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Custom Battle Zone 1.19g

Current Status of Custom Battle Zone
Ahhhhemmm....:clears Throat:
It's been nearly 10 months since I updated this map...
I have been busy in all occasions and I haven't updated this map.
But due to some circumstances, I decided to update the map...
I ONLY Fixed Bugs in 1.19g due to the fact the I have been a PURELY Noob in when I created 1.00 to 1.19f versions.
Now, that I have return and thanks to some persons, I improved my triggers scripts.
For those who still love my map, I will not update the map into 1.19h to update this map but I will create 1.20 with better skills, better map codes (triggers), better heroes (non-bugged heroes), and most importantly, BETTER GAMEPLAY...


(Version 1.19g)
Terrain: IIIIIIIIII = 80% Completed (why 80%? there is some empty spaces on the map and most map reviewers here dislikes my terrain but it is playable.)
Heroes: IIIIIIIIII = 10% Completed (10%? since I got a lot of heroes in my mind and still not on CBZ well let's put 10% here.)
Skills: iiIIIIIIIII = 5% Completed (Still, got a lot of skills to come. But there are already 120+ skills here.)
Items: IIIIIIIIII = 90% Completed (Got only a tiny item ideas here.)
Systems: IIIIIIIIII = 90% Completed
Overall: IIIIIIIIII = 60% Completed (Well, the Heroes and Skills lower the playing field. Hahaha)
Protected = Semi-Protected
What is CBZ/Custom Battle Zone and How Does this Map Started?
Custom Battle Zone is an AoS-type of map where you have to destroy your enemy's Castle at the same time protecting your team's Castle. Custom Battle Zone is my second map and at first would be a tower defense but me, the creator of the map accidentally made an AoS map. Then, me improved the map for a very long time. From v0.00 to 1.12d I am busy with this simple map but due to some compliments and temptation on making an another map, I stopped improving Custom Battle Zone and created another failure map (but planning to restore its glory). Vampirism Tag. After that, another problem came. I got a little talent about making stories so I create one. Finally after I research about Custom Spells with Spell Book, I decided to continue working on Custom Battle Zone. But since 1.12d has a lot of bugs and leaks, I made a critical decision to restart the map although at first I didn't change the terrain but mostly the units, items, and abilities are affected at first of the sudden change. Then between 1.18b-1.18d version, some people have suggested to change to the terrain so here it is on 1.18h.
How to Play/Tips
*Choose one of the 36 (for now) heroes with their own ability to protect their respective castles. Destroy your opponent's caste and "The honor of Victory is yours." If your castle has been destroy, well, obviously you lost.
*Choose your own ability. Create a devastating mix of destruction on the game.
*Be smart at choosing your abilities. Choosing the wrong skill combo destroys the fun for you.
*Be smart at every angle. You can be a victim by your enemies.
The Objectives of the Game
*Destroy your enemies' castle to win!
*Protect your ally's castle from your enemies!
*Stay Alive as far as possible!
*Farm and/or harass enemies!
*Show no mercy to the weaklings!
*Enjoy the game!
Player 1 and Player 7 Commands=

-return realnames = returns your real names.
:Before 15 seconds Commands:

[Lane Commands]
-nb, -nt, -nm, - om, -ob, -ot
-test mode on = activate test mode
-no secrets = disable secrets
-no gamble = disable gamble system
-no ABD = disable Anti BackDoor
-ads = activate Duel System
=Game Commands=

-ms = show the movement speed of a unit.
-clear = clears the screen.
-hero stats = shows you what is your enemies' hero and their level
-hero skills = shows you what your ally skills are.
-changename = changes your name.
-dson = turn on "See" Damage System
-dsoff = turn off "See" Damage System (Default)
Gameplays/System Used
*Custom Skills (You can select your own skills)
*Item Recipe (Combine items to make better items)
*Item Stacking (Stacks some stockable items like Scroll of Town Portal and Clarity Potion)
*Hero Revival (Revives hero when they are dead)
*Rune/Power Ups System (Spawns a rune or power up every 2 minutes in the river side)
*Neutral Creeps (I have put some Neutral Creeps in the map)
*Roshan and Aegis System (Ok, like dota but Roshan's name is change into Bogart and Aegis of Immortal is change into Immortality Scroll)
*Clock/Time Elasped System (Unlike Dota which uses lumber/wood as minutes and food as seconds I use a count down timer here)
*Damage Detection System (For Kelen's Dagger of Escape and some multiple skills.)
*Duel System (This map as a duel system on it although it is on BETA)
*Chat System (Each time you say, it will transfer to your hero's head)
*Quest System (There is a Quest System on the map. Find Jonas)
*Show Damage System (Type -dson to show the damage and -dsoff to turn it off)
*Secret Items and of course Secret Heroes
*and many more.









