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The Fallen Kingdom: Map Idea

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Level 2
Sep 4, 2007
This is a plan for a map that I've been wanting to do, and have been working on the storyline/information of the map for a couple weeks, but I lack the skills I think are required to make it as good as it's potential. The game is spawn-based, just FYI. So, here's all the stuff. If you want to work on it, send me a PM :D

Red: The Fallen Kingdom- The Minilithian Kingdom was founded by Julois I, around 150 Avan Beguin Teum. In the beginning, the Minilithian Kingdom prospered under Fair and Just rulers. As their sons, and their son's sons took power, though, the line of justice was severed. During the reign of Hermir IV, wealth was the main motivator of the land, and greed grasped the nation. The Upper Class got richer, the Lower Class poorer, and the once peaceful nations grew uneasy of the Minilithians. Finally, the Borians,The lower class of the Minilithian Kingdom, rebelled against the Minilithians. Hermir IV, totally unprepared and lacking leadership skills, could barely resist, and the Borian's destroyed the city, and publicly executed Hermir IV. The Minilithian Kingdom was, from that point on, known as The Fallen Kingdom. Joran II, the only living relative of Hermir, realized the mistakes of The Minilithian Kingdom before it's fall, and plans on reconstructing the Kingdom. Whether returning to the roots of Minilithus, and being a True and Just nation, or turning into a savage warlord like his Uncle, Hermir, is up to you...

Blue: The Borian Rebellion- The Borians were the lower class of the Minilithian Kingdom before it's fall. Oppressed by corrupt Minilithian Kings, the Borians rose up against the crumbling Kingdom and overthrew those in power. With victory in the sight, the Borians entered a period of political turmoil amongst themselves: Most of the Borians simply wanted to replace the Minilithian King, limit the King’s power, and go back to their regular living. Some, on the other hand, wanted to completely overthrow the Minilithian Government and take control. These radicalists grew violent, and a miniature civil war erupted during the Borian Rebellion. The Moderate Borians won, but this gave the Fallen Kingdom, as it now was called, a chance to choose a new leader and amass a resistance. The new leader of The Fallen Kingdom, Joran II, has yet to prove himself as good or evil. Most Borians would be willing to join with, instead of fight with, Joran II if he were a Just ruler. But, if he is not willing to grant rights to the Borians, it is their duty to take what should belong to them as it is...

Teal: The Shadaëri Elves- The Shadaëri and Heuiran elves have had a seemingly endless blood feud for as long any can remember, for what the ancestors of their ancestors have been blamed for. The Shadrian Prince Asmal and the Heuiran Princess Esmalda were to be married centuries ago, but were both found murdered the night before the wedding. The blame was thrown around until violence ensued, and the hostilities have never ended, even though the original reason is no longer relevant. Now, With Savage Barbarians to the North, A Kingdom in ruin, and Ruthless Orcs to the South, the Elves must decide: Should we put aside our petty differences to fight the greater enemy, or are our views too different?

Purple: The Ghrodun Ogres- The primal Ogre tribes of Ghrodun fought constantly. These mindless brutes conquered and re-conquered the same plots of land for ages. Around this time, Shrin of the Estoric Order had begun his travels around the world, observing and exploring to add to the Estoric Library, and increase his own intelligence. In his travels, Shrin found his way to the Northern part of the landmass known as Ghrodun. There, he met a relatively peaceful tribe of Ogres (and by Ogre standards, that meant bloodshed was reserved for food, land, and resources) known as the Jon-ta Tribe. Shrin, often shunned by the Estoric Order for his enthusiasm, was eager to teach these primitive beings the secrets of magic. Ignoring the Estoric Oath to never share magic with others, he began teaching the Ogres simple magic. He also taught the Jon-ta Ogres simple thing, such as basic communication and math. These simple things gave the Jon-ta a HUGE advantage in warfare, and they conquered all of Northern Ghrodun, and adopted the simple title of "Ghrodun Ogres". Shrin also aided in the basic set up of a simple government and civilization, before finally continuing his journey onwards. The Ghrodun Ogres, now with a massive military force and the brains to use them, have infinite possibilities.

