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Contacting Black_Stan

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Level 18
Sep 2, 2005
I know where to find his models. They used to be on either wc3sear.ch or on wc3campaigns, can't remember which, but I have like 40 of Black stans models sitting on my HD (I believe icons are included with some).

I also know where I got them. The thing is, if there is a REASON that they're unavailable, I don't want to give a link or upload them on here. If an admin/moderator says it's cool, I'll either put up a link, or put up a black-stan pack in the Pack section. If they're unavailable because Black Stan said he wanted them removed or something, then the offer is nonexistant.

- I just read the last page of posts. Nevermind on the linkage. But if there's a admin who is looking for a black stan model thet they don't have and they're going to put it up, then I will give it to them. :p
Level 2
Aug 15, 2006
black_stan dosnt speak english. you can tell from his website blackstan.com
I think he helps model some company now not sure though..

I have his pack, though im missing like 2 off his models since they wernt that great. Consists: The whole army and heros

Though, you might want to contact him "if possible" otherwise i cannot redistribute them. He doesnt want his work publicated

EDIT: His recent work is awesome, i love his icons the most though it has this unique feel to it. And his skinning technique is unbelievable, and somewhat very easy to edit to your likings =]

Did he ever make a map? That im totally unaware of, did he contribute to one? Campaign
BTW: His models and icons used to be found on war3sear.ch Since the server switch i never saw those files again.
Level 18
Sep 2, 2005
well Drazalon, if you look at what has been said earlier (there are links earlier in this thread) black_stan said he did not want his work to be published as in used commercially, but his wc3 models can be used for wc3. But again, what we're really waiting for is an admin to put them up. as they have the authority to do so here.
Level 2
Aug 15, 2006
well i can publish them giving full credit, including Models and half of his icons. though as i am not well known in these forums i think its not an option atm. so guess we must wait, unless i contact admins
Level 4
Jul 27, 2007
No need to get so angry about it, Tauren.

Honestly, I say the mods choose one or two people who have the model files so they can be posted already. The go ahead came what...2 months ago?

They're busy as they are. They don't need to add on the posting of models to their workload when someone else can.

At least, in my opinion.
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