* Declare a string array called spaz
* Set spaz position 14 to 9
* Display spaz position 14 as a real using natives
* and the following function
* Print(string)
//! runtextmacro Function()
string array spaz
set spaz[14]= I2S(9)
call Print(spaz[14])
//! runtextmacro End_Code()[/code]
* Declare a string array called spaz
* Set spaz position 14 to 9
* Display spaz position 14 as a real using natives
* and the following function
* Print(string)
//! runtextmacro Function()
string array spaz
set spaz[14]= I2S(9)
call Print(spaz[14])
//! runtextmacro End_Code()[/code]