relief, resources and supplies from the navy, MLRS rocket barrage returned to their task, and the navy have started to move.

With the Australians once again rolling, the Taiwanese-Nanyangese forces suffered some setbacks and had to retreat a little, even with their own KRMs opening fire against the Australians from a greater range. Additional reinforcements have arrived, mostly Nanyangese and Thai, to bolster the falling frontier in Singapore.

The Frontier have then began to regroup their remaining land, sea, and air force. Although these are rather separated from the defenders of Singapore and is taking a bit of time as the supply lines and communications are reestablished on the south.

Nanyangese communications went partially exposed halfway through the action, before being restored into encrypted status. Who knows if this is a tactic to scare the defenders, or an honest malfunction?

"Jendral, deh Austrälianmun balikserang Bariskan woteis skarang. Apekah boleh wotei buat? (General, the Australians are now counterattacking our frontier. What can we do?)" an intercepted Nanyangese voice spoke.

Another intercepted Nanyangese responded, "Letaklah deh Dunkelumhang untuk diuzi. Kalau bertuah wotei, ini akan beri wotang Perlindungkan wunder. (Put the Darkcloak for testing. If we are lucky, this will give us wonderful protection.)"

"Tapi, Jendral wakus, wotei tak patut pamer kepade din Musuhmun'i das Rahsiakan woteis! Skarang ia terlalu awal! (But, my General, we should not expose our secret to our enemies! It's too early!)"

"Kalau tak gune es skarang, bilekah mau gune? Kenapekah bine wotei das Dunkelumhangkan dekat Singapura'i? Kerane wotei mau melarang das Musuhmun bervorwarts! (If we don't use it now, when else shall we use it? Why do we build a 'Darkcloak' near Singapore? Because we want to stop our enemies from advancing!)"

The intercepted communication of Nanyangese high command then went blurry and eventually fade as the communications were back encrypted.

A few moments later, a mysterious device (Dunkelumhang -- Darkcloak) within one of the Nanyangese base glowed in bright red hues. Upon closer look, it was a walled circular platform with a bright red ball installed on top of it. As the bright red ball glowed, serpentine rays of intense red energy emerged from the bottom of the ball, touching the platform insides.

"Sam... Jih... Jat... mulelah! (Three... two... one... begin!)"

A loud noise of something burning and boiling was soon heard spreading from the mysterious device, as a powerful field of darkness began shielding the Nanyangese and Taiwanese forward outposts. Structures, vehicles and even infantries were fully covered by this unholy shield of intense darkness. Any attacks against the troops would be greatly reduced, though they would still take damage from enemy attacks.

"Hahahaha! Skarang, deh Musuhmun akan Rasereikan woteis hadap! (Hahahaha! Now, the enemies will face our fury!)"

With the frontier troops and tanks shielded in unholy invincibility, they abandoned defense and went straight rushing toward the Singaporean defenses, barging through the Australian barrages with only around a dozen of deaths.

However, there is a catch if one notices carefully. Behind the shielded frontiers, the larger bases were not shielded with the Darkcloak. These larger bases also lack AA defenses as well. The mysterious "Dunkelumhang" still resided within one of these bases, glowing brightly in an unholy red as it continued maintaining the shield of invincibility. Or if the coalition forces choose to wait and defend, it would take 10 minutes for the effect to wear off.


Location : Malaya
Users : @Daffa the Mage, @Edge45, @Directive255

Whitestorms are moving across Sumatera and their aircrafts are charging through the straits as they aim toward the Nanyangese front lines. The western navy also makes a push through, with Admiral Zahar directly break through Royal Thai defenses, but doesn't divert much toward Thai area.

"Aircraft carriers on wheels, huh. Indonesians surely love their planes. All anti-air, prepare to engage!"

Anti-air arsenals of Nanyang soon opened fire as the Whitestorm jets flew across the straits, mostly barrages of flaks, bullets and missiles. A few chilly rays from the earth were also spotted shooting some of the aircrafts as well, and as the chilly blue rays hit the aircrafts, the targets were slowed.

"All forces, advance and lockdown Nanyangese. Secondary force, assault the naval base of Royal Thai and disable them from naval support."

Very soon, the Royal Thai Navy would find itself in battles on the waters against Indonesian navy. The Thais did not plan to overwhelm the Indonesians, instead they were delaying the Indonesians from landing on Nanyangese shores.

"All eastern navy, advance and secure waters around Borneo, then split into two. One advance to Malay Peninsula from the east and the other advance to Celebes Sea as well as Mindanao areas. We need to support the commonwealth at once!"

Indonesian unleashes their full military might against the Taiwanese bloc, in hope of ending this war as soon as possible. Even the aerial jets that were on standby are now deployed in full force to tactically bombard the Taiwanese bloc infantries and tank divisions. Amfibia is unleashed in full force, striking through the seas to assist the navy. Whitestorms are attacking from other islands in range of their targets, such as Sumatera to Malay.

Joint assaults of Indonesia and Australia have pushed back the Taiwanese backwards a great distance, however the Taiwanese still relentlessly repealed British assaults against them, resulting in many losses on both sides of the war. The Taiwanese fleets went on retreating until reaching some of their outposts around northwestern Mindanao, where one of the Psychic Beacon stood. Around the region there, the Taiwanese turned valiant and determined in their defense of the Psychic Beacon.

On the other hand, Team Beta, with the help of Team Omega in the past, managed to build a new technology called 'Storm Tank', which they plan to deploy at key areas. These Storm Tanks will discharge lightning on sight of enemies and causes heavy damage to them. The only counter is to destroy the storm tanks, and maximum result gained by preventing their deployment. Beware, their storms are EMP.

Taiwanese bloc militaries would try to snipe these Storm Tanks mainly through airstrikes and missile barrages. Powerful battlemages with great armor were also deployed to counter these Storm Tanks as well, throwing powerful spells of varying elements against the Storm Tanks.

Meanwhile, they were also placing a few prototypes of their own -- the Phantasm Tanks. Phantasm Tanks disguise themselves as trees and other terrain objects, with minimal heat signature, when stationary. The Phantasm Tanks will shoot powerful energy rays on sight of enemies whilst remaining camouflaged.

If some Storm Tanks were caught in combat busy with enemies, some cloaked Sun Priestesses would try to seize control of these Storm Tanks via mind control.


With communications down on the south, and the flow of supply stopped, added the controversy of the Indonesian-Australian inner fighting. The war front command was in discord, officers are pissed with the Indonesian forces. Not only that they prevented them from allowing their air force earlier, but they also are ruining their operations against the Taiwanese and Nanyangese.

With the Indonesian-Australian dispute raging on, the Taiwanese and Peiyangese came to add fuel to the dispute. Many conspiracy theories and rumors were thrown into the mix. Furthermore, keyboard warriors using South American IPs came worsen the flame wars as well, with half of them pretending to be Indonesian or Australian, and the other half spreading the conspiracy theories.

On one hand, Indonesia got accused of plotting some pan-Malay nationalist imperialism, and was blamed for the border sabotages that led to the Malaysian War in the first place, along with the Bleakfleet assault on Phillippines and California. On another hand, Australia was accused of being a puppet for either the Khazarian Illuminati or the German Thule Society, plotting slavery and destruction of all Asian peoples.

One of the more outrageous and totally crazy conspiracy theory accused Indonesian nationalists being agents and puppets of Helmina's underground Revival Society, raised to utterly destroy the Chinese and English civilizations, meanwhile also slowly brainwashing Indonesians into Revivalism and pan-Whampoan nationalism.

With all the shitstorm happening, the host of the special division released an announcement to the entire military of the allied states of the southern bloc. From Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Commonwealth itself.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am General Thomas Duke. WE -- ARE -- AT -- WAR! With all you blokes fightin against each other, we all gon die here now that them northern bastards march here with them impudent and arrogant might. Enough with yer tantrums, enough with them shits happenin inside, we are facing the problem in front of us 'ight now. Let's just fuckin' help each other in this war dammit!"

The announcement urged the Indonesian, Malaysian, and Commonwealth forces to coordinate each other in the Malayan War.

India, however, did not really buy Thomas' fancy rhetoric, and maintained its neutral and uncaring position over the inner dispute. India, suspecting something has gone wrong, decided to withdraw their support for the Malaysian War and became a neutral nation now.

On the other hand, both the Yong Dynasty and the Peiyangese state also urged the greater "Huaxian" civilization to stand together in defense of their 6000-year traditions. Pan-Chinese nationalism was being propagated through the state and private medias, urging the people to fight against the "British" invaders.

The statement from Peiyang, though, were quite a lot more long-winded and formulaic compared to the "British" ones.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the great Huaxian nation, I am Emperor Kai-ming. Our great Asian civilization is in grave danger! These 'British' conspirators are coming together in an effort to destroy and cleanse us from the face of the earth. Soon, all our ideograms, our clothes, our traditions and our kins will be wiped off from the world's memory! The Malays have already perverted the tongue of our Whampoan compatriots. If they conquer us, we will be slaves from a fallen nation! By then, we would get brainwashed as sausage-eating second-class citizens working thanklessly to please our British overlords. On the other hand, they are arguing amongst themselves trying to dominate one another, the evil ways of Western civilization as always. Indonesia is aspiring for a Malay empire, and Australia wants Nazism all over the Earth. We must drive them off Asia instead while they were busy preying upon each other!"

The Taiwanese General, Encik Masahiro, issued a rather short announcement to the people of Taiwan. "This is General Masahiro, we urge the people of Taiwan to stay strong in hardships!"

