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Resurrection of the Scourge

Resurrection of the Scourge

Created by Turnro


Map Info

Resurrection of the Scourge is the third campaign of Turnro’s series of alternate Warcraft 3 campaigns. Its story immediately follows from Jeopardy for the Horde.

With Azgalor defeated, Tichondrius, leading dreadlord of the Nathrezim, is burdened to take on the task of invading Azeroth. Accompanied by the dreadlords Varimathras and Dalvengyr, he plans to first resurrect the armies of the Undead Scourge, who had once terrorized the human kingdom of Lordaeron.

Throughout Resurrection of the Scourge, the story will refer to several key events that occurred in The Adventures of Rowan the Wise and Jeopardy for the Horde, revealing important events that have so far been hidden from the story. You will also encounter some familiar characters from both these Campaigns.

The campaigns in Turnro’s series of epic Warcraft 3 campaigns include:

THE ADVENTURES OF ROWAN THE WISE - Click here to view/download
JEOPARDY FOR THE HORDE - Click here to view/download
MALFURION’S QUESTCurrently in Development


14 maps, including 10 Chapters and 4 Interludes
Continue the story from Jeopardy for the Horde as you travel to new places, cross paths with familiar faces, and declare war with the races of Azeroth!

Control 3 Unique Dreadlords
Ever wanted to play a campaign where you control the dreadlords? Then this campaign is for you! Play as Tichondrius, Varimathras and Dalvengyr, with each dreadlord having their own spells and attribute bonus'

Command the Armies of the Scourge to the Excess!
In Resurrection of the Scourge, take command of Flesh Golems, Orc Skeletons, Ice Revenants, or basically any unit that can be raised back as undead!

New Units and Abilities
Includes a variety of new custom units including Tauren workers, Soul Towers and the custom hero Magroth the Defender. Also take command of new spells, such as Dalvangyr's Death Curse ability

Play Through a Variety of Different Map Types!
Resurrection of the Scourge offers a variety of different gameplay missions, including RPG, RTS, and Tower Defense

Variable Difficulty Levels
You can choose to play the campaign in either Normal or Hard version. This allows you to choose the difficulty of the gameplay appropriate to your skills











Change Log

- Added in 2 maps:
Chapter 6: The Sorcerer and the Horde
Interlude: The Will of Kil'jaeden
- The necromantic spells each dreadlord possesses are no longer items, they are now normal abilities
- Changed Varimathras' necromantic ability to 'Summon Dark Minion'.
- Made changes to dialogue
- Fixed a problem with Night Elves being invulnerable in Chapter 1
- Fixed a problem which allowed the Naga Royal Guard to follow units owned by the player
- Minor changes to terrain, mainly to Chapters 1-4
- Skeletons summoned by Dalvengyr can now learn attack/armor upgrades
- Fixed pathing problems with Pig Farms (for AI reasons)
- Minor changes to cinematics
- Minor changes to gameplay

- Added in Chapter 7: Disobeying Orders
- The player is now able to choose the difficulty of the campaign, Normal or Hard
- Players are now able to start playing the campaign from chapters 1 to 7, for game catching reasons
- Minor changes to terrain
- Tichondrius’ Shadow Strike ability had been replaced by Firebolt
- Fixed a problem in Chapter 4 which disabled the player from completing the main quest as the result of skipping certain cinematics
- Fixed game catch saving problems between Chapters 6 and 7
- Slight changes to dialogue in previous chapters
- Skeletons summoned by Varimathras can now learn attack/armor upgrades
- The Dark Minions that Varimathras raises have been renamed Giant Skeleton Warriors, since the Dark Ranger raises skeletons of the same name
- Dalvengyr now has selection priority over Varimathras (for storyline reasons)
- Minor changes to cinematics
- Considerable changes to gameplay, other than the difficulty

- Added in 2 maps:
Chapter 8: The Ruins of Dalaran
Interlude: Old Hatreds
- The campaign has been updated to match the unit stats of the user’s current version of Warcraft 3
- Varimathras' Banish ability has been replaced with Call of Waning: It reduces the movement and attack speed of all nearby enemy units around the dreadlord
- Dalvangyr's Earthquake ability has been replaced with Death Curse: The dreadlord curses a unit so when he dies, he spawns almost instantly from it
- Fixed a bug in Chapter 6 where the timers in the optional quest 'Stop the Tauren' would restart after they have expired
- Fixed an error which disabled the user from selecting the difficulty of the campaign. In addition, the whole difficulty system has been changed. Instead of selecting the campaign's difficulty from the campaign main menu, the option is now given at the start of each map
- Slight changes to dialogue in several chapters
- Drek'Thar's Shadow Strike ability has been replaced with Stone Totem
- Other minor changes within the cinematics and gameplay may be evident

- Added in 1 map:
Chapter 9: Power of the Alliance
- Slight dialogue changes in cinematics
- Fix a camera angle problem in the last cinematic of Chapter 1
- Fix game catching problems in Chapters 2 and 3
- Fix a problem in Chapter 7 where Murlocs could cast Death Curse
- Random items on the ground will no longer appear in cinematics
- Fix the icon XY coordinates for the dreadlords necromantic abilities
- Fix the in-game dialogue skipping problems in Chapter 8
- Re-edited Varimathras' fading in part in the first cinematic of Chapter 5
- Fix a problem where Doom Guards were unable to cast Cripple

