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[REQUEST] New Pirate Models!!! ~ Pics and Description Provided ~

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Level 1
Jan 8, 2008
I am currently working on a pirate RPG and I am in desperate need of 2 to possibly 3 new hero models for it. And if possible, I would like hero glow on all of these.

So heres what I really, really need:

The 1st model I want is an Undead or "Cursed" Pirate Model.

It is really up to the creator of the model on this one, almost anything works as long as it follows the obvious guidelines. I couldn't find anything in the models section or in the Default WE model area that I could use. Any help with this would be GREATLY appreciated and I will reward the modeler any way I possibly can.

Here is a picture than can be used for reference or suggestion.
Undead Pirate Picture
However, I DO want some things a certain way with this model such as...
I want the pirate to be pretty much skeletal, I want him to have (if possible) one sword that you think fits, and one pistol. If not, then 2 swords.

Besides that, thank you a LOT and good luck


The second model that I am requesting is a Blood Pirate.
And I found a picture that is about 99% of what I want the model to look like.
Located here:
"Blood Pirate" Picture
The only thing I would like to change is the hair and the.. I forget what it's called lol... the ruffly white thing on his neck. So try and not put that in there and make the hair straighter and black. And yes I would like him to have two swords (not necessarily the same ones).
Other than that pretty much stick to the picture if you can but use your imagination with parts you can't see in the picture provided.


The 3rd model I don't need as much as I do the others, but I would still love to have it if it can be done.

The 3rd model I would like is a mix of the two. Basically the blood pirates clothes but slightly torn up and ragged. Also for him to be a skeleton and have an eye patch. So.. an undead blood pirate. If this is possible it would still help a lot. Thank you :)


OK, so there are my 3 requests and I would very much appreciate any of them getting done. And for anyone who doesn't want to make a model that won't get used, I assure you thins map I am making will be done someday soon. I plan on submitting what is done in a little while to get a team going to do the things I'm not so good at.
And I will reward anybody who does make these models with as much as I can. If that means excessive rep, an unprotected version of my map, or anything I can do.

If you need more information or pictures or anything please post them or PM me.

Thanks in advance :wink:


As for a reason to make these, it could be VERY useful for all maps that include pirates or even undead. The blood pirate I was asking for could even be used for non-pirate maps and the undead pirate could be used or various undead maps. These models are not specific to one map, genre, or really any category but would be intended for pirate model usage.

Concerned about my low posts and rep? Why make this model for a newcomer? [Please Read]
Also, I have seen that it is proper here to have 10+ rep to request models. Well I've been using this site's resources for a while and I am pretty familiar with it, but until now I have had no real reason to create a profile.
If someone would like to see some validity behind me and make sure I'm not just some random person who won't use the models please check my other forum profile at TheHelper.net. I am known there as "1)ark_Knight" and I also know that TH.net is a parter site to this and is very similar. So if someone would see my 170 rep there as enough to carry on with making the models. Be my guest. ;)
My TheHelper.net Profile: 1)ark_Knight
Last edited:
Level 1
Jan 8, 2008
I might be able to make that work, if there is anyway you could cut try and make him look more skeletal or "humanoidish" that would be awsome. If your already working on it and planning to submit it anyway then good luck. Once your done I can take a look and see if it works.

But thanks for actually responding to the request lol :pir:

And on a side note, I still very much so need these two to three models, now the blood pirate one the most, so if anyone could please make them that would be greatly appreciated.
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