However, the mainstream media in Yong Dynasty went on spilling all sorts of crazy conspiracy theories attacking Indonesia and Australia. Helmina's Revival Society was mostly said to be a bastard inbred born from the wedlock of Indonesia and Australia, sent to send the Whampoan nation into ruins.

Rhelsha's Scheme

Rhelsha's Journal
Entry Start Date : Saturday, 20th of January, 1206 A.R.
Entry End Date : Saturday, 20th of January, 1206 A.R.

Things seem bleak for me right now. Yes, Operation Turncoat went wrong, and I am in a very fragile position right now. Theresia is very angry and disappointed at me right now. She even stripped me of access to the weapons protocol.

Recent trends are very worrying for me, and they only seem to get worse as time passes. Not only have my massive Taiwanese Empire failed to subjugate these barbarians so far, but these barbarians even managed to push back all my green maggot puppets. Operation Turncoat was successful in causing chaos and mayhem amongst the barbarians, but somehow our cover was blown. Wait, how could they quickly accuse my Taiwanese puppets for Turncoat mere moments after that sudden storm? I guess this is nothing more of a rough accusation, which unfortunately was accurate. Lucky creatures.

Perhaps sparking the flames of war in the Malayan border was a huge mistake. I should have waited patiently for a few more years before starting. After all, Theresia's empire wasted a lot of time, manpower and money fighting Helmina's lapdogs -- which could have been spent on growth and development instead. I have vastly overestimated the Taiwanese puppets, indeed. I expected Theresia to have conquered all of Malaysia and Indonesia within a few days, but instead all of us are stuck fighting an arduous war in Nanyang.

To make matters worse, I often take the blame whenever something goes wrong. Operation Turncoat was not really my mistake, yet I got blamed for these little brats' lucky guess. Many setbacks of her army were also blamed on me from time to time, no matter how much I have helped them in their war efforts. They did not even bother to check their shitty weapons protocol, nor compare their arsenal with the barbarian arsenal.

But I have placed my bets elsewhere. For where Theresia has failed me, Helmina shall do her part in my grand plan -- unknowingly, of course. Compared to Theresia's rotting feudal relic, I see much more potential in the Whampoan Shogunate. Full of fierce warriors and brilliant scholars, combined with their brand new allies from Alastorn, they will fare much better than the Yong Dynasty when it comes to the battlefield. Not to mention the superior culture embodied by the Whampoan Shogunate, forged from a perfect blend of many lofty heritages and barbarian habits, can be weaponized to assimilate almost every other nation of inferiors ever existed. The perfect, final edition of my chosen people -- the Whampoans. Where shall I start? I shall start with infiltrating the Revival Society more thoroughly... Slowly but surely, I shall awaken my chosen people with a little truth here, a little truth there...

Helmina's clanspeople have made it to Arabia safely, and will soon expand westwards to Africa. With this, the time of reckoning and revenge against these filthy subhumans is coming nearer and nearer.

Too bad though, the Whampoan Conquests have to be put on hold, as India suddenly withdrew itself from the Nanyang War. They should have come from Cairo instead, and commence their conquests in African clays right away. Now, my Whampoans are encircled in the middle of Najd. Any big advances will sure alert India and thus the rest of the barbarians, not good. Things would have been different if Helmina conquered a large part of Africa before India pulled back from Nanyang.

We can exploit the extremists around the borderlands, though. And this shall serve me well.​


@Daffa the Mage : Yo, next post remember to bring your President to Polonia, @Leo Akastenix is waiting for that moment...
Location : Polonia, Medan, Republic of Indonesia

President arrival was guarded with the utmost elite of soldiers. The thick layer of infantry battalions just show how they really care the presence of the president in war. They slowly make a big caravan as they moved toward the Medan Port to enter the seas with their Amfibia transporters.

Until they are halfway between the Airbase and Medan Port which connects Medan and Aceh... (ambush spot 1 available)


Location :
1. Singapore
2. Malacca Straits

The battle continues rather harsh, with the Nanyengese uses their mysterious technology, bolstering their strength greatly. Indonesian dispatches more of their Amfibias to assist the defenders of Australia. Meanwhile, utilizing one of their three satellites, Indonesians discover that there are holes in the Nanyengese defense, but they have yet found the source of the foul power.

While the Royal Thai delays, the Indonesians play their sneaky card and bypass the Royal Thai main defenses to sneak into the Nanyangese shores. The prototype signal jammers make their movements untraced by radar, making it harder to uncover. Some ships already managed to reach the shoreline and start their assaults, while more are underway.

Whitestorms are deployed more furiously as time passes. It seems Indonesians are eager to destroy their opposition and secure a hold on the war.

The Storm Tanks are still at the PRT factory, but they start boarding some transports and are heading to other islands. Most of them are being sent toward Singapore via sea route which has been secured by Indonesian-Australian fleets. Any airstrikes or sea assault would be responded by HMS Ships, Battleships and other naval troops that has been lined in the area.

[Arrive at Singapore in 1 post]
[A total of 6 prototypes are deployed, hidden in between 12 transport ships]


Location : Philippines Islands

With the Taiwanese being very aggressive in defending the area, the Indonesians decided they need to utilize a forward base and start constructing a forward base at North Borneo, hoping to use it as their foothold of naval advance.

The base begins their construction and attempts to deploy as much naval production facility as possible to strike at Mindanao.


Location : Makassar Straits

While the Indonesian is more focused on the other ends, some of the Indonesia forces are moving to the area and begins construction of a base near the area. If they are to be attacked or the beacon emits disrupting signal prior to activation, they will respond.


Location : PRT Complex, Somewhere in Java

"Any track of Team Omega?" one of the military soldiers asked them. Team Alpha, in a slow shook, responded to the question.
"This is odd. If they are captured, we must retrieve them as soon as possible," the soldier responded. The teams of PRT only nodded.
"Until Team Omega is found, no team is permitted to leave the complex," the soldier told them and replied with a simple nod.

"I still don't understand, what is Aybe thinking?" Hana spoke her thought once the soldiers left the room. Other scientists were deep in thought, thinking what is actually happening. Before an alarm surprised them out.
"We got trouble," vice leader of Team Alpha, Bow, responded.

To their unexpected calculation, one of the other prototype devices used to be worked on by Team Omega, Pride of the Sky, is remotely commanded from an unknown location. Bow quickly attempted to intercept the commands and managed to prevent the huge aircraft from making a take-off.
"Something is fishy here," Bow muttered after he shut down the commands.
"Only Bow and Team Omega has access, this is odd," Hana muttered.

Be careful with Storm Tanks, enganging them after deployment is possible, but can result in high casualties which is unnecessary. They are used a lot in the complex though.
If one control a fraction of Indonesian military, prototype technologies cannot be accessed by them due to limited use and high protocol.
Level 9
Nov 27, 2014
@Daffa the Mage

As the president continued down the route, heavy fog and mist soon blanketed the area. The air became somewhat stale while the atmosphere becomes darker and darker.

Soon, the retinue would find their road blocked by a... strange vessel that has somewhat been towed from the coastline.
On closer inspection, it appears as Acehen destroyer, badly damaged and rusted.
NOTICE : My reply to the Third Malaysian War is put on pause until @Edge45 replies. He needs some time to catch up.

Edge45 in Discord said:
Birb has little time, but lemme reply next dudes,

(Take yer time, Edgybirb!)

This post deals with things outside of the Third Malaysian War.
An Unholy Alliance

A Sudden Contact (whole)

Location : Kuningnye Schloss, Batusonne Citadel
Date : 16 Uno-Ses 3117 // 16th of January, 1206 A.R.
Users : @Directive255, @Edge45

Inside the Shogun's Office, Helmina sat leisurely reading a book. All of a sudden, the gadgets of her desk rang loudly, interrupting her hobby. "Oh, come on, why does it have to be now? I'm reading." she complained to herself. She then reluctantly put down the book and heaved a sigh.

Thus, on an encrypted, secret, and well protected line of communication, the Renegades Covenant contacted the Whampoan Shogunate...

Helmina looked downwards to the screen, and her slight frown turned to a bright grin. "Oh, the Renegades Covenant? I wonder what kind of business do they have... this is probably some good news."

She picked up the phone, and spoke in a dark, feminine yet formal tone, "Greetings from the Whampoan Reich, it is a pleasure to meet you. I am Puan Helmina, Shogun of our Reich. You are the Renegades Covenant, are you not? Already been a long time since we had any contact. What brings you here? I hear you are having deep troubles with the Triads and the Yongs, correct? Are you looking for an alliance, perhaps?"

Xiandre took a microphone connecting to the encrypted communications. There;
"Ah good girl, hello there, and thank you very much for already explaining the situation. Simply call me Xiandre, Renegades Covenant Mastermind, you already get the pleasantries, yadayada let's get to the point. Yes, we are looking for an alliance, if it ain't obvious of course. Considering them Tewans and those Gohs already becoming friends, I think it's just right that we can be friends as well, hmm?" She informally proposes, almost having no regard to the situation they are in. Leaving the Directory Council in a rather silent and scared mood.

Helmina was at first quite dumbfounded at Xiandre's informal tone, before responding a moment later in a more jovial but still somewhat formal tone, "Sure, why not? Let's make peace and be friends, Xiandre. It's been a long time since we last had any friends from outside."

Helmina continued, "The Yongs and the Gohs will come for us very soon. Dem Triads will also surely dig deep down into your inner clays. We better be prepared for a shitstorm, aye. Perhaps fend the Triads off in our borderlands? We send our warriors to the front, while you hide yours into the mountains and backyards?"

