Please need model with white tuxedo and fedora hat

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Level 1
Jun 25, 2009
First of all forgive my english, im brazilian and learned by myself ( at least, i think so...)
Hi, im finishing my first map and its already a great project.
I did a lot of search and didnt find a suitable model/skin for one of my "boss" characters. The infamous "Zé pilintra" , that is basically a man in a white tuxedo and fedora. I found in this site some man in black tuxedo, they're good ones, but i need one in a white tuxedo and preferably with a white fedora hat too. I'have tried edit some skins, but none worked, i'm a programer, not a artist, so please help.
Hope you gyus can help me

Bellow is a link to the concept of zé pilintra :

Of course i will give credits to the maker.
thanks anyway
Level 1
Jun 25, 2009
Im been thinking, if you make a skin out of a villager, it will turn all my villagers into "zé pilintra"? or can i modify only the specific one? ( sorry, im a complete noob with skins...)
I use other models from this site in my map, and they just modify a single unit( they dont overwrite the base) and i need ze pilintra the same way. But if you make a skin i will be very happy and modify some units in my map anyway.

so , take your time and thanks anyway
Level 14
Mar 30, 2009
imo it would be best to ask either of the authors of these 2 skins for permission and then modify the suit to white. if necessary add a hat attachment through world editor (must be made separately). this would be most optimal in the meaning of file size.
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