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I need one Kain Model

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Level 4
Nov 24, 2007
raziel you might get your request done if you... well tell people what you need it for cause people don't really want to make a model then you get it and you don't ever use it for a map or whatever you could use it for :| and the kain model i don't think anyone has made also try to include pictures of what it looks like so people don't have to waste there time trying to find pictures of it :| we might need a translater also :S cause i'm not sure what hes even on about XD
Level 4
Nov 24, 2007
hmm ok i think i understand your language :S blah blah blah? well since no ones gonna make it you might aswell give up cause it this could be really hard to make and also you might not of realised but people can't pop models out of there ass you have to give time to get a model done for you :|
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