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Help Requested

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Level 3
Aug 19, 2016
Hello, I'd like to request that someone put together a few Warhammer chaos marauder models, if they feel so inclined. I'm making this request for two reasons, 1: I'm working on a map based around raiding for resources, and such models as these would be great for that. 2: I'm hoping that other people might decide to use them for Warhammer fantasy related maps. We're just lacking for such models at this time, hence why I'm requesting them. The models I'm looking for are as follows.
The basic Marauder, I think the bandit model would make a good base, but I'd be happy with whatever.
A Marauder with a great weapon.
Marauder axe thrower, the troll axe thrower model might be a good base, but I'm not sure.
The Marauder berserker, the beast master might work as a base.
Marauder Spear Thrower, I'm not sure which is best, but either the brigand model or the headhunter model should work as a base.
Marauder Horseman Spear Thrower.
Marauder Champion.
Marauder Champion with great weapon.
Marauder Spearman.

I'm not really expecting anything, but if anyone does feel inclined to help me out, I'd really appreciate it.
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