- Added in 2 maps:
Chapter 10: Apocalypse
Interlude: The Last Demonlord

- All the custom campaign buttons in the campaign loading screen have been reset
- Increased the model size of all dreadlords by 0.15
- Minor changes to cinematics in all maps, including dialogue changes
- Added in additional in-game dialogue when the player saves the Doom Guard in Chapter 1
- Minor terrain changes in all maps
- The Night Elves in Chapter 1 no longer have Shadow Meld
- Decreased the experience gain rate for the player’s heroes in Hard version for Chapters 2 & 3
- Fixed a bug in Chapter 2 when no in-game dialogue would play the first time the player encounters Naga
- Fixed a problem in Chapter 2 where a Hydra creep would not drop any items when killed
- Increased the Naga Sea Witch’s damage by 15 in Hard version for Chapters 2 & 3
- Added in more runes from killing enemy units/crates in Chapters 3, 4, 8 & 9
- Fixed a bug in Chapter 5 where Varimathras would appear at the undead shipyard if the first cinematic is skipped
- Added in-game dialogue the first time Wind Riders attack the player in Chapter 5
- Increased the starting gold for the player in Hard version in Chapter 5 from 1000 to 1250
- Improved the AI for the Santron Reinforcements in Chapter 6
- The buff animation for Death Curse has been changed (to not look like Parasite)
- Increased the cooldown of the Tauren’s reincarnation ability in Chapter 6 from 0 seconds to 60 seconds
- The Human Archmage can no longer use Mass Teleport in Chapter 7
- Reduced the overall difficulty of Chapters 7 & 9, for both Normal and Hard version
- Siege Engines can now attack ground units in Chapter 7
- Searing Blade now allows heroes to attack air units
- Added an additional gold mine in Chapter 9
- Increased the gradual handicap gained by Garithos’s Forces in Hard version for Chapter 10
- Increased the damage caused by all enemy heroes in Hard version for Chapter 10
- Numerous small changes throughout the campaign have been made

- Fixed a bug in Chapter 1 where the Fel Stalkers would start attacking randomly
- Fixed all spelling errors in all dialogues
- You can now collect Dalvengyr's items at the end of the 2nd cinematic in Chapter 9
- The text description for Finger of Death has been changed
- Added in more battle scenes at the start of Chapter 9
- The Power Obelisk in Chapter 10 can now be repaired
- Fixed a problem in Chapter 10 where the invisible mercenaries would give away their positions by attacking nearby enemy units
- Fixed a sound mute problem in Chapter 10
- The Death Towers and Lightning Towers in Chapter 10 have been buffed
- Reduced the overall difficulty of Chapter 10 in Normal version
- Changed the dialogue in Chapters 7, 8, 10, and the last 2 Interludes to implement new storyline changes
- Included an additional scene at the end of Chapter 8
- Samuro's spells have been changed to suit the spell changes that will take place in the upcoming version of Jeopardy for the Horde

- Slight terrain improvements in all Chapters
- Slight dialogue changes in all Chapters
- The Crystal Ball in Chapter 2 has been removed. Instead, it has been replaced with additional creeps
- Drek’Thar no longer casts Earth Totem in Chapter 6
- Included additional in-game dialogues throughout Chapters 1 to 9. Many of these dialogues include character voices taken directly from the Warcraft 3 Sound Editor
- Ancient Protectors in Chapter 1 now have Heavy Armor in Normal version
- All Quest Descriptions have been revised to fix grammar errors
- In Chapter 4, the Halls of the Dead can no longer be upgraded into a Black Citadel. In addition, Scrolls of Town Portal are no longer available for purchase in this mission
- Fixed a bug which allowed the player’s heroes to teleport away during the start of a cinematic
- The cooldown for Dalvengyr’s Death Curse ability has been reduced from 240 to 180 seconds. In addition, Dalvengyr will have full mana when he revives from a unit
- The Santron Reinforcements in Chapter 6 have gained a new Hero: Rokhan
- The doodad Watch Towers in Chapter 6 have been replaced with unit Towers that attack the player’s forces
- Destroyers are now available for training in Chapter 6. In addition, Frost Wryms are now available for training in Chapter 7
- A Gold Mine in Chapter 9 has been replaced with a Goblin Merchant
- Fixed Araj’s Tome of the Shadow Order description in Chapter 8
- The second main Quest Objective in Chapter 9 has been slightly modified: Once the Human Guards have been destroyed, a cinematic will play of the Undead establishing a base and taking over the Human’s Gold Mine. This saves the player from building an entire base from scratch
- The Human waves in Chapter 10 now choose their paths in a more random fashion
- Included more health items at the start of Chapter 8 in Normal version
- The health of enemy Heroes in Chapter 10 have been slightly increased
- Magroth the Defender now casts Sleep in Chapter 10
- Fixed a problem in Chapter 10 where Araj would not regenerate any health after receiving damage
- Enemy Human Heroes no longer gain experience or levels in Chapter 7
- Reduced the attack range of Ballista from 1150 to 1000