"Aohh glad you can think like me girl, I like ya." She giggles cheerfully and in excitement. Although the majority of the Directory Council face palmed.

She continued. "My half-assed pussy men are always reliable, them with their artillery and hit-and-run prowess. And I'm a lot more confident with your brave, but still kind of a pussy-assed, boys you have. I have seen the courage of the Whatcha-ee-Whampoans in battle. Combining our forces, we can wreck havoc among these Gohs and eh... Yaengs... ahem you get the idea. I'm more than happy to seal this alliance of ours with a generous gift I would like to offer."

"Really?" Helmina giggled and replied, "I like you too. You're one interesting lady,"

The Shogun then continued, "Sure, with our forces combined, we shall kick the Gohs and Yongs outta our clays. Oh, a gift? What kind of gift? Tell me, I'm really curious!"

"Hoho glad you asked. My Renegades Covenant possesses a powerful arsenal we only use as a tactical trump card. I wouldn't mind giving one, it's a powerful weapon needed by numbers of 'bright' people to operate it, and we don't usually have them. We call it, known for its destructive prowess, the 'Angel of Death'. I'd like to meet you and give it personally, I'd like a meeting place also. And I sure do love a kiss, Helmina was it." She giggled in excitement.

Helmina chuckled in a mix of amusement and awkwardness hearing Xiandre's response. "Heh. A kiss... fine, you naughty lass. And yes, Helmina it is. 'Angel of Death', was it? Is it some fancy super spacecraft, aye? Anyways, maybe we can meet at your place. There, perhaps we can get a kiss without... my half-assed accomplices looking... If you ask, the politics here is quite... complicated, heh."

"Hehe, understood. Joyeuse, send them the coordinates of the Black Fleet." She talked to somebody else.
"As you wish lady Xiandre." Voice of Joyeuse replying.
"B-but milady, you can't seriously bring my Pearl into this?" A voice of another man.
"Oh shut up Director Sparrow. Be a good gentlemen and have some food ready there. Go now, chacha."

"Hmmmm... seems like your politics is a lot simpler than mine, heh... that's good." Helmina commented whilst hearing Xiandre talking with her docile yet somehow reluctant minions.

The sound of a man sighing.

A set of coordinates was sent to Helmina afterwards. The location being on the middle of the eastern sea.
"I'll meet you there girl, that and my kiss too. Within a heavy fog, two days from now. Chacha"

"No problemo, mate. Till we meet again,"​

The Two Queens

Location : Somewhere on the middle of the eastern sea
Date : 18 Uno-Ses 3117 // 18th of January, 1206 A.R.
Users : @Directive255, @Edge45

Two days after the sudden contact have passed.

Within the heavy mist, a small fleet of amphibious tanks and waterbound ships was seen sailing on the waters, perhaps heading for somewhere. Many of these ships hoist the flag of the Whampoan Reich with pride and glory. On one of the larger ships, Helmina, in her signature black uniform, stood atop the forecastle. In addition, two eccentric elementals of living blood were escorting her too.

"Helmina's here," she announced with her loud echoing voice, "where's my Xiandre?"​
Level 24
May 15, 2013
Third Malaysian War // Great War Six

Southern Fury

Location : Makassar Strait, Southeast Borneo
Time : Wednesday, 17 January 1206 A.R. (3117 A.C.) to
Users : @Directive255, @Edge45, @Daffa the Mage

"Oops. I thought these were Battleships. Australians are so overpowered, they should get a nerf."
"Nerf?! Do you think this is some game like Mental Omega? Sorry, dude, this is a real war, nobody cares about balance!"

It was too late when the Taiwanese realized this mistake of theirs, for they have sent their Fleenzubs to their deaths. Quite a number of Fleenzub Fighters were gunned down as a result. To somewhat make the mistake worth it, the falling Fleenzubs tried steering themselves toward the Australian ships in an attempt to wipe them out in the inevitable crashes.

"Look at these slant-eyed bastards, think they can blow us up with kamikaz'?! Hah, this ain't WW2. We got guided missiles to blow instantly yer arse---" *explosions*
A few Fleenzubs managed to blew their targets on fire. Crippling these ships for awhile.

The reduction of Australian forces has given the weakening Taiwanese some relief. It also bought more time for the Taiwanese to reorganize and bolster their frontiers, and to pacify the Third Katipunan dissidents. Additional Taiwanese reinforcements were making their way to Mindanao as many Australians retreated to their homeland.

Several Sun Priestesses, hidden within the ranks of the Taiwanese, went seizing the minds of a few Australian and Third Katipunan units, turning them against their former comrades and causing chaos within Allied ranks.

"Make sure this little toy of yours (Psychic Beacon) work, Rhelsha."
"Don't worry, it will work out very well."

Very soon, some trivial yet suspicious sneaky activities were being conducted in Yong-controlled clays close to the frontiers. The Taiwanese had just set up a new base on one of the outlying islands behind the frontiers yet close enough. The Taiwanese facilities there were painted not in the usual green colors, but painted in the color of olive.
(Psychic Beacon will activate after 1 post, controlling half of all Third Katipunan forces and also many Australians in range)

Australian and Katipunan forces would find some of their forces targeting each other to the death. This shocked the Australians so much that they had to withdraw from the island of Mindanao for now, leaving the Katipunan resistance behind. The case of "friendly fire" was so numerous that they are seeking for intelligence aid from the special division on Singapore, whom they have now recently recontacted with.

Meanwhile, with the airban lifted. Aircraft carriers of the armada launched their jet fighters and fighter-bombers for an air assault. These are composed of the F-41 Storm Eagles, fast-flying air-to-air fighters that can act as precision-strike bombers as well. Equipped with magic-infused shield shells covering the aircraft as well as a magic-infused weapons. Among these squadrons are also the A-17 Thunderbirds, ground and sea target destroyers that are equipped with magic-infused shields and bombs as well, can act as a fighter-bomber but mostly targets ships. After the air assault was launched, they began targeting the engaging warships, either blowing them up through missiles, torpedoed from the bottom, or divebombed from above the skies. This gave the Australian fleet sometime to regroup and recover until the air assault returns back to their carriers.

Siege of Singapore

Location : Singapore, Gaia
Users : @Directive255, @Edge45, @Daffa the Mage

The battle for Singapore changed tides between the Huaxian armies and the Commonwealth Frontier defenders numerous times. During when the satellite fell, as rocket arms were redirected through it, the Nanyangese assault, accompanied by KRM barrages and Fleenzub bombing, caused much damage to the first Singapore Line that it was breached. The Australians retreated to the second line above and behind the waterfronts. They had to sacrifice some of their heavy equipment behind and do scorch-earth tactics to slow down the enemy assault. Blowing up with demo traps, blowing large structures and leaving debris all across the streets, laying traps on their heavy equipment that were disabled by KRMs, and what not. They were then desperate with anti-air as the Huaxians gained air superiority. The navy did not fare well better than the ground forces did, they had to sail south whilst desperately firing against the chasing naval forces.

When the falling satellite was destroyed however, the Australian defenders retaliated once more now that air support was available. An air assault was initiated, targeting the unwary Nanyangese offensive and causing them to retreat. The Australian's strong airforce knocked enemy ground, sea and air forces, gaining air dominance around the city. The Commonwealth Frontier then retook the first line and made its defenses better instead of chasing the enemies on the other side of the river. Setting up fortified bunkers and stronger anti-air defenses. MLRS began to employ counter-battery tactics once more, tracking the Nanyangese KRMs thanks to air reconnaissance of the airforce. Despite the barrages, the Australian forces heavily dug themselves once more on the first line. Again, using rubbles, already ruined structures, walls or debris to entrenched themselves. The Frontier employed air raids to harass the enemy on Johor Bahru, targeting forces or points unaccompanied by anti-air and patrols the city or near the river for remnants or enemies trying to cross. Air patrols also flies from its flanks, supporting the navy as they return to reinforce their positions once more.

And for sometime, except from the KRMs and MLRS barrages along with the air raids, the battle of Singapore quieted. The Australian defenders were tired, faced numerous casualties, but they continued to strengthen their defenses and tend to the wounded nonetheless. Albeit not receiving any reinforcements coming from the rear lines, the defenders kept their spirits high thanks to their air superiority.

Briefing Moments

Location : CFA HQ on board the flag aircraft carrier, south of Singapore port, Gaia
Time : Thursday, 18 January 1206 A.R. (3117 A.C.) to

Another day passes, the defenders and the rear line consolidating army is taking their morning breakfast. Officers of the Frontier had coffee and bread, whilst doing their task with intelligence, coordination, and consolidation of the rear armies and reserves for an offensive across the river and retaking Johor Bahru. They did not spare any forces to reinforce the frontlines, they had to make sure the counteroffensive would be strong enough to retake the Malaysian capital.

It was known that India has withdrawn from the war. Leading to the disappointment of the Commonwealth. However, remaining political officials urged and persuade India to reconsider, but to no avail.

Communications were restored between Singapore and the south Borneo fleet. They inform of their situations and current status going on as the battle rages. Among them was the "friendly fire" case. It had an unusually high amount of casualties, that intelligence suspect this wasn't even friendly fire at all. HQ began to reassemble its commanders and generals along with the special division leader with them to discuss the matters.

