Hello I have a problem that's making me real mad.
Ever sence I re-installed Warcraft III TFT, After a few years break, I can't play my own maps that I make in WC3 World Editor...
I get script errors... One like this, this is from my old map that I have on my computer that I made few years ago. But when I try to save it I get this script error and when I try to launch the Map in WC3 TFT It returns to the race select/handicap etc ( If you know what I mean )
And this script error comes up when I just open a new map and save it:
// Just another Warcraft III map
// Warcraft III map script
// Generated by the Warcraft III World Editor
// Date: Tue Jun 03 21:33:55 2014
// Map Author: Unknown
//* Global Variables
// Generated
trigger gg_trg_Melee_Initialization = null
function InitGlobals takes nothing returns nothing
//* Triggers
// Trigger: Melee Initialization
// Default melee game initialization for all players
function Trig_Melee_Initialization_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
call MeleeStartingVisibility( )
call MeleeStartingHeroLimit( )
call MeleeGrantHeroItems( )
call MeleeStartingResources( )
call MeleeClearExcessUnits( )
call MeleeStartingUnits( )
call MeleeStartingAI( )
call MeleeInitVictoryDefeat( )
function InitTrig_Melee_Initialization takes nothing returns nothing
set gg_trg_Melee_Initialization = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_Melee_Initialization, function Trig_Melee_Initialization_Actions )
function InitCustomTriggers takes nothing returns nothing
call InitTrig_Melee_Initialization( )
function RunInitializationTriggers takes nothing returns nothing
call ConditionalTriggerExecute( gg_trg_Melee_Initialization )
//* Players
function InitCustomPlayerSlots takes nothing returns nothing
// Player 0
call SetPlayerStartLocation( Player(0), 0 )
call SetPlayerColor( Player(0), ConvertPlayerColor(0) )
call SetPlayerRacePreference( Player(0), RACE_PREF_HUMAN )
call SetPlayerRaceSelectable( Player(0), true )
call SetPlayerController( Player(0), MAP_CONTROL_USER )
function InitCustomTeams takes nothing returns nothing
// Force: TRIGSTR_002
call SetPlayerTeam( Player(0), 0 )
//* Main Initialization
function main takes nothing returns nothing
call SetCameraBounds( -3328,0 + GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_LEFT), -3584,0 + GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_BOTTOM), 3328,0 - GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_RIGHT), 3072,0 - GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_TOP), -3328,0 + GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_LEFT), 3072,0 - GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_TOP), 3328,0 - GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_RIGHT), -3584,0 + GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_BOTTOM) )
call SetDayNightModels( "Environment\\DNC\\DNCLordaeron\\DNCLordaeronTerrain\\DNCLordaeronTerrain.mdl", "Environment\\DNC\\DNCLordaeron\\DNCLordaeronUnit\\DNCLordaeronUnit.mdl" )
call NewSoundEnvironment( "Default" )
call SetAmbientDaySound( "LordaeronSummerDay" )
call SetAmbientNightSound( "LordaeronSummerNight" )
call SetMapMusic( "Music", true, 0 )
call InitBlizzard( )
call InitGlobals( )
call InitCustomTriggers( )
call RunInitializationTriggers( )
//* Map Configuration
function config takes nothing returns nothing
call SetMapName( "Just another Warcraft III map" )
call SetMapDescription( "Nondescript" )
call SetPlayers( 1 )
call SetTeams( 1 )
call DefineStartLocation( 0, 729,6, 817,8 )
// Player setup
call InitCustomPlayerSlots( )
call SetPlayerSlotAvailable( Player(0), MAP_CONTROL_USER )
call InitGenericPlayerSlots( )
My Script error on the map I made few Years ago (which worked perfectly fine before the re-install)
How do I fix this? What can I do? Please help me, If you dont understand what's the problem and want to explain more and get some details, please write to me
I'm thankfull for all help!
Regards MamcarzZz
Ever sence I re-installed Warcraft III TFT, After a few years break, I can't play my own maps that I make in WC3 World Editor...
I get script errors... One like this, this is from my old map that I have on my computer that I made few years ago. But when I try to save it I get this script error and when I try to launch the Map in WC3 TFT It returns to the race select/handicap etc ( If you know what I mean )
And this script error comes up when I just open a new map and save it:
// Just another Warcraft III map
// Warcraft III map script
// Generated by the Warcraft III World Editor
// Date: Tue Jun 03 21:33:55 2014
// Map Author: Unknown
//* Global Variables
// Generated
trigger gg_trg_Melee_Initialization = null
function InitGlobals takes nothing returns nothing
//* Triggers
// Trigger: Melee Initialization
// Default melee game initialization for all players
function Trig_Melee_Initialization_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
call MeleeStartingVisibility( )
call MeleeStartingHeroLimit( )
call MeleeGrantHeroItems( )
call MeleeStartingResources( )
call MeleeClearExcessUnits( )
call MeleeStartingUnits( )
call MeleeStartingAI( )
call MeleeInitVictoryDefeat( )
function InitTrig_Melee_Initialization takes nothing returns nothing
set gg_trg_Melee_Initialization = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_Melee_Initialization, function Trig_Melee_Initialization_Actions )
function InitCustomTriggers takes nothing returns nothing
call InitTrig_Melee_Initialization( )
function RunInitializationTriggers takes nothing returns nothing
call ConditionalTriggerExecute( gg_trg_Melee_Initialization )
//* Players
function InitCustomPlayerSlots takes nothing returns nothing
// Player 0
call SetPlayerStartLocation( Player(0), 0 )
call SetPlayerColor( Player(0), ConvertPlayerColor(0) )
call SetPlayerRacePreference( Player(0), RACE_PREF_HUMAN )
call SetPlayerRaceSelectable( Player(0), true )
call SetPlayerController( Player(0), MAP_CONTROL_USER )
function InitCustomTeams takes nothing returns nothing
// Force: TRIGSTR_002
call SetPlayerTeam( Player(0), 0 )
//* Main Initialization
function main takes nothing returns nothing
call SetCameraBounds( -3328,0 + GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_LEFT), -3584,0 + GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_BOTTOM), 3328,0 - GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_RIGHT), 3072,0 - GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_TOP), -3328,0 + GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_LEFT), 3072,0 - GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_TOP), 3328,0 - GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_RIGHT), -3584,0 + GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_BOTTOM) )
call SetDayNightModels( "Environment\\DNC\\DNCLordaeron\\DNCLordaeronTerrain\\DNCLordaeronTerrain.mdl", "Environment\\DNC\\DNCLordaeron\\DNCLordaeronUnit\\DNCLordaeronUnit.mdl" )
call NewSoundEnvironment( "Default" )
call SetAmbientDaySound( "LordaeronSummerDay" )
call SetAmbientNightSound( "LordaeronSummerNight" )
call SetMapMusic( "Music", true, 0 )
call InitBlizzard( )
call InitGlobals( )
call InitCustomTriggers( )
call RunInitializationTriggers( )
//* Map Configuration
function config takes nothing returns nothing
call SetMapName( "Just another Warcraft III map" )
call SetMapDescription( "Nondescript" )
call SetPlayers( 1 )
call SetTeams( 1 )
call DefineStartLocation( 0, 729,6, 817,8 )
// Player setup
call InitCustomPlayerSlots( )
call SetPlayerSlotAvailable( Player(0), MAP_CONTROL_USER )
call InitGenericPlayerSlots( )
My Script error on the map I made few Years ago (which worked perfectly fine before the re-install)
// The ZakoPlants
// Warcraft III map script
// Generated by the Warcraft III World Editor
// Date: Tue Jun 03 21:32:13 2014
// Map Author: Mam[c]arzZz
//* Global Variables
// User-defined