- Fixed a problem in Chapter 6 where the player could not transform Obsidian Statues into Destroyers after researching the Destroyer upgrade
- Fixed a bug in Chapter 6 where the Quest and mission objectives for the Optional Quest “Santron Reinforcements” would not appear
- The player now starts off with an Altar of Darkness in Chapter 6
- In Chapter 7, the Paladin model has been replaced with Proudmoore’s model
- The terrain in Chapter 10 has been improved
- Fixed a few grammar/spelling errors throughout the campaign
- Added in a new Optional Quest in Chapter 7: “Dragon Firepower”. From completing this Quest, the player will be able to build Frost Wryms
- Fixed some in-game dialogue/cinematic skipping problems in Chapter 7 & 9
- Increased the damage of Tichondrius’ Firebolt ability from 100/150/200 per level to 100/200/300
- The mana cost of Book of the Dead has increased from 100 to 120
- The mana cost for Death Curse has been slightly reduced to 150. In addition, the player can no longer use this ability on a target friendly unit
- Varimathras’ Call of Waning now has a new custom effect model
- The cooldown for Varimathras’ Raise Giant Skeleton Warrior has been reduced from 8 to 7 seconds. In addition, the mana cost for this spell has been reduced from 50 to 40
- Changed the armor type of Nerubian Towers in Chapter 4 to Heavy. In addition, a few Towers have been removed from the path between the player and the Gargoyles
- The dreadlords’ and Araj’s necromantic abilities now have their own custom icons
- Gargoyles can now be built in Chapter 4 when the player acquires them. In addition, Gargoyles have been fixed to always require a Halls of the Dead (in earlier patches of Warcraft 3, a Black Citadel was required instead)
- The difficulty of the game in Normal version has been decreased in the following ways:

- Added in more healing items in Chapter 1, as well as switching a few items between creeps
- Decreased the build times of Naga units in Chapter 3
- Buildings in Chapter 3 now have Heavy armor. However, defensive towers will still have Fortified armor in Hard version
- Increased the time it takes for enemy AI teams to attack in Chapters 5, 6 & 9. In addition, the enemy attack waves in these chapters have also been reduced
- Many enemies in Chapter 8 have either been nerfed or removed

- The player is now given a key to unlock the Sunken Ruins Gate in Chapter 2 (for story reasons)
- Added in additional dialogues in Chapter 4
- Added more gold into the Gold Mines in Chapters 4, 5 & 9
- Fixed a bug in Chapter 5 where putting any hero in a Transport Ship before the final cinematic plays will cause that hero to not appear during the cinematic
- Fixed an issue in Chapter 8 where enemy Water Elementals would get stuck in amongst doodads
- Added in more trees in Chapters 9 & 10
- The Mask of Death has been removed from the game
- Dalvengyr’s items will now be given to the player in Chapter 10 instead of Chapter 9
- Slightly increased the gold cost of the towers summoned by the Acolytes in Chapter 10
- The player’s main team in Chapter 10 will now be the Undead Scourge (Purple) instead of the Acolytes (Green). This fixes a problem where the player’s heroes were untargeted by Rally Points. In addition, any gold earned during the game will now be transferred to the Undead Scourge team
- Towers summoned by the Acolytes in Chapter 10 can now be unsummoned
- Death Towers in Chapter 10 will now deal less damage against air units
- Added in a new item in Chapter 10 called the Staff of Blight: this allows the player to create Blight in a target location, as well as giving the user Aura of Blight


  • apaka
  • Klayton
  • Norinrad
  • Whisperwind Archer
  • MasterHaosis
  • Vermillion Edict
  • Pyritie

  • R.A.N.G.I.T

  • Elainiel
  • M0rbid
  • zbc
  • Hellx-Magnus


I would like to thank -Kobas-, who gave me some useful advice on how to write map descriptions. His 'Map Description - Templates' page has helped me a lot.

I would also like to thank Fallen Angel Boy. His reviews and feedback for Resurrection of the Scourge has allowed me to make great improvements in the campaign.

Finally, I would like to thank all those who have played Resurrection of the Scourge. Your advice and suggestions allow me to make better campaigns :)

Undead, Tichondrius, Varimathras, Dalvengyr, Scourge, Araj, Burning Legion, Kil'jaeden, Samuro, Azgalor, Lord Garithos, Nathrezim, Demon, Dalaran.

Resurrection of the Scourge (Campaign)

Level 5
Dec 7, 2022
Here is my review of Resurrection of the Scourge: (review may contain spoilers)

Global enjoyment: It was at some point very appreciable. The campaign does not a seek a complex approach and
when it's enough well managed it gets decent result but nothing exceptional comes out of it except the last mission that got me really suprised, it is a nice proof of an implication in the campaign and with this concept being a very unique one from what I've seen.
This is not a bad campaign but it got a lot of defaults that I'm going to state further into the review. +0.75

