Hvaing difficulty with some custom spells - need help

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Level 12
Aug 3, 2005
Refraced Image - Targets a friendly summoned unit and splits it into 3 Images

I based the spell of control magic so it could only target summoned units and set it tof riendly only.
Made a trigger that gives the summoned unit a dummy mirror image when refraced image is cast on it.

- The unit attempts to mirror image it splits into 3 ut they immedietly dissipate
- It cant target "illusions" which I originally made the spell for

Think ill remake spell so it can target any friendly unit, and splits them into 2, if its a summoned/illusion unit 3.
How can I make it work properly on summoned/illusion units.

Stream of Conciousness - Channel ability - heals all nearby illusions/summoned units.

This ability I can do quite easily, the problem is its not a hero ability just a normal one and multiple units may be channeling/dechanneling it.
Any suggestions?

Spiritualize - Vampirics attack BUFF

I based spell on Bloodlust when cast it gives the unit vampiric potion (made into an ability).
Works fine but only problem is you have to manually activate vampiric ability on the unit.
I cant get it to work properly with order strings to automatically self cast ability.
Help :p

Level 11
Jul 20, 2004
Refraced Image... Just use Wand of Illusions item, give it to a dummy unit who has hero inventory, and order it to use the item. Have 3 dummies to do this at the same time.

For Stream spell you need to use three triggers.
->First would activate when an unit starts channeling your ability, and it would keep the caster into a variable. Moreover, it would enable the second trigger.
->Second would be an initially disabled ability. It would be a repeating trigger (event would be the Timer - Every x seconds of game) and it would pick every unit around the caster stored in variable which is summoned, and heal it.
-> Third would activate when an unit stops casting the channeling ability. It would disable the second trigger and set the caster variable to "No Unit".

Spiritualize spell must have a dummy buff spell with no effect but which lasts as much as the spell should last and have the exact buff. Then you will need a vampiric aura which affects only the caster and a bonus damage (you choose it) item ability. Make custom for both. Also, make sure that the buff for the first spell is custom as well. I'll call it Spiritualize. And now, here is the trigger:

Event - An Unit Starts The Effect of An Ability
Conditions - (Ability Being Cast) equal to Spiritualize
Actions - Add Vampiric Aura (Custom) to (Triggering Unit)
- Add Damage Bonus (Custom) to (Triggering Unit)
- Wait 0.10 seconds
- Wait for Condition ((Triggering Unit) has Spiritualize Buff) equal to false) checking every 0.10 seconds
- Remove Vampiric Aura (Custom) from (Triggering Unit)
- Remove Damage Bonus (Custom) from (Triggering Unit)

Level 2
Aug 7, 2005
We already did what you said for stream of conciousness the problem is many units have to be able to cast it at once, therefore i used arrays however this causes tremendous lag in the map as every x seconds it has to go thru the entire array checking which units are casting and if they are heals all nearby summoned units.
Level 11
Jul 20, 2004
Ok, I passed over that, sorry. Here is the solution, and yes, it is totally MUI.

The method is similar, three triggers. However, you will need a global variable for an unit group. I'll call it GroupStream. And also, you will need a variable unit. Call it StreamUnit. And now, I'll get the triggers once again:

Event - An Unit Begins Channeling an Ability
Conditions - (Ability Being Cast) equal to Stream
Actions - Add (Triggering Unit) to GroupStream

Event - An Unit Stops Casting an Ability
Conditions - (Ability Being Cast) equal to Stream
Actions - Remove (Triggering Unit) from GroupStream

Trigger 3
Event - Every 1.00 seconds of the game
Conditions - (GroupStream is Empty) equal to false
- Pick Up Every Unit in GroupStream and do Actions
-> Set StreamUnit = (Picked Unit)
-> Pick up Every Unit within x range of StreamUnit matching Condition (((Picked Unit) is an Illusion equal to true) or ((Picked Unit) is a Summoned equal to true)) and do actions
- Set Life of (Picked Unit) to (((Current Life) of (Picked Unit))+heal ammount)

That's all my friend! And it should be completely MUI! If there are some problems, announce me. Pick up every unit in Pick up Every Unit can cause a problem so I used an unit variable to store the first (Picked Unit) but there might be some problems. Please announce me if this works!

Level 2
Aug 7, 2005
Hmmm im using WE Unlimited 1.18 and there isnt a boolen with matching unit is equal to an illusion is true :(.

What editor are you using, i cant use any other than that now becuase im using advanced triggers.
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