soundtype array udg_ssss
integer udg_illidan = 0
// Generated
rect gg_rct_Region_000 = null
rect gg_rct_Region_001 = null
rect gg_rct_Region_002 = null
rect gg_rct_Region_003 = null
rect gg_rct_Region_004 = null
rect gg_rct_Region_005 = null
rect gg_rct_Region_006 = null
rect gg_rct_Region_007 = null
rect gg_rct_Region_008 = null
sound gg_snd_IllidanMorphedPissed6 = null
sound gg_snd_PeasantPissed1 = null
trigger gg_trg_Melee_Initialization = null
trigger gg_trg_iloveexp = null
trigger gg_trg_ilovemoney = null
trigger gg_trg_kick2 = null
trigger gg_trg_kick3 = null
trigger gg_trg_ilovelumber = null
trigger gg_trg_Selector1 = null
trigger gg_trg_Selector2 = null
trigger gg_trg_Selector3 = null
trigger gg_trg_Selector4 = null
trigger gg_trg_Selector5 = null
trigger gg_trg_Selector6 = null
function InitGlobals takes nothing returns nothing
local integer i = 0
set i = 0
exitwhen (i > 5)
set udg_ssss[i] = SOUND_TYPE_EFFECT_LOOPED
set i = i + 1
set udg_illidan = 'ZTsg'
//* Map Item Tables
function ItemTable000000_DropItems takes nothing returns nothing
local widget trigWidget = null
local unit trigUnit = null
local integer itemID = 0
local boolean canDrop = true
set trigWidget = bj_lastDyingWidget
if (trigWidget == null) then
set trigUnit = GetTriggerUnit()
if (trigUnit != null) then
set canDrop = not IsUnitHidden(trigUnit)
if (canDrop and GetChangingUnit() != null) then
set canDrop = (GetChangingUnitPrevOwner() == Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_AGGRESSIVE))
if (canDrop) then
// Item set 0
call RandomDistReset( )
call RandomDistAddItem( 'tkno', 100 )
set itemID = RandomDistChoose( )
if (trigUnit != null) then
call UnitDropItem( trigUnit, itemID )
call WidgetDropItem( trigWidget, itemID )
// Item set 1
call RandomDistReset( )
call RandomDistAddItem( 'modt', 35 )
call RandomDistAddItem( 'ckng', 40 )
call RandomDistAddItem( -1, 25 )
set itemID = RandomDistChoose( )
if (trigUnit != null) then
call UnitDropItem( trigUnit, itemID )
call WidgetDropItem( trigWidget, itemID )
// Item set 2
call RandomDistReset( )
call RandomDistAddItem( 'shdt', 5 )
call RandomDistAddItem( 'arsh', 20 )
call RandomDistAddItem( 'hval', 45 )
call RandomDistAddItem( 'klmm', 6 )
call RandomDistAddItem( -1, 24 )
set itemID = RandomDistChoose( )
if (trigUnit != null) then
call UnitDropItem( trigUnit, itemID )
call WidgetDropItem( trigWidget, itemID )
// Item set 3
call RandomDistReset( )
call RandomDistAddItem( -1, 100 )
set itemID = RandomDistChoose( )
if (trigUnit != null) then
call UnitDropItem( trigUnit, itemID )
call WidgetDropItem( trigWidget, itemID )
set bj_lastDyingWidget = null
call DestroyTrigger(GetTriggeringTrigger())
//* Unit Item Tables
function Unit000028_DropItems takes nothing returns nothing
local widget trigWidget = null
local unit trigUnit = null
local integer itemID = 0
local boolean canDrop = true
set trigWidget = bj_lastDyingWidget
if (trigWidget == null) then
set trigUnit = GetTriggerUnit()
if (trigUnit != null) then
set canDrop = not IsUnitHidden(trigUnit)
if (canDrop and GetChangingUnit() != null) then
set canDrop = (GetChangingUnitPrevOwner() == Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_AGGRESSIVE))
if (canDrop) then
// Item set 0
call RandomDistReset( )
call RandomDistAddItem( 'wild', 100 )
set itemID = RandomDistChoose( )
if (trigUnit != null) then
call UnitDropItem( trigUnit, itemID )
call WidgetDropItem( trigWidget, itemID )
set bj_lastDyingWidget = null
call DestroyTrigger(GetTriggeringTrigger())
function Unit000042_DropItems takes nothing returns nothing
local widget trigWidget = null
local unit trigUnit = null
local integer itemID = 0
local boolean canDrop = true
set trigWidget = bj_lastDyingWidget
if (trigWidget == null) then
set trigUnit = GetTriggerUnit()
if (trigUnit != null) then
set canDrop = not IsUnitHidden(trigUnit)
if (canDrop and GetChangingUnit() != null) then
set canDrop = (GetChangingUnitPrevOwner() == Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_AGGRESSIVE))
if (canDrop) then
// Item set 0
call RandomDistReset( )
call RandomDistAddItem( 'dphe', 25 )
call RandomDistAddItem( -1, 75 )
set itemID = RandomDistChoose( )
if (trigUnit != null) then
call UnitDropItem( trigUnit, itemID )
call WidgetDropItem( trigWidget, itemID )
set bj_lastDyingWidget = null
call DestroyTrigger(GetTriggeringTrigger())
function Unit000045_DropItems takes nothing returns nothing
local widget trigWidget = null
local unit trigUnit = null
local integer itemID = 0
local boolean canDrop = true
set trigWidget = bj_lastDyingWidget
if (trigWidget == null) then
set trigUnit = GetTriggerUnit()
if (trigUnit != null) then
set canDrop = not IsUnitHidden(trigUnit)
if (canDrop and GetChangingUnit() != null) then
set canDrop = (GetChangingUnitPrevOwner() == Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_AGGRESSIVE))
if (canDrop) then
// Item set 0
call RandomDistReset( )
call RandomDistAddItem( 'ratf', 10 )
call RandomDistAddItem( -1, 90 )
set itemID = RandomDistChoose( )
if (trigUnit != null) then
call UnitDropItem( trigUnit, itemID )
call WidgetDropItem( trigWidget, itemID )
set bj_lastDyingWidget = null
call DestroyTrigger(GetTriggeringTrigger())
function Unit000056_DropItems takes nothing returns nothing
local widget trigWidget = null
local unit trigUnit = null
local integer itemID = 0
local boolean canDrop = true
set trigWidget = bj_lastDyingWidget
if (trigWidget == null) then
set trigUnit = GetTriggerUnit()
if (trigUnit != null) then
set canDrop = not IsUnitHidden(trigUnit)
if (canDrop and GetChangingUnit() != null) then
set canDrop = (GetChangingUnitPrevOwner() == Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_AGGRESSIVE))
if (canDrop) then
// Item set 0
call RandomDistReset( )
call RandomDistAddItem( 'desc', 100 )
set itemID = RandomDistChoose( )
if (trigUnit != null) then
call UnitDropItem( trigUnit, itemID )
call WidgetDropItem( trigWidget, itemID )
set bj_lastDyingWidget = null
call DestroyTrigger(GetTriggeringTrigger())
function Unit000064_DropItems takes nothing returns nothing
local widget trigWidget = null
local unit trigUnit = null
local integer itemID = 0
local boolean canDrop = true
set trigWidget = bj_lastDyingWidget
if (trigWidget == null) then
set trigUnit = GetTriggerUnit()
if (trigUnit != null) then
set canDrop = not IsUnitHidden(trigUnit)
if (canDrop and GetChangingUnit() != null) then
set canDrop = (GetChangingUnitPrevOwner() == Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_AGGRESSIVE))
if (canDrop) then
// Item set 0
call RandomDistReset( )
call RandomDistAddItem( 'crdt', 100 )
set itemID = RandomDistChoose( )
if (trigUnit != null) then
call UnitDropItem( trigUnit, itemID )
call WidgetDropItem( trigWidget, itemID )
set bj_lastDyingWidget = null
call DestroyTrigger(GetTriggeringTrigger())
function Unit000146_DropItems takes nothing returns nothing
local widget trigWidget = null
local unit trigUnit = null
local integer itemID = 0
local boolean canDrop = true
set trigWidget = bj_lastDyingWidget
if (trigWidget == null) then
set trigUnit = GetTriggerUnit()
if (trigUnit != null) then
set canDrop = not IsUnitHidden(trigUnit)
if (canDrop and GetChangingUnit() != null) then
set canDrop = (GetChangingUnitPrevOwner() == Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_AGGRESSIVE))
if (canDrop) then
// Item set 0
call RandomDistReset( )
call RandomDistAddItem( 'modt', 100 )
set itemID = RandomDistChoose( )
if (trigUnit != null) then
call UnitDropItem( trigUnit, itemID )
call WidgetDropItem( trigWidget, itemID )
set bj_lastDyingWidget = null
call DestroyTrigger(GetTriggeringTrigger())
function Unit000147_DropItems takes nothing returns nothing
local widget trigWidget = null
local unit trigUnit = null
local integer itemID = 0
local boolean canDrop = true
set trigWidget = bj_lastDyingWidget
if (trigWidget == null) then
set trigUnit = GetTriggerUnit()