***Top Secret Comm. Start***

Marshal : "So what's this about friendly fire huh? Anyone want to raise their opinions about these?"
Commander #1 : "I believe the barbarians are employin' wicked witchcraft sir. They must have drugged our soldiers with gas.
General #1 : "That can't be right, no such thin' exists."
Thomas : "Indeed, there's no such thing. But our forces on that island killed each other, and that can't be ignored. Gentlemen, I can tell you what this could be."
Commander #2 : "What is it then, SDN general?"
Thomas : "Mind control perhaps, commander"
General #1 : "Nonsense! Such a method is banned in the Allied Nations. Even if it would have, it is but a legend since before the great catastrophe. There's no way anyone can do those anymore, not even the commies themselves today."
Thomas : "Perhaps gents, but we all know the Huaxians never followed the Allied policies and regulations. We do have proof though. Bring e'm the equipment lads."

A complex device was brought into the room whose large monitor shows the map of Southeast Asia, this was also connected to the Ness database and intelligence system.

Thomas : "Gentlemen, what you're seeing now is a device that can detect a particular type of mana. Thanks to the surge of magical science, the special division is able to harness these systems several years ago. What you're about to see, is something we from the special branch have been keeping confidential. However, we're at war, I do believe it's time we coordinate ourselves better."
Commander #1 : "So you've been hiding a lot of shits from us General ever since the war began huh?"
Thomas : "Apologies commander, but Ness wasn't sent here to engage in war, rather call it investigating. As you can see on those colored areas on the screen, these are the concentrations of a mana type that is similar to, say, 'psychic energies', but not the same."
Marshal : "So it's not mind control?"
Thomas : "It's not perhaps, but as I've said, it is similar."
Marshal : "hmmm, continue..."
Thomas : "The warmer the color, the greater the magnitude of these energies being released. The data updates constantly per satellite sweep. But it picks up the energy in a rather delaying time. At yesterday's date however, psychic energies are surging quite high on Mindanao, Philippines. Among them, there were also records on Malaya. Previous records were around Borneo, and, Timor-Leste."
General #2 : "Oh my God..."
Thomas : "We can't say for sure general what is entirely happening, but it appears like our northern mates have possessed these abilities to sabotage us in the coalition."
Marshal : "Explain yourself General Thomas, you and your division, all of this."
Thomas : "Very well marshal. January 13 of 3117 AD, we've detected a spike of these mana type on the Malaysian-Nanyangese borderlands. This was the highest ever recorded, normally we'd find small traces under light blue or even nothing at all. But this was on the green scale. We gained permission from the cabinet to investigate that area despite the tensions of the two states. But already, the mana signatures disappeared, and..."
Commander #1 : "...a day later, the Third Malaysian War began."
Thomas : "It ain't a damn coincidence that just happened. During the early days of the war, I dispatched a number of Ness commando squads to investigate the borderlands. Apparently, they found the traces of mana there similar to what you're seeing now. Accounting Malaysian records that Nanyang attacked first, is all the well true. Or perhaps... just half."
General #1 : "Bullshit, the Nanyangese aggressively attacked the Malaysians and declared war on us first."
Thomas : "I'm not saying that Nanyang didn't start the war. What I'm saying here is that Nanyang didn't start the war... alone."
Commander #2 : "The Taiwanese perhaps? Look at them all so supportive on the Huaxian war effort."
Thomas : "We could be seeing a third-party commander."
Marshal : "... this some conspiracy theory you have, General Thomas, I do have a feeling that it would be those radical Whampoans."
Thomas : "It's still not confirmed yet sir.
Marshal : "Yes indeed, but we're being played around here judging from your intel. Regardless, we can't do anything on those parts until communication lines return from homeland. We got a damn battle on defending Singapore. I don't hear anything round' hear that could benefit us in our battle."
Thomas : "There's still two more I have to report gentlemen. I'd would like to report that the sudden conflicts, disruptions of communication and supply lines from the south, particularly the state of Timor. The energy was the same, so it could be in fact, a Huaxian infiltration."
General # 2 : "The last of the report says that our forces engaged between each other, and even attacked Indonesian ones. Before suddenly, they all poof out of communications."
Marshal : "hmmm, the second?"
Thomas : "Mana signatures are steadily increasing in Mindanao, its already on the green scale and still rising."
Marshal : "General, I respect the capabilities of your special division. But we can hardly spare any troops, we got a counteroffensive to take care off, and we got a damn country to liberate. Our men at the front lines are barely holding on, dying even."
Thomas : "I understand marshal. But at least, we have gained proof and evidence of these matter. We shall continue to investigate further, that's what the Special Divisions are for. And, I wouldn't want the cabinet to hear this but, Ness will join in the war effort of Commonwealth Frontier Army."
General #1 : "We will have several questions that you'll be answering General, but otherwise, any help is welcome."
Thomas : "In these dire times, of course, we also got a special present..."

***Top Secret Comm. End***

Siege of Singapore

Location : first Singapore Line, Singapore, Gaia
Time : Early Morning, Friday, 19 January 1206 A.R. (3117 A.C.) to

It was another day at early morn in the Frontier. The MLRS and KRM barrages continues, but the Singapore defenders await. Early morning's breakfast included canned foods, bread and hot coffee. The ruins and dust all around makes the environment unpleasing to look at, but it helped as protection cover for when another assault happens.

SDN suddenly intercepted a loose communication in the Nanyangese lines. As follows;

Nanyangese communications went partially exposed halfway through the action, before being restored into encrypted status. Who knows if this is a tactic to scare the defenders, or an honest malfunction?

"Jendral, deh Austrälianmun balikserang Bariskan woteis skarang. Apekah boleh wotei buat? (General, the Australians are now counterattacking our frontier. What can we do?)" an intercepted Nanyangese voice spoke.

Another intercepted Nanyangese responded, "Letaklah deh Dunkelumhang untuk diuzi. Kalau bertuah wotei, ini akan beri wotang Perlindungkan wunder. (Put the Darkcloak for testing. If we are lucky, this will give us wonderful protection.)"

"Tapi, Jendral wakus, wotei tak patut pamer kepade din Musuhmun'i das Rahsiakan woteis! Skarang ia terlalu awal! (But, my General, we should not expose our secret to our enemies! It's too early!)"

"Kalau tak gune es skarang, bilekah mau gune? Kenapekah bine wotei das Dunkelumhangkan dekat Singapura'i? Kerane wotei mau melarang das Musuhmun bervorwarts! (If we don't use it now, when else shall we use it? Why do we build a 'Darkcloak' near Singapore? Because we want to stop our enemies from advancing!)"

The intercepted communication of Nanyangese high command then went blurry and eventually fade as the communications were back encrypted.

***Top Secret Comm. Start***

"Sir, you gettin this?"
"Aye, save that. I don't like this... notify covert ops and find the source of that miscommunication."
"Yes sir."
"Dispatch the nearest remaining commando team near that area and observe what they can find. Be wary gents, it may be a trick, but their tone says its real deal. Contact HQ and warn the frontier.

***Top Secret Comm. End***

At the front lines. As the defenders is taking their breakfast...

A few moments later, a mysterious device (Dunkelumhang -- Darkcloak) within one of the Nanyangese base glowed in bright red hues. Upon closer look, it was a walled circular platform with a bright red ball installed on top of it. As the bright red ball glowed, serpentine rays of intense red energy emerged from the bottom of the ball, touching the platform insides.

"Sam... Jih... Jat... mulelah! (Three... two... one... begin!)"

A loud noise of something burning and boiling was soon heard spreading from the mysterious device, as a powerful field of darkness began shielding the Nanyangese and Taiwanese forward outposts. Structures, vehicles and even infantries were fully covered by this unholy shield of intense darkness. Any attacks against the troops would be greatly reduced, though they would still take damage from enemy attacks.

"Hahahaha! Skarang, deh Musuhmun akan Rasereikan woteis hadap! (Hahahaha! Now, the enemies will face our fury!)"

With the frontier troops and tanks shielded in unholy invincibility, they abandoned defense and went straight rushing toward the Singaporean defenses, barging through the Australian barrages with only around a dozen of deaths.

The Australians were surprised to see a light behind the other side of the river, before the Huaxians started to mount another assault at Singapore. The defenders find their breakfast interrupted and quickly into battle stations. They were shocked as the enemy were covered with a terrifying barrier that made them look invincible. The defenders fired what they have with valor and courage, supported the airforce. But to no avail, they only manage to take down only few. The tides change in favor of the Nanyangese and Taiwanese. Demoralized and started to take considerable casualties, the defenders retreated. Not just from the first line of Singapore, but from the second line as well. The Australians were pushed back to the third line of Singapore, within the center of the city. The joint Nanyangese and Taiwanese were heavily unstoppable that the Australians had to employ another scorch earth as they retreat. They had to bring down large structures into the roads to block the path. Several traps were laid out across the streets and blew them to create rubble and debris to slow the assault.

The navy defenders didn't fair well either now that their enemies' ships were shielded. They had to retreat from the city's front while desperately firing what they have. The air force, despite their firepower, only managed to blew few of them and had to do what they can supporting the ground and naval forces.

The front lines were in chaos, with the Singapore Line breached. Half of the city has fallen and the third line is barely holding on. HQ makes a tough decision whether to deploy their newly assembled reserved army for a retaliation. The timing isn't right, and it's probably the worse time for deployment. However, the enemies were shielded and is slowly approaching the southern port.

General #1 : "Bloody hell, is this an Iron Curtain!? How'd these slant-eyed bastards get a hold of commie technology?!"
Adjutant : "Sir, your orders?"
General #2 : "We retaliate right now! if we withdraw, who knows how much casualties we'll have after losing the last city of Malaya.
General #1 : "Dammit! We send our forces right now, they won't even reach the damn river."
Marshal : "Gentlemen, stay focus, SDN has notified me of the whereabouts of the source. I have given them permission and they'll bring it down."
General #1 : "How the damn hell they gonna do that Marshal?"
Marshal : "We'll see. Inform the retaliation army to be ready for a counteroffensive on my signal."

