Hey 43Berries how do you model? And how much does it cost "I want to pickup modeling so i can create some real terrain and doodads and heroes." Please tell me how to
;..; †<('.')>† ;..;
MurderMode's right. He was first complimenting you on your modeling skills, then he asked YOU IN PARTICULAR to make him a model. How could you put him down like that? Atleast say "Oh yes, I don't have the time to do it, sorry" but try not to insult people who compliment you. It's pretty rude in my opinion.
Well I have a-lot of patience it's when people start being rude and obnoxious and misinterprets what I'm trying to say and persist on what they think it annoys the living fuck out of me.blah, you are doing it again. My point I was trying to make was it is your approach, not your intentions, that are putting people off in the forums. I saw a mod say that you are on your last leg in another thread, n I just don't think you should get booted over something like that. Your projects, like dead conflict, seem pretty good and a nice addition to the hives database... but you need to show a little less attitude I think.
And why did he do that?he asked YOU IN PARTICULAR to make him a model.
some users told me that you are a good modeler
They were being wankers I guess, I just begun modeling, it's their way of being contrived and no matter what I say it'll be inflaming,