if (trigUnit != null) then
set canDrop = not IsUnitHidden(trigUnit)
if (canDrop and GetChangingUnit() != null) then
set canDrop = (GetChangingUnitPrevOwner() == Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_AGGRESSIVE))
if (canDrop) then
// Item set 0
call RandomDistReset( )
call RandomDistAddItem( 'oslo', 100 )
set itemID = RandomDistChoose( )
if (trigUnit != null) then
call UnitDropItem( trigUnit, itemID )
call WidgetDropItem( trigWidget, itemID )
set bj_lastDyingWidget = null
call DestroyTrigger(GetTriggeringTrigger())
function Unit000149_DropItems takes nothing returns nothing
local widget trigWidget = null
local unit trigUnit = null
local integer itemID = 0
local boolean canDrop = true
set trigWidget = bj_lastDyingWidget
if (trigWidget == null) then
set trigUnit = GetTriggerUnit()
if (trigUnit != null) then
set canDrop = not IsUnitHidden(trigUnit)
if (canDrop and GetChangingUnit() != null) then
set canDrop = (GetChangingUnitPrevOwner() == Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_AGGRESSIVE))
if (canDrop) then
// Item set 0
call RandomDistReset( )
call RandomDistAddItem( 'tkno', 100 )
set itemID = RandomDistChoose( )
if (trigUnit != null) then
call UnitDropItem( trigUnit, itemID )
call WidgetDropItem( trigWidget, itemID )
// Item set 1
call RandomDistReset( )
call RandomDistAddItem( 'ckng', 39 )
call RandomDistAddItem( -1, 61 )
set itemID = RandomDistChoose( )
if (trigUnit != null) then
call UnitDropItem( trigUnit, itemID )
call WidgetDropItem( trigWidget, itemID )
// Item set 2
call RandomDistReset( )
call RandomDistAddItem( 'ward', 50 )
call RandomDistAddItem( 'desc', 49 )
call RandomDistAddItem( 'crdt', 1 )
set itemID = RandomDistChoose( )
if (trigUnit != null) then
call UnitDropItem( trigUnit, itemID )
call WidgetDropItem( trigWidget, itemID )
set bj_lastDyingWidget = null
call DestroyTrigger(GetTriggeringTrigger())
function Unit000162_DropItems takes nothing returns nothing
local widget trigWidget = null
local unit trigUnit = null
local integer itemID = 0
local boolean canDrop = true
set trigWidget = bj_lastDyingWidget
if (trigWidget == null) then
set trigUnit = GetTriggerUnit()
if (trigUnit != null) then
set canDrop = not IsUnitHidden(trigUnit)
if (canDrop and GetChangingUnit() != null) then
set canDrop = (GetChangingUnitPrevOwner() == Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_AGGRESSIVE))
if (canDrop) then
// Item set 0
call RandomDistReset( )
call RandomDistAddItem( 'tkno', 100 )
set itemID = RandomDistChoose( )
if (trigUnit != null) then
call UnitDropItem( trigUnit, itemID )
call WidgetDropItem( trigWidget, itemID )
// Item set 1
call RandomDistReset( )
call RandomDistAddItem( 'tkno', 100 )
set itemID = RandomDistChoose( )
if (trigUnit != null) then
call UnitDropItem( trigUnit, itemID )
call WidgetDropItem( trigWidget, itemID )
// Item set 2
call RandomDistReset( )
call RandomDistAddItem( 'ratf', 12 )
call RandomDistAddItem( -1, 88 )
set itemID = RandomDistChoose( )
if (trigUnit != null) then
call UnitDropItem( trigUnit, itemID )
call WidgetDropItem( trigWidget, itemID )
set bj_lastDyingWidget = null
call DestroyTrigger(GetTriggeringTrigger())
function Unit000164_DropItems takes nothing returns nothing
local widget trigWidget = null
local unit trigUnit = null
local integer itemID = 0
local boolean canDrop = true
set trigWidget = bj_lastDyingWidget
if (trigWidget == null) then
set trigUnit = GetTriggerUnit()
if (trigUnit != null) then
set canDrop = not IsUnitHidden(trigUnit)
if (canDrop and GetChangingUnit() != null) then
set canDrop = (GetChangingUnitPrevOwner() == Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_AGGRESSIVE))
if (canDrop) then
// Item set 0
call RandomDistReset( )
call RandomDistAddItem( 'sbok', 100 )
set itemID = RandomDistChoose( )
if (trigUnit != null) then
call UnitDropItem( trigUnit, itemID )
call WidgetDropItem( trigWidget, itemID )
set bj_lastDyingWidget = null
call DestroyTrigger(GetTriggeringTrigger())
//* Sounds
function InitSounds takes nothing returns nothing
set gg_snd_IllidanMorphedPissed6 = CreateSound( "Units\\NightElf\\Illidan\\IllidanMorphedPissed6.wav", false, false, true, 10, 10, "HeroAcksEAX" )
call SetSoundParamsFromLabel( gg_snd_IllidanMorphedPissed6, "EvilIllidanMorphedPissed" )
call SetSoundDuration( gg_snd_IllidanMorphedPissed6, 4153 )
call SetSoundChannel( gg_snd_IllidanMorphedPissed6, 7 )
set gg_snd_PeasantPissed1 = CreateSound( "Units\\Human\\Peasant\\PeasantPissed1.wav", false, true, true, 10, 10, "CombatSoundsEAX" )
call SetSoundParamsFromLabel( gg_snd_PeasantPissed1, "PeasantPissed" )
call SetSoundDuration( gg_snd_PeasantPissed1, 3437 )
call SetSoundChannel( gg_snd_PeasantPissed1, 5 )
//* Items
function CreateAllItems takes nothing returns nothing
local integer itemID
call CreateItem( 'gold', 3850,3, 4551,2 )
call CreateItem( 'gold', 3778,8, 4547,6 )
call CreateItem( 'gold', 3709,5, 4551,2 )
call CreateItem( 'gold', 4273,3, -4047,5 )
call CreateItem( 'gold', 4190,8, -4047,5 )
call CreateItem( 'gold', 4116,8, -4047,5 )
call CreateItem( 'gold', -4281,6, 3958,3 )
call CreateItem( 'gold', -4206,2, 3958,3 )
call CreateItem( 'gold', -4354,1, 3955,0 )
//* Unit Creation
function CreateUnitsForPlayer0 takes nothing returns nothing
local player p = Player(0)
local unit u
local integer unitID
local trigger t
local real life
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'ewsp', -5636,2, -5831,8, 331,070 )
call SetUnitAcquireRange( u, 200,0 )
function CreateUnitsForPlayer1 takes nothing returns nothing
local player p = Player(1)
local unit u
local integer unitID
local trigger t
local real life
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'ewsp', -4612,2, -5882,0, 331,070 )
function CreateUnitsForPlayer2 takes nothing returns nothing
local player p = Player(2)
local unit u
local integer unitID
local trigger t
local real life
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'ewsp', -3625,4, -5906,8, 331,070 )
function CreateNeutralHostileBuildings takes nothing returns nothing
local player p = Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_AGGRESSIVE)
local unit u
local integer unitID
local trigger t
local real life
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'hctw', -2880,0, -3840,0, 270,000 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'ndt2', -3008,0, -4032,0, 270,000 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'ndt2', -3008,0, -3648,0, 270,000 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nntg', 3584,0, 1920,0, 270,000 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nntg', 3584,0, 2176,0, 270,000 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nntg', 4864,0, 2176,0, 270,000 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nntg', 4864,0, 1920,0, 270,000 )
function CreateNeutralHostile takes nothing returns nothing
local player p = Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_AGGRESSIVE)
local unit u
local integer unitID
local trigger t
local real life
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'U000', -4144,9, -3777,7, 1,717 )
call SetHeroLevel( u, 35, false )
call SetHeroStr( u, 350, true )
call SetHeroAgi( u, 410, true )
call SetHeroInt( u, 100, true )
call SetUnitAcquireRange( u, 200,0 )
set t = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent( t, u, EVENT_UNIT_DEATH )
call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent( t, u, EVENT_UNIT_CHANGE_OWNER )
call TriggerAddAction( t, function ItemTable000000_DropItems )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nwlt', -4022,3, 2633,1, 341,446 )
call SetUnitAcquireRange( u, 200,0 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nwlt', -3289,3, 2553,7, 222,864 )
call SetUnitAcquireRange( u, 200,0 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nwlt', -3074,5, 2114,4, 225,239 )
call SetUnitAcquireRange( u, 200,0 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nwlt', -3838,2, 2051,8, 16,755 )
