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Critter Survival Guide

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Level 9
May 25, 2008

Creator: Me
Type of game: Like Tree Tag mixed with Sheep Tag
Current Stage: Early Beginning

More Details
Planning: 67%
Terrain: 15%
Units: 60%
Triggers: 40%
Glitch Free: 70%

Main idea:
The game will consist of two teams, critters and hunters, the main idea (like all other 'tag' games) is for the critters to survive for around 30min, I haven’t decided on the time limit yet. There will be 9 critters vs. 3 hunters. Each player will have a unique unit (critters) or hero (hunters) based on their color.

All the critters will be able to build the same buildings and eat trees, but they all have 2 normal abilities and an ultimate ability that will usually have a huge cooldown or mana cost. The critters begin with 0/400 mana with a mana regen rate of 1 per sec. The critters won’t be able to carry items but will be able to build buildings that will empower them in different ways.

Here are the critters I have created so far:

Unit (Owner of unit, owner color)
Unit Ability 1: (Description)
Unit Ability 2: (Description)
Unit Ultimate ability: (Description)

Chicken (Player 1, Red)
Chicken Wisdom: Like Far Sight, reveals a place of the map for a short while
Mana Burn: Self explanatory
Egg: Every two minutes the chicken will lay an egg that will hatch in 10 seconds and summon a chicken clone. The clone lasts 30 seconds (Used to be Dive Bomb)

Dog (Player 2, Blue)
Call of the wolves: Decreases 99% of all hunters’ damage
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Dive Bomb : The dog dives into the air and smashes the ground with such a force that it stuns hunters in an AoE (Used be chickens ability but was replaced with Egg)

Frog (Player 3, Teal)
Goo Spit: Every 5 seconds the frog can spit and slow a hunter at no mana cost
Blend: The frog (really) blends in with the environment and that causes evasion
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Penguin (Player 4, Purple)
Chilling Touch: Slows a bunch of hunters close to each other
Snow Man: Replaces a hunter with a snow man for a few seconds
Ice Cubes: Freezes everyone in an AoE

Pig (Player 5, Yellow)
Intimidate: Like taunt, forces all hunters around the pig to attack him
Boost: The pig gets a boost of speed
Imba Pig: The pig becomes invulnerable for few seconds

Rabbit (Player 6, Orange)
Web: Like stasis trap, stuns a hunter when he walks through it
Invisible Run: Like wind walk, becomes invisible and gets a boost of speed
Rabbit Storm!: Hundreds of rabbits run out of your rabbit but explodes after a while

Rat (Player 7, Green)
Clone: Like mirror image, Self explanatory
Smallness: Like evasion, give a chance to evade attacks
Steal : Steals 50 gold from each of the hunters, but forces them to come after you (Tanx to Zack1996)

Sheep (Player 8, Pink)
Sheep Fall: Like Firebolt, stuns a hunter
Blink: Self explanatory
Become Tree: The sheep creates a tree on the spot and climbs into it, but falls out after a while

Skink (Player 9, Gray)
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I haven’t really thought about the hunters yet, but I know they must have lots of health, be able to carry items, have imba abilities and be heroes so that they can level

But first I need some help:
How do I make my map only editable by me?
How do I enable a loading and preview screen?
Ideas for the critter abilities
Any ideas for the hunters
Any other ideas/improvements

E-mail me at [email protected] or just post

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Level 17
May 6, 2008
Copy the mapfile, protect it and then you should host the protected one. If anyone found a glitch just edit the unprotected and then protect a copy of it and host the protected one.

Hope i helped.

For ideas to the critters. Make one with high amount of HP. Can handle a few beats but no good special abilities, also he is a little bit slower than the other critters.
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Level 15
Dec 18, 2007
Nice Map, some suggestion for the critters. Suggestions in red
Chicken (Player 1, Red)
Chicken Wisdom: Like Far Sight, reveals a place of the map for a short while
Lay Egg: Lays an egg every x second and when the egg hatches a decoy chicken will appear
Mana Burn: Self explanatory
Dive Bomb: the chicken dives into the air and smashes the ground with such a force that it stuns hunters in an AoE

Dog (Player 2, Blue)
Call of the wolves: Decreases 99% of all hunters’ damage
Bark: Barks at nearby hunters, causing them to run away in fear for x seconds
Bite and Tear: Bites and Tear at the hunter, causing huge amounts of pain, deals damage and slows hunter, the hunter will also run for a longer time when Bark is used if he has the buff. (The hunter is fearful of the dog.)

Frog (Player 3, Teal)
Goo Spit: Every 5 seconds the frog can spit and slow a hunter at no mana cost
Blend: The frog (really) blends in with the environment and that causes evasion
Hop : Frogs are natrual hoppers and can hop indefinitly, when used the frog hops a short distance in front of it and becomes unkillable while in the air.

Rat (Player 7, Green)
Clone: Like mirror image, Self explanatory
Smallness: Like evasion, give a chance to evade attacks
Steal : Steals gold from an enemy hunter and makes him angry and come after you.

Skink (Player 9, Gray)
Sticky trail : Through some unknown mean, the skink creates a trail of sticky goo wherever it walks, slowing hunters. (passive or active, you decide)
Attach: Attaches itself to a hunter to gain sight of him and make the skink invulnerable, th hunter is unaware of your presence and when you unattach, you will be invulnerable for 1 second.
Extendable TongueI] : (There are two skills, drag and pull) Extends your tongue to grab onto an object (enemy, ally, tree etc.) and drags it to you or pulls yourself there.

More ideas when I have it.
Level 15
Dec 18, 2007
Nice terrain! Anyway, I thought of a skill for the frog.
Amphibious Being: Being an amphibian, the frog is able to adapt to the terrain, when on the ground he gains bonus armour and an ability (dunno, maybe something that can only be done on the ground) and when in water, bonus movement speed and the ability to swim (moves very quickly to a target point, splashing water at nearby hunters and giving them a chance to miss).

Burrow: The skink burrows into the ground and is able to move about for a short duration, and pops back up when the duration is over.
Rock Ring: Surrounds the hunter and all nearby untis in a ring of rocks. Rocks can be destroyed and will also disappear after a short duration.
Burrowing Smash: The skink burrows underground and moves quickly the the target point and breaks the ground, stunning enemy hunters and creating debris in the area. (The debris are small rocks or something that can slightly hinder the movements of the hunters)

+rep will be appreciated :D
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