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[Trigger] Camera Height near cliffs and on Hills

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Level 4
Jun 28, 2010
With Reforged on its way I decided to try and get into custom game creation and make a few rpg systems people could use. This one is a 3rd person camera system that allows you to modify the camera settings ingame to your liking. It fully works except for one thing I cannot account for, when the player moves their hero near a Blizzard cliff or onto raised terrain it does not correctly apply the change in camera height. Yet I have my trigger spitting out info every .5 seconds and its telling me that its applying the height change that its detecting it just... isn't happening? I assume this has to be some kind of automatic feature going on with the in-game camera and hope someone knows how to turn it off.


  • 3rd Person Working.w3m
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Level 9
Jul 30, 2018

Only idea I come up with the problem you are presenting, is that you constantly (every time you update the height) also check what the elevation level of the ground is behind the character. If it's higher, you raise the angle of attack of the camera or something. Not sure, though, if this would work with cliffless higher ground.

Also, as more general notes, I think you should update all the properties of the camera in a periodic trigger, because now scrolling the mouse wheel will mess up your camera settings.

Also also, maybe you should do something like this: [JASS/AI] - UI: Creating a Cam control. Those ability-button-setting-systems are so 2002... :p
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Level 4
Jun 28, 2010
Those ability-button-setting-systems are so 2002... :p
Lol yeah I suppose you are right, I keep thinking this is 03 and keep forgetting there are better ways. I think I'll give it a go since Tasyens tutorials are always really well explained and easdy to understand
Level 4
Jun 28, 2010
GetCamOffset may be of assistance.
And both of them have the same issue that I currently have with my system. I wonder if something changed.

Welp the only thing I've gained is a greater understanding of the various different ways I can calculate the Z of a camera, I no longer need a custom script to do it but I still encounter the height on mountains issue. The most damnable thing is that [System] GetCamOffset this guys test map comes with two errors, after I went in and hunted for them I was able to fix the two errors and it looks like it works but going to the snippet of code he posted for others to use I encounter the same issue. The only thing I can think is that his unit is flying which requires it to know the EXACT height instead of a walking units vague height. I think I will see what I can do with a ground units flying height perhaps?
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