call SetUnitAcquireRange( u, 200,0 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nwlt', -3562,2, 2068,3, 319,142 )
call SetUnitAcquireRange( u, 200,0 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nwlt', -3954,0, 1657,9, 326,268 )
call SetUnitAcquireRange( u, 200,0 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nwlt', -4321,0, 1656,9, 194,398 )
call SetUnitAcquireRange( u, 200,0 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nwlt', -3254,7, 1297,3, 167,667 )
call SetUnitAcquireRange( u, 200,0 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nwlt', -4488,9, 2516,5, 54,274 )
call SetUnitAcquireRange( u, 200,0 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nwlt', -4462,9, 2011,0, 59,570 )
call SetUnitAcquireRange( u, 200,0 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nsgb', -5031,6, 438,5, 9,091 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nmtw', -4834,5, 334,3, 354,960 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nmtw', -4858,8, 527,0, 353,469 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nmcf', -4731,1, 447,3, 16,755 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'hmpr', -3862,1, -3499,1, 203,253 )
call SetUnitAcquireRange( u, 200,0 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'hmpr', -4460,3, -3505,9, 305,600 )
call SetUnitAcquireRange( u, 200,0 )
set t = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent( t, u, EVENT_UNIT_DEATH )
call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent( t, u, EVENT_UNIT_CHANGE_OWNER )
call TriggerAddAction( t, function Unit000164_DropItems )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'hmpr', -4457,8, -4095,8, 44,000 )
call SetUnitAcquireRange( u, 200,0 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'njgb', -3422,9, -231,8, 2,510 )
set t = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent( t, u, EVENT_UNIT_DEATH )
call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent( t, u, EVENT_UNIT_CHANGE_OWNER )
call TriggerAddAction( t, function Unit000042_DropItems )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'njg1', -3652,9, -473,7, 10,759 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'njg1', -3623,6, 71,1, 3,183 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nsgb', -259,9, 4987,8, 304,100 )
set t = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent( t, u, EVENT_UNIT_DEATH )
call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent( t, u, EVENT_UNIT_CHANGE_OWNER )
call TriggerAddAction( t, function Unit000045_DropItems )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nsel', -384,1, 4750,0, 309,847 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nsel', -6,8, 4996,1, 308,137 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nmcf', -1896,9, 5777,9, 216,928 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nmcf', -2025,1, 5905,6, 185,920 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nscb', -2702,4, 4265,5, 91,233 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nscb', -2538,3, 4282,1, 152,890 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nscb', -2598,8, 4137,6, 213,614 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'hmpr', -3854,7, -4107,5, 132,650 )
call SetUnitAcquireRange( u, 200,0 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nvl2', 101,5, -1223,4, 347,970 )
set t = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent( t, u, EVENT_UNIT_DEATH )
call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent( t, u, EVENT_UNIT_CHANGE_OWNER )
call TriggerAddAction( t, function Unit000147_DropItems )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nahy', -143,6, 628,9, 87,290 )
set t = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent( t, u, EVENT_UNIT_DEATH )
call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent( t, u, EVENT_UNIT_CHANGE_OWNER )
call TriggerAddAction( t, function Unit000028_DropItems )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nhyd', 208,5, 855,7, 84,019 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nhyd', -210,9, 1030,5, 89,557 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nsc3', 732,4, 2400,9, 306,132 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nscb', 834,1, 2111,2, 267,943 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nscb', 329,5, 2019,9, 45,864 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nmbg', -2016,8, 5798,0, 220,839 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nmsc', -1439,0, 2209,7, 305,034 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nmsn', -1408,6, 2398,5, 345,673 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nmsn', -1620,1, 2261,9, 4,494 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nmcf', -1552,1, 2422,3, 95,419 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nmpe', 1826,7, 2423,0, 159,560 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nnrg', 2424,0, 3685,8, 281,070 )
call IssueImmediateOrder( u, "submerge" )
set t = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent( t, u, EVENT_UNIT_DEATH )
call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent( t, u, EVENT_UNIT_CHANGE_OWNER )
call TriggerAddAction( t, function Unit000056_DropItems )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nsnp', 2306,5, 3543,7, 265,568 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nsnp', 2523,7, 3555,2, 273,217 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nnmg', 2432,1, 3458,7, 264,228 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nglm', -3326,4, -2301,3, 263,306 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nglm', -4865,9, -2302,2, 213,064 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nglm', -3324,6, -4990,7, 287,543 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nglm', -4868,8, -4985,8, 135,081 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nnwq', -387,3, -3715,4, 273,753 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nnwq', -53,0, -3692,6, 280,413 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nfod', -624,8, -3131,7, 285,109 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nfod', 178,2, -3135,4, 291,444 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nfor', -194,2, -3926,4, 271,692 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nsko', -5641,7, -1827,2, 341,773 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nsog', -5822,4, -1908,7, 85,322 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nsog', -5632,9, -1979,8, 207,681 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nmcf', -5794,8, -3034,5, 78,972 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nmcf', -5607,3, -3160,5, 253,869 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nmcf', -5644,7, -2976,7, 292,410 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nspr', -5749,9, -3565,3, 103,813 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nsbm', -5727,4, -3424,5, 145,233 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nstw', -5835,9, -4540,0, 90,351 )
call SetUnitAcquireRange( u, 200,0 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nstw', -5662,3, -4547,3, 91,402 )
call SetUnitAcquireRange( u, 200,0 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'ndtp', 2241,4, -5222,2, 288,708 )