Scenario: This is where everything falls off. There is a lot to say about the script here. The characters aren't
cool looking in term of charism, they look like actual children the exception being Araj that got the most neutral approach between the kids. All the humans are memes, Garithos, Magroth, Captain, even Antonidas for like 2 lines of text. Kiljaeden not being leader making
him cry pathetically, he loses all his charism talking to Azgalor and Tychondrius while neither of these 2 characters got charism either. Dalvengyr being a pain to listen to because of his over capricious behaviour. Arthas dying like a dead leaf under your boots giving how to resurrect the scourge like it was nothing. Magroth plot wasn't explored, it was just used "for fun" because it's an old man I suppose or I don't know. The lore isn't understandable aswell, it's a mix of the actual Warcraft 3 lore with all the names and the locations but mixed up with an alternative part, and what disapoints me the most is that you could've actually make this map lore accurate by replacing Tychondrius and some events and names, making it actually very interesting. This is not what we expect of a custom campaign's lore. Also scourge ending like dust tastes in your mouth, all that plan to end on a bomb, this is a big no here. -0.25

Terrain: Nice use of terrain, very basic, straight forward, it's nothing exceptional and it's nothing bad at all. +0.5

Techtree: We come to a part where this map is designed with 0 custom models and 0 custom techtree. This is nothing bad
but it's also not a risk that you took to make the map, interactions with the burning legion would've been nice or even some
more necromancers stuff because they are the main thing here, new spells, new summons. +0.5

Heroes: The entire point of the campaign being the 3 dreadlords so let's talk about them. Globally let's say that this is kinda forced to be a success because dreadlords are such a good archetype of demon.
-We have Tychondrius intelligence hero, basic dreadlord with fireball instead of aura, this is not very good
I know this isn't lore wise campaign but he could've been more powerful than "just" that.
-Dalvengyr strength, good ultimate very nice concept, q make us remember the pit lord problem having a range spell for a supposed melee hero still good, we also know that in general the W of DK isn't used but it synergize as a tank and the E being aura of DK aswell is very acceptable.
-Varimathras agility, Q is nice, W is nice, aura is nice, and ult could've been something else.
You should emphasize spells, more on the attribute given to the heroes, agi being sort of assassin , strength tank, intelligence spell orriented.
I can only feel that with Dalvengyr and Araj being classical lich. +0.5

Difficulty: Very good point of the campaign, I made everything in hard and it requires to think way more than in normal with real skill cap required. This is a nice example of what difficulties should be in a campaign and it is really appreciated. +1

A basic experience overall, I really think the lore broke my pleasure from enjoying playing the campaign which is very sad. 3/5
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
Scenario: This is where everything falls off. There is a lot to say about the script here. The characters aren't
cool looking in term of charism, they look like actual children the exception being Araj that got the most neutral approach between the kids.
That's kind of true. Tichondrius was the most interesting, and he ends up dying at the end; while both Dalvengyr and Varimathras kept complaining and questioning their leader's orders. Araj had little development, which is a shame since I think he had potential: he was the last necromancer; he allied with the Horde before being betrayed by them due to a mistake; all of his researches on the Order were never explored, etc...
Also scourge ending like dust tastes in your mouth, all that plan to end on a bomb, this is a big no here. -0.25
That's true. We spend half of the campaign trying to recreate the Scourge, only for it to be destroyed in the last mission.
Heroes: The entire point of the campaign being the 3 dreadlords so let's talk about them. Globally let's say that this is kinda forced to be a success because dreadlords are such a good archetype of demon.
-We have Tychondrius intelligence hero, basic dreadlord with fireball instead of aura, this is not very good
I know this isn't lore wise campaign but he could've been more powerful than "just" that.
-Dalvengyr strength, good ultimate very nice concept, q make us remember the pit lord problem having a range spell for a supposed melee hero still good, we also know that in general the W of DK isn't used but it synergize as a tank and the E being aura of DK aswell is very acceptable.
-Varimathras agility, Q is nice, W is nice, aura is nice, and ult could've been something else.
You should emphasize spells, more on the attribute given to the heroes, agi being sort of assassin , strength tank, intelligence spell orriented.
Fully agree. The Heroes' abilities in this campaign are so generic, and the fact that we control the 3 dreadlords from start to finish.

Also, Araj says that he was in charge of spells that affected biological organisms, and yet he has the same abilities as every lich has.
A basic experience overall, I really think the lore broke my pleasure from enjoying playing the campaign which is very sad. 3/5
I think most can agree that this was the weakest campaign out of the four.
Level 3
Mar 11, 2006
Question, will you get to battle the rest of the major Heroes of the Orcish Horde like Thrall, Grom and Rexxar? The only problem with the latter two is that in your Orc campaign the player had to choose between saving Grom or Rexxar so I wonder how you could implement that into the UD campaign.

I also have another request which is to add Legendary items in Hard difficulty. It's pretty odd that this is your only campaign that doesn't have Legendary items.
Last edited:
Level 29
May 14, 2021
Question, will you get to battle the rest of the major Heroes of the Orcish Horde like Thrall, Grom and Rexxar? The only problem with the latter two is that in your Orc campaign the player had to choose between saving Grom or Rexxar so I wonder how you could implement that into the UD campaign.

