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Blizzard's Bugged Resources

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Level 62
Jan 20, 2008
Ujimasa Hojo Presents

Blizzard's Resource Glitches
Compiled by Ujimasa Hojo

Thread Info:

It appears Blizzard has not done everything PERFECTLY. As I was making maps and models, I came across glitches with regards to the models and to some extent their icons. Some of these glitches may even be too small to notice. In this thread, these glitches are brought up and ways to fix them are discussed.

  • For Cinematics - Some of the glitches are hidden behind the models and you won't notice them via the default game view. Because the view may change during cinematics, the glitch may become apparent if the bugged model is used in a scene.
  • Reference - The next time Hives are going to create new resources based on some of these, they might as well fix the glitches.
  • For Inspiration and Ideas - Some of the glitches may involve "leftovers" from the early development of Warcraft 3. Other Hivers might get ideas from these.
  • For the sake of Perfection - Because everything must be PERFECT!



  • There are no fangs from the upper jaw of the portrait. Contributed by icewolf055.


  • There are missing walls at the back.

  • Download here. Contributed by Kaizer.


  • As the internal name and the picture implies, the original model had a Fel Orc. Contributed by Deolrin.


  • There are no Collision Shapes. Contributed by Infrisios.

  • An earlier model was similar to the Furion model.
  • It can be downloaded here. Download link provided by NhazUl.

  • Along with the other Troll creep models, it has an unused animation for the Berserk spell named as "Spell -Berserk". Contributed by Edge45.


  • The entrance is kinda off.
  • There are missing walls at the back.


  • Loses the ground base during the Birth animation too early.
  • Has some funky texturing on some parts during the latter part of the Birth animation.



  • The attachment "Head" is misspelled as "Heaf".
  • There are no Collision Shapes.
  • Contributed by Infrisios.


  • There's a hidden animation labeled "blaSpell". Contributed by NhazUl.


  • There are hidden animations where the Orc doesn't strike the drums such as "oldStand". Contributed by NhazUl.


  • The old militia model bore resemblance to the current bandit model. Contributed by Deolrin.
  • It can be downloaded here. Download link provided by NhazUl.


  • There are missing faces at the back. Contributed by Eleandor.



  • The Necromancer's portrait has horns similar to an earlier version. Contributed by Shade Da Scout.


  • The Pandaren Elementals' Death and Dissipate animations are mislabeled as "blaSpell". Contributed by NhazUl.


  • There are disconnection between some of the vertexes leaving holes when he is moving.


  • Proudmoore's portrait has no hat. Contributed by Shade Da Scout.
  • For a portrait with the hat, download here. Download provided by Edge45.


  • The skeleton has a separate geoset for its Death animation. However, the "Death" geoset has additional details such as larger shoulder plates and what appears to be hair. Contributed by PROXY.


  • The skeleton archer has a separate geoset for its Death animation. However, the "Death" geoset has additional details such as larger shoulder plates and what appears to be hair. Contributed by Shade Da Scout.
  • Its portrait has some metal plates not present in the model itself. Contributed by Shade Da Scout.

  • The portrait model has a different Alternate Death animation.


  • The geoset during the Birth animation has the wrong texture.


  • Added a Stand Work animation with visuals as well.
  • Download here.


  • Skull not attached to rope.





  • This icon doesn't actually correspond to the current Black Citadel but rather the 2nd Tier of the BETA version.


  • This may fit better.
  • Go here.


  • This icon doesn't actually correspond to the current War Mill. The saw is missing. Reported by Edge 45.


  • The Team Color of Undead building icons is green expect this one.




  • This icon doesn't actually correspond to the current Halls of the Dead but rather the 1st Tier of the BETA version.


  • This may fit better.
  • Go here.


  • There's a hidden icon for the Haunted Gold Mine.



  • There's a hidden icon for the Hero Moon Priestess which was never released.