call SetUnitState( u, UNIT_STATE_MANA, 0 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'ndtw', 2236,0, -5334,0, 134,147 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'ndtt', 6020,7, 3190,5, 262,394 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'ndtt', 6052,6, 3022,4, 150,298 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'ndtp', 5916,4, 3107,0, 288,158 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'ndtp', -722,1, 3808,4, 114,305 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'ndtp', -1065,0, 4239,5, 341,169 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'ndtr', -984,2, 4035,9, 286,279 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'ndtr', -908,4, 3946,7, 269,679 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'ndtr', -2899,6, -1167,1, 286,016 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'ndth', -3036,5, -1046,0, 60,734 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nrel', -5633,3, 520,4, 189,697 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nrel', -5638,4, 396,7, 188,571 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nrel', -5641,7, 284,5, 176,132 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nmcf', -5760,6, 532,4, 278,681 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nwlt', 3933,8, -1042,4, 103,417 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nwlt', 3427,7, -675,6, 333,169 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nwlt', 3598,6, -982,4, 146,617 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nwlt', 4103,0, 158,3, 169,612 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nwlt', 4807,3, 180,4, 231,764 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nwlt', 5182,6, -486,4, 274,073 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nwlt', 3992,4, 537,6, 257,945 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nwlt', 1645,9, -1702,4, 83,696 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nwlt', 1605,8, -1871,6, 28,401 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nwlt', 2445,4, -1633,7, 52,329 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nwlt', 2771,7, -3555,5, 134,751 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nwlt', 2628,8, -3726,4, 42,277 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nwlt', -3737,5, -1042,7, 276,897 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nwlt', -4266,6, -1224,5, 332,284 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'ntrd', -4943,0, -898,5, 270,311 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'ntrt', -4729,8, -1090,8, 275,226 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'ntrt', -5166,6, -1066,0, 270,810 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nsko', -4935,8, -1179,5, 263,165 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nsgh', -3327,0, -2451,8, 272,460 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nsgh', -4903,7, -2421,0, 279,529 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nsgh', -3333,5, -4794,3, 92,262 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nsgh', -4860,8, -4843,3, 99,770 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nsc3', -1852,1, -407,7, 230,753 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nsc2', -2004,9, -186,4, 64,030 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nsc2', -2049,4, -500,0, 181,653 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nsc3', 2904,0, -3996,9, 260,069 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'njg1', 2763,0, -4790,7, 120,655 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'njg1', 2806,1, -4477,1, 233,906 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'njg1', 1862,5, -4889,0, 60,042 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'njg1', 2236,1, 766,5, 53,277 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'njg1', 2344,7, 573,6, 38,642 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nlpr', 2384,8, 759,9, 28,345 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nsko', 1576,6, 5259,9, 355,836 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nlpr', 1707,7, 5271,9, 314,023 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nlpr', 1604,6, 5143,6, 300,683 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nhyh', 872,4, 5432,9, 96,089 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nmbg', 754,0, 5245,3, 161,119 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nmbg', 1014,2, 5420,5, 148,617 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nlkl', -1283,1, 5757,1, 317,369 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nmsn', -1075,3, 5786,7, 319,163 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nmsn', -1300,4, 5606,4, 334,225 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nmsn', -1672,6, 4120,6, 275,546 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nmsn', -1562,3, 4304,3, 284,730 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nsgn', 2883,4, 5818,4, 167,173 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nlpd', 2974,0, 5674,5, 283,093 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nlpd', 2701,3, 5884,0, 217,569 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'Nbst', -5728,9, -4982,5, 80,680 )
call SetHeroLevel( u, 25, false )
call SetHeroStr( u, 300, true )
call SetHeroAgi( u, 250, true )
call SetHeroInt( u, 100, true )
call SetUnitAcquireRange( u, 200,0 )
call SelectHeroSkill( u, 'ANsg' )
call SelectHeroSkill( u, 'ANsg' )
call SelectHeroSkill( u, 'ANsg' )
call SelectHeroSkill( u, 'ANsq' )
call SelectHeroSkill( u, 'ANsq' )
call SelectHeroSkill( u, 'ANsq' )
call SelectHeroSkill( u, 'ANsw' )
call SelectHeroSkill( u, 'ANsw' )
call SelectHeroSkill( u, 'ANsw' )
call SelectHeroSkill( u, 'ANst' )
call UnitAddItemToSlotById( u, 'sor9', 0 )
call UnitAddItemToSlotById( u, 'phea', 1 )
set t = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent( t, u, EVENT_UNIT_DEATH )
call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent( t, u, EVENT_UNIT_CHANGE_OWNER )
call TriggerAddAction( t, function Unit000162_DropItems )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nsel', 3953,1, 2042,6, 155,505 )
set life = GetUnitState( u, UNIT_STATE_LIFE )
call SetUnitState( u, UNIT_STATE_LIFE, 0,60 * life )
call SetUnitAcquireRange( u, 200,0 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nsel', 4466,8, 2003,8, 14,678 )
set life = GetUnitState( u, UNIT_STATE_LIFE )
call SetUnitState( u, UNIT_STATE_LIFE, 0,60 * life )
call SetUnitAcquireRange( u, 200,0 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nsgb', 4216,2, 2344,0, 93,507 )
set life = GetUnitState( u, UNIT_STATE_LIFE )
call SetUnitState( u, UNIT_STATE_LIFE, 0,60 * life )
call SetUnitState( u, UNIT_STATE_MANA, 0 )
call SetUnitAcquireRange( u, 200,0 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nsgb', 4203,9, 1691,8, 268,840 )
set life = GetUnitState( u, UNIT_STATE_LIFE )
call SetUnitState( u, UNIT_STATE_LIFE, 0,60 * life )
call SetUnitState( u, UNIT_STATE_MANA, 0 )
call SetUnitAcquireRange( u, 200,0 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nsko', 2820,9, -2884,0, 27,730 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nmcf', 2910,9, -2891,6, 121,831 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nmcf', 2853,9, -2950,8, 219,656 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nsrh', -1469,2, -1786,9, 85,056 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'njga', -1459,4, -2036,7, 91,556 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nmtw', -1808,2, -2057,0, 95,982 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nmtw', -1140,8, -2073,1, 177,283 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nhyh', -1477,7, -2357,5, 95,643 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'njga', 2518,1, -1183,4, 94,331 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nsko', 2604,1, -1022,9, 93,303 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nsko', 2402,0, -1031,6, 106,589 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nlsn', 1233,4, -2222,7, 314,826 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nlpr', 1279,9, -2451,1, 304,526 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nlpr', 1376,9, -2376,1, 304,141 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nnrg', 4533,4, 1662,4, 274,736 )
set life = GetUnitState( u, UNIT_STATE_LIFE )
call SetUnitState( u, UNIT_STATE_LIFE, 0,60 * life )
call SetUnitState( u, UNIT_STATE_MANA, 0 )
