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How do I make a portrait

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Level 2
Mar 4, 2005
Ok. I made a model and it looks really good in my opinion. I made this model with Oinkerwinkles Vertex Editor. The problem is I have no portrait. How do I make a portrait? Can I just delete half the model and somehow do something to turn it into a portrait? I don't want to edit the original models portrait because it will be hard to get the portrait to look as good as the model edit I did. Is it possible to make model portraits with some porgram that Oinkerwinkle made? Any help would be appreciated and credit will be given in my map to those who helped me.


Level 2
Mar 4, 2005
Uhm. Yes but HOW do I do these things? How do I make a camera? How to I move it so it is aiming in the right direction? How do I do what BOTH of you are suggesting. Remember I made this model using the Vertex Editor by Oinkerwinkle.
Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
I live in Australia, remember? That was probably a post late at night

Anywho, here's your basic generic Murloc portrait camera

Camera "Camera01" {
	Position { 110.182, 6.84022, 29.4786 },
	FieldOfView 0.785398,
	FarClip 1000,
	NearClip 8,
	Target {
		Position { 14.0544, -0.475191, 32.8451 },

By changing the position and the target position, you choose where it points to

Guess and check is my method <_<;;;
Level 2
Mar 4, 2005
So basically I have no way of making models? The code way, can I just copy and paste the code of the murlock's camera stuff and edit in MY model to make a camera? How do I actually MAKE the camera? Cans ome one make soe detailed step by step stuff?
Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
Just use the murloc camera, but edit the bits to make it fit nicely

Note I think they go in X,Y,Z coords. Editing the field of view can show or lessen how much is shown, target is where the camera points to, position is where the camera is located

Basicaly, copy and paste into the bottom of the model
Level 2
Mar 4, 2005
Ok. Once I do that then what do I do? Is the portrait actually IN the model or do I have to make a seperate model for it?

P.S. Is their a tutorial anywhere on this?
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