name this country
Richest in the worl
Largest military
Centre of world business and finance
Strongest education system
World centre of innovation and invention
Currency the world standard of value
Highest standard of living
you all thought china didnt you
i disagree with computer being more powerful than the human mind. if you could even conceve brain processing power as bits and bytes it would be so immense that i doubt it could ever be matched and even if it could it would not be the same as a brain works especially seeing as with all the technology and innovation we have at the moment cant even begin to understand it.
also 10 trillion bits is thess than you think, devide 10 trillion by 8, then 1024, then 1024 again and then 1024 once more and you have it in Gigabytes per second (GiB to be precise). its approximately 1250Gb which is very fast but only about 1.25Tb which is easier to understand than 10 trillion bits. its approximately 1700 wc3 CDs per second. while the video claims techonology will increase rapidly dont take everything it says to heart, fibre optics are reaching a physical limit at about 100Tb (which is incredably fast) due to reaction time of photodiode and phototransistors. this will result in a need for parallel communications instead of serial transmision to increase data rates.
direct computer processing is reaching limits to due heat restrictions and silicon reaction times. clocks of over 10Ghz can be difficult to implement in the home which is why companies have opted for (the more effiecient and effective) multicore solutions.
this vid claims that technology will be immense very soon but consider this, in the 1960s (only 40 years ago, in your parents or perhaps your lifetime) people thought we would be living on the moon, flying hover cars, taking jetpacks to work, having TV beamed directly into our brains, food which makes us learn and plently more BS that never happened. take this vid with a grain of salt, but it is still very intresting.