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Dark Invasion II v2.14

An Epic ORPG featuring a custom combat system among many, many other things.

This version allows access to most areas of the final map. More areas will be unlocked and more content will be added in future updates.

Dark Invasion II, Dark Invasion, Dark Invasion 2, Arkan, Pidda

Dark Invasion II v2.14 (Map)

07:01, 3rd Oct 2008 VGsatomi: Wow, I've never seen so many diverse multiboard options before. Very inclusive RPG that has just as many features as most console RPGs. Quite simply some amazing work. Camera movement can be a hassle, as seen in every...
Level 2
Aug 15, 2008
i playes version 1.12 because my warcraft version is 1.22 ^^
and i want to give u some suggestion

i think its better that we can eat food for HP
and one of warlock skill ( i forgot the name ) (its about skill cooldown) is not working..

hope u had fixed the bug in the newer version..
Level 2
Aug 7, 2007
awesome map!! 5/5
Nice interface + menues
nice fight system.

is there any Wc3 chat where people are to play this?

Level 4
Oct 17, 2008
XenoSword]cn[;834427 said:
I don't understand how to begin the game, such as making a character.

New Post: Now I understand, by using the Arrow Keys, you can select your characters. It would be great if it told us that in the beginning of the game or game intro.

Your ******ed then.
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  • Angry
Reactions: Rui
Level 1
Jul 16, 2009
Hi there Arkan.

I've tested your map for 3h now, and i just got one thing to say.
WOW!!! This map is awesome. I played it on B.net and some people complained about the combat system but they got the hang of it in a while. Then only this i give the thumbs down for is the savings. Is it possible for you to make it all into one code? I know you can do it cause your not stupid.

Greatest regards,
Level 4
Apr 27, 2007
This seems to be the perfect map for me :D... but the worst thing is :p ... I haven't played Wc3 in many years and I have only 1.20 version xD... haha xD ... so I have alot of patching to do before I can play this map... but this looks Epic man :D ... I'll post again when I've tried this map ;)
Level 3
Jul 4, 2007
From the official DI2 forum:

Hello all Dark Invasion fans.

I am sorry to tell you all that this announcement concerns the current development of Dark Invasion 2. As you all might have guessed, judging by my absence here on the forums lately, development of Dark Invasion 2 has reached a stand still. The joy I experienced creating DI2 is not present anymore and while it is a pity, I do not want to continue working on it when the work itself becomes a bore. I realize I will disappoint a lot of players here, and for that I am sorry.

I talked this through with Pidda today and we've reached the conclusion that Dark Invasion 2.14 will be the last official version.

I would personally like to thank all you people and loyal fans who've enjoyed the DI series, it has given me great excitement to hear your opinions and stories. Also a huge thanks to Pidda and all fans, beta testers and people who've contributed to the game in one way or another.

If you're reading this and you are talented with JASS/vJASS, wc3-editing and have great motivation to continue the saga of Dark Invasion 2; contact me and if I see you suitable, you might receive the open-source file of the latest Dark Invasion 2 map, complete with documentation, beastiary, item lists, charts and all related files that is not available to the public.

So what will we do now? Both I and Pidda are pretty much busy at the time with work, studies and non-wc3 related activities. We might return and do a little less ambitious project for Starcraft 2; if that is the case, we will surely let you know! But for now, the World Editor will remain closed.

With this being said, the Dark Invasion forum will remain open for discussions and debate. And thank you all for showing great interest in our project :)

Kind regards
Level 1
Jan 30, 2010
Even thou I really love the map, I cant play it because locked camera just pisses me off... and so some friends of mine... maybe consider making a version with free camera?

Great effort, superb map, good job :)
OMG!!! It's Arkan and Pidda's AWESOME map!! The Dark Invasion II gets an instant 5/5!!!! This is so awesome!!!

I saw this awesome map on Epicwar, and downloaded it. It sounded and looked cool. Soon after I downloaded it, my bro and I started playing it for half the day (Or something like that), and we couldn't stop! It's too awesome! Soon after, when we got too strong, we just... Kinda stopped. The bird just kept dying (Near the 2nd city), enemies died in 1 hit... Spells healed 999999 health (Joke), and all that. We soon lost the interest in the game.

