Where can I find the "Loop - Actions" trigger?

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Level 2
Jul 8, 2011
Hello everyone, I'm new to this forum and I'm also a newbie at the Warcraft III World Editor and have been following the instructions on the website : http://world-editor-tutorials.thehelper.net/herotavern.php

It's been very helpful but for some reason, I cant find a trigger or whatever it is called : Loop - Actions
Set Random_Data[(Integer A)] = (Integer A)

It's under the Creating a hero tavern. I've been looking very hard but still can't find it. I just need to know where it is and I also want to know more information on how to trigger it. If anyone knows anything about this, please help me!!! Any help is appreciated :D
Level 2
Jul 8, 2011
Hello again, I need some help. After I do : For each Integer A from __ to __ Do (Actions)
Loop - Actions appears under it but I can't add any of these things :
Player - Set (Picked player) Current gold to 750
Player - Set (Picked player) Current lumber to 100
Camera - Pan camera for (Picked player) to (Position of Tavern 0000 <gen>) over 0.00 seconds
Player - Set (Picked player) Food cap to 6

Why is it? How can I add those four commands? and for my previous question I just need to know where to find these three commands after I click "New Action" and search for them.
The three of them are : Set Total_Heroes = 8
Set Random_Count = 8
Set Hero_Array[1] = Alchemist
and so on ...
Hello again, I need some help. After I do : For each Integer A from __ to __ Do (Actions)
Loop - Actions appears under it but I can't add any of these things :
Player - Set (Picked player) Current gold to 750
Player - Set (Picked player) Current lumber to 100
Camera - Pan camera for (Picked player) to (Position of Tavern 0000 <gen>) over 0.00 seconds
Player - Set (Picked player) Food cap to 6

Why is it? How can I add those four commands? and for my previous question I just need to know where to find these three commands after I click "New Action" and search for them.
The three of them are : Set Total_Heroes = 8
Set Random_Count = 8
Set Hero_Array[1] = Alchemist
and so on ...

Do you mean you are unable to find those actions from the list?
Level 2
Jul 8, 2011
Yes. Well actually I just figured out how to add the first four, but I can't find the bottom three..
Level 2
Jul 8, 2011
Excuse me, for this trigger, how do I add the number eight on the other side of the equal sign?
This is the trigger : Set Total_Heroes = 8
How do I add that? The options that it is giving me after I click on the word "Variable" is some other triggers.
And this trigger : Set Hero_Array[2] = Naga Sea Witch
How do I add the word "Naga Sea Witch"? I tried it on the Variable thing but it won't accept spaces.

Another question I have in mind is that in Dota maps, when the game starts, the vision that all players get is the taverns to choose the heroes and the Circle of powers are either at the bottom of the map for The Sentinel and the top right corner for The Scourge. I tried doing the same thing but only my circle of power and my allies' is visible, otherwise the rest (which includes the tavern at the top of the map) are just darkened and can't be clicked. How do we make that tavern visible at the start of the game and all players' cameras should be aimed at the tavern(s) only. After we choose a hero in Dota, our camera automatically jumps to our circle of power and the hero we chose is ready for use. How do we make the camera automatically jump to our chosen hero after we choose it?

In conclusion the 2 main questions are:
1) How do we make that tavern visible at the start of the game and all players' cameras should be aimed at the tavern(s) only?
2) How do we make the camera automatically jump to our chosen hero after we choose it?

I'm sorry if I'm asking too many questions but I just want to know more and complete my ultimate map so that I can play it with my friends :)
Last edited:
Level 2
Jun 30, 2011

Just don't use spaces. And make sure when you make the variable you are selecting what type of variable it should be. Like the Hero Array stuff should be a unit group variable on an array of how ever many heroes you have.
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