Well my I.D. on warcraftIII is Opaque_CMWChief no i do not own a clan but I want to own one.... I Do not know how to host, download skins, weapons, effects, etc., Nor do i know how to use them.. I'm a pretty big RPer.. I love SOTDRP:] I came here to find out how to download stuffz, I can download maps (Atleast im smart enuff for tat) I have a myspace. [email protected] is me.. I try very hard to do good on Warcraft 3 and hope to meet some new people and join a GOOD clan! I EXTREMELY LOVE EVES RPG IM ADDICTED :]] and kokes.. They make me high ^,_,^ So add me or respond to this if you can help WHAT SO EVER! Thanks alot guys! Nice to be a part of the hive.
Pledge allegiance to the mask,
That I'll carry water in my flask,
And anyone to diss HU,
I'll leave a bloody mess with you,
For we are family, you and I,
3 Tears for you, we all shall cry,
All day all night, our flags will fly,
The Undead Army Till The Day We Die.
Pledge allegiance to the mask,
That I'll carry water in my flask,
And anyone to diss HU,
I'll leave a bloody mess with you,
For we are family, you and I,
3 Tears for you, we all shall cry,
All day all night, our flags will fly,
The Undead Army Till The Day We Die.