Operation : Blink

Three large submarines surfaced on the southern waters of Singapore. Unlike the rest, these submarines carried an encased sphere above their backs. These vessels then circulated on an area following each other's trails, perhaps half a kilometer of radius. The main navy protected these submarines as they continue circulating a uniform path.

Several aircraft carriers launched numerous A-17 Thunderbirds and F-41 Storm Eagles banded in squadrons. They then flew to the skies above the area where the submarines are circulating. Steadily their altitudes increases.

Australian communications went partially exposed halfway through the action, before being restored into encrypted status.

"Initializing Chronogate. Squadrons are up in the air. All Manta Rays, begin!"
"MR-01, opening."
"MR-02, opening."
"MR-03, opening."

The intercepted communication then went blurry and eventually fade as the communications were back encrypted.

The three submarines' encased spheres started opening, revealing a ball of blue energy that released lightnings which then connects to the other spheres. As these blue energies are released, a large sphere forms in the middle of the area the submarines were circulating, floating several hundred meters above the sea. The submarines' spheres started shooting lightnings at that gigantic orb.

"Sphere opened, Chronogate main-gate established. Preparing pre-linking, destination coordinates requesting."
"This is Rodeo-04 commando team. We're half a kilometer away from the enemy source structure. The area's defended, but we've confirmed it isn't shielded nor does it have too much anti-air defenses. Sending the coordinates. Alright lads, let's get out of here..."
"Coordinates received. Setting destination-gate altitude to fifteen kilometers above sea level. Pre-linking initiate."

Several miles above the Darkcloak. A blue sphere forms out of nowhere in the sky, rapidly enlarging itself to the same one on the south of Singapore.

"Destination-gate formed, pre-linking completed. Linking both gates... completed. Chronogate is now active."

Reaching their designated altitude, the Australian air squadrons dives down into the blue sphere below them, having the wedge-shaped formation. They came down so fast that they broke the sound barrier.

"Here we go lades and gents, buckle yerselves and try not to throw up."

The squadrons reaches the blue sphere... and entered it. They appeared on the other blue sphere above the Darkcloak's area. Still having the same speed and formation they have. They came diving down even more fast as their altitudes drop.

"Whoa shit! we've made it! whooa"
"Yeh we did mates!"
"Let's blow e'm up!"
"Alright, let's give e'm bloody hell! Weapons away!"

The diving air assault released their missiles and bombs dropping down into the Darkcloak. Because of their speed and momentum, their weapons would pack even more penetration and damage.

"Break formation! Scramble! Blast down each and one of e'm!"

As soon as the fighter-bombers made their first strike, they then scrambled from their formation and broke away. They stopped their dive and went for individual targets while coordinating with each other's squadrons. They started destroying enemy structures and units, prioritizing the Darkcloak and anti-air defenses in the area.
Level 24
May 15, 2013
The Two Queens

Location : Somewhere on the middle of the eastern sea
Date : 18 Uno-Ses 3117 // 18th of January, 1206 A.R.
Users : @Directive255, @Edge45

Two days after the sudden contact have passed.

Within the heavy mist, a small fleet of amphibious tanks and waterbound ships was seen sailing on the waters, perhaps heading for somewhere. Many of these ships hoist the flag of the Whampoan Reich with pride and glory. On one of the larger ships, Helmina, in her signature black uniform, stood atop the forecastle. In addition, two eccentric elementals of living blood were escorting her too.

"Helmina's here," she announced with her loud echoing voice, "where's my Xiandre?"

Just half a mile away from their distance, suddenly, the water erupted. Something large came out of the seawater. A long mechanical head, followed by massively long spanning wings of metal. And then a body metal with constant fierce lightnings coming out of its chest. It showed its complete appearance after its tail came out to the surface. It was a huge mechanical dragon, whose wings weren't flapping however, contained several jet engines, weapons, missile turrets, and really long guns. Its body is seemingly armed with weapons as well. It had the size of a battlecruiser. It hovered above the foggy sea, perhaps scaring and intimidating the Whampoans.

"Yo ho! Mateys!" The loud voice of a man."

After the scene of the mechanical dragon. Numerous warships came out of the fog beyond what one can see. Their sizes differs, varying in shape and class, but there are definitely larger ones coming out. Submarines started resurfacing as well, both small and large ones. All of them fly the Renegade Covenant's flag and the banner of the Black Fleet. Then, the largest of these warships came, resurfacing from underwater. The flagship of the Renegade's Black Fleet, the Black Pearl. It was larger than the aircraft carriers and the dragon.

A hatch opened on front of the behemoth ship, extending a platform. Because Helmina's ship was smaller than the Pearl, it lowers its depth enough to match the height of Whampoan ship's deck. The platform levels, and then extends to connect with Helmina's ship. There, Xiandre, escorted by dozens of heavily armored soldiers, and also a band of Director Sparrow's legion.

"I'm heeeeerrrreee!" Xiandre replied loudly and excitedly. Followed with a brief low voice - "Darling" She looks at Helmina with a happy cheerful face.
@Daffa the Mage

As the president continued down the route, heavy fog and mist soon blanketed the area. The air became somewhat stale while the atmosphere becomes darker and darker.

Soon, the retinue would find their road blocked by a... strange vessel that has somewhat been towed from the coastline.
On closer inspection, it appears as Acehen destroyer, badly damaged and rusted.


"What is this?" the President muttered in confusion. The soldiers open fire on the destroyer to open a path as they slowly continue their advance. They are wary with the dark atmosphere.
"Seems to me an odd atmosphere we have," Kopassandha 1 said. Another replied, "Don't let down guard."


Location: Batam, Republic of Indonesia

Establishing battlefield control, standby.

"Greetings young commander, this I Marshall Raden, the Grand Marshall speaking."
"Today, I would like to entrust you with a mission to destroy the forces at Malaya. I am sick after they ashamed me from my airspace banning, but now, let's get to business."
"I want you to destroy the enemy forward bases at Singapore. With the Australian reeling, I think it's time to move the airforce. Prepare your base at Batam and build Strike Jets to take down this device that just has entered the reports."

(Location of Darkcloak has been revealed)

"I don't know what those PRT are doing, but whatever they do, they won't make much difference in the war. Prepare yourself as we prove that the Indonesian air military reign supreme!"

Battle control online.

The young commander quickly deploys his base at Batam. He starts with the power source, continuing with Refinery, and barrack, then continue to the airbase and tank factory. He has been given limited authority over military protocol and thus need adapt to the situation he's in. The enemy is yet able to advance to Batam but he needs to make his move swiftly. Allied navy is arriving slowly as they protect the coast of Batam from Nanyangese which is gaining ground at Singapore.


The battle continues in an aggressive fashion. Singaporean defenders are struggling, Indonesians reinforcements just reached the shores and started their engagement before realizing its futility with Darkcloak at effect. PRT is still afraid of using their jumbo jet due to previous unauthorized control.

"This is a mess," one of the Indonesian commander that is currently moving from Java sea to Singapore, acting as secondary wave of reinforcements.
"Tell that to me. I ain't want to die in a place outside of motherland," another commander for the second wave replies.
"Shitty battle shitty," another one replies.

"It seems they blocked the launch."
"So, any plan now? Can't leave that thing hanging."
"I'll try again. This time, more subtle. I hope my protocol still works."

Meanwhile, the PRT is still recharging the almighty device they used to turn Timor to rubbles. Mara Hana is studying the device's composition and potentials. Todi Bow visits her during one of her legwork.
"Any result?" He asks.
"Not much. Aybe really makes this too complicated, and damn, where's the documentation when I need it?" She replies in a displeased tone.
"He rarely documents his stuff. Given only Team Omega works on it, we won't know any jack documents," Bow replies, making Hana pouted her mouth in disappointment.
"Talk about making people having a hard time," Hana comments.
"Been how Team Omega operates," Bow replies. Bow looks around the giant device as he has been busy trying to figure out the type of jamming used by it. The very same jamming that hits Timor prior to the inferno.
"I think his jamming is quite unique as well. Cannot figure anything out of it," Bow comments. He looks around and finds an odd device inside the mega one.
"Seems this is... oh, nice, guess I figure something out," Bow comments. Hana looks surprised and asks him.
"What is it?" She asks.
"Jammer Type-X. I'll call it Type-X for now cause I lack identifier for it. But I know it's a jammer," Bow replies. He takes a screenshot and looks around his file for a match.
"No match. Maybe I need to hijack Aybe's computer. I'll be back," Bow speaks as he waves his hand while going away.

"Ugh, he managed to find something in a short time span. I haven't figured much of how this device works. Only found the power sources and the switches, but yet to know which do what. Why the PRT doesn't provide me a team for this and tasks me with this alone. At least Aybe shouldn't activate full encryption for his data..."

Elsewhere in the complex, Team Delta and Team Charlie are discussing something about their new Robotic Tanks being used for the war.
"I suppose we can agreed this can be useful for us. The reports of mind control being used around this area has been unnerving."
"True. We should proceed immediately."
Tanks are being prepared for mass deployment. Charlie and Delta teams are getting busier than usual.