Yellow: The Estoric Order- The History of the Estoric Order is shrouded in mystery. It is known that they are the only ones to ever truly understand of magic, and definitely the first to wield it. After teaching basic magic to the Himilians (Existed around the founding of the Minilithian Kingdom), the Himilians used the magic and betrayed the Estoric Order. The Estoric Order eventually crushed the Himilians, but vowed never to share the secret of their Magic again. This was a failed vow. Some were motivated by bribes, threats, ego, or just the the desire to share knowledge, to share magic with others across the land. Now, almost every race knows at least the basics of magic. The Estoric Order, however still holds the largest collection of Knowledge (The Estoric Library), and the greatest control over magic. Not usually violent, the Estoric Order often stays out of conflicts, but now that the land is in turmoil, avoiding conflict is near impossible.

Orange: The Narrocan Tribes- The Narroc Tribe was a nomadic group at first, and none know exactly when they settled, though they are thought to have been around the time of the Minilithian Settlement. The Narrocans were introduced to magic by the shamanistic Estorian, Eldor Ghilian, and shamanism has flourished ever since. Often misunderstood, the Narrocans are thought to be savage and vile creatures but are quite the opposite. Founded by Gruk'tha Vilmark, the Narrocans have lived relatively peacefully and intelligently. The Capitol city of Kragmar is the oldest known area of the Narrocan territory, and has never fallen to enemy siege. After hundreds of years of oppression, and an opportunity to expand, the wise could not blame the Narrocans for taking the offensive, nor could they shame them for staying to their peaceful nature.

Green: The Vik’Nu Tribe- The Vik'Nu Trolls have a history of violence and bloodshed. In the Minilithian Wars, the Vik'Nua were known for needless torture and war crimes against the Minilithians. Now, after the fall of the Minilithian Kingdom, vengeance would be a likely path of such bloodthirsty warriors. But also, with the fall of the Minilithian Empire, comes a struggle for central power over the land. To leave themselves exposed would be a mistake for the Vik'Nua. Still, in a time of War, even the most savage warriors might have to accept a temporary peace with certain groups, if not only to achieve greater death.

Pink: The Kharnicus Hellspawn- The Kharnicus Demons have forever existed on the plane below the world we know. On the plane above our world, rest the Seraphi. Recently, both have found a way of opening portals into this realm, both bent on the destruction of the other. The Kharnicus are humans of pure evil, and by aeons of malformation, distortion, and destruction, have formed into monstrosities and demons. Their ONLY goal is the complete and total annihilation of all that is good, on the Neutral Plane, and all above. Few would seek alliance with such destroyers...Unless they are easily malleable, and seek the great powers that the Kharnicus Demons could share...

Grey: The Seraphic Order- The Seraphi exist on the plane above the worldly realm, in direct opposition to the Kharnicus demons living below. The Seraphi and the Kharnicus demons both discovered the ability to open a portal into the Neutral Plane, and possibly to those beyond. The Seraphi, Humans in a state of pure good, are almost all identical in physical appearance. After the Seraphic and Kharnician Planes come Planes of much greater power, and beyond them lay Ghoros, God of Destruction, and reversely Almos, God of Good. The Kharnicians are bent on the destruction of Almos and his followers, and all in between. The job of the Seraphic Order is only to balance this by stopping them, but have no wish to continue into the unholy lands of the Kharnicians. Most knowledgeable dwellers of the Neutral Plane would find themselves obligated to ally themselves with the protectors of their land, but others would choose the power guaranteed by the Kharnicians if victory is achieved.

Light Blue: The Northern Savages- Few words are needed to describe the history of the savage barbarians that lie to the North of the civilized world. No talks of peace, no written records of war...All that matters is the present. The Barbarians were once visited by a curious member of the Estoric Order, who hoped to help civilize these savage beings: His skull has been added to the pile...

Few seek alliance with such savage and barbary men, except possibly those equally savage...

This next section is based on the game being played on several planes, as previously discussed somewhat. Among these planes would be the time plane, which is a point of reference for all other planes. But, some people on the Neutral plane, where the game takes place, have found ways to manipulate the Time plane, and have attempted to recreate historic events for different outcomes. ( I dunno if this will be triggered by what people do, or if it will just happen on a timeline).

Historic Battles
Certain Mortals on the Neutral Plane have found ways to access the Time Plane and have attempted to get different outcomes to important events.

The Battle of Jyon Peak (The Minilithian Wars): The Vik’Nu Trolls Attack the Minilithian Kingdom as it springs to power. Red vs. Green. Red wins, gains item “Jik’Ti’Rei’Mei”, a Vik’nu Spear. If Green wins, Minilithians lose The Grand Fortifications. [No Rigging].