I also have another request which is to add Legendary items in Hard difficulty. It's pretty odd that this is your only campaign that doesn't have Legendary items.
1.There is no actual effects regarding to the storyline regardless of your choice in Horde mission, where you are going to destroy the Fel Orcs or Ogres. It's a completely new storyline.
2.This campaign is criminally outdated, unlike the other 3 campaigns (Rowan, Horde, Malfurion), which the last major updates came in 2019 and the only new important feature was the Widescreen support for 1.30 (though, 1.26 is still supported for both Rowan and Horde) and original object stats from the latest patches of TFT instead of the vanilla ones. I don't think if this campaign has a Legendary items on Hard Mode.
Level 29
May 14, 2021
Will you ever make a "Hard Mode" version of this campaign?
Read my post above (the second one). This campaign seems to be outdated than the other 3 (Rowan, Horde, Malfurion), but I guess Turnro will add this feature along with the upcoming big updates (most notably, the beta version of Malfurion with Sentinel storyline).
Level 3
Mar 4, 2021
I liked this, despite that background feeling of repetition.

The story of three nathrezim agents sounds interesting and there’s a charming power fantasy in controlling only three dreadlords and using their spells to raise an unstoppable undead army every time. When attacking the orcs, though, I started to feel like I was just grinding, destroying one enemy base after another. Killing high level mobs to get new powerful items is also fun and I love managing my inventory, but even that became a bit like routine. The lack of imported skins was a bit painful, specially given that two of the protagonists look the same, but I can respect maintaining cohesion with the old skins instead of using custom assets that may stand out too much.

A little rant about the writing
The writing has been described by others and I must agree with them, but at the same time I loved the dynamic trio. Finding my own optimistic/comical twist of the writing, it was hilarious to see Dalvengyr and Varimathras being salty 24/7 and complaining about everything. I could perfectly imagine Tichondrius' internal dialogue, wondering whether he had recruited two special agents of the Burning Legion for a vital mission or just adopted two spoiled kids. This even got better when Tichondrius left them in charge of the Scourge for a couple of days and Dalvengyr effortlessly convinced Varimathras to wreak havoc on the humans. The green dreadlord getting a little too ambitious with his warmongering and Varimathras telling his brother "Fuck you, I'm taking my half of the Scourge and telling dad everything YOU did". And after that, when dad comes home and Dalvengyr is missing because he’s been foolish enough to be captured and they have to rescue him? Gold. I loved that.

It was a little sad to sense the end of the family coming, but I don't blame Tichondrius for planning to dump them under a nuclear bomb spell and running away with a newfound lich friend with no defined personality but who simply couldn't be worse than his two sons (to be fair, Araj actually looked competent). I honestly pitied the dreadlord, for with all his cunning and strategising he simply had no plan to dethrone Kil'jaeden. Or maybe he did and there were too many setbacks (like losing both Dalvengyr and Araj), or he made too many mistakes in the last moments (dude, chill, don’t tell Varimathras to hold the Tome of Medivh like that, there will be another chance sooner or later). Anyway, I wish his ending was more suitable for the mastermind he was supposed to be. I understand the wicked do not get a sentimental end, but it felt nonetheless a bit anticlimactic. Seeing as this is a saga with many campaigns (honestly, I have only played this one), I think it would have been a better idea to make Tichondrius end with a partial victory and let the player execute him in another campaign. Personally, I would have laughed out loud if he had just said "fuck you all idiots, I'm out of here" and opened a portal to another world to build a farm and grow tomatoes, Thanos style.

Overall, a good campaign if what you want is to ravage the living with some dreadlords.
Level 6
Mar 19, 2015
First thank you for making all these custom campaigns and updating them.
I love the premise of this campaign (3 Dreadlords on a devious rampage) but the gameplay is severely lacking.

Biggest problem is that the spells the 3 Dreadlords have are both very boring and have no synergy with one another - and do not help the Undead army in any new way.

The 3 DL heroes are so bland and basic its pretty much like playing with a vanilla Dreadlord, a vanilla Pit Lord and a vanilla Death Knight - with slightly shuffled spells among them, and a lackluster Storm Bolt instead of a vanilla Death Coil.

Even a simplistic Brilliance Aura would have immensely helped keep the gameplay more interesting by giving more magic to both the heroes and the UD spellcasters.

Also the UD units & UD shop are all vanilla which is a huge shame considering how boring and lame vanilla UD are.

The story & dialogue feels really odd.
The 3 Dreadlords are pointlessly bickering worse than children and most dialogues feel like they provide no notable new information.

And for some reason the Dreadlords are clueless about Necromancy.
Which is weird considering that in general Warcraft lore the Dreadlords were the Burning Legions necromancy & plague specialists, having a huge impact on the creation of the Lich King and the Scourge.

Overall after Rowan the Wise and Jeopardy of the Horde, which both were quite fun and innovative, this campaign feels utterly lackluster and boring.
Level 11
May 19, 2022
this one took me 3 days too so here is mein review

this picks up after jeopardy of horde events immediately no chill so Tichondrius Varimathras and Dalvengyr spawn in the middle of ashenvale apparently the forest still hot of the last events so the night elves are out on a demon killing spree mission 1 is very hard there is little to no healing besides Varimathras aura thank god its has the 20% effect instead of the old 15% after walking around dying and loading few times i saw a battle between some horde members and night elves ? did the horde leave some troops behind? i will focus on maximizing the aura levels while Tichondrius gets sleep level up cuz its important spell it will be very handy on mission 1 after some struggling i actually managed to kill all elves in the map and got some nice items took the boat and sailed would have liked more demons running around and fighting with the elves.

