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Looking for Wc3sear.ch Files

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Level 4
Jan 2, 2006
As you have surely seen, all of the models from wc3sear.ch wasn't posted here, though most of them was. I would be very greatful if you could find (Or remake) one of those models. I don't have any screenshot, but It won't be very hard to decribe...It was like the blizzard effect, but with arrows falling instead of ice shards...
If you know that you have this model somewhere in your computer, or think you would be able to remake it, PLZ Send it in to this site and tell me at this thread!
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
Nearly of the models were (at one time) imported. However, some authors (like Black_Stan and Rao Dao Zao for example) decided to remove their works: that's their call and we can't do anything about it.

A great many of the old the imported icons, models and skins DO exist on the Hive's server but they are not approved due to bugs and /or violations of site rules (WoW models being a good example).

Over time our resource moderators may update some of the older submissions to bring them up to Hive Workshop standards. I did so last night with one specific model that is very cool but contained flaws: Spell Weaver

I will TRY to hunt down the model that you're looking for (no promise on the time frame though). Stay tuned: over time, most of the old models should (hopefully) once again become available.
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