The Battle of Goldcross Abbey (The Appearance of the Kharnicians and Seraphi on the Neutral Plane): When Gishil Amelis (child) and Darius Karel escape from the burning church as the Kharnician Hellspawn Chase them down, and the Church of Almos helps defend them. If Grey wins, Darius becomes an Archangel as a hero, and Gishil gains item “Daemonslayer”. If Pink wins, Grey loses Gishil and Darius, and Theodacrus, if alive, becomes a full hero to replace them. Pink vs. Grey. [Rigged Slightly towards Grey].

The Battle of Hjarman (Himilian War): When The Himilians suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of the Estoric Order during the battle of Hjarman. Yellow vs. Red. If Yellow wins, Red loses 1 spellcaster spawn. If Red wins, gains a Himilian city on the Estoric border with Himilian Spawns. [Rigged slightly towards Yellow].

The Battle of Yohallaven Niro (The War of the Trees): Famous battle during the War of the Trees where Olauth and Lyenes came into deep conflict. Teal vs. Pink. If Teal wins, the Tree-city Olauth appears between Shadaëri and Heuirath. If Pink wins, Pink gains an evil Tree-city of Lyenes between Shadaëri and Heuirath. [No Rigging].

The Battle of Kir-To (The Jon-Ta Conquering): The Kir-To was the last opposing tribe to the Jon-Ta. Purple, Yellow vs. Computer Brown. (Purple Assaulting, Yellow Hero “Shrin” aiding). If Purple Wins, Gains item “Skull Necklace of the Kir-To”. If Brown defends successfully, Purple loses Khar’Karakgnos to Brown until he can retake it. If Shrin survives, he gains item “Kir-To History“. If Shrin dies, his adult form is lost the future. If Shrin survives and the Ogres do not, he gains and loses nothing.[No Rigging]

The Battle of Althelia (The Borian Rebellion): The Borians have the Minilithians pushed back to the capitol city of Althelia, which is on the brink of destruction. Red vs. Blue. If Blue wins, Althelia is destroyed. If Red wins, Althelia’s health is doubled, the Blight disappears, the fires are put out, and the buildings rebuilt.[No Rigging].

The Centaurian Disruption (The Narrocan Settlement): The Scattered Centaur Tribes made it difficult for Gruk’tha Vilmark to settle his Tribe. Orange vs. Computer Brown. If Orange wins, gains spawn “Centaur Warrior”. If Orange fails, Location of Kragmar is moved; Max HP of Kragmar is 1/2’d. [Slight Rigging Towards Orange].

The Battle of South Sea (The Northern Raids): The Savage North raided the other civilizations by boat and pirating. In the bay north of Minilithian territory, a sea battle like no other occurred. Red vs. Green vs. Light Blue. If Light Blue wins, gains control of both Green and Red’s port cities. If Green wins, retains control of port city and gets item “Axe of the Northern Warrior”. If Red wins, retains control of port city and gets Admiral Jeirmann hero. [Rig slightly in favor of Red, and rig light blue slightly over Green].

The Battle of Yazar-Kûm (The Cronicus Wars): Yazar-Kûm, the last city of the Dwarves, The first to be targeted by the Kharnicus Hellspawn. With their city near Khor, the Cronicus Dwarves resisted bravely. Pink vs. Light Blue. If Light Blue wins, gets city “Yazar-Kûm” near Khor. If Pink wins, gains large quantities of gold. [Rig slightly towards Pink].

The Battle of Greenhill (The Borian Civil War): The Moderate and Extremist Borians could not find a peaceful solution to their conflicting views about how the new Kingdom was to be run, and civil war erupted. The Battle of Greenhill was a major victory for the Moderates. Blue vs. Computer Brown. If Blue wins, gains spawn “Borian Peacekeeper” and item “The Peacekeeper”. If Blue loses, loses the ability to ally red, loses Ganmyr Ruqau, an important moderate general, but gains spawn “Borian Patriot”. [Rig VERY slightly towards blue].