call SetUnitAcquireRange( u, 200,0 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nnrg', 3920,5, 1681,6, 264,702 )
set life = GetUnitState( u, UNIT_STATE_LIFE )
call SetUnitState( u, UNIT_STATE_LIFE, 0,60 * life )
call SetUnitState( u, UNIT_STATE_MANA, 0 )
call SetUnitAcquireRange( u, 200,0 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nnrg', 3881,5, 2395,5, 88,579 )
set life = GetUnitState( u, UNIT_STATE_LIFE )
call SetUnitState( u, UNIT_STATE_LIFE, 0,60 * life )
call SetUnitState( u, UNIT_STATE_MANA, 0 )
call SetUnitAcquireRange( u, 200,0 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nnrg', 4569,7, 2391,1, 94,276 )
set life = GetUnitState( u, UNIT_STATE_LIFE )
call SetUnitState( u, UNIT_STATE_LIFE, 0,60 * life )
call SetUnitState( u, UNIT_STATE_MANA, 0 )
call SetUnitAcquireRange( u, 200,0 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nsko', 1483,6, -3409,2, 226,578 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'Hmkg', 5832,8, -1551,2, 85,040 )
call SetHeroLevel( u, 25, false )
call SetHeroStr( u, 300, true )
call SetHeroAgi( u, 250, true )
call SetHeroInt( u, 100, true )
call SetUnitAcquireRange( u, 200,0 )
call SelectHeroSkill( u, 'AHtb' )
call SelectHeroSkill( u, 'AHtc' )
call SelectHeroSkill( u, 'AHtc' )
call SelectHeroSkill( u, 'AHtc' )
call SelectHeroSkill( u, 'AHbh' )
call SelectHeroSkill( u, 'AHbh' )
call SelectHeroSkill( u, 'AHbh' )
call SelectHeroSkill( u, 'AHav' )
call UnitAddItemToSlotById( u, 'ckng', 0 )
call UnitAddItemToSlotById( u, 'frgd', 1 )
call UnitAddItemToSlotById( u, 'clfm', 2 )
set t = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent( t, u, EVENT_UNIT_DEATH )
call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent( t, u, EVENT_UNIT_CHANGE_OWNER )
call TriggerAddAction( t, function Unit000149_DropItems )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'hcth', 5957,1, -1365,9, 92,283 )
call SetUnitAcquireRange( u, 200,0 )
call IssueImmediateOrder( u, "defend" )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'hcth', 5698,0, -1378,4, 92,911 )
call SetUnitAcquireRange( u, 200,0 )
call IssueImmediateOrder( u, "defend" )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'Hvsh', -69,8, -1874,4, 66,410 )
call SetHeroLevel( u, 25, false )
call SetUnitAcquireRange( u, 200,0 )
call SelectHeroSkill( u, 'ANfa' )
call SelectHeroSkill( u, 'ANfa' )
call SelectHeroSkill( u, 'ANfa' )
call SelectHeroSkill( u, 'ANms' )
call SelectHeroSkill( u, 'ANms' )
call SelectHeroSkill( u, 'ANms' )
call IssueImmediateOrder( u, "manashieldoff" )
set t = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent( t, u, EVENT_UNIT_DEATH )
call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent( t, u, EVENT_UNIT_CHANGE_OWNER )
call TriggerAddAction( t, function Unit000146_DropItems )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nnsw', -805,6, -900,4, 36,948 )
call SetUnitState( u, UNIT_STATE_MANA, 0 )
call SetUnitAcquireRange( u, 200,0 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nnmg', -701,3, -1175,2, 66,305 )
call SetUnitAcquireRange( u, 200,0 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nnmg', -637,1, -808,6, 333,929 )
call SetUnitAcquireRange( u, 200,0 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nmyr', 1005,4, -400,2, 208,109 )
call SetUnitAcquireRange( u, 200,0 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nnmg', 784,6, -440,0, 149,594 )
call SetUnitAcquireRange( u, 200,0 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nnmg', 956,4, -692,3, 83,960 )
call SetUnitAcquireRange( u, 200,0 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nnmg', 1220,0, -463,6, 21,885 )
call SetUnitAcquireRange( u, 200,0 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nsnp', 615,9, -1460,6, 81,917 )
call SetUnitAcquireRange( u, 200,0 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'njg1', 5691,0, 461,7, 317,295 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'njg1', 5666,5, -389,8, 8,866 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nsko', 1320,0, -3566,4, 24,577 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nsko', 1453,4, -4118,3, 270,162 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nlkl', -148,9, -4998,2, 341,301 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nltc', 82,1, -4938,8, 268,965 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nltc', -335,9, -4977,5, 80,334 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'njg1', -1480,2, -4834,1, 85,333 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'njga', -1530,7, -5131,5, 71,424 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'njg1', -1725,4, -5534,1, 101,341 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'njg1', -875,3, -5471,7, 211,186 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'njg1', 1414,2, -5247,2, 120,699 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'njg1', 3702,8, 369,1, 200,012 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'njg1', 3241,4, 412,9, 179,874 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'ndtt', -3133,2, -1295,1, 162,372 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'ndtt', -2378,4, 915,1, 223,293 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nscb', 2588,9, 788,1, 141,036 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'H004', -172,1, -3325,9, 246,400 )
call SetHeroLevel( u, 60, false )
call SetHeroStr( u, 650, true )
call SetHeroAgi( u, 460, true )
call SetHeroInt( u, 300, true )
call SetUnitState( u, UNIT_STATE_MANA, 300 )
call SetUnitAcquireRange( u, 200,0 )
call SelectHeroSkill( u, 'AUfn' )
call SelectHeroSkill( u, 'AUfn' )
call SelectHeroSkill( u, 'AUfn' )
call SelectHeroSkill( u, 'A003' )
call SelectHeroSkill( u, 'A003' )
call SelectHeroSkill( u, 'A003' )
call IssueImmediateOrder( u, "" )
call SelectHeroSkill( u, 'AUfu' )
call SelectHeroSkill( u, 'AUfu' )
call SelectHeroSkill( u, 'AUfu' )
call IssueImmediateOrder( u, "frostarmoron" )
call SelectHeroSkill( u, 'AOcr' )
call SelectHeroSkill( u, 'AOcr' )
call SelectHeroSkill( u, 'AOcr' )
call SelectHeroSkill( u, 'A004' )
call SelectHeroSkill( u, 'A004' )
call SelectHeroSkill( u, 'A004' )
call IssueImmediateOrder( u, "" )
call UnitAddItemToSlotById( u, 'crdt', 0 )
set t = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent( t, u, EVENT_UNIT_DEATH )
call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent( t, u, EVENT_UNIT_CHANGE_OWNER )
call TriggerAddAction( t, function Unit000064_DropItems )
function CreateNeutralPassiveBuildings takes nothing returns nothing
local player p = Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_PASSIVE)
local unit u
local integer unitID
local trigger t
local real life
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'ngol', 3840,0, -4608,0, 270,000 )
call SetResourceAmount( u, 2000000 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'ngol', -3712,0, 4480,0, 270,000 )
call SetResourceAmount( u, 2000000 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'ngol', -3712,0, -192,0, 270,000 )
call SetResourceAmount( u, 12500 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nshp', -1728,0, 1984,0, 270,000 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'ngol', 3648,0, 4992,0, 270,000 )
call SetResourceAmount( u, 2000000 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'ngol', -3584,0, -4416,0, 270,000 )
call SetResourceAmount( u, 12500 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'ngol', 256,0, 1408,0, 270,000 )
call SetResourceAmount( u, 100000 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'n001', -5760,0, 704,0, 270,000 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'n001', 2048,0, 576,0, 270,000 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'ngol', 4480,0, -1344,0, 270,000 )
call SetResourceAmount( u, 12500 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'ngol', 3008,0, 3136,0, 270,000 )