we are on...the broken isles? its here where arthas was sent? now its time to find the prince cuz for some reason the dreadlords dont know anything about the scourge or undead i walk around for a bit kill a level 10 hydra get some loot and find arthas....he is guarded by the naga being undead no food or water since i dont think the naga eat the food on the surface he tells us about the tomes needed to learn how to raise undead and Dalvengyr wants to kill him for some reason? we get the tomes and go back to kill arthas......he dies in 3 hits yeah the first death knight the bearer of frostmourne the fearsome fallen prince killed by a demon with long nails that gotta be the biggest disappointment in the story so far.

an hour later a storm hits the dreadlords boat now what a second here since dreadlords can travel through portals why dont they just use a portal and go straight to northrend? instead of taking a boat? isnt that easier! anyway the storm makes sailing tough and the naga are out for our blood so its time for fishing! we explore the islands and find dead orcs now i suppose these dead orcs are from the stormreaver clan how long they been dead? shouldn't their corpses be underground now? well we raise them and get a nice flesh golem very cool unit too bad we wont see it anymore we raze the naga towns by using our newly learnt necromantic magic and sail to northrend.

we are in northrend now and Tichondrius explain a bit of his plans he is to lead the invasion in case azgalor dies which the last did means Tichondrius is in charge now we are off to look for the cult of the damned reminds me of a mission i played before but i cant remember it :wink: after killing some big spiders we come into the fine looking bodies of the cultists after all these years the dudes bodies are fine no signs of decay and 60 years ago? azgalor was working on making the scourge 60 years ago so when was the scourge made ? 10 years ago or more? and when rowan the wise events took place 5 years ago? i seem kinda lost here but anyway we find the cultists and resurrect them instead of them saying "oh im alive" "what happened?" "where am i" or any kind of that dialogue , nope they get straight to the point and now work for the dreadlords would liked them to say some more stuff about how they feel now or something like that according to the cultists the scourge is scattered and some of its equipment and troops are locked by the nerubians or simply dead , the nerubians are protecting these areas heavily making sure no way the scourge returns but we disagree with them so its time to tell them to wake up , time to die! i first get the necros who like the acolytes happen to not say a word about them living again what up with their bodies being so fine? as if they just died i guess their bodies freezed thats why it didnt decay , then i get the fiends who were just hiding , then the gargs and the wagons i didnt bother with taking out the nerubian base we gonna leave northrend anyway and let them tell the other nerubians the scourge has returned so they can be scared again :xxd:

we are in kalimdor now and we need to find the shadow order hideout not all necros died when the LK died and the shadow order are just these necros that happen to be that but first we need to land on kalimdor proper here is the tough part i tried more than 10 times to get this to work these wind riders were so annoying to deal with but before landing you need to get some gold from the natives in 2 separate islands these will be very useful i got a bunch of necros and fiends on 2 ships and landed after some micro management and a lot of tryharding the orc scouts were destroyed and now we facing samuro and "orc veterans" this is going to be hard i know it will , orc vs undead match up is hard to pull out as undead first i needed to get rid of brown or "orc veterans" got an army of necros and wagons some statues and straight to brown base my overwhelming firepower and numbers destroyed the brutes just to get hit from the back by red who didnt attack my base but went to attack my army i killed them fast and cleaned up some north orc town with an army of ghouls who all died but me and the 2 other dreadlords the necromantic abilities are so useful yet become so limited would have been great if you could also improve them like normal abilities now only me and red are left so i needed everything i can and have to defeat them their base is huge i made 24 ghouls some 22 fiend 12 necros few wagons and statues and attacked none of the ghouls will survive but 1 the other units will suffer from loses but not too much samuro will be overwhelmed with skeletons no mirror image can help him and after getting rid of the orcs these centaur lords are so OP man , now we get into the cave of the shadow order here i thought we will level up our necromantic abilities nope another big disappointment however we get to see a familiar face araj from the orc story was one of the scourge necromancers how did i miss that idk so he decided to kill the 3 other only surviving members of the scourge great job araj and if the leader was 1 shoted by araj why was he a leader in the first place? and the 2 idiots run away like do something instead of running away you fools! and here is a big plot twist so SO araj works for kiljaden? WHOA i knew it! no way a necromancer would do good for azeorth!.

now we need to find araj and we cant just look for him in the vast open desert of the barrens and the orcs are a constant threat to us so we make him come to us by causing mayhem in orgiammar the orcish capital this isnt going to an easy one the orcs will get reinforcements from santron lead by rokhan so i beat those up and make an army of necros statues and wagons and head straight to the orcish capital but wait the tauren have to the orcs aid! not 1 not 2 but 12! and there is no way i can kill those so easily no wyrms yet and to add salt to the injury carine bloodhoof came too he is a beast alone and with 12 other beasts yeah no way i can defeat that so we plan to destroy the bridges the tauren use to march to our base but they repair them mfs came prepared here i turn speedrun mode but the orcs arent so fast to kill they got 2 bases one of drekthar and another one with no leader normally it would have been so hard to kill 2 orcs as undead but in my game it was hard too kek but since i have 1 food for all units i decided to just spam everything ghouls fiends it doesnt matter i got to win and it will happen now the tauren didnt even finish the repairs of the 2nd bridge and orgimmar has fallen!

