Hello, I'm having difficulties with a vjass spell that I'm making. The map compiles it fine, without syntax errors, but it makes map unplayable. Any help would be greatly appreciated ^_^
Basically, this spell procs when a unit damages a unit, for that I used Weep's GDD. When the unit takes damage, it has a certain % chance to spawn three illusions that damage it, and if the attack procs from behind, it will spawn a lot of images that push the unit forward. It also uses kenny's Knockback System, and Trollvottel's Unit Fading System to knockback and create the illusions, respectively. I know that these aren't the problem, though, because when I comment out the function calls to these systems, the spell is still broken... and I can't figure out what's wrong
I also used TimerUtils, but I highly doubt that's the problem O-o
Anyways, here's the code:
Yes, I know the conditions are messed up(useless BJs), but I was too lazy to change it when I converted the trigger ^_^ And yes I use PolarProjectionBJ, I really don't want to learn trig functions xD
Basically, this spell procs when a unit damages a unit, for that I used Weep's GDD. When the unit takes damage, it has a certain % chance to spawn three illusions that damage it, and if the attack procs from behind, it will spawn a lot of images that push the unit forward. It also uses kenny's Knockback System, and Trollvottel's Unit Fading System to knockback and create the illusions, respectively. I know that these aren't the problem, though, because when I comment out the function calls to these systems, the spell is still broken... and I can't figure out what's wrong
I also used TimerUtils, but I highly doubt that's the problem O-o
Anyways, here's the code:
Yes, I know the conditions are messed up(useless BJs), but I was too lazy to change it when I converted the trigger ^_^ And yes I use PolarProjectionBJ, I really don't want to learn trig functions xD
struct LingeringFront
unit pred
unit predtarg
real lingdmg
struct LingeringBack
unit pre
unit pretarg
real lindmg
real linface
struct LingBackDmg
unit pr
unit prtarg
real lidmg
//yeah didn't clean the messy conditions part up yet.... but i doubt that this is the problem
function Trig_Lingering_Shadows_Init_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
if ( not ( GetUnitAbilityLevelSwapped('A02X', udg_UNIT_Heroes[GetConvertedPlayerId(GetOwningPlayer(udg_GDD_DamageSource))]) > 0 ) ) then
return false
if ( not ( GetRandomInt(1, 100) <= ( GetUnitAbilityLevelSwapped('A02X', udg_DamageEventSource) * 2 ) ) ) then
return false
return true
// the condition to check for if it's a backstab or not
function Trig_Lingering_Shadows_Init_Func003Func012C takes nothing returns boolean
if ( ( AngleBetweenPoints(GetUnitLoc(udg_GDD_DamageSource), GetUnitLoc(udg_GDD_DamagedUnit)) <= ( GetUnitFacing(udg_GDD_DamagedUnit) - 340.00 ) ) ) then
return true
if ( ( AngleBetweenPoints(GetUnitLoc(udg_GDD_DamageSource), GetUnitLoc(udg_GDD_DamagedUnit)) >= ( GetUnitFacing(udg_GDD_DamagedUnit) - 20.00 ) ) ) then
return true
return false
function Trig_Lingering_Shadows_Init_Func003C takes nothing returns boolean
if ( not Trig_Lingering_Shadows_Init_Func003Func012C() ) then
return false
return true
//actions to take if backstab
function LingeringBackDmg takes nothing returns nothing
local timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
local LingBackDmg data2 = GetTimerData(t)
call UnitDamageTargetEx(data2.pr,data2.prtarg,((GetUnitAbilityLevel(data2.pr,'A02X')*.1*data2.lidmg) + (GetHeroAgi(data2.pr,true)*GetUnitAbilityLevel(data2.pr,'A07T')*.5)), false,false,ATTACK_TYPE_CHAOS,DAMAGE_TYPE_UNIVERSAL,WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS)
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget("Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\Stampede\\StampedeMissileDeath.mdl",data2.prtarg,"chest"))
call ReleaseTimer(GetExpiredTimer())
call data2.destroy()
set t = null
function LingeringBackH takes nothing returns nothing
local timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
local LingeringBack data = GetTimerData(t)
local location linloc1 = GetUnitLoc(data.pretarg)
local location linloc = PolarProjectionBJ(linloc1,128.,data.linface)
local timer lint
local LingBackDmg data2 = LingBackDmg.create()
set data2.pr = data.pre
set data2.prtarg = data.pretarg
set data2.lidmg = data.lindmg
//this checks if unit is sliding, if it is, it will spawn an illusion and create a timer that will damage the unit .3 seconds later(LingeringBackDmg), and starting a new timer that will check if the unit is sliding again in .2 seconds. If unit is no longer sliding, then destroy the structs and release the timer
if KBS_IsUnitSliding(data.pretarg) then
call UFSYS_CreateFadeUnitAnimation('h00J',GetLocationX(linloc),GetLocationY(linloc),(data.linface + 180.),.5,"attack two",2.)