(Red) Althelia: Capitol of Minilithus.
(Blue) Valheira: Headquarters of the Rebellion.
(Blue) Durmbrand: Rebel City near the Northeastern Minilithian Cities.
(Teal) Shadaëri: The Central Tree of the Shadaëri Forest.
(Purple) Ghrodun: Home of the Ogres.
(Purple) Khar’Karakgnos: Eastern city of the Ghrodun Empire.
(Yellow) Estor: Central city of the Estoric Order.
(Yellow) The Estoric Library: The Center of Knowledge for the Estoric Order; East of Estor.
(Orange) Kragmar: Capitol of the Narrocan Orc Tribes.
(Green) Ra’Mirak: Tribal Village Center of the Vik’Nu.
(Pink) Khor: Center of the Kharnicus Invasion.
(Grey) Andora: Human city Commandeered by the Seraphic Order to defend against the Kharnicus Hellspawn.
(Grey) Sylai: Port City on the Northeast corner of Ormunal.
(Light Blue) Valla’harana: Capitol of the Northern Barbarian Hordes.
(Brown) Heuirath: The Central Tree of the Heuiran Forest.
(Brown) Shirya: Slummy, Pirate Port on the Eastern Coast of Ormunal.
(Brown) Berol’Don: City of Undeath south of the marshes under the Estoric Order.

(Teal/Brown) Ghadrean Forest: Home of the Shadaëri and Heurian Elves.
(All) The Neutral Plane: The Plane on which the entire game takes place; The Entire Map.
(Unseen) The Seraphic Plane: The Plane above the Neutral plane where the Seraphi come from and defend. The lowest of the Holy Planes.
(Unseen) The Soriphic Plane: The Plane above the Seraphic Plane. Here rests the holier of beings, such as Angels and Hjramanjaros, Humans even greater than the Seraphi.
(Unseen) The Almian Plane: The Plane above the Soriphic Plane. Heres lies the God Almos and his closest followers, the Archangels.
(Unseen) The Kharnician Plane: The Plane below the Neutral Plane, where the Kharnician Hellspawn originated. The highest of the Unholy Planes.
(Unseen) The Khomalan Plane: The Plane below the Kharnician Planes, where True Demons and Aragnafirians, are from. Aragnafirians are similar to Kharnicians, but twisted beyond anything imaginable form of humanity.
(Unseen) The Ghoran Plane: The Plane below the Khomalan Plane. The Plane where Ghoros and his Demonic Warlords lie, watching over all.
(Unseen) The Magic Plane: Where the Estoric Order gets their power from. A being must connect with a certain power within to find himself on the Magic Plane. From there, the secrets of magic are revealed to him, and he can bend and alter the power from this plane to affect things on other the Neutral Plane.
(Unseen) The Time Plane: A Plane of reference of time for all other planes. Has recently been accessed by residents of the Neutral Plane and used to redo historical events in time in hopes of different outcomes. (see Historical Battles).
(Red) The Grand Fortifications: Walls built after the Minilithian Wars as a sign of power, and to defend against other attacks.
(Grey/Pink) Ormunal: Southwest Corner of the Neutral Plane where the Seraphi corner the Kharnicians.
(Light Blue) The Northern Wastes: Used to describe the harsh Northern area of the Neutral Plane where the barbarians make their home.
(Yellow) Estor: The landmass of which the Capitol city of the Estoric Order is named, and where the Estoric Order makes it’s home.
(Orange) Harshadu: The Desert where Kragmar was founded, and where the Narrocans live.
(Red/Blue) Ghallandia: Central Continent of the Neutral Plane where The Minilithians, and the Himilians before them made their home.
(Green) Lakudika: Island Chain where the Vik’Nu make their home.
(Purple) Ghrodun: The Southernmost continent on the Neutral Plane, named for, and by, the tribe of ogres that inhabits it.
Level 2
Sep 4, 2007
(Color, Demi-Hero, or Potential hero from an event)
(Red)Joran II: Current King of the Fallen Kingdom.
(Red)Tholstor Eirnrod: General of the North Eastern Minilithian City-Armies.
(Red, Demi) Sir Edwin Kummel: General of the Fallen Kingdom's Central Armies, near Althelia.
(Red, Potential) Admiral Jeirmann: Naval Commander that only survives of Red wins the Historical Battle between the Trolls and Northern Ships.

(Blue) Ganmyr Ruqau: Rebel General Stationed south of Althelia.
(Blue) Grathmeir I: Wishes to be King of the Fallen Kingdom. If Red and Blue Ally, Grathmeir is demoted to demi hero. If Grathmeir is alive and Althelia Falls, Blue gets it.