[+]Unique Systems
[+] Awesome Terrain
[+] Supremely advanced triggering
[+] Large land to explore; I've only been to the second island, and I'm already lost!
[+] Unique Abilities
[+] Awesome use of custom models
[+] Left/Right/Up/Down commands that rule!!
[+] Good loading screen, though it could fix the Shadow Knight's (kinda) gay position (Take note, kinda)
[+] Digging, Fishing
[+] Cool attack system
[+] Spell channeling bar!!!
[+] Team names, and awesome quests!
[+] Very noob friendly
[+] It's difficult at the start, and I like it!
[+] It's so awesome I suddenly forgot what else I was gonna type...

[=] A couple of typos (Forgot where they are)
[=] The quest in the 2nd island, the girl dies too easily
[=] Some of my weak early level items didn't save (Ex. Water)
[=] It gets a little too easy once I have an Escutcheon and a Javelin
[=] The Detective quest hardly gives any hints; but I like that

[-] Nerf the (Bloodfish? I don't remember the name); it's too strong when it's attacking with three other enemies
[-] Specify the Day of your unit, only your friends know how
[-] The (Wyvern? The one where you have to kill a flying monster at the top of a hill or something) quest is too hard even at the suggested level
[-] You should put more ressurection crystals in the wild

My Total Rating: 4.8/5!

I might have been playing an earlier version, though. I haven't played the latest, but now that I have 1.24, I can now!!
Level 2
Feb 8, 2009

i might be able to explain the unsure thoughts and cons:
1) Typos, yea there are few.. however some are intended typos
2) walk fast, heal if possible.. it wont be hard
3) i thought only equipments are saved ( usable items dont )

1)the day of yr zodiac can be seen on status screen
2)well, it is recommended to play with a party, so more crystal will easier for solo-ing instead of tht

too bad this map has no successor to finsih it =(
Level 2
May 9, 2010
Lol Nickba you suppose if rate high quality ORPG by 1, your baggy and primitive ORPG will be better? That sucks, about DI it's 5/5.
Level 2
Mar 27, 2011
This is my most favourite MAP!!!!!! I really love it. The leaderboards are excillently planned, such as the units, spells and weapons, items, and the style of atttacks etc. It reminds me if i don't play with warcraft. I am now level 50 in Balbatzia and i will go to Zeneda. The transportations are very good, too. I am on the forum named as msuperX. :))))))))))) You can find me here.
I heard from the forum, that Dark Invasion II is no longer on development. Would you mind sending the map (the unprotected version)? Then i finish it but at first you should help with JASS and triggers. Then I can finish it for you. =)
I also like the names of the day, and the terrain and the fogs.
Yours sincerely: Neytiraccidafus
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Level 1
Dec 15, 2010
I saw a better maps, but it's good too. Sorry for bad rating but it's not good enaugh to be on TOP maps. (sorry for bad englisch)
Level 1
Jul 13, 2010
People who knows the trully quality of an ORGP map, can't give this map an rating below 95%.

This map isn't perfect because we can't "go to hell!" (I mean the Red Island) if that was possible, there's nothing to complain.

The other map that gets close to the quality of this map is Diablo III Warcraft. (something like that) which implements systems that are innovative like not 3 basic Attributes: Str, Agi, Int, neither 6 inventory slots, nor 3~4 possible equipments.

It's too bad that Arkan can't move on this map. I tried to contact him to lend me the map but it seems that even to pass on the map, he's busy. Poor Arkan. :/

I wish someone have the Lucky that I didn't. I wish someone keep the great work made on this map.
Level 1
Jul 13, 2010
I know a little about JASS but the coding looks simple. I'd have more trouble Learning the dependecies of every trigger in the map than maintaning it.

So, yeah. I'd apreciate to keep this map active. This is the best ORPG that I've ever played.
Level 20
Jul 14, 2011
Indeed... this map is the most awesome RPG map made for Warcraft 3... Its easily waaaaaaaay beyond TKOK and else... i think This, and Dota, are the only ones that keep Warcraft3 alive :) (yeah, i love to overreact xD)
Level 1
Jul 13, 2010
Thanks Pidda, I've been a little busy this days and couldn't give a better look at the package, but the little I saw, I noticed that Arkan is a good map coder because of the distribution of the modules, the hierarchy. For me It'll be a lot more easier than I thought.

Thanks again for been nice and even with a short time, you helped me a lot.