call SetResourceAmount( u, 12500 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'ngol', -2496,0, 5568,0, 270,000 )
call SetResourceAmount( u, 12500 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'ngol', -3520,0, -2880,0, 270,000 )
call SetResourceAmount( u, 12500 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'ngol', -4672,0, -2880,0, 270,000 )
call SetResourceAmount( u, 12500 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'ncop', -4416,0, -5824,0, 270,000 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'ncop', -4800,0, -5824,0, 270,000 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'ncop', -5440,0, -5824,0, 270,000 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'ncop', -5824,0, -5824,0, 270,000 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'ncop', -3776,0, -5888,0, 270,000 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'ncop', -3456,0, -5888,0, 270,000 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'ngol', -4672,0, -4416,0, 270,000 )
call SetResourceAmount( u, 12500 )
function CreateNeutralPassive takes nothing returns nothing
local player p = Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_PASSIVE)
local unit u
local integer unitID
local trigger t
local real life
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nalb', -28,8, -515,9, 157,252 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'ncrb', -1915,5, 2221,7, 79,598 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'ncrb', 3807,5, 1068,4, 155,835 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'ncrb', 4867,4, 2775,1, 237,543 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'npig', 426,1, 5607,2, 319,723 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'npig', 861,8, -5201,7, 165,075 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'npig', 701,1, -5349,0, 77,884 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'npig', -2694,5, 50,0, 140,388 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'npig', 3250,6, -1636,5, 350,090 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'npig', 4736,5, 4121,9, 335,335 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'ncrb', -646,7, -1384,9, 280,501 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'n002', 693,5, -5178,4, 210,131 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'n002', 4544,8, 4053,3, 332,190 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'Hpal', -5842,3, -5992,9, 87,292 )
call SetUnitState( u, UNIT_STATE_MANA, 0 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'Hapm', -5435,3, -6030,2, 100,380 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'Hpal', -4807,8, -5987,4, 90,715 )
call SetUnitState( u, UNIT_STATE_MANA, 0 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'Hapm', -4427,7, -6022,1, 94,160 )
call SetUnitAcquireRange( u, 200,0 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'Hpal', -3794,7, -6055,6, 87,472 )
call SetUnitState( u, UNIT_STATE_MANA, 0 )
set u = CreateUnit( p, 'Hapm', -3479,6, -6069,5, 120,200 )
function CreatePlayerBuildings takes nothing returns nothing
function CreatePlayerUnits takes nothing returns nothing
call CreateUnitsForPlayer0( )
call CreateUnitsForPlayer1( )
call CreateUnitsForPlayer2( )
function CreateAllUnits takes nothing returns nothing
call CreateNeutralHostileBuildings( )
call CreateNeutralPassiveBuildings( )
call CreatePlayerBuildings( )
call CreateNeutralHostile( )
call CreateNeutralPassive( )
call CreatePlayerUnits( )
//* Regions
function CreateRegions takes nothing returns nothing
local weathereffect we
set gg_rct_Region_000 = Rect( -5888,0, -5888,0, -5760,0, -5760,0 )
set gg_rct_Region_001 = Rect( -5504,0, -5888,0, -5376,0, -5760,0 )
set gg_rct_Region_002 = Rect( -4864,0, -5888,0, -4736,0, -5760,0 )
set gg_rct_Region_003 = Rect( -4480,0, -5888,0, -4352,0, -5760,0 )
set gg_rct_Region_004 = Rect( -3840,0, -5952,0, -3712,0, -5824,0 )
set gg_rct_Region_005 = Rect( -3520,0, -5952,0, -3392,0, -5824,0 )
set gg_rct_Region_006 = Rect( -4864,0, 3872,0, -4448,0, 4032,0 )
set gg_rct_Region_007 = Rect( 4416,0, -4192,0, 4800,0, -3968,0 )
set gg_rct_Region_008 = Rect( 4096,0, 4384,0, 4480,0, 4608,0 )
//* Triggers
// Trigger: Melee Initialization
// Default melee game initialization for all players
function Trig_Melee_Initialization_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
call MeleeStartingVisibility( )
call MeleeStartingHeroLimit( )
call MeleeGrantHeroItems( )
call MeleeStartingResources( )
call MeleeClearExcessUnits( )
call MeleeStartingUnits( )
call MeleeStartingAI( )
call MeleeInitVictoryDefeat( )
function InitTrig_Melee_Initialization takes nothing returns nothing
set gg_trg_Melee_Initialization = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_Melee_Initialization, function Trig_Melee_Initialization_Actions )
// Trigger: iloveexp
function Trig_iloveexp_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
call AddHeroXPSwapped( 2500, GetLearningUnit(), true )
function InitTrig_iloveexp takes nothing returns nothing
set gg_trg_iloveexp = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent( gg_trg_iloveexp, Player(0), "-iloveexp", true )
call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_iloveexp, function Trig_iloveexp_Actions )
// Trigger: ilovemoney
function Trig_ilovemoney_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
call SetPlayerStateBJ( Player(0), PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD, 10000 )
function InitTrig_ilovemoney takes nothing returns nothing
set gg_trg_ilovemoney = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent( gg_trg_ilovemoney, Player(0), "-ilovemoney", true )
call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_ilovemoney, function Trig_ilovemoney_Actions )
// Trigger: kick2
function Trig_kick2_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
if ( not ( GetEventPlayerChatString() == "-Kick2" ) ) then
return false
return true
function Trig_kick2_Func003002 takes nothing returns nothing
call RemoveUnit( GetEnumUnit() )
function Trig_kick2_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
call CustomDefeatBJ( Player(1), "TRIGSTR_134" )
call DisplayTextToForce( GetPlayersAll(), "TRIGSTR_135" )
call ForGroupBJ( GetUnitsOfPlayerAll(Player(1)), function Trig_kick2_Func003002 )
call DisableTrigger( GetTriggeringTrigger() )
function InitTrig_kick2 takes nothing returns nothing
set gg_trg_kick2 = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent( gg_trg_kick2, Player(0), "-Kick2", true )
call TriggerAddCondition( gg_trg_kick2, Condition( function Trig_kick2_Conditions ) )
call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_kick2, function Trig_kick2_Actions )
// Trigger: kick3
function Trig_kick3_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
if ( not ( GetEventPlayerChatString() == "-Kick3" ) ) then
return false
return true
function Trig_kick3_Func003002 takes nothing returns nothing
call RemoveUnit( GetEnumUnit() )
function Trig_kick3_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
call CustomDefeatBJ( Player(2), "TRIGSTR_132" )
call DisplayTextToForce( GetPlayersAll(), "TRIGSTR_133" )
call ForGroupBJ( GetUnitsOfPlayerAll(Player(2)), function Trig_kick3_Func003002 )
call DisableTrigger( GetTriggeringTrigger() )
function InitTrig_kick3 takes nothing returns nothing
set gg_trg_kick3 = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent( gg_trg_kick3, Player(0), "-Kick3", true )
call TriggerAddCondition( gg_trg_kick3, Condition( function Trig_kick3_Conditions ) )
call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_kick3, function Trig_kick3_Actions )
// Trigger: ilovelumber
function Trig_ilovelumber_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
call SetPlayerStateBJ( Player(0), PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_LUMBER, 10000 )
function InitTrig_ilovelumber takes nothing returns nothing