(Teal)Hael'Launas: Shadrian High Priestess; Guardian of the Shadaëri.
(Teal)Juel'Lukas: Shadrian King: Brother of Hael'Launas.

(Purple) The Ghrodun: Title of the Leader of the Ghrodun Tribes.
(Purple) Jorg Clubskull: Personal Body-Guard to the Ghrodun.
(Purple, Demi) Trommak Clubskull: Brother of Jorg, guardian of Khar'Karakgnos.

(Yellow) Shrin (Old): Member of the High Council of the Estoric Order.
(Yellow) Julius Speilmoor: General of the Recently formed Estoric Army.
(Yellow, Demi) Mar'khul: Murloc Watchman of the Swamp.
(Yellow, Demi) Khom: High Lord of the Estoric Library.

(Orange) Sakeil Thremmold: Narrocan Mystic; Tribal Leader.
(Orange) Drimtar Gorkal: Narrocan Warchief and General.

(Green) Jokka'Tor'Na'Si: Chieftan of the Vik'nu Trolls.
(Green) Kirra'Li'Gin'Ke: Troll Scout/Hermit. Lives alone and gives information to the Trolls.
(Green, Demi) Tolla'Gar'Zy'Tu: High Priest of Akka Ama.

(Pink) Destrudioc: Kharnician Warlord. Centuries Old, has led assault for years.
(Pink) Dithilius: Kharnician Warlord. Spawned on the Neutral Plane recently to replace a former Warlord.
(Pink, Demi): Ar'rador: Fire Mage of the Three Demon Brothers from the Khomalan Plane.
(Pink, Demi): Omor'rador: Death Mage of the Three.
(Pink, Demi): Zo'rador: Ice Mage of the Three.

(Grey) Dirius Karel: (Old, Potential Archangel): Guardian of Gishel Amelis. Achieves Archangel status if Historical Event allows.
(Grey) Gishil Amelis (Adult): Supreme leader of the Seraphic Order's presence on the Netural plane. Destined to bring an end to the Kharnicians; Blessed with long life.
(Grey, Demi, Potential Main): Theodacrus: Human Commander recruited by the Seraphic Order that leads the Human reinforcements to their cause.

(Light Blue)Højn: Savage Northern Warlord.
(Light Blue) Crümuk: Pirate Captain of the Northern Seas.

Brown is Computer.
(Brown) Wainbar: Archlich controlling Berol'Don.
(Brown): Jaelicus Heur: Heurian King.

People of the Past:
Shrin (Young): Traveling member of the Estoric Order; Brought Magic to the Ogres. (2)
Hermir IV: Corrupted King of the Minilithians; Lead to their demise. (3)
Eldor Gilian: Estoric Shaman; Taught magic to the Narrocans (2)
Gruk’tha Vilmark: Founder of Kragmar, Capitol of the Narrocans.(3)
Dirius Karel (Middle Aged): Protector of Gishil Amelis (1), Made Archangel for sacrifice. Knight of The Church of Almos.
Gishil Amelis (Baby): Prophesied to eventually cause the downfall of the Kharnicus Hellspawn (1).
Julois I: Founder of the Minilithian Kingdom.
Asmal and Esmalda: Shadrian Prince and Heuiran Princess who were found dead the night before their wedding, leading to years of bloodshed between the Shadaëri and Heuiran forces.

Heulius: God of Life.
Almos: God of Good and Light.
Ghoros: God of Evil and Darkness.
Cronicus: God of the Earth.
Akka Ama: God of Death.
Shadaëri, Heuirath, and Olauth: The Three Elder Trees of Wisdom.
Armaguith, Khuirn, and Lyenes: The Three Elder Trees of Power.

General History:

Times of the Ancients ???-0 Avan Beguin Teum

Besides Mythology, nothing is known of what happened to create the Neutral Plane. What happens after, though has been passed down through the whispers of ancients. In the beginning, there were no elves and no dwarves and no man.

However, there were the trees. The elders of them being Shadaëri, Heuirath, Olauth, Khuirn, Armaguith, and Lyenes. These Elder Trees each had families of younger trees who would do their bidding. Shadaëri, wisest of the trees, had strong opposition to Armaguith, boldest of the trees. Their plans for the world and it’s future often conflicted. Finally, after Armaguith had amassed a large family of trees, he assaulted Shadaëri. Shocked, Heuirath and Olauth came to Shadaëri’s aid. Seeking greater power, Khuirn and Lyenes joined with Armaguith. After years of fighting between the tree armies, Armaguith, his supporters, and all of their minions had passed, as did Olauth.

