Ah, now I get it.
If you want to make the unit move North, East, West, South do the following action:
Unit - Order YourUnit to Move To ((Position of YourUnit) offset by (X, Y))
Now, you must replace the XX with the appropriate value. If you want him to go north you need to set the second coordinate, Y, to a positive value, so the action would go something like this:
Unit - Order YourUnit to Move To ((Position of YourUnit) offset by (0.00, 256.00))
If you want your unit to go south you need to assign Y with a negative value:
Unit - Order YourUnit to Move To ((Position of YourUnit) offset by (0.00, -256.00))
If you want him to go east you assign the other coordinate, X, with a positive value:
Unit - Order YourUnit to Move To ((Position of YourUnit) offset by (256.00, 0.00))
And if you want him to go west you assign X a negative value:
Unit - Order YourUnit to Move To ((Position of YourUnit) offset by (-256.00, 0.00))
If you want your unit to go up or down you need to, as Restor said, change the unit to be a flying unit(Let's say with a default flying height of 500) and put the action for his descent:
Animation - Change No unit flying height to 200 at 100.00
This will reduce the unit's flying height to 200 at the rate of 100 units per second meaning that he will reach this flying height in (starting height-new height)/rate meaning (500-200)/100 = 3 seconds.
If you want to increase the height to let's say 1000:
Animation - Change No unit flying height to 1000 at 100.00
This time it will take him 5 seconds to reach the desired height(presuming he started from his default height of 500).
Now, if you want to make the unit move forwards you need to mess around with the following action:
Unit - Order YourUnit to Move To ((Position of YourUnit) offset by 256.00 towards ((Facing of (YourUnit)) + 0.00) degrees)
This will make him move by 256 forward.
If you want him to move backward all you need to do is modify the action by changing the angle:
Unit - Order YourUnit to Move To ((Position of YourUnit) offset by 256.00 towards ((Facing of (YourUnit)) + 180.00) degrees)
If you want him to move left or right simply change the above +180.00 to either +90.00 for left and +270.00 for right.
Hope this helps.