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Blizzard's Bugged Resources

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Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Someone linked me the old beta so I still have it on my hard disk. However it seems they changes a lot of file formats between the beta and the final version of WC3 so all blps fail to load.

Anyway the beta already had the current Dreadlord and Deathknight model.

Most buildings like the necropolis give a ribbon emitter fatal error when trying to be viewed.
Level 18
Aug 13, 2007
I have the beta archives, installers, patches and all (Hallfiry gave it to me, so better ask him for it), but I don't know how to upload it here. About the textures, they are in .blp0 format. It needs .bxx files (b01 to b09) which contain mipmaps, to display correctly. This tool converts the .blp0 to .blp1, which is the format the retail Warcraft 3 uses. Just unpack it, extract the .blp0 and the .bxx files into its folder, and drag&drop the .blp0 onto the application.


  • blp0to1.zip
    50.5 KB · Views: 116
About blp0to1 convertor, sadly is not finished. It was made from a reference of a button icon file. If you convert a texture with it, it will break all the mipmaps. Anyway, can be fixed if you save the texture again with Blp Lab. Converting a Blp that uses palettes will end with a image broken and you can't fix it. In war3Beta.mpq, almost all textures inside UI folder uses palettes.
Someone linked me the old beta so I still have it on my hard disk. However it seems they changes a lot of file formats between the beta and the final version of WC3 so all blps fail to load.

Anyway the beta already had the current Dreadlord and Deathknight model.

Most buildings like the necropolis give a ribbon emitter fatal error when trying to be viewed.

If you are using Mago's model editor to view them. Let me tell you, that mago's does not cover the 100% of the mdx format. I suggest you use Guesst's MDLx converter (version 1.04) and try it with it.

I'm also quite interested in Beta Models since there's a type of mdx object which I know exists but I don't know it's format, the name is Sound emitter. they appear to be used before event objects, but they could be useful for standalone models for which you want custom sounds.

Would be nice if you guys sent me the models which you can't open with any existing editors.
Level 24
May 15, 2013
Found something to Forest Troll Trapper as well as the other troll trappers(maybe)
An "oldspell - Berserk"
And in CoN, the orc forge is the perfect model for the icon War Mill(ReplaceableTextures/Commandbuttons/Forge) since the icon has no saw
and the War Mill model in war3 has saw that does'nt correspond to the icon.

Why didn't you put it in the 1st page
Sir Ultimata
Level 24
May 15, 2013
Blizzard has another wrong makings
the is in txt and read it

The kobold icon is made by Ultimata for the correct icon of the Kobold warriors
(Copied and put a border using Button Manager)


  • Imperfect.txt
    962 bytes · Views: 128
  • BTNKobold.blp
    4.9 KB · Views: 114
  • DISBTNKobold.blp
    3.3 KB · Views: 83
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
So there's lots of files and resources that were lost... What about ideas?

Does anyone remember/know what the old Beta Night Elf Archdruid had as his abilities? All I've been able to uncover was a "Force of Nature" ultimate which turned him into a raging conglomerate forest-monster (-> the Owlbear), and something called "Spore Cloud".
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Kyrbi0 said:
So there's lots of files and resources that were lost... What about ideas?

Does anyone remember/know what the old Beta Night Elf Archdruid had as his abilities?
I have seen, and dearly love Rommel's ArchDruid; I hope I can find a place for it, in fact. :p However, I was looking not for resources (i.e. models), but ideas and abilities; his original skillset.

Your link provides one ("Force of Nature")... But it's one I also stated. I'm curious if anyone knows any others.

//EDIT// Did some research; this thread was purporting to re-create Alpha & Beta information in a mod. Their version of the Arch-Druid:
Them said:
Arch-Druid: Sleep, Preservation, Spore Cloud, Force of Nature

So it looks like Sleep (from the Dreadlord, I assume), and Preservation (again, assuming that's like the in-game "Preservation" that Mal'Ganis uses to seal away Zombie Villagers into Nowhere Land). Interesting?
I have seen, and dearly love Rommel's ArchDruid; I hope I can find a place for it, in fact. :p However, I was looking not for resources (i.e. models), but ideas and abilities; his original skillset.

Your link provides one ("Force of Nature")... But it's one I also stated. I'm curious if anyone knows any others.

//EDIT// Did some research; this thread was purporting to re-create Alpha & Beta information in a mod. Their version of the Arch-Druid:

So it looks like Sleep (from the Dreadlord, I assume), and Preservation (again, assuming that's like the in-game "Preservation" that Mal'Ganis uses to seal away Zombie Villagers into Nowhere Land). Interesting?