araj was witnessing this event playing out and is caught by samuro , samuro believing araj is behind this kills araj but araj manages to kill 1 of samuro men dude is so strong but got 1 shoted by an orc with katana , we put the orcs in jail a after killing a shaman samuro corners us and we come to a deal release the imprisoned orcs and we get araj , now we just fought samuro yet he agrees to bargain with us? dude must be exploding in rage his capital has just been razed! and worst of that he is so chill with demons getting close to him he takes us to araj corpse and teleport away really? i thought we will be ambushed and Tichondrius is just so fine with walking with his enemy definitely agents right here, now we aim to make araj a lich but we need demonic source of power , Dalvengyr volunteers for being the source after we the player convince him nicely, araj lives and Dalvengyr didnt die! everyone won good now we travel to lordaeorn cuz araj said they need the book of the last gurdian to open portals so we can start the invasion of the legion

we sail to lordaeorn and Tichondrius and araj go to dalaran while we and Varimathras watch over the scourge cuz the humans dont know we are here yet , Dalvengyr being the bloodthirsty war monger he is convinces Varimathras to attack the nearby human towns cuz we believe the scourge is capable of taking on the humans alone at first i did the sidequest and got the free wyrms now normally 3 free wyrms are a disaster for food but for me thats just +3 food i get some necros couple abominations and great abominations are available now and attack the humans to get gold cuz my goldmine had ran out i mange to knock out kul tiras elite corps from the start of the game thats 1 enemy gone but still 4 to go! the hardest is the elven corps so strong but i deal with the stromgarde brigade first so i get rid of northern attacks , now i take out the elves and gilneas brigade i like how you use factions from the official story such as the shadowleaves , the kul tiras elite corps , and gilneas brigade heck the last even trains the same units as its offical appearance that is just dwarf units , pretty solid mission was the best one so far i like the human towns design.

now we are Tichondrius again and its time to get into dalaran the humans are idiots who didnt rebuild the city! dalaran the haven for mages of the land and the place of great sorcery isnt touched by the humans!! thats a bad idea but we get to see some humans outside the city they seem scared of this place and go to convince their leader that they gotta leave i mean they arent wrong the place is definitely creepy i go around exploring stuff and i see you hidden some kobolds behind some trees thats sneaky stuff right there i reach dalaran gate and it looks new.....araj also noticed the same but its locked why cant we just destroy it? idk we decide to be sneaky and sneak through the backdoor gate , those soldiers we say earlier talk with their leader called "magaroth the defender" who isnt convinced by their argument they tell him of a soldier that got KIA last week he tells them to dump his body along with the other dead soldiers body that....isnt so human anyway being undead we could use these dead bodies to create the perfect distraction and we do just that now that the humans are distracted i rush to the gate and enter the city throughout all this chaos magaroth wakes up but doesnt chase us , even tho his troops may have made a new gate for the city they didnt bother to enter it thats good news for us but we dont know what sort of creatures lurk in this ruins i mean how bad can it be ? (oh it was so bad) bandits bandits and more bandits combine that with golems and rouge wizards and you get this ruined city inhabitants i gotta say the city design is great i love walking around in ruined cities in video games especially warcraft 3 , once a thriving and proud magical haven is now but a silent,cold,lifeless rubble and dust the city is full of traps too i figure my way around them and meet uther the lightbringer yes the same uther from rowan the wise a ghost in dalaran now he says nothing if u kill him he gives u a key to a secret door i wasnt impressed here he could have said something instead of just staring at me and araj you could have said how arthas actions made him go crazy and eventually lead to his death in rowan the wise story but nope too bad it wasnt the case :/ , i gotta say the kirin tor has some.....interesting experiments on trolls and ogres they managed to make those 2 much stronger than before what were they using them for? to create an army? for what? anyway we come into a tome that tells more backstory about the demon we kill in the orc campaign and some new character that goes by the title "the illusionist" keep this guy in mind for later i find the tome of the last gurdian but antonidas ghost pop up and dies in 2 seconds of screen-time :/ we got the tome and we are outta here.

we get outside dalaran and chill for a bit we tell araj to go away for a bit and call kiljaden with our smart phone or the warcraft version of it , it is revealed to us that kiljaden wanted to be the leader of the legion but azgalor won , kiljaden was pissed at him for this and promised that he will take revenge even if took him 5000 years bro got the dedication :xxd:we come to conclusion that kiljaden used araj to get azgalor killed so he can take his position his plan worked yup that time we were thrall and went to ashenvale all part of kiljaden plan pretty insane plot twists right?