  • This is the icon for the Flying Machine Bomb upgrade.
  • It had unreleased upgraded versions:



  • This icon doesn't actually correspond to the current MageTower.



  • The Necromancer icon actually represents an earlier version. Contributed by Shade Da Scout.



  • You may opt to just use Kel'Thuzad's Necromancer icon instead.




  • This icon doesn't actually correspond to the current Necropolis. It matches an older version instead.



  • The icon actually represents an earlier version. Contributed by Shade Da Scout



  • This icon doesn't actually correspond to the current Tauren Totem.



  • This one fits better.
  • Go here.


  • The Team Color of Undead building icons is green expect this one.





  • The Druid of the Claw originally had coat. It is still seen in the skin.



  • The Dread Lord model still has the sounds for a "Gather Shadows" spell attached to missing sequences.
  • There's even the BETA icon for the spell.



  • The Dread Lord skin still has his original dress in it.



  • The Far Seer Skin a lot of "omitted" parts. This is because the original mount was a wyvern.



  • There is a hidden skin for the Ranger Hero. It was the original skin used.

  • Jaina's Death sound (JainaOnFootDeath1.wav) seems to imply she fell off a horse. It is possible her early model had her riding a horse like the usual Archmages. Contributed by Dr Super Good.


  • Some parts are untextured. Contributed by genin32.



  • The Tauren's weapon was initial the ball and chain. It can still be seen in the skin.

Author's notes:

  • Feel free to contribute.
  • Version 1.00 is considered the original. Succeeding ones are the edited ones.
  • For those who think the bugs should be tolerated:
Last edited:

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Just like how poor Jaina never got to ride her horse...

The evidence she should have one is the presence of her "JainaOnFootDeath1.wav" sound. This is why she was a horseless Archmage, as she was originally not meant to be horseless. Her mounted version was probably removed for cinematic reasons, as having her standing twice as high as Arthras would have looked silly.
Level 6
Feb 5, 2012
Just like how poor Jaina never got to ride her horse...

The evidence she should have one is the presence of her "JainaOnFootDeath1.wav" sound. This is why she was a horseless Archmage, as she was originally not meant to be horseless. Her mounted version was probably removed for cinematic reasons, as having her standing twice as high as Arthras would have looked silly.

wow i did not know jaina as a horse maybe archmage stole it..
Level 8
Jul 7, 2013
I'd rather have imperfect cinematics than spend those precious kbs just for those really small and unnoticeable changes (Like the watch tower). It won't be noticed especially if you make a doodad filled/eye candy cinematics and not just focus on that single imperfect model. Just my thoughts.
Level 62
Jan 20, 2008
The moon well is missing several faces from the back.


Missing faces are not a bug, they were done to reduce model complexity to improve performance.

The missing faces may become a little nuisance for cinematics and games which don't follow the default camera view (e.g. First Person View).
Level 21
Mar 27, 2012
Siege engines were originally made by loading a mortar team into an armored transport(which had 4 slots). Also, the siege engines with mortar teams were long-range.
Also there was the possibility to load a rifleman instead and get a different unit.
Level 8
Apr 23, 2011
Here's some "not perfect" mysteries of mine (I'm not sure if this is what you expect, but here we go):
1.Necromancer's icon is from the BETA (purple eyes and face) necromancer which is purple-there is some purple color left on the necromancer's skin as a proof
2.Proudmoore's portrait doesn't have a hat :p
3.Proudmoore's eyes on his are white instead of blue
4.Necromancer's portrait horns are straight (can't be seen ingame) just like in beta, while the actual horns are curved (undead loading screen necromancer picture is beta)
5.hidden icon of steam tank is actually for beta steam tank with wreck ball which can be seen on the icon (model can be found on wc3c.net)=blizzard never made an icon for steam tank
6.skeleton archer has green balls on shoulders and hair on death just like in beta
7.skeleton archer doesn't have metal plates, but his portrait does
8.I will think of some more...
9.y blizz?y u no give me tusks??? -Peon