So, Shadaëri and Heuirath settled themselves and stole the lives from their minions so they would never fight again, creating the trees. Heulius, God of Life, created the elves, the dwarves, and man to enjoy the beauty of the Neutral Plane, so it was not to be wasted.

The Pre-Minilithian Era: 0-150 Avan Beguin Teum

Many believe that civilization started with the Minilithians, but many have not lived long enough to remember such times. While The Seraphi and Kharnicans existed on other planes, there were still those who found the Neutral Plane to be home. These included the Vik’nu, The Shadaëri and Heuiran Elves, and The Cronicus Dwarves. Few knew of each other’s existence, excluding the two elven families. During this period, Men were but wandering nomadic tribes. Few could even imagine what Man would do on the Neutral Plane in the future.

While little interaction existed between trolls and dwarves, the Shadaëri-Heuiran conflict began in this time. The Heuiran Princess, Esmalda, was to be married to the Shadrian Prince, Asmal. On the eve before the wedding, their bodies were found so mutilated it was impossible to identify them. Both sides claimed that the other had murdered their royal heir, and violence broke out, beginning a war that would last for centuries.

Meanwhile, the Cronician Dwarves had begun the construction of their vast mountainous cities. Composed mainly of tunnels an caves, the Cronician city development was primitive, but effective. The most important and noticeable work of the Cronicians is the Hall of Gold, a grand hallway lined with gold and jewels. When Johann Calloway, a Minilithian Explorer, found the Hall of Gold after the Kharnician Hellspawn had killed the Cronicians, he dedicated his life to preserving such beauty from thieves.

Near the middle of the Pre-Minilithian Era Came the founding of the Himilians and the Estoric Order. Where the Minilithian Empire would come to find it’s center in the centuries to follow is where the Himilians, the first civilization of men upon the neutral plane, made their cities. They were relatively peaceful, a society based on both hunting and farming, and not very developed. The Estoric Order, another group of humans, managed to tap into the secrets of the Magical Plane, and began the use of magic. This made them advance at an accelerated rate. When they shared the magic with the Himilians, the Himilians betrayed them and tried to steal all the secrets. the Estoric Order crushed the Himilians in a bloody battle, leaving the land open for a new time...

(Past) Jik’Ti’Rei’Mei: Vik’Nu Spear; Literal Translation is “Death Maker”. 15 damage, 33% resist to spells.
(Past) Daemonslayer: Sword forged by the Church of Heuros to destroy the Kharnician Hellspawn. 10 damage, 150% damage done to Demons.
(Past) Skull Necklace of the Kir-To: A necklace made of the skull of the Kir-To Ogre Tribe. Said to hold the magical powers to steal the life of it’s victims and give it to the bearer of the necklace. 5 damage, 10% Lifesteal.
(Past) Ex Cur Nork Gurir: “Axe of the Northern Warrior”. 10 damage, cold attack.
(Past) The Peacekeeper: 15 damage, attack reduces target’s attack by 5. Sword of the Moderate Borian’s General, used to bring unity among the Borian Rebellion.
(Past) Kir-To History: Given to Shrin if he aids the Ogres. If taken to the Estoric Library, gives Shrin +20 permanent intel.
(Event) Kûm Hamar: “Gold Hammer” of the Cronicus Dwarves. Option 1: Whoever kills Pink finds the hammer in Cronicus Ruins after. Option 2: If the Cronicus survive due to time warping, Light Blue gets it in his dwarven base.
(Find) Diary of Asmal: Asmal’s story of his unending love for Esmalda. Finishes with their plan to fake their deaths and run away from the life of royalty they despised, and the families they detested. Never found by either family, their plan to escape let to years and years of death.

My idea for alliances in the game is that all alliance come with a price, and possibly a gain, or must be triggered through some events. I only have 2 examples thusfar:

Fallen Kingdom and Borian Rebels: Red OR Blue types -The Ghallandian Treaty, the other accepts. Both gain “ Ghallandian Footsoldier”, but Blue’s hero “Grathmeir I” is demoted to demi hero, and Blue gains 50 gold of Red’s Income. Breakable? Yes, but Grathmeir does not become a hero again, and Ghallandian spawn is lost.