set gg_trg_ilovelumber = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent( gg_trg_ilovelumber, Player(0), "-ilovelumber", true )
call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_ilovelumber, function Trig_ilovelumber_Actions )
// Trigger: Selector1
function Trig_Selector1_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
call KillUnit( GetTriggerUnit() )
call CreateNUnitsAtLoc( 1, 'Hpal', GetOwningPlayer(GetTriggerUnit()), GetRectCenter(gg_rct_Region_006), bj_UNIT_FACING )
function InitTrig_Selector1 takes nothing returns nothing
set gg_trg_Selector1 = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerRegisterEnterRectSimple( gg_trg_Selector1, gg_rct_Region_000 )
call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_Selector1, function Trig_Selector1_Actions )
// Trigger: Selector2
function Trig_Selector2_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
call KillUnit( GetTriggerUnit() )
call CreateNUnitsAtLoc( 1, 'Hapm', GetOwningPlayer(GetTriggerUnit()), GetRectCenter(gg_rct_Region_006), bj_UNIT_FACING )
function InitTrig_Selector2 takes nothing returns nothing
set gg_trg_Selector2 = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerRegisterEnterRectSimple( gg_trg_Selector2, gg_rct_Region_001 )
call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_Selector2, function Trig_Selector2_Actions )
// Trigger: Selector3
function Trig_Selector3_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
call KillUnit( GetTriggerUnit() )
call CreateNUnitsAtLoc( 1, 'Hpal', GetOwningPlayer(GetTriggerUnit()), GetRectCenter(gg_rct_Region_007), bj_UNIT_FACING )
function InitTrig_Selector3 takes nothing returns nothing
set gg_trg_Selector3 = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerRegisterEnterRectSimple( gg_trg_Selector3, gg_rct_Region_002 )
call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_Selector3, function Trig_Selector3_Actions )
// Trigger: Selector4
function Trig_Selector4_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
call KillUnit( GetTriggerUnit() )
call CreateNUnitsAtLoc( 1, 'Hapm', GetOwningPlayer(GetTriggerUnit()), GetRectCenter(gg_rct_Region_007), bj_UNIT_FACING )
function InitTrig_Selector4 takes nothing returns nothing
set gg_trg_Selector4 = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerRegisterEnterRectSimple( gg_trg_Selector4, gg_rct_Region_003 )
call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_Selector4, function Trig_Selector4_Actions )
// Trigger: Selector5
function Trig_Selector5_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
call KillUnit( GetTriggerUnit() )
call CreateNUnitsAtLoc( 1, 'Hpal', GetOwningPlayer(GetTriggerUnit()), GetRectCenter(gg_rct_Region_008), bj_UNIT_FACING )
function InitTrig_Selector5 takes nothing returns nothing
set gg_trg_Selector5 = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerRegisterEnterRectSimple( gg_trg_Selector5, gg_rct_Region_004 )
call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_Selector5, function Trig_Selector5_Actions )
// Trigger: Selector6
function Trig_Selector6_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
call KillUnit( GetTriggerUnit() )
call CreateNUnitsAtLoc( 1, 'Hapm', GetOwningPlayer(GetTriggerUnit()), GetRectCenter(gg_rct_Region_008), bj_UNIT_FACING )
function InitTrig_Selector6 takes nothing returns nothing
set gg_trg_Selector6 = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerRegisterEnterRectSimple( gg_trg_Selector6, gg_rct_Region_005 )
call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_Selector6, function Trig_Selector6_Actions )
function InitCustomTriggers takes nothing returns nothing
call InitTrig_Melee_Initialization( )
call InitTrig_iloveexp( )
call InitTrig_ilovemoney( )
call InitTrig_kick2( )
call InitTrig_kick3( )
call InitTrig_ilovelumber( )
call InitTrig_Selector1( )
call InitTrig_Selector2( )
call InitTrig_Selector3( )
call InitTrig_Selector4( )
call InitTrig_Selector5( )
call InitTrig_Selector6( )
function RunInitializationTriggers takes nothing returns nothing
call ConditionalTriggerExecute( gg_trg_Melee_Initialization )
//* Players
function InitCustomPlayerSlots takes nothing returns nothing
// Player 0
call SetPlayerStartLocation( Player(0), 0 )
call ForcePlayerStartLocation( Player(0), 0 )
call SetPlayerColor( Player(0), ConvertPlayerColor(0) )
call SetPlayerRacePreference( Player(0), RACE_PREF_HUMAN )
call SetPlayerRaceSelectable( Player(0), true )
call SetPlayerController( Player(0), MAP_CONTROL_USER )
// Player 1
call SetPlayerStartLocation( Player(1), 1 )
call ForcePlayerStartLocation( Player(1), 1 )
call SetPlayerColor( Player(1), ConvertPlayerColor(1) )
call SetPlayerRacePreference( Player(1), RACE_PREF_HUMAN )
call SetPlayerRaceSelectable( Player(1), true )
call SetPlayerController( Player(1), MAP_CONTROL_USER )
// Player 2
call SetPlayerStartLocation( Player(2), 2 )
call ForcePlayerStartLocation( Player(2), 2 )
call SetPlayerColor( Player(2), ConvertPlayerColor(2) )
call SetPlayerRacePreference( Player(2), RACE_PREF_HUMAN )
call SetPlayerRaceSelectable( Player(2), true )
call SetPlayerController( Player(2), MAP_CONTROL_USER )
function InitCustomTeams takes nothing returns nothing
// Force: TRIGSTR_101
call SetPlayerTeam( Player(0), 0 )
// Force: TRIGSTR_053
call SetPlayerTeam( Player(1), 1 )
// Force: TRIGSTR_054
call SetPlayerTeam( Player(2), 2 )
function InitAllyPriorities takes nothing returns nothing
call SetStartLocPrioCount( 0, 2 )
call SetStartLocPrio( 0, 0, 1, MAP_LOC_PRIO_LOW )
call SetStartLocPrio( 0, 1, 2, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
call SetStartLocPrioCount( 1, 2 )
call SetStartLocPrio( 1, 0, 0, MAP_LOC_PRIO_LOW )
call SetStartLocPrio( 1, 1, 2, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
call SetStartLocPrioCount( 2, 2 )
call SetStartLocPrio( 2, 0, 0, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
call SetStartLocPrio( 2, 1, 1, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
//* Main Initialization
function main takes nothing returns nothing
call SetCameraBounds( -6016,0 + GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_LEFT), -6144,0 + GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_BOTTOM), 6144,0 - GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_RIGHT), 6144,0 - GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_TOP), -6016,0 + GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_LEFT), 6144,0 - GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_TOP), 6144,0 - GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_RIGHT), -6144,0 + GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_BOTTOM) )
call SetDayNightModels( "Environment\\DNC\\DNCLordaeron\\DNCLordaeronTerrain\\DNCLordaeronTerrain.mdl", "Environment\\DNC\\DNCLordaeron\\DNCLordaeronUnit\\DNCLordaeronUnit.mdl" )
call NewSoundEnvironment( "Default" )
call SetAmbientDaySound( "SunkenRuinsDay" )
call SetAmbientNightSound( "SunkenRuinsNight" )
call SetMapMusic( "Music", true, 0 )
call InitSounds( )
call CreateRegions( )
call CreateAllItems( )
call CreateAllUnits( )
call InitBlizzard( )
call InitGlobals( )
call InitCustomTriggers( )
call RunInitializationTriggers( )
//* Map Configuration
function config takes nothing returns nothing
call SetMapName( "TRIGSTR_008" )
call SetMapDescription( "TRIGSTR_010" )
call SetPlayers( 3 )
call SetTeams( 3 )
call DefineStartLocation( 0, -4480,0, 4544,0 )
call DefineStartLocation( 1, 4608,0, -4736,0 )
call DefineStartLocation( 2, 4416,0, 5056,0 )
// Player setup
call InitCustomPlayerSlots( )
call InitCustomTeams( )
call InitAllyPriorities( )
How do I fix this? What can I do? Please help me, If you dont understand what's the problem and want to explain more and get some details, please write to me
I'm thankfull for all help!
Regards MamcarzZz
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