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Level 1
Mar 6, 2018
my name is Rei(NightRei) and I am owner of the group Stardust which specilizes in custom map The World RPG. We are currently having over 70 members which atleast half is playing on daily basis. We are using Discord as our main communication, so it's needed for you to have an account.
Recently we got an idea to widen the group and add comunities of other maps so players would have easier access to what they need, be it help from "better" players or just discuss about the map itself. We have done preparations about this subject, we gathered feedback from active players and decided to try.

We are currently open to any map communities that meet the condition below.

1. "Community" must have atleast 5 active players to be able to join and create their own "territory" on the server.
2. To join, representative of the community (usually owner or admin) are to message me on discord where we should discuss futher.
3. After joining, the community will be completely sealed off from other communities. There isn't limit on how much communities player may be. There will also be "general" channels that will be visible to all communities.
4. Every map may have only 1 community, other versions of the same map do not count, neither do "stolen" versions of the map.
5. Every community will have x number of moderators that will watch over the community and report potentional problems to the main admins of the group.
6. Moderators will be in charge of their respective communities, that includes rules, game hosting and advertisment.
7. We don't approve any hacking groups.
8. We reserve the right to delete community from the server in cases of inactivity or rule violation.

Are you interested? You can message Rei#5590 on discord for more info.
Invite link to the server is here: Discord - Free voice and text chat for gamers

Before I leave, I will say that I am not doing this for myself, I am doing this for the players that support this game with their time.

Thank you for reading this.


Q: There is already community on the map my, already existing(second), community plays, what to do?
A: Only thing you can do is go and join the already existing community. Sadly we cannot do anything about your existing "post" in your community. But you can try speaking with the moderator.

Q: Why are we going to be able to see only our community?

A: Actually, we saw both pros and cons in this solution. The problem is like always spam and we want to reduce it as much as possible. If you want to join the community, you will be able to.

Q: I play only "melee"(classic) maps, is there a still place in your group?
A: Yes, for melee maps we have plans to stack all melee maps into 1 group. Someone has to request it tho.

PS: You find anything missin or have a question? I will watch this thread everyday and I am on discord anytime so don't hesitate to ask.
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