The main fleet, except ones engaging Royal Thai to act as distraction, arrives at Singapore shores, beginning to move for supporting the defenders from the coastal lines. Admiral Zahar ordered full-scale counter-attack from the seas. CT tanks are also arriving to attack enemy in land combat despite the level of futility it causes.
"Raden, you better shot down that machine if you're truly an air marshall," Zahar mutters. At the same time, Storm Tanks arrived at the shores with some CT guardians that has been dispatched by the General to help defending Singapore. The 6 Storm Tanks are being deployed and start commencing it's lightning strikes.

"Omega is crazy with these devices, they really make it a bane," Team Beta comments.

Having suspicions and with a forward base at Manado, the Indonesia forces commence an assault to the oddball color base, as the land general has ordered them. Given they have a hunch and they're operating with the goal to uncover what the mysterious device at Mindanao area. They discover it is charging and thought it might be a good idea to shut down the power as well as the device. CT tanks are advancing via sea while Whitestorms are transported to nearby islands to snipe the base out. Being different in color does, of course, make people suspicious.

Strike Jets are advancing and aiming for power sources that empower the device. In addition, some of the more annoying Sukhois are bombing the tank battalions as CT tanks charged in through the shores. Whitestorms are making their attack from nearby islands. In addition, paradrops are being commenced, sending some of their low-tier infantries in.
Level 9
Nov 27, 2014
@Daffa the Mage

As the convoy destroyed the destroyer(lel) and move on, they immediately came under indirect artillery fire that was shelling them from god knows where. There were flammable shells, gas shells, explosive shells and even shells that blows into a magical explosion.

To add the salt on the wound, grenades of all kinds were tossed into them from all around them..
Smoke Grenades, Energy Grenades, Frag Grenades and even Napalm Grenades, not caring about accuracy but in sheer numbers as they flew, activated, into the convoy.

A monstrous screech could be heard from the mist and only then they could see silhouettes of what appears to be Achen Mariners, policemen and more(actualy zombie marineers, but the fog would make it hard to see they were zombies), charging towards them from all directions in a frenzy, shooting their guns and tossing whatever they had(molotovs, knives, rocks) at the infantry column while also waving banners and flags of Achen.
Behind them marched several monstrous leviathans of a crab, each fitted with several machinegun emplacements and a bunker on them while lumbering forward with their snappers, ready for a meal.

The President's convoy would soon find themselves outnumbered and surrounded by what could only be explained as an Anchenese Warband.
Siege of Singapore

Location : Singapore, Malaya
Users : @Directive255, @Daffa the Mage, @Edge45
Date : Thursday, 18th of January, 1206 A.R. (3117 A.C.) to Friday, 19th of January, 1206 A.R. (3117 A.C.)

The battle continues rather harsh, with the Nanyengese uses their mysterious technology, bolstering their strength greatly. Indonesian dispatches more of their Amfibias to assist the defenders of Australia. Meanwhile, utilizing one of their three satellites, Indonesians discover that there are holes in the Nanyengese defense, but they have yet found the source of the foul power.

As the Indonesians had not done anything to the source of the foul power yet, the Nanyangese forces made further advances as they punch through the helpless British defenses.

While the Royal Thai delays, the Indonesians play their sneaky card and bypass the Royal Thai main defenses to sneak into the Nanyangese shores. The prototype signal jammers make their movements untraced by radar, making it harder to uncover. Some ships already managed to reach the shoreline and start their assaults, while more are underway.

Some of the Indonesians reached the Johorean-Singaporean shorelines, and then began their assaults from behind the frontline Nanyangese forces. This caused some commotion and chaos as the Nanyangese got their supply lines tampered and also got ambushed from behind.

Whitestorms are deployed more furiously as time passes. It seems Indonesians are eager to destroy their opposition and secure a hold on the war.

Adding the increasing presence of Whitestorms, the Nanyangese began suffering setbacks and hindrances on their way to capture Singapore, even with their superb Darkcloak protection.​


The Australians retreated to the second line above and behind the waterfronts. They had to sacrifice some of their heavy equipment behind and do scorch-earth tactics to slow down the enemy assault. Blowing up with demo traps, blowing large structures and leaving debris all across the streets, laying traps on their heavy equipment that were disabled by KRMs, and what not. They were then desperate with anti-air as the Huaxians gained air superiority. The navy did not fare well better than the ground forces did, they had to sail south whilst desperately firing against the chasing naval forces.

The many traps and obstacles managed to slow down the Nanyangese advances significantly, as many of their routes were blocked by debris and what not.

With the desparation of the defenders, the Huaxian attackers were even more determined to take down Singapore. More squadrons of Fleenzub Bombers were sent to bombard defender bases, and many more squadrons of Fleenzub Fighters went harassing the defending forces.

When the falling satellite was destroyed however, the Australian defenders retaliated once more now that air support was available. An air assault was initiated, targeting the unwary Nanyangese offensive and causing them to retreat.

As the Fleenzub Fighters used up all their ammos on the defenders already, they could not retaliate to enemy anti-air aircrafts. furthermore, none of these Fleenzubs were shielded with the Darkcloak Device. Many Fleenzubs successfully retreated to the airbases not far away. while some unfortunate Fleenzubs were caught. These fallen Fleenzubs, before crashing, again steered their way to the defenders in an effort to bring them down dying together.

The Australian's strong airforce knocked enemy ground, sea and air forces, gaining air dominance around the city.

The Huaxian air force was a pretty easy prey for the Australian aces, however, the ground and sea forces were a thousand times tougher thanks to the super duper Darkcloak coating. Resulting in the aircrafts wasting their ammos whenever they fire on the Darkcloaked forces. Only a bit more than two dozens of casualties were done to the Huaxian ground and naval forces.

However, the Darkcloak was not all-able. With the great number of traps and sheer determination of defenders, the Australians fought back and reclaimed some clays in Singapore.

More, better defenses were being constructed in Johor Bahru, along with some basic defenses in occupied/liberated Singapore.

The Commonwealth Frontier then retook the first line and made its defenses better instead of chasing the enemies on the other side of the river. Setting up fortified bunkers and stronger anti-air defenses.

MLRS began to employ counter-battery tactics once more, tracking the Nanyangese KRMs thanks to air reconnaissance of the airforce. Despite the barrages, the Australian forces heavily dug themselves once more on the first line. Again, using rubbles, already ruined structures, walls or debris to entrenched themselves.

Such entrenching tactics indeed reduced Australian casualties somewhat from the Nanyangese barrages. However, some of the debris fell off possibily injuring or even killing many Australian defenders

The Frontier employed air raids to harass the enemy on Johor Bahru, targeting forces or points unaccompanied by anti-air and patrols the city or near the river for remnants or enemies trying to cross. Air patrols also flies from its flanks, supporting the navy as they return to reinforce their positions once more.

The air raids had been a bothersome thorn to the Juwelburg (Johor Bahru) outposts and bases. Many production facilities and power sources were constantly being targeted. This disrupted the supply lines, while also disabled advanced defenses and created obstacles on the roads, hampering Nanyangese advances in the frontlines. Unfortunately for the civilians, whether they side to Malaysia or Nanyang, many civilian houses were caught in the blast too. The bombing intensity was akin to the Allied bombing of Nazi Germany in Dimension Primer.

And for sometime, except from the KRMs and MLRS barrages along with the air raids, the battle of Singapore quieted. The Australian defenders were tired, faced numerous casualties, but they continued to strengthen their defenses and tend to the wounded nonetheless. Albeit not receiving any reinforcements coming from the rear lines, the defenders kept their spirits high thanks to their air superiority.

Likewise, the Nanyangese were also exhausted, although their casualties were far lower compared to the Australians thanks to the Darkcloak shielding every once in awhile. Their Darkcloak shielding faded for an hour, before back online for 30 minutes again, rinse and repeat.

The Darkcloak device would be further improved upon on the next day, making the effect last longer and the recharge time shorter.​


The young commander quickly deploys his base at Batam. He starts with the power source, continuing with Refinery, and barrack, then continue to the airbase and tank factory. He has been given limited authority over military protocol and thus need adapt to the situation he's in. The enemy is yet able to advance to Batam but he needs to make his move swiftly. Allied navy is arriving slowly as they protect the coast of Batam from Nanyangese which is gaining ground at Singapore.

Nanyangese forces could not do anything yet to the Indonesian base, since the way to Batam is firmly secured by valiant defenders in Singapore.​


Location : first Singapore Line, Singapore, Gaia
Time : Early Morning, Friday, 19 January 1206 A.R. (3117 A.C.) to

The tides change in favor of the Nanyangese and Taiwanese. Demoralized and started to take considerable casualties, the defenders retreated. Not just from the first line of Singapore, but from the second line as well. The Australians were pushed back to the third line of Singapore, within the center of the city. The joint Nanyangese and Taiwanese were heavily unstoppable that the Australians had to employ another scorch earth as they retreat. They had to bring down large structures into the roads to block the path. Several traps were laid out across the streets and blew them to create rubble and debris to slow the assault.

The navy defenders didn't fair well either now that their enemies' ships were shielded. They had to retreat from the city's front while desperately firing what they have. The air force, despite their firepower, only managed to blew few of them and had to do what they can supporting the ground and naval forces.

As the defenders retreat, the Nanyangese stepped inwards further. With the Darkcloak on, their advances were far bolder and faster without the need to worry for casualties. However, the scorched earth tactics were very effective in slowing or even halting the advances.

"Tengoklah glorianyas Kekuatkan woteis! Senziaten lumus tak mampu gorës sikit dari Heeren'i woteis pun! (Look at our glorious strength! Your weapons cannot even scratch a little of our armies!)"

