Ok... To be more specific, I will tell you how you can make this spell, from object editor to triggers. First of all, from what I understood you want a combo between Blizzard, Thunder Clap and Chain Lightning. Go to Object Editor - Spells. Well, base this spell off Chain Lightning. Copy-paste the Chain Lightning spell, give it whatever damage you'd want your Chain Lightning to have, and other attributes of your Chain Lightning. Now, create another Thunder Clap and make it an unit skill. Give it whatever stats you want but make it cost 0 mana... That's very important. Do the same thing with the Blizzard.
Now, go to Units and copy-paste the footman. Change its collision size to 0, its model to none.mdl, its shadow to none, its movement speed to 0, food cost to 0, its sight to 0, its attacks to none, its mana to 100000 and obviously give it the Thunder Clap and Blizzard abilities you made for your spells. Also, give it hte "Locust" ability you will find at Unit abilities. That's kinda all you need for your dummy unit.
Now, going to triggers, make the following triggers...
Event - an unit starts the effect of an ability
Conditions - Ability being cast equal to (YourChainLightningAbility) [this is the chain lightning ability]
Actions - Create one Dummy at (Position of (Casting Unit)) for (Owner of (Casting Unit))
- Set (Last Created Unit's) expiration time to (Blizzard spell duration) [Check the duration of your own blizzard and give the unit its expiration timer]
- Order (Last Created Unit) to Human -Archmage - Blizzard at (Position of (Target Unit of Ability being Cast))
- Create one Dummy at (Position of (Casting Unit)) for (Owner of (Casting Unit))
- Set (Last Created Unit's) expiration timer to 1.50
- Order (Last Created Unit) to Human - Mountain King - Thunder Clap
That is all...