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[AI] Starting Attacking

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Level 12
Feb 1, 2007
Ok I have two questions.
1. How do I get my AI to start attacks? I had him build four infantry and then I added infantry under the units in the attack group section.

2. How do I tell my AI to expand to another empty base? I dont have any clue aout this at all...

Yeah I am a noob at AI's but they are fun :infl_thumbs_up:
Level 12
Feb 1, 2007
Ok I understand the expansion thing but for attacking, I cant even get them to go. Its not that I am trying to get only specific people, its that I cant even get anyone to go at all. Is there something I need to press or do they just decide to go when it is time to go?
They only go when their group is fully assembled. I'll open a good AI I have right now, so I can tell you better.

Okay, here goes. On the Attacking tab thingy, go to the top-left box. Right-click on the empty space and click "Add Group." Do it again, so you have two groups. Name one of them to "Minimum". The other can be called whatever you want.

Now, left-click once on the Minimum group and then on the top-right, add the minimum amount of units to go when attacking. For my AI, it's 1 hero and 4 grunts. They have no conditions.

Then go to the other group, and add in all of the units that will be avaliable to build. Set their quantity to "All". Again, no conditions.

Now go to the bottom-left box and right-click on the space and press "Add Wave". Name it whatever. Make it's Delay 0, if it isn't already. Underneath that, set the Minimum Forces box to your Minimum group.

Next, set the Initial Delay to 0 and the Repeats Waves to 1. Now, go on to the Target Priorities (bottom-right) and make it look like this.
Common Alliance TargetNone
New Expansion LocationNone
Enemy - Major AssaultNone
Enemy - ExpansionNone
Enemy - Any TownNone
Creep Camp (0-9)None
Creep Camp (10-100, flyers)None

Then save your AI, re-import into your map, and try it out. If you need to change anything, go back and change it. After all, it's your AI.

This is just from an AI which I know works, so I dunno if others do it differently or what.
Level 6
Jul 7, 2006
Ya what pyritie said but also you need to in the attacking tab add the unit type to the unit types inside the attack groups or else nothing happens as the units aren't part of your attack groups.
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