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Castle Fight Corrupted (beta)

Castle Fight Corrupted - well, not that corrupted (yet).

I started this project November 2021 mainly to fix the stasis totem lag, which all Castle Fight players know too well.
Since I had to re-program the whole thing, some more or less noticable details have changed as well.

The gameplay is 90% the same as in the other Castle Fight versions out there.
Maybe I'll add some more new features in future versions (more sacrifice buffs, more items, etc.).



Fixes & Balancing


What's Castle Fight?


Future plans/TODO list

There are new sacrificial statues, where you can choose to sacrifice all trained units for 30 seconds in order to get a buff.
This is blocked until 15 minutes into the round and even then the effect is still moderate; it's probably better to keep your units at that time.
But in late game, this removes a lot of units from the playing field (less lag) and can be quite powerful, especially if you boost your advancing army at the right time.
Sacrifice can be disabled in mode selection with the flag -classic.

Synchronizing units works a little differently than in 2.0.xx versions.
Instead of aborting the training of units so they would finish at the same time, here every unit gets produced regularly.
The unit is then stashed (hidden and invulnerable), until the sync target structure has finished training as well. Then the unit is released.

This has the following side-effect, which is relevant for gameplay:
While it is not possible to stash more than one unit (previous ones are forcibly released - exception with Heroic Shrine), it is possible that one unit was stashed and another one just finishes in time, so that two units appear to spawn at the same time, when the sync target finishes training.
This is not a bug, since the unit was actually trained. It is just a little different from classic Castle Fight.

Most importantly, the stasis totem no longer produces that crazy lag and artillery was nerfed (no need for -na anymore).
Some more things were changed; some just because it was more convenient to program that way.

Elemental Tower: Different kind of attack and spell.
Linker: Life power of all allied units is distributed evenly over the whole map.
Fire Elementals: Splits into lesser elemental only, uses mana.
Mushroom: Damage reduced from 200 to 130.
World Freezer: Spawns 5 orbs instead of 3. They usually fly through the castle entrances now.
Frost Launcher: Only lvl 2 damages buildings and still only freezes one building.
Goliath: Replaced by completely different unit.
Master of Elements: Slightly different unit.
Twins: Removed (for now).
Warlock: 15sec cooldown instead of 12.
Ancient Keeper: Spawns treants without trees.
Naga Guardians: Have no mana.
Artillery: Costs 1000 lumber instead of 360 and deals 50 less damage.
Repair Rune: Available every 150sec instead of 180sec.
Well of Pain: Additionally stuns for 1 second.
Bear Hibernation: Becomes invulnerable, casts Howl when escaping.
Taxes are calculated differently, and are very high in late game (87.5% after 35 min). Taxes also for bounty.
You can upgrade buildings with hotkeys, even if a unit is currently being trained.
Even with -na, some spells (starfall, tentacles) may do (more) damage to buildings, compared to the original CF.
--> More and up-to-date changes in the map (F9).

This version was made by SirGorash aka kleinerhauck, as a fork of EU 2.0.41. www.christopherhauck.de
The original Castle Fight was made by gex aka gekko.
Sunus made a different kind of unit sync system, ulti builder and some (legendary) units.
Natac made the corrupted race.
sushi159 made the nature race.
Vam-pirrr, K_O_S, Elf_Stratigo, sushi159 made the elemental race.
wTc[JediMaster] ported the map to Reforged.
Inna-Vjuzhanina for her beautiful Dragon Queen image.
Drake53 for enabling use of C#.
Sacrifice and light spear (void) effects by Vinz.
Chimaera Statue by Hexus.

If you know more about the history of CF and who made what, I'm glad to update this, just let me know.

In Castle Fight, which has a very long history, two teams fight against each other, trying to destroy the enemy castle to win the round.
Each player controls one builder of a certain race.
He can build structures that train units and special structures, that cast spells or grant buffs.
The army is trained and controlled automatically and cannot be influenced, except with a few items and synchronization.
A game can have multiple rounds (e.g. 2 victories required) and various modes (no artillery, random races, time limit, ...).

Castle Fight 1.13b
In case anyone want to make their own version of Castle Fight. Here is Gex aka Jan's approval of doing so:

View attachment 374090

Convenience structure upgrade hotkeysdone, version 0.67
Tax & income overviewdone, version 0.57
Master of Elementsdone, version 0.58
Ultimate builder buildings list (optionally hidden for enemy team with mode -hu)done, version 0.53
Proper tooltips with a common schemecorrect tooltips in 0.68
Ultimate blast staff (4x normal staff combined)
Reveal item (non-classic mode)
End of Round Statistics
-mpX command (or -addwestX -addeastX)done, version 0.71
Placement grid system, incl. Power Plant hint (Mayday)
Reusable mana generator spell
Medium tax mode (currently only no or extreme taxes)

Castle Fight Corrupted 0.71 (Map)

Hi kleiner, I don't normally leave feedback but this is one of my favorite maps, so I will go over some things;

I'll start with the good!