The front lines were in chaos, with the Singapore Line breached. Half of the city has fallen and the third line is barely holding on. HQ makes a tough decision whether to deploy their newly assembled reserved army for a retaliation. The timing isn't right, and it's probably the worse time for deployment. However, the enemies were shielded and is slowly approaching the southern port.

"Hahahaha! Runtuhlah dalam Aseputusan'i, leitei Australianmun! Kerane Singapurekan akan wotei perbebas! (Hahahaha! Fall in despair, you Australians! Because we will liberate Singapore soon!)" one of the Nanyangese commanders shouted out to the falling Australian defenders as they barely held on.​

Klang Landing

Location : Klang
Date : Saturday, 20th of January, 1206 A.R. (3117 A.C.)

While the Royal Thai delays, the Indonesians play their sneaky card and bypass the Royal Thai main defenses to sneak into the Nanyangese shores. The prototype signal jammers make their movements untraced by radar, making it harder to uncover. Some ships already managed to reach the shoreline and start their assaults, while more are underway.

Many of these Indonesian warships arrived on the shores of Klang, while the bulk of the Nanyangese were stuck in Singapore, how sneaky and cunning...

The unprepared Nanyangese coastal guards were totally dumbfounded. Not only were the Nanyangese garrison small in number, but the arrival of the Indonesians were totally unnoticed until the very last minute thanks to the signal jammers.

"Alamak! Tela mendarat banyak Jenneiianmun di atas Pantai'i woteis! (Shit! Many Indonesians have landed on our coasts!)"
"Apekah?! Musuhmun woteis sudah sampai sini?! (What?! Our enemies have arrived here?!)"
"Bilangan kuiteis amat gross! Sedielah Sendirimun! (Their numbers are very great! Prepare yourselves!)"

A desparate attempt to thwart and halt Indonesian advance was soon started by the nearby outposts and bases. However, local Nanyangese defenders were at a huge disadvantage due to the lack of manpower and readiness to face Indonesia. Many minutemen were drafted and promptly sent to their deaths as cannon fodders, while basic combat tanks and other troops were hurriedly assembled to battle stations.

"Kalau wotei sudah menang di Singapure'i... (If only we had already won in Singapore...)"]​

Southern Fury

Location : Makassar Strait
Date : Saturday, 20th of January, 1206 A.R. (3117 A.C.)

While the Indonesian is more focused on the other ends, some of the Indonesia forces are moving to the area and begins construction of a base near the area. If they are to be attacked or the beacon emits disrupting signal prior to activation, they will respond.

There is fortunately, not a Psychic Beacon yet in Makassar Strait. The one in Mindanao did not have enough range to touch a single clay in the Makassar Straits. However, Huaxian presences still persisted. Several minor assaults to medium assaults by Taiwanese forces were sent to greet the new Indonesian base.​

Battle of Mindanao

Location : Mindanao, Philippines
Date : Saturday, 20th of January, 1206 A.R. (3117 A.C.)

With the Taiwanese being very aggressive in defending the area, the Indonesians decided they need to utilize a forward base and start constructing a forward base at North Borneo, hoping to use it as their foothold of naval advance.

The base begins their construction and attempts to deploy as much naval production facility as possible to strike at Mindanao.

For the first few moments, small attack forces and medium attack forces were sent to harass the base, mostly by land and air but also by sea. Strangely, the advancing Indonesian navy was not given too much attention despite the obvious threats it posed to the Taiwanese Empire.

Instead, many Taiwanese forces turtled in their outposts and bases, especially in a base where the Psychic Beacon was constructed.


[Activation of Psychic Beacon : 0 post]

In the midst of an assault on the Indonesian base, a soothing lovely music was heard all over the battlefield. Very soon afterwards, words would

"O, Anakmun Lemulands, dengarlah Dalamkanen Hatis leiteis! O, Anakmun Lemulands, berpatuhlah dan berlututlah di depan Zuverän'i benar leiteis... (O, children of Lemuria, listen to the depths of your heart! O, children of Lemuria, submit and kneel before your rightful sovereign... your beloved Empress of the Yong Dynasty...)"

A moment later, the Psychic Beacon suddenly activated, sending strong psycho-spiritual impulses toward all of Mindanao. Most Indonesian forces in Mindanao soon fell under the control of the Taiwanese, pledging their loyalty to Theresia Yong.

Many Indonesian ships were quickly replaced with Taiwanese crews after the mind control, and with some Indonesian war machine parts disassembled for study. Most mind controlled Indonesians were then sent off in huge numbers to repel any Australian attacks and stop any further Australian base constructions.


However, not long after the takeover, the Taiwanese would soon face some tough problems with additional Indonesian forces coming through...

Having suspicions and with a forward base at Manado, the Indonesia forces commence an assault to the oddball color base, as the land general has ordered them. Given they have a hunch and they're operating with the goal to uncover what the mysterious device at Mindanao area. They discover it is charging and thought it might be a good idea to shut down the power as well as the device. CT tanks are advancing via sea while Whitestorms are transported to nearby islands to snipe the base out. Being different in color does, of course, make people suspicious.

"Apekah? Kuitei tau bahawe din Hatikawalan? Ini tak baik... (What? They know about the mind control? This is not good...)"

Masses of Indonesian cannon fodders, along with some Taiwanese forces, including especially Terror Drones and Jadequa Drones, were sent to deal with the CT tanks and Whitestorms.

Strike Jets are advancing and aiming for power sources that empower the device. In addition, some of the more annoying Sukhois are bombing the tank battalions as CT tanks charged in through the shores. Whitestorms are making their attack from nearby islands. In addition, paradrops are being commenced, sending some of their low-tier infantries in.

"Czilaka, deh Musuhmun menghantar Sukhoi-Flugschiffenkan kuiteis! (Damn, the enemies have unleashed their Sukhois!)"

As such, lesser tank units were being sent, instead more infantries, especially those with anti-air and anti-tank capacities, were sent to deal with the Indonesians instead. Paratroopers would be welcomed by barrages of rockets and bullets from infantry forces as well as base defenses.

Operation : Blink

Location : Prefecture Johor, Free State of Nanyang
Date : Saturday, 20th of January, 1206 A.R. (3117 A.C.)

They appeared on the other blue sphere above the Darkcloak's area. Still having the same speed and formation they have. They came diving down even more fast as their altitudes drop.

"Apekah?! (What?!)"
"Perhatilah! Ade Musuhmun di Udare'i tibe-tibe! (Attention! We have enemies from the sky all of a sudden!)"
"Pertahanlah dari Musuhmun'i das Dunkelumhangkan!" (Defend the Darkcloak from the enemies!)

The diving air assault released their missiles and bombs dropping down into the Darkcloak. Because of their speed and momentum, their weapons would pack even more penetration and damage.

The Darkcloak Device gets severely damaged in explosions as the bombs and missiles came hitting it, disrupting the Darkcloak shielding in Nanyangese frontline troops. However, the Darkcloak Device still stood, albeit very damaged and weakened.

"Break formation! Scramble! Blast down each and one of e'm!"
"Baikilah jemand das Dunkelumhangkan, wotei tak bolë bagi die runtuh! Dan musnahlah das lästignye Musuhmunkan! (Anyone repair the Darkcloak, we cannot afford to let it collapse! And destroy all those annoying enemies!)"

Nanyangese forces soon threw what they could to halt the annoying enemy planes, while trying to salvage and repair the damaged Darkcloak device.

As soon as the fighter-bombers made their first strike, they then scrambled from their formation and broke away. They stopped their dive and went for individual targets while coordinating with each other's squadrons. They started destroying enemy structures and units, prioritizing the Darkcloak and anti-air defenses in the area.

In the midst of relentless bombardments, the Darkcloak Device got blown up, collapsing into pieces of ruins and scrap metals whlist letting out a huge explosion of deadly red energy sending many to their slow, painful deaths suffocating and skinburning.

"Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeein!!! Deh Dunkelumhang tela runtuh dalam Api'i! Dunkelumhang edel woteis! Kenapekah?! (Noooooooooooooooooo!!! The Darkcloak has already fallen in flames! Our precious Darkcloak! Why?!)"

In addition, many frontline facilities of the Nanyangese were also brought to fiery ruins. Not only were the support and supply lines seriously fucked up, but also left most of the base in flames and rubbles, blocking the way while continuing to damage Nanyangese forces.

To further add salt to wound, the arrival of more Indonesian reinforcements including 6 dreaded Storm Tanks right after the fall of the Darkcloak only made matters worse for the Nanyangese. Many of the Nanyangese found themselves stranded in front of incoming Indonesians and defending Australians without their precious Darkcloak shielding, leaving a large number of them dead.

Soon, news of the Indonesian landing on Klang very soon reached the Singaporean frontier, much to their tremendous shock.

"Apekah?! Deh Jenneiianmun sudah mendarat di Klang'i dalam Bilangan'i gross!? Czilaka! (What?! The Indonesians have already landed on Klang in great numbers!? Damn!)"
"Fich deh Britanianmun! Wotei belum selesai dengan Singapure'i, sudah datang Musuhmun woteis di Belakang'i! Skarang, wotei berundur balik ke din Utare'i. Czilaka! (Fuck the British! We haven't done with Singapore, then our enemies suddenly show up behind us! Now, we retreat back to the north! Czilaka!)"

Thus, with the Darkcloak down and the Indonesians landing on Klang, the Nanyangese forces hurriedly pulled back to the northlands...​

(Second Post Incoming)
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The Two Queens

Location : Somewhere on the middle of the eastern sea
Date : 18 Uno-Ses 3117 // 18th of January, 1206 A.R.
Users : @Directive255, @Edge45

(Mechanical Dragon scene)
"So this must be the Angel of Death, eh?" with a smirk Helmina asked before the mighty sight of the great dragon.

