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Spider Models

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Level 2
Jun 5, 2012
Hi everyone !
I'd like to create a spider related race, but with my (very) bad skills in modelling, i came here :)
So, I'd like:

  • A spider "nest"; a building with 2 standing animation. One "empty", and the other with a "spiderQueen" on it
    the spiderQueen an be a resized original WC3 "creep spider" (in ths case, just tell me the scale ;) ) or an new model (and please, can i have it too as a unit )
  • new trees with 3 versions: regular one, with webs, and with a cocoon
  • a spider worker unit that can carry gold, lumber and the cocoons
I know it should be hard work and will take time.
In advance, thank you for your time !
Level 29
Mar 9, 2012
new trees with 3 versions: regular one, with webs, and with a cocoon
which trees ? besides your best bet would be to trigger this on the trees using an generic webbing model, whatever you plan to do with it.
a spider worker unit that can carry gold, lumber and the cocoons
a spider worker unit exists, look both under substandard and regular sections.
Level 2
Jun 5, 2012
well... thanks for answering (and very sorry for the very long respond... On Holydays with no Internet conection :D)

First, about the spider worker, I Actually saw it, but at that moment, it wasn't what thout i needed. And when my mind changed; i forgot it. So, yes it works :grin:

Then, for the trees. I imagined a "unique" tree model with the webs; but your idea is better.
Unfortunately, no webs matches what I want :
Can anyone do a model with 2 variations: One, the "regular" web, and the other, a cocoon; like something got trap into it ;)
(and please can it match the webs carried by the spider worker ?! thanks)

Thanks in advance
And again, sorry for being so late
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