set lint = NewTimer()
call SetTimerData(lint,data2)
call TimerStart(lint,.3,false,function LingeringBackDmg)
call SetTimerData(t,data)
call TimerStart(t,.2,false,function LingeringBackH)
call ReleaseTimer(GetExpiredTimer())
call data.destroy()
call data2.destroy()
call RemoveLocation(linloc1)
call RemoveLocation(linloc)
set linloc1 = null
set linloc = null
set t = null
set lint = null
function LingeringBackfunc takes unit predd, unit preddtarg, real pdmg returns nothing
local unit u = predd
local unit t = preddtarg
local real d = pdmg
local timer t2
local LingeringBack data = LingeringBack.create()
set data.pre = u
set data.pretarg = t
set data.lindmg = d
set data.linface = (GetUnitFacing(u) - 180.)
//starts knockback
call KBS_BeginCommon(t,700.,2.,GetUnitFacing(u))
set t2=NewTimer()
call SetTimerData(t2,data)
call TimerStart(t2,.2,false,function LingeringBackH)
set t = null
set u = null
set t2 = null
//actions to take if not a backstab
function LingeringFrontH takes nothing returns nothing
local timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
local LingeringFront data = GetTimerData(t)
call ReleaseTimer(GetExpiredTimer())
call UnitDamageTargetEx(data.pred,data.predtarg,((GetUnitAbilityLevel(data.pred,'A02X')*.6*data.lingdmg) + (GetHeroAgi(data.pred,true)*GetUnitAbilityLevel(data.pred,'A07T')*.5)), false,false,ATTACK_TYPE_CHAOS,DAMAGE_TYPE_UNIVERSAL,WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS)
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget("Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\Stampede\\StampedeMissileDeath.mdl",data.predtarg,"chest"))
call data.destroy()
set t = null
function Trig_Lingering_Shadows_AltActions takes unit predator, unit predatortarg, real dmg returns nothing
local location loc1
local location loc2
local location loc3
local unit pred = predator
local unit predtarg = predatortarg
local timer t
local LingeringFront data = LingeringFront.create()
set data.pred = pred
set data.predtarg = predtarg
set data.lingdmg = dmg
set loc1 = PolarProjectionBJ(GetUnitLoc(predtarg),128.,(GetUnitFacing(predtarg)+180.))
set loc2 = PolarProjectionBJ(GetUnitLoc(predtarg),128.,(GetUnitFacing(predtarg)+90.))
set loc3 = PolarProjectionBJ(GetUnitLoc(predtarg),128.,(GetUnitFacing(predtarg)-90.))
call UFSYS_CreateFadeUnitAnimation('h00J',GetLocationX(loc1),GetLocationY(loc1),GetUnitFacing(predtarg),1.,"attack unarmed",1.)
call UFSYS_CreateFadeUnitAnimation('h00J',GetLocationX(loc2),GetLocationY(loc1),(GetUnitFacing(predtarg)-90.),1.,"attack unarmed",1.)
call UFSYS_CreateFadeUnitAnimation('h00J',GetLocationX(loc2),GetLocationY(loc1),(GetUnitFacing(predtarg)+90.),1.,"attack unarmed",1.)
call RemoveLocation(loc1)
call RemoveLocation(loc2)
call RemoveLocation(loc3)
set t = NewTimer()
call SetTimerData(t,data)
call TimerStart(t,.5,false,function LingeringFrontH)
set t = null
set pred = null
set predtarg = null
set loc1 = null
set loc2 = null
set loc3 = null
function Trig_Lingering_Shadows_Init_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local unit u = udg_GDD_DamageSource
local unit t = udg_GDD_DamagedUnit
local real d = udg_GDD_Damage
//checks if it's a backstab or not
if ( Trig_Lingering_Shadows_Init_Func003C() ) then
call LingeringBackfunc(u,t,d)
call Trig_Lingering_Shadows_AltActions(u,t,d)
set u = null
set t = null
//init trig (also didn't clean up yet ^-^)
function InitTrig_Lingering_Shadows_Init takes nothing returns nothing
set gg_trg_Lingering_Shadows_Init = CreateTrigger( )
call DisableTrigger( gg_trg_Lingering_Shadows_Init )
call TriggerRegisterVariableEvent( gg_trg_Lingering_Shadows_Init, "udg_GDD_Event", EQUAL, 0 )
call TriggerAddCondition( gg_trg_Lingering_Shadows_Init, Condition( function Trig_Lingering_Shadows_Init_Conditions ) )
call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_Lingering_Shadows_Init, function Trig_Lingering_Shadows_Init_Actions )