Your addition of "-bltiX" is great, I've wanted that in 2.0.42 forever.

I also agreed with the majority of your listed changelog - The exceptions here would be, Mushroom damage reduced by half, seems to be a bit ineffective, especially in larger player games, as air can quickly outpace mushroom building.

World freezer absolutely needed a change, as it was awful before, however, their new ability to stop and target and freeze nearly every single unit on the enemy team seems a bit over-tuned; somewhere between where it was, and where it is now, would be ideal as a starting point.

The new goliath unit is interesting, but seems to be quite insane when paired with speed buffs, (gjallarhorn + horn, etc). I'll give it another 10 rounds or so to really argue a change.

Master of elements and the twins being removed, I did not particularly see the reasoning. MoA is a good unit, but definitely not the highest tier legendary unit in the game; I only assumed it was removed to get more usage of the altered linker. The twins are not great by any means, but I don't see the point in removal without an adjustment elsewhere.

Some bugs I noticed through the 5 or so total rounds I played last night;

the "-classic" mode did not turn off the sacrifice alters. They could still be used, even though I assumed that is what the tech requirement is for - in the case of "-classic", i think the building should just be killed.

Starfall appeared to not work on some occasions, notably on my caged murlocs. It cast in the middle of the battle field, but not my side of the board. Don't know if it's a range issue or what, but should be checked out.

I mentioned earlier I like the new "all ultimate builder mode", but compared to the latest other versions (2.0.40), you cannot see your allies/enemies ultimate builder buildings. Seeing the enemies part is subjective, but it should absolutely be visible to your teammates. If I'm wrong here, please correct me :)

Some things I noticed in this game are different than other versions. I'm not certain what version this is built off of, but things like Well of Pain stunning for 1 second is relatively new to me, and should be listed in the changelog. Unless a lot of these quirks used to be standard and i'm a zoomer; I've played about 3,000 games of castle fight in the last 3-5 years across many different versions, but always the latest of the time. Another example of undocumented change would be the bear howl cast when they retreat, and the fact they become invulnerable.

The new sacrificial alter feature is new to me as well, I'm assuming it's good for stale-mate games, or when you have a rescue strike over your opponents. I'll play some more with it, but the concept didn't strike me as greatly intriguing.

I am also a fan of the simplified modes (or lack thereof), the automatic camera (which, in-place of -cam, should just have a lock on the height until you change the height), and the instant rescue strike. Overall, this game feels very smooth to play, which is a huge improvement on the older one which became sluggish over time and un-responsive.

To take this further, I'd love to see the addition of stats or some in-detail expanded multi-board at the end of the round. Big request, but the other newer castle fight is pushing it, and the map Direct Strike has all of these things already.

Very excited to see where this goes, and glad someone picked it up with some appropriate balance changes. Good luck on future updates!
Level 13
Jun 1, 2008
Hi Mayday, thanks for your feedback, I appreciate it! Glad to hear your games played out smoothly all in all.

The points you still have doubts about are exactly the ones I still have doubts about :D World freezer, mushroom, goliath. I'm also watching this as I play more games and try to find the perfect balancing.

Mushroom: I nerfed it so hard because it was cheaper and despite that twice as effective as for example obelisk of light. The fact that it targets air units only makes it even more effective, not less. I think that it is still worth building it, because even if it doesn't kill air units right away, it stuns them for a long time, making them easy targets for other units. When the enemy team builds mass air, they became ineffective in classic CF as well at some point. But I was close to increasing the damage again by 20-40% after some games.

-classic: Will fix that. *edit: lol.. tech requirements are just broken in WarCraft. fixed in 0.49
Master of elements and twins: Planning to implement them; their removal was just due to a lack of time.
Starfall: Haven't noticed this, but will try to reproduce. *edit: Cannot reproduce.. works perfectly fine in my tests. Maybe just crazy luck? *edit2: Starfall always shows the effect but needs sight of the targets units... fixed
End of round stats: Are planned for a future version.
Ultimate builder buildings list: Planned; for the enemy team probably with an optional mode. *edit: Done. Was a pain to get it working in this engine...
Changelog: Will add those two changes; I just forgot about some.

I will also add a tab with future plans etc. in the description.

Direct Strike looks interesting, I gotta try that some time.
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Deleted member 247165


Deleted member 247165

The map crashes during loading sometimes, weird. Is this edit based on Gex's version ?
I see you have this mentioned on your bunde " I'm not sure which of the authors added the syncing of units and the two new races Nature and Elemental, which were the biggest additions to gex' original map until then. " Those races were added by Sunus (author of CF EU) Click here , which is actually another edit of the original CF (by Gex). So basically, it seems you edited something else without permission. I'm not sure if Sunus gave permission to anyone to edit his version of CF.

