I am not sure what else to say beyond what I've written in my profile thing.
Hello, everyone? I have come to this site several times before to read tutorials, but I've never gotten around to bookmarking it until now. I think it would be neat for me to get involved in a community because it would probably make me more motivated to actually complete a project. So that's about it! Hi!
Oh, by the way:
I am aspiring to be decent at terraining. I'd also like to try and familiarize myself with JASS, as well. Took basic Java lessons in school last year, will be returning to class when school starts again next month.
Hello, everyone? I have come to this site several times before to read tutorials, but I've never gotten around to bookmarking it until now. I think it would be neat for me to get involved in a community because it would probably make me more motivated to actually complete a project. So that's about it! Hi!
Oh, by the way:
I am aspiring to be decent at terraining. I'd also like to try and familiarize myself with JASS, as well. Took basic Java lessons in school last year, will be returning to class when school starts again next month.