How to find the Skin?

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Level 9
May 31, 2010
i want to try to modify the skin of the marine in wc3 therefore i need the marine.blp (i think, dont know how its called right) then copy this and modify it ...
my problem: i cant find this .blp can someone help me where i can find the .blp's from wc3 and how to export them so that i can edit them (i got wc3 viewer and wc3 image extractor but i cant extract something cuz i dont know where it is)

pls help me
Level 9
May 31, 2010
"war3.mpq " this was what i'm lokking for
really thank you^^

could someone give me a link or a short toturial about alpha channels (for teamcolor) cuz dont really understand this?

okay i found something its like transparent right? but when i try this the whole model is black without any textures but reamcolors still work... what im doing wrong?
i had another try a bit before and there was everything grey (no teamcolors) but all other textures was shown normally... i dont understand this...
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