First of all I credit this map to God - Hahahaha. Just for making me alive and do this.
Blizzard Entertainment - For making such a wonderful map creator
The Hiveworkshop Site - For creating a mass wc3 resource sharing
The Wc3 Garage Site - For creating a wc3 resource sharing
The Helper Forums - For creating lots and lots of tutorials
Extrarius - HeavyLocker
emjlr3 - For his Custom Scripts Tutorial
Dan van Ohllus - Pikachu and his Beautiful Arthas (Evil) no horse Model
Demon-Ye - Naruto Model
One Ming One (Right?) - Sasuke, Yahiko (in Akatsuki Suit) and Sakura's Model
Zerox - Tank Model
Waldbaer - Bladestorm Model
olofmoleman - Darth Vader's Model
RightField - Laser Model
assasin_lord - Hero Glow Model
sPy - Holy Aura Model
Skizzik - Pemtagram Aura
Models - Lost count of em but I can help you.
Iconers (A lot, hmmm very very lot of them) - For there coolest, awesome, and very very great icons. (If you want to be credited just comment it here.)
Latest Version Channelog
*Added new taverns in preparation for new heroes
*Added some new ramps on both bases
*Added some invisible Line of Sight Blocker on the Rune
*Added Kill Streak (Double, Multi, Ultra Kills)
*Added an aura effect on the Pressence of the Dark Lord Ability
*Added a new feature about the Duel System
*Added a new quest
*Added a fog effect on the Runes
*Fixed the Player Left System
*Fixed Let See Damage
*Fixed a bug about the Kyuubi
*Fixed the Shimeering Portal on Bogart's Place
*Fixed Shiva's Guard
*Remade the Kill System
*Remade the stash model
*Now Heroes that have killed will suffer a penalty
*Now Illusionism won't work on structures
*Change the icon of the Glyph for the Darkness
*Change the icon of the Glyph of the Light
*Improved Heartstopper Aura
*Improved the Casting Range of Fistful Punch Ability by 5
*Improved all the Flag items
*Improved the Aura Range of Degen Aura
*Improved the Range of the Wagon from both sides
*Improved the Cast Range of Eul's Scepter of Divinity
*Improved Bogart's attack speed each time you killed him
*Deproved the Cooldown of the Kyuubi Grab by 2.5
*Deproved the range of the ranged creeps from 600 to 500
*Deproved the range of Lich, Keeper of the Grove, Naga Sea Witch, Crystal Maiden, Thunder Pokemon, and the Necrolyte
*Deproved the range of the regeneration of both fountains
*Now you can be alerted if there is a destroyed barracks

*Added Tome Shop
*Reduces the selling range of some vendors
*Remade the Level 15 Ability of the non-custom Naruto
*Remade -hero skills command
*Remade Duel Arena
*Changes the name of Garena Illusioner to Dimension Master
*Fixed Let See Damage System
*Fixed the Dimension Master's Bug
*Fixed the Flash Slash Description

There is some Rules in this Game.
*Don't Cheat and...
*Have Fun!!!

cboy123, Custom, Battle, Zone

Custom Battle Zone 1.19g (Map)

11:05, 25th Jun 2011 -Kobas-: Status: Approved Comment
Level 11
Aug 1, 2009
good map its interesting to play but i think items for inteligence heroes are overpowered i start with Universal Soldier vs necrolyte hm when he buy Staff of Fire who make 600dmg at rank 1 and my hero was having only 447 hp so when he up his staff at level 5 he make 7600 dmg and i die always.. but map its very good keep doing the good work

Thanks for playing...Lol looks like Staff of Fire is really Imba for a while. Hehehe. Wait for 1.19. There will be Manny Pacquiao and some new skills and items.
Level 16
Nov 30, 2009
The Terrain has been improved from previous version, although I still notice the monotony of tiles. Maybe give the tiles more variations and your terrain is all set.

Although is that gate at the beginning really necessary?
Level 11
Aug 1, 2009
I don't know about some wrongy tiles here since I got 0 on Terraining. Well, the gate has suggest by a friend of mine but I could destroy it. Been working on Naruto, The Boxer Champion, and The Demon Witch these days. Got no time for terraining since a lot tell me it is cool now.
Level 4
Nov 11, 2009
i have not played the newest version but i like this map a lot... i thought it was a tiny bit unbalanced but still 4/5
Level 11
Jul 7, 2010
This map looks good :D Besting it now.

Very very interesting map , Surprised that it isn't Protected to ( The Terrain ) :

From World editor the Terrain looks excellent , However some area's to me look like they need more doodads.

What i like

[x] Large Area to flight and play on.
[x] Good Amount of In and Out game description.
[x] Has tips / Quests telling user how to play.
[x] Good Systems to even out the game.
[x] Good Amount of Hero's and Spell's.
[x] Good Protection System Unit > Hero
What i don't like

[x] Haven't changed the (Quests) (Menu) ect ect...
[x] All Quests are Question Marks.
[x] The "Aim of the lowest hero hp" system isn't really that good. (Should make it when there are no "Non Hero Units" around the hero than aim for the hero.)
[x] Light side everything is "Orange / Yellow" Black side everything is "Black".
[x] Need more "Natural Creeps".
[x] Your "Stash" is big and ugly.
[x] Whats with when typeing the text comes up different colors?.
[x] Multi Board , The o=o makes it look bad.
[x] Time Elapsed should be used for food rather than having a count down timer.
[x] The hero King Leoric and possibly more are just copy's of the Hero's in the map DotA.
I hope you can learn from this and that i only Approve it because i feel that if you can fix everything and neaten it up that this Map would be very good and highly rated.
Total Score : 3/5 Approved :thumbs_up:
Last edited:
Level 11
Aug 1, 2009
This map looks good :D Besting it now.