Shadaëri and Heuiran Elves: Teal must locate the “Diary of Asmal” and try and bring closure to the topic in hopes of reuniting the two families. If Teal uses the item, “Diary of Asmal” he will gain control of Heuirath and all Heuiran territory/units. Breakable? No.

Another not VERY original, but still applicable idea is Morale.

Morale gives positive, negative, or no change to the military forces of a certain player. It is gotten in small increments, and a lot is required to move between the five levels, Demoralized, Low, Average, High, and Very High. Morale points are gained and lost in large numbers from certain events, including Historic Battles, but the abilities of some heroes also allow smaller gains. Additionally, every 50 kills increases Morale 5 points, and every 50 deaths decreases it 3 points.
0-50 points: Demoralized Morale: -4 armor, -15% Attack Speed, -20% Move Speed.
51-100 points: Low Morale; -2 armor, -10% Attack Speed, -15% Move Speed
101-200 points: Average Morale: No Change.
201-300 points: High Morale: +1 armor, +10% attack speed, +15% Move Speed
300+ points: Very High Morale: +3 armor, +15% attack speed, +25% Move Speed.

Starting Morale:

(Red)The Fallen Kingdom: Low Morale: The Empire is on the brink of Destruction at the hands of the Borians.
(Blue)The Borian Rebellion: Average Morale: Starting to make progress against Minilithians, but just had a civil war, and is left a little demoralized.
(Teal)The Shadaëri Elves: High Morale: The Shadaëri have always strongly supported the actions of the wise council, and the hate of the Heuirans only strengthens their conviction.
(Purple)The Ghrodun Ogres: Average Morale: The minds of ogres are not very wrapped up in how supportive they feel of war, ‘cause they’ll fight pretty much anything that moves.
(Yellow)The Estoric Order: High Morale: The Estoric Order is rich with knowledge, powerful, and has a recently formed military, and ready to, if needed, use it.
(Orange)The Narrocan Tribe: High Morale: Under the leadership of a strong chieftain, and mystically led by powerful wiseman, the Narrocans are feeling at their prime.
(Green)The Vik’Nu Tribe: Low Morale: Still feeling the effects of losing the long passed Minilithian War, and the shame that has come upon it’s warriors has let the Vik’Nu into a low point in it’s Morale.
(Pink)The Kharnicus Demons: Average Morale: The opinions of the mindless hordes of the Kharnicus Hellspawn could not be cared less for, for none of them dare try to slack off under the Command of Ghoros.
(Grey)The Seraphic Order: High Morale: The Seraphi are deeply convicted in what they do, and they understand what happens if they lose.
(Light Blue)The Northern Barbarians: Average Morale: What’s Morale?

And that's all I got thusfar. I know, a lot of stuff, but I just don't think I could make it become something awesome without someone else doing it XD, preferably someone...good >.>
Level 2
Sep 4, 2007
I was going for a spawn-based, like RW, or Sereg, or Age of Nations, but I suppose it could easily be adapted for any other type.

*cough* It is somewhat of a large amount of text, but a lot of it isn't really needed >.> I just had a lot of time on my hands for a week and came up with about 14 pages of ideawark, and I realized in my attempts to make it into a map that I suck XD.
Level 3
Jul 25, 2007
Actually, I don't think it's all that much text. Try summarizing the Warcraft universe in 100 words or less. :wink: If you break it up into tooltips, hints, quests etc., maybe a cinematic at the beginning, this could work.

All the same, you've clearly put a lot of thought into this. Even if I had a policy of teaming up with others, and the time in the next few months to practice that policy...I would be kind of scared of stepping on your toes. My advice? Do a few simpler maps for practice, and then when you've built up your skills and confidence enough, try this one again on your own. It's your world; you're the person best equipped to bring it to life.
Level 2
Sep 4, 2007
You're kinda right about the toe-stepping and whatnot, for I would indeed, when I think about it, be pretty unwilling to change too much of what I have =/. Although, If someone was actually willing to work on this map, I'd have to say I'd be so grateful that I'd let em do anything they want, as long as it's made XD

And by "attempts to make maps", I mean a good 2-3 years of mapworkin. Some of it turns out pretty good, but I just can't see it ever actually being anywhere NEAR good enough for what the same idea could be for a good mapmaker.
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