(Black Pearl approaching)
"Alamak, this giant ship is even bigger than the dragon..."

A hatch opened on front of the behemoth ship, extending a platform. Because Helmina's ship was smaller than the Pearl, it lowers its depth enough to match the height of Whampoan ship's deck. The platform levels, and then extends to connect with Helmina's ship. There, Xiandre, escorted by dozens of heavily armored soldiers, and also a band of Director Sparrow's legion.

"I'm heeeeerrrreee!" Xiandre replied loudly and excitedly. Followed with a brief low voice - "Darling" She looks at Helmina with a happy cheerful face.

"Ahhhh, finally! Xiandre! Gutentag, Xiandre wakus! Wow, you have a big mighty navy indeed, comrade!" Helmina then approached Xiandre with escorts of elite battlemages. "Ohh, you cheeky little lass..." said Helmina with a cheek smile. Helmina and all of her escorts were dressing in stylized uniforms of mostly black and red in color, reminiscent of Nazi, Soviet and Kuomintang uniforms.

"Let's get started, lass. The alliance between us Whampoans and you Renegades,"

Unbeknownst to Helmina and Xiandre (yet?), a few Kuomintang elite agents were observing their dealing from quite afar. Some of them brought advanced cameras recording the whole deal.

"This bloody whore..." an agent gossipped, "English-speaking, German-wearing and Malay-loving inbred... What have they mongrels done to the Whampoan Legion of our glorious China..."

"And while Chiang Kai-shek and our forebears fought the Japs to the death, she dared called herself Shogun... what a disgrace and insult to the Whampoan Military Academy... And she's a lesbian faggot too..."

"Shhh... speak quieter... the bloody whore might hear us soon, and turn us into her cannibalistic dinner..."

"Hehehehe... I know right... such a bloody slutty vampire..."

The Kuomintang agents then continued watching the deal, while looking around from time to time, ready to run away if spotted. One of them, ater securing initial photos and recordings, crept his way back to Whampoan clays.
What in the World is Whampoa Exactly?
(Trivial Side Story)

Below are two news columns describing the early history of the Whampoans, which was published 5 years ago by Koryo Daily, the most prominent newspaper in the Kingdom of Koryo.

Special Edition

===== Thursday, 18th of January, Year 1201 of the Revival =====


Happy Raichspembentukan to the Whampoans! To celebrate and honor Whampoa's 100th birthday, the Koryo Daily shall feature a special column on Whampoa every Thursday for 4 weeks.

Whampoa, a unique nation which arose from a melting pot of many colorful cultures. The question then comes in mind, what is Whampoa exactly?

We often see Whampoans wearing their prized German spiked helmets, while sporting Malay commoner clothes and German aristocratic suits. Their villages are full of Malay Panggungrumahen (rumah panggung) and Sino-European concrete abodes, while their streets are littered with Sino-European shophouses and market stalls.

When it concerns their mouth, however, things got even more crazier. Their meals are a mix of European, Malay, Chinese and Koryoan cuisines. One can see European bread being placed alongside Lemaknasi on a Whampoan table, sushi serving as a side dish for pizza meals, schnitzels served with Hokkien noodles, or Cantonese fried noodles eaten alongside sauerkraut soups.

At the same time, their speech is a jumbled mess of German, Malay and Sinitic dialects. All the new names they give to things and places, meanwhile, are mostly exotic mixes of German, Arabic, Malay and Sinitic words.

So, the question comes. What exactly is this peculiar, eccentric nation that calls itself Whampoa, and how was it formed?​

Part One : Tales of a Lost Paraside

Starting off with the Whampoan mythos, which most Whampoans heartily believed in but otherwise doubted by many others. In the Whampoan mythos, the Whampoans are proud heirs to the Ancient Lemurians, an ancient "master" race said to be the most cherished children of Amaterasu -- the Sun Goddess. However, peace and domination would not last long for the Ancient Lemurians. Gaia was then dragged into a cosmic war, which had left Lemuria and Atlantis, along with most other parts of Gaia in ruins and waters.

With their homelands in ruins, the Ancient Lemurians were then forced into an exile to Southeast Asia, later known as the First Wanderung. Most of the Lemurians gathered in the island of Taiwan at first, before further branching off to Cantonia, Champa, Japan and the Nusantara. Over time, these Ancient Lemurian peoples evolved into the Bakviet and Austronesian peoples. Some other Lemurians went eastward instead, gradually turning into the Native Americans.

The children of Lemuria would later fall under enslavement by many other nations, especially Imperial China. These enslaved Lemurians were soon brainwashed to forget their roots, instead picking up the culture and identity of their conquerors.

Most of the mythos was neither confirmed nor debunked, and remained in huge debates today.​

Part Two : Princely Penang

Mythos aside, most of Whampoa's roots and origins can be traced back to roughly two places in Southeast Asia, namely, Malaya and Cantonia. Malaya's role in Whampoan history shall be addressed firsthand in this booklet, for most of Whampoa was derived from the multicultural Malaysian society.

The very foundations of Whampoa began all the way back in the mid 18th century. The Hohenzollerns had sent forth Prussian expeditions to the East Indies in search for potential colonies. After many months of sailing, the Prussians found their way to the northwestern parts of Malaya. There, a weak Sultanate of Kedah was struggling against the looming Siamese threat to the north.

In the hope that the Prussians protect Kedah from Siamese attacks, the Sultan had handed over Penang and then Perai to the Prussians, thus founding the first German colony in history.

However, very soon, the colony of Penang would become a principality under Prince Wilhelm, a junior Hohenzollern prince. Prince Wilhelm, hoping to rule a prosperous island rich in culture and wealth, brought quite a handful of German, Malay and Chinese settlers to Penang. Under his wise reign, a coherent, interracial society was gradually born, united by their love of Penang and loyalty to the prince. Thus, in the northeast, a Nanyangese culture slowly rose from a blend of the Malay, German and Chinese cultures. This Nanyangese culture would be the very foundation for the future Whampoan nation.​

To Be Continued...
Special Edition

===== Thursday, 25th of January, Year 1201 of the Revival =====

Part Three : The European Age

Later on, the Malayan peninsula was discovered to be very rich in tin -- in fact, Malaya held the richest alluvial deposits of tin across all of Gaia. At the same time, Europe was engaged in an industrial revolution, leading to a high demand for tin. The British and the Dutch were getting more involved in Malayan affairs, each seeking to dominate the supply of tin and other commodities.

A tin rush soon began in Malaya, attracting many more Chinese immigrants to Malaya. However, these Chinese immigrants mostly only mingle amongst their own kins. The new immigrants founded Triad Kongsis, which soon went into conflict against one another over mining rights. Skirmishes often erupted amongst the Triads, with the situation soon getting out of hand. Meanwhile, the Malay nobilities had also fallen to inner bickerings. All of these made mining operations more costly, but also left the Malay states exposed. With a series of deals, the British soon brought the Malay states into their control.

Penang, wishing to secure its hold and further its growth, was too involved, but to a lesser extent. Most of the Penangese involvement was on capital investment and labor market. However, Penang's seemingly minor role did help a lot in the formation of Malaysia's multicultural society, as Penang itself by then already had a powerful, coherent multicultural society. With increasing interactions between Penang and British Malaya, the Nanyangese culture had then spread further to the northwestern areas. In return, more doses of Malay and Chinese cultures made its way into the Nanyangese culture, together with major influences from the British culture, further fermenting the rise of a Whampoan nation.

Unlike the liberal Penangese, however, the British had employed the "divide and rule" practice in their Malayan colonies. Under the British, the Chinese were more or less settled in tin mining areas and major towns; while the Malays stayed in their own villages; and the Indians were isolated in the rubber estates. Thus, little interaction amongst the different ethnic groups occurred. The immigrants, seeing themselves as "guest workers", refused to assimilate into Malay society. Furthermore, stark differences in economic well-being also helped fanned racial sentiments. All of these had left strains on Malayan racial relations.​

Part Four : The Melting Pot

With Penang and British Malaya situated side-by-side, the two differing cultures soon clashed against one another with a lot of friction. Contrasting worldviews and opinions gradually led to rising unrest in both Penang and British Malaya, as both cultures tried hard to change one another. Early forms of Revivalism slowly came into being in northwestern areas, whlist Malay nationalism gradually sprouted in the mainland peninsula.

With the rising of tensions in Europe, the German Empire also came to aid their distant cousin Penang and spread German influence in Malaysia as well. The Empire of Japan, longing to "liberate" Asia from European colonists one day, also sent in their own agents to Malaya as well. At the same time, the Chinese diaspora was strengthening their bond with the Chinese republican revolutionaries. Very soon thereafter, Malaysia would be a cultural battleground with competing ideas and memes flooding like no tomorrow.

Eventually, the Malaysian Unity and Revival Society (MURS) was founded in 1909 A.C. (3 B.R.), with substantial support from the German Empire and the Asian secret societies. It began as a ragtag group made up of many cliques with their own agendas. The makeup of MURS was very diverse, the society consisting of monarchists, socialists, Triads, nationalists, imperialists, globalists, Germanophiles, Sinophiles, paganists, Islamists, merchants and many others. Despite so, this ragtag group was united with one vision and one purpose in mind -- the revival of Malaysia as a sovereign, prosperous nation with a vibrant society. Not everything was glorious and righteous, however, for the MURS also served as an agent working for some foreign powers and secret societies.​

To Be Continued...
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