3 days later and Varimathras took half of the scourge after Dalvengyr became "power obsessed" obviously this was a bad idea cuz the humans wiped the floor with him and his half of the scourge i would say Varimathras is a bigger idiot than Dalvengyr while the last did a mistake Varimathras decided to leave and create division in a very crucial time his idiotic decision will get Dalvengyr in prison , as Varimathras we must rally up whatever troops of the scourge left this was a tough mission there is a timer and 4 strong human units that must be killed they use blood elf armor for some odd reason took me few tries but i pulled it off now Tichondrius and araj are back to see this mess Varimathras and Dalvengyr made we must rescue Dalvengyr at he is of use to us first we must build a base and get the scourge to a proper army again we must kill the alliance guards and take their base all i had was 4 abominations 2 wyrms and 2 ghouls not the best army but it did the job took me like 3 saves and loads to get it right now we are up against 3 human bases the teal who use elven units mostly the blue who train units generally and the light blue who the are the tougher version of the blue , i got 12 necros 2 wagons a statue me araj and Varimathras and wiped out blue thus no more attacks from the right flank then i dealt with teal light blue remained they have 2 bases one with MK as a leader another with archamage i thought i just need to reach Dalvengyr but nope after the silver hand trapped us and killed Dalvengyr shocking right?:sad:now u gotta kill 5 paladins who spam holy light, and divine shield i backed off my army is dead i got back to my base in 1 piece and rebuild the army strike at the archamage base again knock it out and take out the MK base get the orb of frost and deal with the paladins i think they wasted their mana on holy lighting skeletons and healing wasnt easy fight tho the frost nova,soul burn,carrion swarm trio nuke was good to kill them 1 by 1 and after that garithos got pissed at the captain LOL.

the last mission garithos will enjoy this battle instead of just using all his troops to wipe us out he will send them piecemeal this is a tower defense mission kind of..you still train units the city looks nice by the way and it was hard to beat this mission was very hard i lost when the timer was at 1 seconds!!!!! it took me a lot of tries and human units getting more HP and more than 3 upgrades is kinda annoying prefer if they stayed the same but came in more numbers since the human armies are vast! araj is conjuring a spell we gotta defend him till he is done there is some similarity in this campaign to the original undead campaign "path of the damned" what a name this spell called the apocalypse is like death and decay spell but with the size of a city after he conjures the spell we are catched by the humans we and Varimathras have potions to protect against the spell effects araj has given Varimathras his potion before since araj will die due to the fact that tome of the last guardian has a spell on it that kills any demon that touches it araj infused with demon energy is effected by it but he lives long enough just to conjure the spell and see it going off , the spell is in a flying rocky eye at first we try to get the captain who lead the force that catched us to destroy it but he hears voices and refuses he even disobeys garithos who comes to kill us , garithos destroy the eye and sets off the spell , we kill garithos the idiot and say a last good bye to our homeboy araj :angry:he is dead now officially dead. F for araj we see the spell effects......its amazing to say the least we drink the potions and be the only survivors of the spell.

the scourge has been destroyed again poor guys cant catch a break another F for the scourge , a portal suddenly appears a demon gets out of it and tells us "kiljaden wants to see you" we enter it we see the new appointed leader of the legion but beside him is........its the tome of the last guardian! how? HOW? now Varimathras shows his true colors after all this distrust in Tichondrius and false judgement he betrays us! and teleports away leaving us with kiljaden and his army of demons we Tichondrius the player face off against many demons and come victorious but are wounded in the fighting kiljaden kills us and thats the end of the "resurrection of the scourge" anticlimactic and....not expected to say the least we kind of didnt do anything the scourge the whole point of this campaign is dead we didnt summon the legion we did nothing remarkable araj is dead , 2 dreadlords are dead and a human city is destroyed.

in the end i would like to say couple points:

1- dialogues: this campaign suffers from goofy dialogue and anticlimactic moments like arthas death
2- voiced dialogue: i forgot about this last time but you gotta choose if all dialogue will be voiced or not having some quotes with voices and most without isnt the best it just feels off

3-crappy ending : no need to explain.

Level 5
May 18, 2021
Wow! beautifully executted cinematics , the story, the camera works, the ambience. the missions were entertaining and fun. and I liked the custom spells and models, too. speaking about custom models, were did you get that Magroth the Defender model (old man with beard and walking stick) ? It is SOO good of a model. and there aren't many old men custom models around, I think. Could someone provide a link of where I can download that Magroth the Defender model?
Once again, SUPERB Campaign, man!!!!
Level 32
Dec 8, 2009
Wow! beautifully executted cinematics , the story, the camera works, the ambience. the missions were entertaining and fun. and I liked the custom spells and models, too. speaking about custom models, were did you get that Magroth the Defender model (old man with beard and walking stick) ? It is SOO good of a model. and there aren't many old men custom models around, I think. Could someone provide a link of where I can download that Magroth the Defender model?
Once again, SUPERB Campaign, man!!!!
Glad to hear you enjoyed the campaign. Here is the model you are looking for: Elementalist
Level 3
Oct 17, 2019
Nah, there isn't a voice-actor versions yet.
Actually, this guy voiced-over this entire campaign, and it sounds pretty similar to the original voice-over, and now is voicing Malfurion's Quest, so maybe you should think about contacting him and adding his voice sets to your campaigns?

Give it a go!

Level 32
Dec 8, 2009
Actually, this guy voiced-over this entire campaign, and it sounds pretty similar to the original voice-over, and now is voicing Malfurion's Quest, so maybe you should think about contacting him and adding his voice sets to your campaigns?

Give it a go!

The plan is to experiment with the AI voice generation when I get the chance, which is something I'll be looking into once the latest beta update for Malfurion's Quest is released.