Oh, I am sorry.
But yeah I read some of those old articles on wc3c too. A damn shame none looked into it more than 10 years...
Level 6
Feb 17, 2006
Oh, I am sorry.
But yeah I read some of those old articles on wc3c too. A damn shame none looked into it more than 10 years...

Nice try they did there 10 years ago. But sadly it's very incomplete. For example the Undead are missing their Abomination hero (But I guess it's not really worth complaining about such old projects that didn't have the amount of sources that we have today).

Do we need a complete list of units, abilites, buildings, upgrades and maps, each with a date range of usage? I'm willing to create such a thing, but I'll need help (I'll provide the sources, but I can't invest weeks in that project, so I wanna split the work).
I already have:
-65 RoC development related videos
-More than 100 magazine articles from 1997 to 2003 (RoC announcement was 1999), about RoC and TFT development
-13 of 15 RoC beta builds
-All 20 TFT beta builds
-A lot of my own research
-A dated and categorized list of RoC alpha screenshots
-A variety of additional things like merchandise, a press kit, trade show photos, fansite chat transcripts, etc...

We only need to look through that stuff and gather all the information.
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Do we need a complete list of units, abilites, buildings, upgrades and maps, each with a date range of usage? I'm willing to create such a thing, but I'll need help (I'll provide the sources, but I can't invest weeks in that project, so I wanna split the work).
I already have:
-65 RoC development related videos
-More than 100 magazine articles from 1997 to 2003 (RoC announcement was 1999), about RoC and TFT development
-13 of 15 RoC beta builds
-All 20 TFT beta builds
-A lot of my own research
-A dated and categorized list of RoC alpha screenshots
-A variety of additional things like merchandise, a press kit, trade show photos, fansite chat transcripts, etc...

We only need to look through that stuff and gather all the information.
As an avid fan of Beta & Alpha info, and a self-ascribed historian/organizer (see sig), I can't tell you how tempting that is... But no, I know when I'm biting off more than I can chew. :< I just literally have too much to do of my own to offer help in such a grand endeavor, great & useful though it might be. Good luck if you do.

While I may not be able to help, have you considered uploading it in some way, just the way it is (i.e. "raw text")? If I could just sit and "Search" in a word processor for certain key phrases (like in this case, "archdruid"), that would probably be helpful.
Level 6
Feb 17, 2006
While I may not be able to help, have you considered uploading it in some way, just the way it is (i.e. "raw text")? If I could just sit and "Search" in a word processor for certain key phrases (like in this case, "archdruid"), that would probably be helpful.

There is no "raw text". The articles are in many languages (English, German, Spanish, French, Polish, Russian, etc.) and most of them are scans (luckily I'm good at languages). Namings are inconsistent or things are not mentioned with any name at all. You also can't text-search through the screenshots and videos. Finding stuff in the beta versions doesn't require an index of any special kind, since most interesting files are already plain text.

This research has to be done manually.
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
There is no "raw text". The articles are in many languages (English, German, Spanish, French, Polish, Russian, etc.) and most of them are scans (luckily I'm good at languages). Namings are inconsistent or things are not mentioned with any name at all. You also can't text-search through the screenshots and videos. Finding stuff in the beta versions doesn't require an index of any special kind, since most interesting files are already plain text.

This research has to be done manually.
Eesh, that's what I was afraid of. :<

Well, like I said, good luck. Out of curiosity (on the topic of the NE Archdruid abilities), do you mind throwing up some of the RoC/TFT Beta builds for the Night Elves? I can do a quick search through those.
RoC Main Menu missing texture

Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
I'm almost certain it was meant to be teamcolor. They probably reused the texture from some older model they made and forgot to change it. Alternatively, it was either intentional(the blackness looking like paint or something) or a result of a bad wrap job. I'd have to take a look at the actual model to be sure, but I do recall checking it out a long time ago and wondering about it as well.
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
In most cases, black textures probably mean they were supposed to be teamcolored, but someone either forgot to texture the TC or forgot to change the material to one with teamcolor. I think that's very apparent on all of the Alliance heroes displayed above.
As for the floating cloth on the Mountain King, I'm pretty sure that's just an issue in Magos, and in-game it is fixed.
Level 29
Mar 9, 2012
Theory is that the mana-crystal was an 'regenerating food resource', since it would be silly for walking dead or astraplanar demons to engage in farming business. Instead farms you would have each building accumulate mc over time(probably with an upper-cap to prevent infinite army), which then must be given out on a per unit creation basis. The more advanced an unit is the higher mc it redacts on creation, with some spells dependant on it too to complicate things even more.
The closest you could get near this idea today would be to give each building a manabar, somehow find a way to link the regen of each building, then handle unit creation via summon type spells instead regular build.
I think you all can already see why such a thing had been cut out.