" I started this project November 2021 mainly to fix the stasis totem lag, which all Castle Fight players know too well.
Since I had to re-program the whole thing, some more or less noticable details have changed as well. " --> This is a good thing.
Level 13
Jun 1, 2008
This is based on 2.0.41 terrain/object data, but re-programmed.
I haven't had any crashes at all and haven't really had dropped out players either. What OS do you have and are you using reforged graphics?

I see. I'm not on Discord but I tried to contact him/whoever via www.warcraft3.eu without success, to request the stasis totem fixed and offer help.
I'll add this information to the credits and hope it doesn't get rejected just for this. If it does, you will find the latest versions on epicwar or bnet in the future :p
Level 1
Jan 7, 2022
About the Mushroom discussion, they aren't very good in the other versions, so nerfing them would render them completely useless :).
Level 2
Jan 10, 2022
Would love to see you making discord server so we could atleast post some bug reports and stuff, would make everything much faster.
i noticed a sync bug, where the timers dont match up (but unit still recruits) or a -ban feature not working like... had couple games where i banned something but the races still were picked
Hi Mayday, thanks for your feedback, I appreciate it! Glad to hear your games played out smoothly all in all.
Hi kleiner, I have some more issues.

I don't know how you're clearing the units after round end - if it's by killing them, an active shrine of justice is bringing them back and, I had my castle defeated by some mortars before my first unit even spawned. If it's not by killing them, they're not all being cleared properly.

Ultimate builder buildings being shown is a good improvement, but it should be instant. Why do we have to wait to determine what we're going to build? It already takes additional time to decide due to randomized buildings, compared to buildings on a premade race which you know by heart. The wait really should not exist.

There is no unit kill counter in the game, knowing income is nice, but how would you know who's ahead?

Minimap should be revealed at the end of the round so enemy buildings are cleared from the minimap.

The gold gained is different than the gold shown, either the tax rate is too high, or the gold shown is pre-taxed, which should be calculated into the shown number.

Thank you for fixing some of my previous comments, keep up the great work!
Level 13
Jun 1, 2008
Hi kleiner, I have some more issues.
In >= 0.58:
  • I hope I fixed the last loophole for units to survive :)
  • Allies will see ultimate buildings immediately, totally agree.
  • Old buildings in fog of war will be removed.
  • Income: Changed from pre-taxed to taxed display.
  • Fixed banned builders still being selected by random pick
  • added (modified) Master of Elements

Kill counter: Would you also count summon kills etc.? I could never really make use of that information. But when I add the round-end statistics, I can add that as well without much effort. Maybe the bounty gained would be useful additionally.

... i noticed a sync bug, where the timers dont match up (but unit still recruits) ...
Hi Narwek, could it be that the target structure was also still synced? Players sometimes don't unsync, either because they are not used to the sync staying active despite upgrading or they don't expect cross-syncing to work this way.
Also note that a unit can spawn before the sync target. if another one was already stashed away (only one unit can be stashed at a time - except murlocs/heroic shrine).
I haven't noticed any bugs with sync in along time.
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Level 13
Jun 1, 2008
Unfortunately I didn't have time to work on this project in the last weeks and I will have even less opportunity to do so in the near future.
So I decided to upload the source code here.
Any interested map maker can have a look and build his own version. (Which hopefully will not be abused to insert cheats :)
As mentioned in the description, this is coded in C# (with Visual Studio), so you'll need to set up your environment. See also this thread.
My current package versions:
War3Api.Blizzard 1.32.9
War3Api.Common 1.32.9
War3Net.Build 5.0.0
War3Net.CSharpLua 1.7.11
War3Net.CSharpLua.CoreSystem 1.7.11
Source Code

SHA512 hash (On Windows you can use certutil -hashfile "filename" SHA512 to create it):
ab 4f c8 10 7d 93 4b 8a 89 68 65 76 45 5f 17 aa f8 17 69 ed 6d 9a be 0c b3 ea 61 2e 8f 2e cf ce 64 e7 7c 15 bd 4c ab 11 f8 88 93 d1 18 62 e5 de 11 a1 5a 48 94 e1 72 3f b9 fc f2 cf d9 0d 99 1d

*Edit: In case you intend to seriously work on this and upload a new version, to prevent duplicates, wasted time and versioning chaos, I suggest you leave a comment here, so others can contact you and coordinate their efforts.
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Deleted member 247165