btw, abomination was a bit different and a hero, chaos warlord was a hero and wasn't red
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Those are all interesting little tidbits, but (most of) those aren't really "Bugged Resources", so much as "discrepancies between Alpha - Beta - Final Wc3". A worthy & engaging topic (as well as a fruitful one, in terms of modding ideas), but a separate one nonetheless.
There's an unused ability called "Cargo Hold" with the Editor Suffix "(Tank)" under Humans. Combine this with the hidden icon "BTNLoadDwarf". It's possible the Mortar Team did give the Steam Tank its attack the same way Peons do with their Burrows.

Oh, Indeed. Totally forgot about that one.
Level 8
Apr 23, 2011
There's an unused ability called "Cargo Hold" with the Editor Suffix "(Tank)" under Humans. Combine this with the hidden icon "BTNLoadDwarf". It's possible the Mortar Team did give the Steam Tank its attack the same way Peons do with their Burrows.

Yes, that is for "steam tank with wreckball"
It could load a rifleman so the rifleman could attack from the "s.t.w.w."
the small turret for rifleman is obvious, and it has a "spell" animaton, rifleman attacks

I dunno about the mortars getting into siege engine
Level 62
Jan 20, 2008
Those are all interesting little tidbits, but (most of) those aren't really "Bugged Resources", so much as "discrepancies between Alpha - Beta - Final Wc3". A worthy & engaging topic (as well as a fruitful one, in terms of modding ideas), but a separate one nonetheless.

As much as possible, I'm limiting "discrepancies between Alpha - Beta - Final Wc3" stuff to those seen in Models, Skins, and Icons.

Some of the game data files still reference races like naga or demon along side the 4 final races. This clearly was some early choice stuff left in or content axed from the expansion.

Actually, Reign of Chaos was supposed to have 6 races. It's rumored the sixth one was Goblins based on Goblin concept art stuff:


It was reduced to 5 with the 4 ones we have plus Demons. Demons would then eventually be removed as well. I've read rumors that you can once fight the Demons as a Random AI player in earlier patches.

Come Frozen Throne, Blizzard considered making Naga playable but backed out because of major modifications which would be required to accommodate a new race and probably balancing issues.

All of these are a bunch of stuff I remember reading though I can't give you the original sources.
As much as possible, I'm limiting "discrepancies between Alpha - Beta - Final Wc3" stuff to those seen in Models, Skins, and Icons.

Actually, Reign of Chaos was supposed to have 6 races. It's rumored the sixth one was Goblins based on Goblin concept art stuff:


It was reduced to 5 with the 4 ones we have plus Demons. Demons would then eventually be removed as well. I've read rumors that you can once fight the Demons as a Random AI player in earlier patches.

Come Frozen Throne, Blizzard considered making Naga playable but backed out because of major modifications which would be required to accommodate a new race and probably balancing issues.

All of these are a bunch of stuff I remember reading though I can't give you the original sources.

A total shame, actually.
More diversity is always better, but considering the game industry 13 years back it would have been a total pain in the butts to balance it correctly.
Level 21
Mar 27, 2012
Got a proof for that?

//Name=Armored Transport
//Tip=Train Armored |cffffcc00T|rransport
//Ubertip="Heavily armored vehicle which can transport troops. When piloted by a Rifleman it becomes a War Wagon with a ranged attack. When piloted by a Mortar Team it becomes a Steam Tank with a siege attack. |nArmored Transports cannot attack."

Name=Steam Tank
Tip=Train Steam |cffffcc00T|rank
Ubertip="Heavily armored vehicle, effective at destroying buildings. |n|n|cffffcc00Attacks buildings.|r"

//Name=War Wagon

This is from HumanUnitStrings in War3Patch.mpq
//Name=Armored Transport
//Tip=Train Armored |cffffcc00T|rransport
//Ubertip="Heavily armored vehicle which can transport troops. When piloted by a Rifleman it becomes a War Wagon with a ranged attack. When piloted by a Mortar Team it becomes a Steam Tank with a siege attack. |nArmored Transports cannot attack."

