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Advance Wars - Quick Skirmish v1.02

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Advance Wars, Quick Skirmish v1.02 *protected*

This is the map for Advance Wars fans !
If you are already played Advance Wars, you won't have any problems to play the map.


Map Info :

Title : Quick Skirmish

- 2 players
- 8 cities
- 4 factories


Commanders : Andy, Grit, Eagle and Sturm

Narrow fight 1v1


Screenshots :

v1.01 : Sturm added


Two game modes :

- Pre-deployed (destroy all ennemies or capture the ennemy command center)
In this mode, you can choose a set : more infantry, more vehicles, more air units or balanced

- Normal (capture the ennemy command center)
In this mode, you can choose : the income by structures, population max and turn duration

Gameplay :

- Capture factories, cities, airports with infantry to gain more income / turn.
- Use Commanders spells (The commanders get MP when a unit die (MP : proportional to the life of dying unit))
- Upgrade your units (with Research Points > 1 RP/5 Turns)

How to begin ?

1) Choose your faction and your commander :
Orange Star, Blue Moon, Green Earth, Yellow Comet or Black Hole


2) Choose your Commander :

Andy, Grit, Eagle or Sturm

3) And train Units !!!


The battleground is very important !

- Command centers, +5 def
- Cities, +4 def
- Mountain, +3 def (Vehicles take damages)
- Forest, +2 def (Units are invisible)
- Road and Beach, -1 def (Units move more quickly)
- River, -2 def

Weather :

- Random
- Clear
- Night : reduce vision
- Rain : -25% movement speed
- Snow : -50% movement speed


Envisaged updates :

- more commanders
- restart button
- new maps (bigger, with airports and docks)
- more players (2v2, 3v3, 1v1v1v1....)


Thanks to :

Kjatta and Gaswigue the Beta Tester

And the author of models;
- Illidan(Evil)X
- Kofi_Banan
- Cavman
- Talon the Mage
- Mr. Bob
- BlackSebastian
- TheTerran


- 4 sets for the party mode "Pre-deployed" : more infantry, more vehicles, more air units and balanced
- commander added : Sturm

- weather effects added : Random, Clear, Night, Rain or Snow
- commander added : Eagle
- New map : Narrow Fight (1v1)
- Airports added
- Bug Fixed : Crash when Command Center is captured
- Quest log added

:fp: Please comment my map and tell me if you see a bug ! :wink:

Advance wars, modern warfare, swytch

Advance Wars - Quick Skirmish v1.02 (Map)

22:20, 20th Mar 2009 by bounty hunter2: Congratulations on the great presentation of the map. Eccho had voted this for approval, I checked it fast and it seems fine. For now the status is Approved. I will try to fully review and rate when I will have...




22:20, 20th Mar 2009 by bounty hunter2:
Congratulations on the great presentation of the map. Eccho had voted this for approval, I checked it fast and it seems fine. For now the status is Approved. I will try to fully review and rate when I will have more time.

You can find Eccho's review on post #12 of this topic.
Level 2
Dec 27, 2008
i have found a bug :
against a cpu (i dont know if he's playing)
i play red player
first i make a soldier
i cap half of the point
then i buy a bazooka
then the first vehicle (4000)
and last a tank (7000)
when i click on tank => i've got a fatal ERROR.
Level 1
Jul 14, 2008
u couldnt transfer AW into wc3 better than u did now
great map!
im just missing some ppl like drake at green earth
and uhm...
i tried the map 5 times and it doesnt seem to be "random generated" cause its always the same terrain

well anyway
if u add all those other COs ill give u a 5/5
but atm its "only" a 4/5
Level 11
May 11, 2008
It's a good map since it does follow the advance wars like the GBA/DS.

It's Advance Wars for WC3 so no need to describe the good stuff.

Major crash right before capturing the HQ of the enemy
No Air (Airport)
No Navy (Port)
Not alot of CO's (I like Hawk and Eagle lol)
Level 3
Aug 11, 2008
- weather effects added : Random, Clear, Night, Rain or Snow
- commander added : Eagle
- New map : Narrow Fight (1v1)
- Airports added
- Bug Fixed : Crash when Command Center is captured
- Quest log added
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Level 23
Nov 29, 2006
I have never Played Advanced Wars before, only seen footage of it, and if this is a mod based on that game, you truly did an amazing job.

The icons and systems used here seems really good. The ideal of having strategic points, strategic landscapes is also fun and needs one to be more tactical. The round system also reminds me a little of Heroes of Might and Magic. And the map seems very balanced, both in layout and with the units. There is only one thing I didnt like, and that is the terrain. Even though the original game may have been that flat its way too flat to fit as a Warcraft 3 map. It would also look better since mountains in general are much higher than the landscapes around them:p

Overall, I did enjoy playing it, even though it was only singleplayer. It would be cool if you improved it by adding more players, making it much funnier multiplayer (like 3vs3 or so, but yes, I saw you posted that in the description). Keep up the good work. This review will also say the same about the Narrow Fight map. Shape up the terrain alittle. The map would only feel good about that.

I dont know whether it should have a 3/5 or 4/5, its somewhere in between. Ill give it 3/5 for now on. Pm me if you would like another review after updating or submitting a new one.

Level 3
Jun 29, 2008
Filename too long, the game won't even appear on the map list unless you change it.

Otherwise, great map. I am very much looking forward to a 2v2 or 3v3 version.

Overall I think the movement speed should be decreased to make it feel a bit more strategic and more like a turn based game.
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Level 21
Mar 2, 2010
a few details are wrong. rivers dont give any negative bonus, neither do roads or beaches but in both of these maps they give negative bonuses. i checked out the game this map is based on. i have those that were released on the gameboy advance as well as those released on the ds. the maps doesnt work correctly with ai. the computer doesnt do anything. the maps could use more turn based things.(like with capturing buildings.)