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Help Plz

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Level 1
Jul 19, 2005
hi guys, i'm kinda new around here, and i need some help about skins.
can anyone tell me where do i put the skins i download?

and btw, how do i make skins?



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
can anyone tell me where do i put the skins i download?

Are you asking how to use the skins? Here's the steps that I usually give.

Set the path for the model.

For example, you have a skin for a grunt... follow these steps.

1.Import the Skin
2.Open the Object/Unit Editor
3.Click on the Grunt, then scroll down until you see Model File
4.Left click on 2 times and it will open a window. In the Custom Path you can see units\orc\Grunt\Grunt. Copy it (Select all the path and use Ctrl + C).
5.Open the Import Manager. Left click on the imported skin 2 times, and it will open a window. Enable Custom Path.
6.Now paste the "units\orc\Grunt\Grunt", (Ctrl + V) and type .blp at the end.
Example: units\orc\Grunt\Grunt.blp
NOTE: This step is extremly important, if you don't add the .blp to the imported skin IT WON'T WORK!
7. Click OK, close the editor and open your map again. The skin should be working now. If it isn't check this steps again, and see if you have done everything right.

The same thing for a... sorceress for example. If it is a sorceress then the path will be units\human\sorceress\sorceress.blp (i think). I hope this helps you :wink:

and btw, how do i make skins?

Read tutorials. The basic tools you need are Image Extractor or Wc3Viewer (you may download one of these in the Tools Section) and Photoshop, through I don't think you can get photoshop for free. Still, I think there is another tool you can use for editing them. Just read the tutorials.




Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
btw what do you meen by Import the skin?

Open World Editor and look at the top. You may see some little buttoms. One of them, is named Import Manager. Click on the Import (or something like that) and then search for the place where you have the skin that you extracted from the .zip file. Sorry if i'm being too complicated.

and i dont see the model path in the editor

Ok I guess I was not specific, I will post some screenshots so that you can see what i'm talking about.

1. Again, you see those little buttoms in the top? Click on the one that says Object Editor, or press F6. Now, for example open, orc, melee, units and select grunt. Scroll down until you see Model File


2. Now, double click on it. A window will appear, and in the custom path there is a units/orc/grunt/grunt. Select all the path, keep pressing Ctrl and then press C.


3. Now, in those little buttoms, click in Import Manager. If it is a grunt skin, you may use the path that you saw in Model File. Double-click on the skin and click on Enable Custom Path. Now keep pressing Ctrl and press V. You pasted the path in Model File. Now you must add the .blp at the end.


Sorry for my bad english. I hope the screenshots help :wink:

Level 1
Aug 5, 2005
Hi Rui!
Can you help me, please.
I try to use ArthasEvil2 skin, but I cannot import this skin to my map, I use this link:
But it not work! Please show me the reason why? Thankyou :).
Level 9
Jun 28, 2005
thank you so much i understand importing skins now so what you do is copy the orignal units path then copy it and put it in the custom path
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