- Joined
- Apr 30, 2011
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// String Utilities
// -*- overcold_ice -*-
// -[*] Requirements:
// - JNGP
// - latest version of JassHelper
// For your string-manipulating needs
// This system provides functions to Find, Insert, Remove, Multiply, and Divide
// strings.
// -[*] API:
// function FinStr takes string s, string f, integer i returns integer
// - string s: base string
// - string f: string to find
// - integer i: start order
// -> integer = found string start order
// Ex:
// String: ABCDabcd | call FinStr("ABCDabcd", "abcd", 1) -> 5
// -------- | call FinStr("ABCDabcd", "abcd", 5) -> 0 (not found)
// Order : 12345678 | call FinStr("ABCDabcd", "aaaa", 1) -> 0 (not found)
// function InsStr takes string s, string a, integer i returns string
// - string s: base string
// - string a: string to insert
// - integer i: insert order
// -> string = string result
// Ex:
// String: ABCDabcd | call InsStr("ABcd", "CDab", 3) -> "ABCDabcd"
// -------- | call InsStr("ABCD", "abcd", 5) -> "ABCDabcd"
// Order : 12345678 | call InsStr("abcd", "ABCD", 1) -> "ABCDabcd"
// function InsStrBeforeFound takes string s, string f, string a, integer i returns string
// - string s: base string
// - string f: string to find
// - string a: string to add
// - integer i: start order
// -> integer = string result
// - this will inserts a string [a] to each found string that match the criteria
// [string f], starting from an order [i] to its end
// function RemStr takes string s, integer i, integer m returns string
// - string s: base string
// - integer i: start order
// - integer m: end order
// -> string = string result
// Ex:
// String: ABCDabcd | call RemStr("ABCDabcd", 1, 4) -> "abcd"
// -------- | call RemStr("ABCDabcd", 1, 2) -> "CDabcd"
// Order : 12345678 | call InsStr("ABCDabcd", 6, 8) -> "ABCDa"
// function RemStrFound takes string s, string r, integer i, boolean w returns string
// - string s: base string
// - string r: string to remove
// - integer i: start order
// - boolean w: true = removes whole words only
// false = removes each letters contained in string r
// - this will removes all found strings in string [s] with a criteria [string r]
// starting from an order [i]. if it's a whole words removing, then this will
// only removes any strings that can be found from an order [i] to its maximum
// length [of s] that exactly match the whole words, otherwise this will
// removes each letters contained in the criteria [string r]
// function MulStr takes string s, integer m returns string
// - string s: base string
// - integer m: multiply count
// -> string = string result
// Ex:
// * | call MulStr("00", 3) -> "000000"
// * | call MulStr("10", 5) -> "1010101010"
// * | call MulStr("Xx", 1) -> "Xx"
// function MulStrFound takes string s, string f, integer i, integer m returns string
// - string s: base string
// - string f: string to multiply
// - integer i: start order
// - integer m: multiply count
// -> string = string result
// Ex:
// String: 10.00001 | call MulStrFound("10.00001", "0", 1, 2) -> "100.000000001"
// -------- | call MulStrFound("10.00001", "10", 1, 4) -> "10101010.00001"
// Order : 12345678 | call MulStrFound("10.00001", "1", 1, 5) -> "111110.000011111"
// struct DivStr extends array
// static method divide takes string s, integer d returns DivStr
// - string s: base string
// - integer d: numbers of result / parts
// -> DivStr = results list
// method operator list[] takes integer i returns string
// returns divided string of number [i]
// method list.destroy takes nothing returns nothing
// destroys a list
// Ex:
// String: abcdefgh | local DivStr l = DivStr.divide("abcdefgh", 3)
// -------- | l.list[1] == "abc", l.list[2] == "def", l.list[3] == "gh"
// Order : 12345678 | call l.list.destroy()
library StringUtils
function FinStr takes string s, string f, integer i returns integer
local integer ls = StringLength(s)
local integer lf = StringLength(f)
exitwhen i > ls - lf
if SubString(s, i, i + lf) == f then
return i
set i = i + 1
return 0
function InsStr takes string s, string a, integer i returns string
local integer l = StringLength(s)
return SubString(s, 0, i - 1) + a + SubString(s, i, l)
function InsStrBeforeFound takes string s, string f, string a, integer i returns string
local integer ls = StringLength(s)
local integer la = StringLength(a)
set i = FinStr(s, f, i)
exitwhen i == 0
set s = InsStr(s, a, i)
set i = i + la + 1
return s
function RemStr takes string s, integer i, integer m returns string
local integer l = StringLength(s)
return SubString(s, 0, i - 1) + SubString(s, m + 1, l)
function RemStrFound takes string s, string r, integer i, boolean w returns string
local integer l = StringLength(r)
local integer ec = 1
local integer em = l
local string er = SubString(r, ec, ec)
if not w then
set l = 1
if w then
set i = FinStr(s, r, i)
exitwhen i == 0
set i = FinStr(s, r, i)
if i == 0 then
set ec = ec + 1
set er = SubString(r, ec, ec)
exitwhen i != 0 or ec > em
exitwhen ec > em
set s = RemStr(s, i, i + l - 1)
set i = i + 1
return s
function MulStr takes string s, integer m returns string
exitwhen m == 0
set s = s + s
set m = m - 1
return s
function MulStrFound takes string s, string f, integer i, integer m returns string
local integer c = i
exitwhen c == 0
set s = InsStrBeforeFound(s, f, f, i)
set c = c - 1
return s
private hashtable ht = InitHashtable()
private integer c = 0
private integer array r
private struct List extends array
method operator [] takes integer i returns string
return LoadStr(ht, this, i)
method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
set r [this] = r [0]
set r [0] = this
call FlushChildHashtable(ht, this)
struct DivStr extends array
method operator list takes nothing returns List
return this
private static method create takes nothing returns thistype
local integer this = r [0]
if this == 0 then
set c = c + 1
set this = c
set r [0] = r [this]
return this
static method divide takes string s, integer d returns thistype
local integer this = .create()
local integer l = StringLength(s)
local integer pl = l / d
local integer pc = 1
local string ps
if pl < I2R(l) / I2R(d) then
set pl = pl + 1
set ps = SubString(s, (pc - 1) * pl, pl)
exitwhen ps == ""
call SaveStr(ht, this, pc, ps)
set pc = pc + 1
return this
need something to add/remove?