Deleted member 247165

Set to approved. It is coded from scratch. Open source also provided.
Last edited by a moderator:
Level 13
Jun 1, 2008
Hi VD, what exactly do you mean? na should disable artillery and frost launcher. Some other things like tentacles and star fall are not affected in this version - this may be slightly different, yes.
I think in the original CF some spells had reduced damage to buildings (star fall, tornado, ..) and some others did not damage buildings at all (tentacles). This information is missing in the change log above, will add.
Level 2
May 28, 2007
Hi VD, what exactly do you mean? na should disable artillery and frost launcher. Some other things like tentacles and star fall are not affected in this version - this may be slightly different, yes.
I think in the original CF some spells had reduced damage to buildings (star fall, tornado, ..) and some others did not damage buildings at all (tentacles). This information is missing in the change log above, will add.
In version .40 or .41, when u use na, i believe theres no damage on buildinds from starfall, etc.. vs games with all ultimate builders, these are game breakers
Level 6
Jul 15, 2016
In version .40 or .41, when u use na, i believe theres no damage on buildinds from starfall, etc.. vs games with all ultimate builders, these are game breakers
For some reason -na was changed to not work as its intended. One of the reasons why this change has minor impact over on war3eu where its origin is is due to the fact that that never really play with -na anyway so it beeing broken changes nothing for them.
So yeah even when using -na all aside from a few buildings that was nerfed still deals dmg to buildings.

Only impact the rest of us when we host and use -na. This is also one of the reasons why I excluded -na from the recommended modes and dont use it myself as it impacts the race balance in both major and minor ways.

So yeah even when using -na all aside from a few buildings that was nerfed still deals dmg to buildings. (in EU 39 40 41)

Hi VD, what exactly do you mean? na should disable artillery and frost launcher. Some other things like tentacles and star fall are not affected in this version - this may be slightly different, yes.
I think in the original CF some spells had reduced damage to buildings (star fall, tornado, ..) and some others did not damage buildings at all (tentacles). This information is missing in the change log above, will add.
More or less -na should disable any & all specials from dealing dmg to buildings and castle, not just nerf or rework a few.
Level 2
May 23, 2022
Hi kleinerhauck,I have the same aim to rebuild this map. I am a C# programer. And this project is a very helpful for me to learn war edit. I want to get started with this map, and tranlate it to bring to the players in my country. Please allow me to release the beta version in my country and continue to develop my code based on that version.
Level 1
Jun 5, 2022
Hi Mayday, thanks for your feedback, I appreciate it! Glad to hear your games played out smoothly all in all.

The points you still have doubts about are exactly the ones I still have doubts about :D World freezer, mushroom, goliath. I'm also watching this as I play more games and try to find the perfect balancing.

Mushroom: I nerfed it so hard because it was cheaper and despite that twice as effective as for example obelisk of light. The fact that it targets air units only makes it even more effective, not less. I think that it is still worth building it, because even if it doesn't kill air units right away, it stuns them for a long time, making them easy targets for other units. When the enemy team builds mass air, they became ineffective in classic CF as well at some point. But I was close to increasing the damage again by 20-40% after some games.

-classic: Will fix that. *edit: lol.. tech requirements are just broken in WarCraft. fixed in 0.49
Master of elements and twins: Planning to implement them; their removal was just due to a lack of time.
Starfall: Haven't noticed this, but will try to reproduce. *edit: Cannot reproduce.. works perfectly fine in my tests. Maybe just crazy luck? *edit2: Starfall always shows the effect but needs sight of the targets units... fixed
End of round stats: Are planned for a future version.
Ultimate builder buildings list: Planned; for the enemy team probably with an optional mode. *edit: Done. Was a pain to get it working in this engine...
Changelog: Will add those two changes; I just forgot about some.

I will also add a tab with future plans etc. in the description.

Direct Strike looks interesting, I gotta try that some time.
Just wanted to add a little something...Yes World Freezer is super broken and the Keeper doesn't die to the rescue strike. Not sure if that's a bug or intentional. Otherwise, I think you have something really special here and look forward to you improving this map!
Level 13
Jun 1, 2008
Hi guys,

Hi there, was interested to take a look at the source code but the link isn't working for me.
The link is working for me (Firefox). It's just warning about the unsecure connection, but you can still download it. I added the SHA512 hash in the post above so you can check that the file was not manipulated.

Hi kleinerhauck,I have the same aim to rebuild this map. I am a C# programer. And this project is a very helpful for me to learn war edit. I want to get started with this map, and tranlate it to bring to the players in my country. Please allow me to release the beta version in my country and continue to develop my code based on that version.
That's what I uploaded it for :) Go ahead.

Just wanted to add a little something...Yes World Freezer is super broken and the Keeper doesn't die to the rescue strike. Not sure if that's a bug or intentional. Otherwise, I think you have something really special here and look forward to you improving this map!
Thanks! During the summer I won't update the map, buy maybe I get back to it in the winter time.
The freeze orbs don't fly through the walls since they use pathfinding, but that's mostly a cosmetic flaw, the effect is quite good imo (it's stronger in this version).
The Keeper not dying is not intended.