Very very interesting map , Surprised that it isn't Protected to ( The Terrain ) :

From World editor the Terrain looks excellent , However some area's to me look like they need more doodads.

What i like

[x] Large Area to flight and play on.
[x] Good Amount of In and Out game description.
[x] Has tips / Quests telling user how to play.
[x] Good Systems to even out the game.
[x] Good Amount of Hero's and Spell's.
[x] Good Protection System Unit > Hero
What i don't like

[x] Haven't changed the (Quests) (Menu) ect ect...
[x] All Quests are Question Marks.
[x] The "Aim of the lowest hero hp" system isn't really that good. (Should make it when there are no "Non Hero Units" around the hero than aim for the hero.)
[x] Light side everything is "Orange / Yellow" Black side everything is "Black".
[x] Need more "Natural Creeps".
[x] Your "Stash" is big and ugly.
[x] Whats with when typeing the text comes up different colors?.
[x] Multi Board , The o=o makes it look bad.
[x] Time Elapsed should be used for food rather than having a count down timer.
[x] The hero King Leoric and possibly more are just copy's of the Hero's in the map DotA.
I hope you can learn from this and that i only Approve it because i feel that if you can fix everything and neaten it up that this Map would be very good and highly rated.
Total Score : 3/5 Approved :thumbs_up:

Thanks for the review since I remember about some people who want to change some on my map. The Quest Menu thingy will be changed due someone has already told me about it. Also King Leoric, the Necrolyte, and (will be on 1.19c) Lion is put there because a lot of people like them and want to play them here. hehehe
[x] Whats with when typeing the text comes up different colors?.
Usually hackers or requesters on http://wc3edit.com hack my map and to counter attack it, I put the "CHAT System". Multiboard is my second nightmare (previous to Terrain). I hate about it but people need it.
Level 22
Feb 3, 2009
This map looks good :D Besting it now.

Very very interesting map , Surprised that it isn't Protected to ( The Terrain ) :

From World editor the Terrain looks excellent , However some area's to me look like they need more doodads.

What i like

[x] Large Area to flight and play on.
[x] Good Amount of In and Out game description.
[x] Has tips / Quests telling user how to play.
[x] Good Systems to even out the game.
[x] Good Amount of Hero's and Spell's.
[x] Good Protection System Unit > Hero
What i don't like

[x] Haven't changed the (Quests) (Menu) ect ect...
[x] All Quests are Question Marks.
[x] The "Aim of the lowest hero hp" system isn't really that good. (Should make it when there are no "Non Hero Units" around the hero than aim for the hero.)
[x] Light side everything is "Orange / Yellow" Black side everything is "Black".
[x] Need more "Natural Creeps".
[x] Your "Stash" is big and ugly.
[x] Whats with when typeing the text comes up different colors?.
[x] Multi Board , The o=o makes it look bad.
[x] Time Elapsed should be used for food rather than having a count down timer.
[x] The hero King Leoric and possibly more are just copy's of the Hero's in the map DotA.
I hope you can learn from this and that i only Approve it because i feel that if you can fix everything and neaten it up that this Map would be very good and highly rated.
Total Score : 3/5 Approved :thumbs_up:

Review marked.

Rating: 3/5
Vote for:

Level 5
Aug 30, 2010
One question is the Deatk Knight Arthas Innate skill working right? i went on lvl 1 with him to the enemy base i had like 300HP regeneration per sec couldnt die and if u pick the 2nd unholy aura to upgrade it even the healing fountain takes time to kill you o_O
Level 5
Aug 30, 2010
also the ´´dominator´´, i mean the demonic gauntlets+ the axe that gives 25 str gives and insane amount of lifesteal if used together with ´´Feast´´ Abilityi just played and i was a mage i had way too much trouble against a huntress with her bouncy atacks giving her a lot of lifesteal i tried to stun and hex and use the red scepter ability and i couldnt even kill i left him with 300 hp and with just 1 one hit he healed to half hp..
Level 11
Aug 1, 2009
also the ´´dominator´´, i mean the demonic gauntlets+ the axe that gives 25 str gives and insane amount of lifesteal if used together with ´´Feast´´ Abilityi just played and i was a mage i had way too much trouble against a huntress with her bouncy atacks giving her a lot of lifesteal i tried to stun and hex and use the red scepter ability and i couldnt even kill i left him with 300 hp and with just 1 one hit he healed to half hp..

I am learning the "Lagless" Triggers...BTW... This is just a prototype...
Level 3
May 29, 2012
If this map still updated ...

Could you please put some Ai :)....


The host put some mode...

-Ai ...

just sayin .,...