In Polar Offset we consider the central point as the center of a circle. Then the radius would actually be the radius of the circle and the angle the position on the circle. For example, if you wanted to create a cross made out of lightnings, it's enough to create four lightnings, all with the origin in the center of the circle, the same radius and difference between their radiuses equal to 90 degrees. Conclusion, the code would look like this:
FOR (integer A) from 1 to 4 do actions
-> Create lightning from (Target Point of Ability Being Cast) to Polar Offset((Target Point of Ability Being Cast), radius of 600, (Integer A)*90 degrees)
The code is not exact (I didn't copy-paste from WE) but this is the main idea. Some observations, in this case the center of the circle is the (Target Point of Ability Being Cast). But it could be another point as well. I chose a radius of 600 but you can make it bigger, depending on how big the radius of the spell is. And as for the last part, since we want four lightning with a 90 degrees difference between them, all we have to do is increase degrees by 90 for each repetitive action.
Hope this explains a little what Polar Offset can do. It's mostly math and geometry.