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[Miscellanous / Other] Black Hole Frenzy - Total War

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Level 5
Oct 16, 2013
EDIT: Never post the map here or I'll kick you out. Nice and clear.
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Level 5
Oct 16, 2013
Ha ha XD
I got one cute stuff from Aszure. It's a 'thumbs up'. ^^




Emperor H.
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Level 5
Oct 16, 2013
Psycho Logo:

*Note that the above guy is rough sketch of Nam-Bo Tsarskoye. If I get a modeller, that'd be nice.
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Level 5
Oct 16, 2013
^It's 2015 influence plus Warcraft 3 influence.
The 2015 war is fought using robots, tanks, rockets and guns.
S. Angel fought against millions of JP soldiers before ending the planet.

But it is flexible and changeable. I can change the armies to old, medieval or modern at will.
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Level 5
Oct 16, 2013
We'll try basic gameplay with no anime, custom buildings, but with intact stories. First!
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Level 16
Sep 19, 2011
There is nothing wrong with imports and not all imports are unnecessary if it helps visually. There are ways to make them size efficient for instance my entire arena and dungeon are less than 1mb or so in size and are very well optimized maintaining a HQ look!

And since Nambo didn't post any screenshot of them, I'll do the honor!



Level 16
Sep 19, 2011
Yes I took a look at The World Of Azeroth and it looks pretty good. You terrained Mambos central area in the map? Think you can do something to match what I did with minimum imports? If not I can give you some pointers on that, the map seriously needs a terrainer!
I would do it myself but I don't have any time for it anymore!
Level 5
Oct 16, 2013
EDIT: Okay. But that equation can't change my name. I hope you respect my name.
Have a nice day too!
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Level 5
Oct 16, 2013

Smiling Angel is named Rex Tsar. 'Tsar' also resembles 'Gilgamesh' from Meso era. Tsar is an orphan. More like beggar. He hardly has enough food daily. He eat rubbish. He lick the drain water. He wear a hood.
Tsar is a good boy and from a rich family. He fled from his hometown in Piotr, one of the major cities in Namzonia to search for truth of life. Tsar helps anyone in need along his journey around Namzonia. But people didn't repay him. When he finally out of food supply and money, he settles in a stable by roadside. He cries every day.
One day, beggar Tsar saw his own brother buying some chewing gum at a stall. He glared at him. Considering he has lost more than 50 percent of his mind at that time, he strangled his brother in public.
Taking a wood spear by road side and stabbed his brother's genitals for a dozen times. Then dig his brother's throat to drag out the veins.
Public scream in terror. All the police surrounded him.
He smiled. With trembling hands and face, with veins wrapping his hands and blood everywhere, he said: ''My family never likes a stranger.''
He took the spear and swallowed it. At that moment nambo's code synchronized with him and the mortal body blown into pieces, causing him to be transmitted to nambo's world.
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Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
God... your plot is something completely bizarre and nonsensical. Honestly, it feels like an exaggeration parody on bad animes. The connection with the gameplay world is minimal, with absolutely no impact, and the whole plot is just several isles of events in a void of plot holes. There's no continuity with handwaives to past events or predictable or simply rational outcomes. Characters are just some anime/manga stereotype Marry Sue - level badasses with no fleshed out personalities or understandable motivations, almost all of the plot can be removed without impacting the game story.

Really, I recommend you to either cut down the presence of story on the map to minimal, that is, almost zero, with no details, or completely, like, absolutely rework the story after learning more about proper story development - at the current state the story is just gibberish that will confuse anyone willing to read it.
Level 5
Oct 16, 2013
^Story not complete yet dude. And this is just a base gameplay for future developments.

I want flexible free style map. Everything can be changed for the better.

Still alpha.
Gekigengar goodness:
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Level 28
Oct 28, 2011
Have a fucking question? Is me and Pailan working on the same map? This is the first time I browse all the pages on the this thread and I swear I don't see his terrain on the map you gave me.

But other than that here is a leak terrain screenshot from me.

2.jpg -
- 1.jpg

Another question:
Who the hell made the terrain on the map you gave me? Its cancer.
Level 13
Mar 19, 2010
have a fucking question? Is me and pailan working on the same map? This is the first time i browse all the pages on the this thread and i swear i don't see his terrain on the map you gave me.

But other than that here is a leak terrain screenshot from me.

another question:
Who the hell made the terrain on the map you gave me? Its cancer.

lol??? Wtf???
Level 5
Oct 16, 2013
^He got not enough time. He's a busy guy u see.
EDIT: LOL. Toby, r u teasing me? it's nambo, not nabo. I said it the last time.

At least call me nambo-chan or nambo-desu. :(
Level 16
Sep 19, 2011
Another question:
Who the hell made the terrain on the map you gave me? Its cancer.
Oh you mean that! Well I haven't really did nothing aside from the arena and prison. You should've seen it before! Seeing you wonder about that got me a good laugh!:xxd: Don't worry I wouldn't actually make such plain bad terrains! I was just suggesting to Nambo to change the tiles.

Your version looks really scary, I like it!
Edit: To all terrainers! Do not calculate the shadows in the map unless you know a way to remove them! This will overlap the alpha tiles over the arena model and room. Because of the modulate materials the area covered with shadows will become see thru creating a hole in the ground thus ruining the models!
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Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
Good map from you nambo, it seems progress is going well. You got some large team here and most of the legendary terrainers are here. By the way, I find everything good here though awkward, the story. Mixing Warcraft from another type that doesnt seem suiting looks weird, maybe you could do some remake of the story.

But overall, everything is good just the story to repeat. Reps to you for the good project!
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