my tutorial
and let me post what i can call a tutorial that i posted on his tutorial to addon to his
Let me help you with attachments also
Attachments are points that you can attach items models anything visual to that point.
Attachments can be useful like the konstruct marines they have no weapon, this allows you to add a weapon sword or any model you have in mind.
I don’t need to talk about the points since he already stated them.
Making an item attachable.
To make something have an attachment first you must make an item.
First open up your editor and make a new map or an existing and create an object editor window and select the item tab then create an item with a name.
A) Text-Description Machinegun
A) Text-Hotkey (make this blank)
A) Text-Name Gauss Rifle
A) Text-Tooltip basic Gauss Rifle
A) Text-Tooltip-Extended Machinegun
B) Abilities-Abilities Gauss Rifle(Dummy) (ill explain what this is and how to make it later.
F) Stats-Actively Used False
F) Stats-Can be dropped False (in my map I don’t want this to be dropped so it can be true or false.
F) States-Classification Charged (I used charged because in my map in using ammo it should be permanent.
For a visual reference
That’s pretty much what I want/need to show you of the item
Now you need an ability
Using another example…
Make everything false or Zero except
F) Stats-Item Ability True
And of course the name should have a name and for the editor suffix use (Dummy)
For this ability I call it
Gauss Rifle
With a suffix (Dummy)
put the model you want to be the attachment
Now in Target Attachment points you don’t use right hand or righthand but as you can see you use right,hand(notice the comma)
With this ability finished go into the item editor and select your created item and fill in the abilities section with the ability you just made
Now to avoid frustration remember to make target attachment points 1.
This is how you make an attachment but, how do you attach it? Now you need your trigger editor for this item I have a hero selection when you select “marine” he will spawn with a machinegun in his hand…kind of (if you need help with attachment points don’t ask me!)
Is what I have but for you all you need to do is keep the one highlighted action make you own events and conditions and you have it
is my finished result
another attachment I did was a mask to a ghost
Check the abilities as you can see there are two, both of them are attachments so you don’t need a new item for every attachment
That’s how I made my attachments and how I taught you(good or badly)
PM me or something if you need basic help