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Level 1
Sep 1, 2010
Hello, i'm pretty new to the whole mapping and such, but i've made some maps, just for fun and for my friends so we could play together on custom made maps.

Anyway, i was trying to import a certain model and portrait file for a new hero i was going to make. I pressed the button that instructs you how to import them succesfully into your map.

It went well in the beginning, but then you had to bind the portrait file to a portrait file path. The only paths i could find were "Art - Model File" and "Art - Model Extra Versions" (or something similar). I couldn't find any "Art - Model File Portrait".

Is this because i'm on an XP or something else? (The tutorial is instructed only on a Mac.)

Please help.

P.S. I noticed that on destructibles for example, there actually IS an "Art - Model File Portrait" tab.
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Level 3
Jul 13, 2010
NO YOU DON'T DO IT LIKE THAT!!!what you do is just remove the war3imported\ and leave the rest of the text and don't forget to set the location of the skins to the one that is mentioned in the readme which comes along with most models.Yeah it's simple.
Level 3
Jul 13, 2010
units dont have the Art - model portrait... Warcraft automatically uses the portrait animations of the unit model or if the unit comes with a unit_portrait they use that model as portrait...

@Bloody_mage: his question is about where to find the Art - Model File Portrait

yes and i said that if he removes the war3imported mdl files then the model portrait will go along with the model.
yes and i said that if he removes the war3imported mdl files then the model portrait will go along with the model.

but he's asking about the location of the Field where you set the portrait in the object editor, so you should have said that it does not exist before saying that he should remove the war3imported thing...
Level 1
Sep 1, 2010
Well, maybe bloody_Mage was a bit inconstructive, but his advice worked! I didn't really understand first how to remove the text before the model name, but then i just double clicked the files in the import manager and removed the text using Custom Path!

Thanks ya'll and i hope to get more questions answered in the future!
Well, maybe bloody_Mage was a bit inconstructive, but his advice worked! I didn't really understand first how to remove the text before the model name, but then i just double clicked the files in the import manager and removed the text using Custom Path!

Thanks ya'll and i hope to get more questions answered in the future!

if ya need some help just send a pm. ^^
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