Say Hi to me!!!

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Hello everyone.
I've been a dedicated starcraft player for a very long time so that got me into Warcraft 3 just recently.

Im a hardcore gamer and interested in using the models, spells and skins on this website.

So....Im new. Hi.

And on a sidenote, could anyone give their free time and give me an explaination on how to install and use models, skins and spells?

Im sure using skins is very self explainatory, merely copy and overwrite.

Its the models Im quite bamboozooed on.
If I install a model, is it a completely new unit that I have to put on the map editor myself?
because Im not interested in using the map editor, just interested in playing skirmishes against the computer once in a while.

And with the spells, once i install it, will it become availiable to use in game straight away without map editor?

And how do I install models and spells anyway.

I appreciate any help given, and thank you.
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