WOOT Toejam&Earl COME ON YOU GOT TO LOVE THIS GAME well ive decided to make one and you cant have a game with out them and some of there baddies so here a picture for those of you that havnt seen the game
here is a bad guy the imp hes the red one
im probly going to need more baddies latter on but i cant find any pictures of them right now im trying to get the one on the computer so when i do that ill take screenshots and if you could make any more models i didnt put pictures of it would be great (the evil mailbox maybe)
here is a bad guy the imp hes the red one
im probly going to need more baddies latter on but i cant find any pictures of them right now im trying to get the one on the computer so when i do that ill take screenshots and if you could make any more models i didnt put pictures of it would be great (the evil mailbox maybe)