Name=Steam Tank
Tip=Train Steam |cffffcc00T|rank
Ubertip="Heavily armored vehicle, effective at destroying buildings. |n|n|cffffcc00Attacks buildings.|r"

//Name=War Wagon

This is from HumanUnitStrings in War3Patch.mpq

Alright. Seems reasonable.
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
//Name=Armored Transport
//Tip=Train Armored |cffffcc00T|rransport
//Ubertip="Heavily armored vehicle which can transport troops. When piloted by a Rifleman it becomes a War Wagon with a ranged attack. When piloted by a Mortar Team it becomes a Steam Tank with a siege attack. |nArmored Transports cannot attack."

Name=Steam Tank
Tip=Train Steam |cffffcc00T|rank
Ubertip="Heavily armored vehicle, effective at destroying buildings. |n|n|cffffcc00Attacks buildings.|r"

//Name=War Wagon

This is from HumanUnitStrings in War3Patch.mpq
This, combined with/as well as the IFV from Red Alert 2, is the cornerstone of my custom Ironforge Alliance faction. Just too beautiful to pass up.

Yes, that is for "steam tank with wreckball"
It could load a rifleman so the rifleman could attack from the "s.t.w.w."
the small turret for rifleman is obvious, and it has a "spell" animaton, rifleman attacks
Haha, yeah! I remember uploading that. So very cool; good thought, pointing out the turret as the alternate Rifleman bit.
Level 18
Aug 13, 2007
Indeed the steam tank had a wrecking ball, I even had the model somewhere on my pc along with other beta models, such as the tauren with ball and chain.

Also, Blizzard hid some model animations by naming the sequences "bla". The Infernal Cannon is one example (blaSpell), while the pandaren elementals have their death and dissipate animations (need confirmation, don't have War3x.mpq at the moment) renames just "bla" and thus not displayed ingame.

Likewise, the kodo beast (misspelled "KotoBeast") has stand animation masked as "oldStand" and "oldStand-2" in which the orc does not beat the drums.

Abilities\Spells\Orc\Berserker\Berserkertarget.mdx is a bugged model which cannot open in most model editors. I have examined it in MDLVis though, and I think I even managed to display it in-game.

Most orc models have Stand Hit animations, intended to play when the unit takes damage (the gate models still have such). In the beta MPQ, the orc units had grunting and groaning sounds corresponding with these animations.
Indeed the steam tank had a wrecking ball, I even had the model somewhere on my pc along with other beta models, such as the tauren with ball and chain.

Also, Blizzard hid some model animations by naming the sequences "bla". The Infernal Cannon is one example (blaSpell), while the pandaren elementals have their death and dissipate animations (need confirmation, don't have War3x.mpq at the moment) renames just "bla" and thus not displayed ingame.

Likewise, the kodo beast (misspelled "KotoBeast") has stand animation masked as "oldStand" and "oldStand-2" in which the orc does not beat the drums.

Abilities\Spells\Orc\Berserker\Berserkertarget.mdx is a bugged model which cannot open in most model editors. I have examined it in MDLVis though, and I think I even managed to display it in-game.

Most orc models have Stand Hit animations, intended to play when the unit takes damage (the gate models still have such). In the beta MPQ, the orc units had grunting and groaning sounds corresponding with these animations.

Correct on the 'bla' ones.
Level 8
Apr 23, 2011
Skeleton archer's icon is for the beta skeleton archer-with helmet

so blizzard never made a proper icon for skeleton archer
some proof:


There is a better screenshot, but I can't find it...

don't forget to add skeleton archer as a NOT PERFECT! model
portrait with metal plates, model doesn't have metal plates
death animation has hair and metal plates with extra green circles on shoulders

I found a picture with beta necromaner's portrait in case you want to add it
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