Edit: Didnt first post contain alternate button for steam tank ? :p oh i need one with cannon instead chain-ball.
Edit 2: I know both buttons are ingame, however 2. is based on a different chassis than 1.
Since im using Steam Tank as morphing upgrade(similar to obsidian sphinx->destroyer) for wagon with chain would rather require one that displays roughly the same shape but with a cannon.
Level 29
Mar 9, 2012
Aha, so, that is the mana-crystal. Then what was called the resource with health-stone button seen at some of the undead screenshots and what did it do ?
So if i got it right just zerging the creeps wasnt enough for advancing the hero, past a certain point you had to kill theirs and if lucky, one would drop so you would advance, and since basically everything of an use in the shop shares the same resource you would have to choose between getting an better item or a better spell.
What was the purpose of the Thieves' Guild, is that where you could convert gold into lumber ?
Also since you seem knowledgable enough, when did the favoritism towards Nelf race began ?
Sorry if i sound annoying, im deeply interested in what Wc3 couldnt become, always thinked and sometime even experimented about how things could have been.
Level 6
Feb 17, 2006

Mana Crystals were used to be used as a purchasing items and learning / buying hero spells. It was dropped as a xp-like resource upon creep / neutral hostile death. It was possibly also dropped from heroes upon death.

You ask me on skype and then post here what I told you, instead of just telling me that I gotta post stuff online? You didn't even mention that someone asked here. I would have quickly looked up what my sources are...


Two Versions of Siege Engine / Steam Tank.

The wrecking ball steam tank model is included in the Battle.net Beta of Warcraft III. The variant seen in the Korea video is a lot closer to the original concept art, which seems to have no weapons at all.

Also since you seem knowledgable
Nope, I'm the one to ask.
You ask me on skype and then post here what I told you, instead of just telling me that I gotta post stuff online? You didn't even mention that someone asked here. I would have quickly looked up what my sources are...

The wrecking ball steam tank model is included in the Battle.net Beta of Warcraft III. The variant seen in the Korea video is a lot closer to the original concept art, which seems to have no weapons at all.

Thats very great of you.. but lets not get to off-topic..
Level 6
Feb 17, 2006
What was the purpose of the Thieves' Guild, is that where you could convert gold into lumber ?
I don't know, actually, but these icons do exist, so maybe you are right...
There's almost no info available about the thieves guild aside from its icon and model.

Also since you seem knowledgable enough, when did the favoritism towards Nelf race began ?

Night Elves were announced in late 2000, but leaked on a catalog poster a few months eaelier in France. First screenshots are officially dated to December 4, 2000, irrc. The Night Elves were shown in the Warcraft 3 preview by Inside Mac Games on May 21, 2001, but already appeared on many some earlier screenshots (but usually weren't the main focus). The screenshot set dated shortly before the Inside Mac Games preview is (afaik) the first to feature Night Elf buildings. I don't have dates for that set, but I'd estimate it to late April 2001. After that, the Night Elves moved away from focus.

Edit; Skype, what do you mean? Long time ago I removed you from skype. You have mistaken again :D
Seriously? You're now denying it?
genin32 on skype; said:
[23:18:28] *name censored*: Edit; Skype, what do you mean? Long time ago I removed you from skype. You have mistaken again :D
[23:18:44] *name censored*: hiveworskhop post
[23:18:49] *name censored*: I hope this will fix it

@post below. You're not a moderator (as I just wrote on skype aswell)
I don't know, actually, but these icons do exist, so maybe you are right...
There's almost no info available about the thieves guild aside from its icon and model.

Night Elves were announced in late 2000, but leaked on a catalog poster a few months eaelier in France. First screenshots are officially dated to December 4, 2000, irrc. The Night Elves were shown in the Warcraft 3 preview by Inside Mac Games on May 21, 2001, but already appeared on many some earlier screenshots (but usually weren't the main focus). The screenshot set dated shortly before the Inside Mac Games preview is (afaik) the first to feature Night Elf buildings. I don't have dates for that set, but I'd estimate it to late April 2001. After that, the Night Elves moved away from focus.

I you want to learn about history of war3 version this is not the topic. I'm afraid this is getting off-topic. Remember that this is bugged resource section not history.

Originally Posted by genin32 on skype;
[23:18:28] *name censored*: Edit; Skype, what do you mean? Long time ago I removed you from skype. You have mistaken again :D
[23:18:44] *name censored*: hiveworskhop post
[23:18:49] *name censored*: I hope this will fix it

What? I have never wrote this... why are you lying?!..
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